

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2011-09-29 14:05 JS, revision 69218

Fixed caret sizing problem around large objects by clipping the caret to the margins

2011-09-29 09:28 RD, revision 69217

Don't always use the Cairo context for wxGCDC(wxMemoryDC). If a Cairo context is wanted then the wxGCDC(wxGraphicsContext*) ctor should be used instead. (I thought I had removed this code with my last commit of this file...)

2011-09-28 21:44 SJL, revision 69214

Delete the menu on close in the wxWebView sample. Fixes most of the memory leaks. See #13500

2011-09-28 16:54 SJL, revision 69209

Fix compilation of wxWebView under mingw by adding missing definitions and dynamically loading urlmon. Fixes #13509

2011-09-28 11:46 JJ, revision 69208

correcting typo in previous commit

2011-09-28 08:02 JJ, revision 69207

Include support for OpenVMS IA64

2011-09-27 09:21 SC, revision 69205

giving in on native undo integration, as we don't have a NSUndoManager, fixes #13431

2011-09-27 09:14 JJ, revision 69204

Correcting typo in commit 69203

2011-09-27 07:56 JJ, revision 69203

Update openVMS compile support

2011-09-27 05:34 RD, revision 69202

More interface updates for Phoenix

2011-09-26 17:03 PC, revision 69201

backport r51506, "fix wxALIGN_RIGHT in RTL mode", closes #13469

2011-09-26 16:28 JJ, revision 69200

Disable webview on OpenVMS

2011-09-25 17:48 VS, revision 69199

Don't use `install -d` to create directories. Always use `mkdir -p`, as install is problematic with regard to permissions. Fixes #13452.

2011-09-25 14:14 SC, revision 69198

adding missing autorelease pool, since this can be called from anywhere, fixes #13449

2011-09-25 06:30 RD, revision 69196

Fix missing or broken interface items for Phoenix

2011-09-24 00:33 VZ, revision 69186

Add support for handling new multi-arch under Debian. The libraries are now in /usr/lib/arch-linux-gnu and not /usr/lib{32,64} so check for them there too.

2011-09-23 14:15 VZ, revision 69185

Fix inconsistent DLL export declaration for wxBannerWindowNameStr too. This variable is defined in "adv" library, not "core". This is similar to the fix of r69184.

2011-09-22 14:53 VZ, revision 69184

Fix inconsistent DLL export declaration for wxTreeListCtrlNameStr. This variable is defined in "adv" library, not "core". See #13502.

2011-09-22 12:36 VZ, revision 69183

Improve appearance of wxTreeListCtrl during live resizing. When using the generic wxDataViewCtrl version, forcefully refresh it after changing its size to avoid artefacts during resizing of wxTreeListCtrl. Closes #13502.

2011-09-22 12:35 VZ, revision 69182

Always give all the remaining space to the first wxTreeListCtrl column. Under GTK the columns of wxDataViewCtrl (and hence wxTreeListCtrl) are always resized to cover the entire control width. For consistency, also do it under the other platforms and give the remaining space to the first column and not to the last one as GTK does by default, as the first column is more important. Do this even if this results in reducing the size of the column: presumably, if the entire control itself can be resized, the user wouldn't bother resizing the columns and, on the contrary, if the user did resize the columns, the entire control size is unlikely to change, so in practice we don't risk overriding the user preferences and reducing as well as increasing the first column width works much better by default as it doesn't leave the other columns invisible after making the control wider and than reverting it back to its initial, more narrow, state again.

2011-09-21 17:08 VZ, revision 69180

Fix scrolling in small wxVListBox with tall items. Scrolling in a small wxVListBox with tall items (i.e. taller than the height of wxVListBox itself) behaved wrongly: wrong item was being scrolled into view and Page Up/Down didn't scroll as much as they should. Fix both of these problems by checking for these corner cases explicitly. Closes #13454.

2011-09-21 17:08 VZ, revision 69179

Replace erroneous comma with a semicolon in keyboard sample. Fix typo in the sample, comma was used instead of a semicolon. The code still worked correctly but make it look correctly too now. Closes #13453.

2011-09-21 17:08 VZ, revision 69178

Change wxSound ctor from in-memory data to use size_t/void *. This constructor previously used int and, especially annoyingly, wxByte* for the data. Use standard void* for untyped binary data instead. Also document this ctor as it seems to be implemented in all ports. Closes #13451.

2011-09-21 17:07 VZ, revision 69177

Send EVT_DATAVIEW_ITEM_CONTEXT_MENU events even when not clicking on an item. Always send this event, even if the user right clicked outside of the client area. This is useful for showing item-independent commands in the context menu.

2011-09-21 17:07 VZ, revision 69176

Implement sorting in wxTreeListCtrl. Allow the user to sort the control contents by clicking on the columns with wxCOL_SORTABLE flag and also provide SetSortColumn() method to sort the control programmatically. Also add wxTreeListItemComparator class and SetItemComparator() method to allow customizing the way the items are compared. Update the sample to show how to define a custom comparator.

2011-09-21 17:07 VZ, revision 69175

Reset previous sort column in generic wxDataViewColumn::SetSortOrder(). The sort indicator on the column previously used for sorting was only reset when the user clicked on the column header (by wxDataViewHeaderWindow code that explicitly called wxDataViewCtrl::SetSortingColumnIndex()) but not when wxDataViewCtrl::SetSortOrder() was called directly. Fix this and take care of updating everything in SetSortOrder() itself. This makes the code simpler and also means that calling SetSortOrder() from the program now works as expected (it resulted in having sort indicators in two columns at once before).

2011-09-21 17:07 VZ, revision 69174

Remove wxHeaderColumn::SetAsSortKey() and only use SetSortOrder(). The two member functions, SetAsSortKey() and SetSortOrder(), were doing almost the same thing but differently and the former was only used in the generic wxDataViewCtrl implementation and not implemented in the native GTK/OS X one. Remove SetAsSortKey() entirely and only keep UnsetAsSortKey() which is still needed by generic/MSW wxDataViewCtrl. But only SetSortOrder() should now be called to indicate that the column is used for sorting.

2011-09-21 17:07 VZ, revision 69173

Add wxTreeListCtrl::GetView() and GetDataView(). It can be useful to have access to the window used to actually show the items by wxTreeListCtrl, provide two accessors for m_view: a wxDataViewCtrl-specific one and a generic one returning just a wxWindow that can be used to keep the code isolated from wxDataViewCtrl.

2011-09-21 17:07 VZ, revision 69172

Don't limit window size to (0, 0) in wxSizer if getting display size failed. It's possible that wxDisplay::GetClientArea() returns (0, 0) size indicating that it failed. Don't set the maximal window size to (0, 0) in this case as this prevents the user from seeing the window at all and just don't do anything instead.

2011-09-21 17:07 VZ, revision 69171

Refresh wxDisplay when a monitor is added to or removed from the system. If a monitor was attached or detached while a wx program was running, the monitor handles stored in wxDisplayFactoryMSW became invalid and all display operations (e.g. getting display size) failed from this moment onwards requiring a program restart to work again. Fix this by updating the monitor handles when we get WM_SETTINGCHANGE as it is sent when a monitor is added or removed (while it's also sent in quite a few other cases re-enumerating the monitors shouldn't take very long so just do it always).

2011-09-21 17:07 VZ, revision 69170

No changes, just extract wxCreateHiddenWindow() declaration in a header. Add wx/msw/private/hiddenwin.h with wxCreateHiddenWindow() declaration instead of declaring it manually in all the files using it.

2011-09-20 22:03 JS, revision 69168

Remove pointless case insensitivity

2011-09-20 22:03 JS, revision 69167

Remove pointless case insensitivity

2011-09-20 20:37 VZ, revision 69166

Add GetExpanderColumnOrFirstOne() to avoid code duplication in generic wxDVC. There were two strictly identical code snippets setting the expander column to be the first one if it hadn't been set before, replace both of them with a call to GetExpanderColumnOrFirstOne() function. Also use this function instead of just GetExpanderColumn() (which might return NULL) in a couple of places. Notice that there are still a lot of places in the code where the column 0 is hard coded as being the expander column, this would need to be fixed to really support non-first expander column.

2011-09-20 20:37 VZ, revision 69165

Reset the expander column when clearing columns in generic wxDVC. The expander column becomes invalid when all columns are cleared, don't keep a dangling pointer.

2011-09-20 19:25 MW, revision 69162

Move ravnsgaards build to brandt32 while its down.

2011-09-18 22:28 VZ, revision 69149

Minor fixes to code examples in wxPropertyGrid documentation. Fix typo in wxPGProperty name and add missing parameter of GetVIterator() call. Closes #13486.

2011-09-18 22:26 VZ, revision 69148

Fix test for wxUSE_TREELISTCTRL in configure. wxUSE_TREECTRL was wrongly used instead. Closes #13470.

2011-09-18 06:38 RD, revision 69135

FIx broken or missing interface items for Phoenix

2011-09-17 13:06 VZ, revision 69113

Fix format specifiers used for "unsigned long" in wxPG code. "unsigned long" quantities must be formatted using "%l[xou]" and not just "%[xou]" as the latter doesn't work correctly on 64 bit platforms. Closes #13447.

2011-09-17 13:06 VZ, revision 69112

Change wxDIALOG_NO_PARENT to avoid clash with wxICON_EXCLAMATION. Use 0x20 (wxAPPLY) instead of 0x100 (wxICON_EXCLAMATION) for wxDIALOG_NO_PARENT as otherwise using wxICON_EXCLAMATION with wxMessageBox in wxGTK (and possibly other ports, although not wxMSW which doesn't honour wxDIALOG_NO_PARENT for message boxes at all) resulted in not using the specified parent for the message box and, as a side effect, not centering it on its parent neither. Closes #13464.

2011-09-17 13:06 VZ, revision 69111

Add wxUSE_TREELISTCTRL checks to treelist.cpp itself. The contents of this file was still compiled even when wxUSE_TREELISTCTRL was turned off. Fix this by adding the missing "#if wxUSE_TREELISTCTRL" check around it. Closes #13470.

2011-09-17 13:06 VZ, revision 69110

Fix the library of wxGenericDirCtrl in the documentation. Closes #13482.

2011-09-17 00:44 VZ, revision 69108

Only define wxUSE_WEBVIEW if wxWebView is really available. Don't define wxUSE_WEBVIEW in configure if WebKit is not available under Unix (we should also check for wxUSE_WEBVIEW_IE under Windows later) and add the check that either wxUSE_WEBVIEW_WEBKIT or wxUSE_WEBVIEW_IE is defined if wxUSE_WEBVIEW is to wx/chkconf.h. This makes it possible to just check for wxUSE_WEBVIEW instead of checking for wxUSE_WEBVIEW && (wxUSE_WEBVIEW_IE || wxUSE_WEBVIEW_WEBKIT) as the code did previously which was ugly and error-prone. Also, define wxUSE_WEBVIEW_IE in configure under MSW. Currently this supposes that the required IE headers/libraries are available which is probably wrong, we should add checks for them later.

2011-09-17 00:44 VZ, revision 69107

Check for wxUSE_WEBVIEW being defined. All wxUSE_XXX options must be always defined as we test for them with #if and not #ifdef, so check for this one too for consistency.

2011-09-17 00:44 VZ, revision 69106

Fix wxFont::GetFaceName() for not realized yet fonts in wxMSW. GetFaceName() could be called for a font that hadn't been really used yet and hence its wxFontRefData::m_hFont could be 0 and couldn't be used in GetMSWFaceName(). Fix this by using GetHFONT() accessor instead of m_hFont directly to create the font if necessary.

2011-09-16 19:03 RD, revision 69102

fixes for missing or broken interface items for Phoenix

2011-09-16 15:23 VZ, revision 69101

Fix int field of wxCommandEvents generated by menu items in wxMSW. Set the int field of wxCommandEvent generated by clicking on the menu items correctly for not checkable items: it is supposed to be -1 and not 0 (which is the value for checkable but currently unchecked items). This was already the case for wxGTK and wxOSX and implied by the comments in the code. Make wxMSW behave like this too and clearly document this behaviour.

2011-09-16 15:23 VZ, revision 69100

Fix int field of wxCommandEvent generated by popup menu items in wxMSW. The intention of the code generating the event for popup menu items was to pass false (0) or true (1) in the int field of wxCommandEvent to indicate whether the item was checked or not but, because wxMenu::SendEvent() takes int as second argument and not book, we passed either 0 or MF_CHECKED (== 8). Fix this by correctly passing a boolean for checkable items. See #11644.

2011-09-16 15:23 VZ, revision 69099

Fix checked state for the popup menu items in the events generated by them. We incorrectly passed the sign-extended int id to ::GetMenuState() function that expects an unsigned WORD id, so it never found the item if the WORD id had the high bit set. Fix this by correctly passing the unsigned id to it. Closes #11644.

2011-09-15 21:05 SC, revision 69096

reverting change, for precompiled headers, unfortunately this means that WXROOT must not contain spaces unless properly escaped

2011-09-15 16:25 JJ, revision 69089

Repair compile sequenze for wxGTK on OpenVMS

2011-09-15 00:33 LV, revision 69088

Added iOS src files to Xcode project

2011-09-14 18:45 SJL, revision 69085

Use integral value for OLECMDID_OPTICAL_ZOOM as we cannot tell if an enum value is already defined or not. Fixes #13475

2011-09-14 16:03 SJL, revision 69084

Update configure to only define wxUSE_WEBVIEW_WEBKIT if all the required components are available. Fixes #13474

2011-09-14 14:39 SJL, revision 69083

Cause a compile time error in the wxWebView sample if no backend exists.

2011-09-14 10:24 SJL, revision 69082

Make wxBookCtrlBase::GetSelection virtual, as per the documentation.

2011-09-14 09:39 SJL, revision 69081

Only build the wxWebView tests if there is an available backend.

2011-09-13 23:26 SJL, revision 69079

Correctly disable webkit backend if the appropriate headers cannot be found.

2011-09-13 21:39 SJL, revision 69078

Correct a typo in the wxWebView tests.

2011-09-13 14:06 SJL, revision 69077

Disable webkit backend if the appropriate headers cannot be found.

2011-09-12 20:35 SJL, revision 69074

Update wxWebView guards to stop backend compilation when wxUSE_WEBVIEW is 0.

2011-09-12 15:42 SJL, revision 69073

Ensure that we have an available backend for wxWebView compilation.

2011-09-12 13:13 JJ, revision 69072

Update setup for OpenVMS

2011-09-12 12:57 JJ, revision 69071

add compile support for thread sample on OpenVMS

2011-09-12 11:23 VS, revision 69070

Fix appending of non-leaf node to wxGTK's wxDataViewCtrl. This was accidentally broken in r68965: appending a branch node after all others node resulted in corruption of m_nodes, as the node was never added to the list. Fixes #13467.

2011-09-12 09:12 SC, revision 69069

supporting spaces

2011-09-11 23:55 VZ, revision 69066

Fix best size computation for wxTextCtrl without borders in wxMSW. wxTextCtrl with wxBORDER_NONE (and possibly wxTE_READONLY) style is often used instead of a wxStaticText to allow copying the text, so make the size of such control the same as size of the label. This ensures that it aligns correctly with the label vertically while before the baselines were not aligned because a border-less text control was rendered by MSW as a label but had a too big size.

2011-09-11 15:26 SJL, revision 69060

Ensure that we have an available backend for wxWebView compilation.

2011-09-11 13:27 VZ, revision 69059

Still resize wxSplitterWindow children even when sash position doesn't change. Since the changes if r68876, the splitter windows were not resized correctly if the splitter size in the direction orthogonal to its own didn't change. This was an unintended side effect of the changes in that commit as it only wanted to avoid calling SetSashPositionAndNotify() in this case, but SizeWindows() should still be called. Ensure that we do call it always from wxSplitterWindow::OnSize() to fix this.

2011-09-11 12:55 VZ, revision 69058

Regenerate configure after webview branch merge.

2011-09-11 12:15 SJL, revision 69057

Update setup files

2011-09-11 12:12 SJL, revision 69056

Rebake trunk after wxWebView merge and add missing project files for the wxWebView library.

2011-09-11 02:35 RD, revision 69051

Fix missing and broken interface items for Phoenix

2011-09-10 20:09 SJL, revision 69049

Merge the new wxWebView classes from the SOC2011_WEBVIEW branch.

2011-09-10 18:02 PC, revision 69048

update WarpPointer for GTK3

2011-09-10 17:09 SJL, revision 69047

Merge in from trunk r68684 - r69046

2011-09-10 05:26 RD, revision 69041

Enable the HWND of the task dialog to be fetched with GetHandle if it is being used.

2011-09-08 23:15 VZ, revision 69028

Allow setting colours and font of wxTreeListCtrl. Use wxCompositeWindow<> to propagate changes of colours and font to wxDataViewCtrl that wxTreeListCtrl uses internally.

2011-09-07 18:57 PC, revision 69021

non-pch build fix

2011-09-07 18:56 PC, revision 69020

remove unnecessary GTK declarations from defs.h, move things only used once to the place that needs them

2011-09-06 18:35 PC, revision 69015

move addition of -lX11 to better place

2011-09-06 18:24 PC, revision 69013

don't disable cast checks in debug builds

2011-09-06 18:09 PC, revision 69012

remove unused __WXGTK12__ symbol

2011-09-06 17:54 PC, revision 69011

remove (very) obsolete GTK version check

2011-09-06 06:17 RD, revision 69007

fix for non-pch builds

2011-09-05 22:08 RD, revision 69005

Avoid infinite recursion on Mac in comboctrl, and fix an uninitialized pointer in propgrid

2011-09-05 17:40 VS, revision 69003

Fix crash in wxDataViewCtrl::UpdateColWidths().

2011-09-05 16:25 VS, revision 69002

wxDataViewCtrl: enable F2 editing with multiple selection too. This matches the native (and thus expected) behavior of Windows Explorer: edit the first item in selection. It's also better than ignoring user's key presses.

2011-09-05 01:01 VZ, revision 69001

Add persistence support for wxSplitterWindow. New wxPersistentSplitter class allows to easily save and restore the splitter position in config.

2011-09-03 18:19 SC, revision 68997

setting the image position after the label is set, otherwise image_only will have the potential label over the image

2011-09-03 15:14 VS, revision 68996

Use ProcessWindowEvent() in generic wxDataViewCtrl code.

2011-09-03 15:14 VS, revision 68995

Extracted wxDataViewMainWindow left/right keys handling into separate methods.

2011-09-03 15:14 VS, revision 68994

Rename wxDataViewMainWindow::OnArrowChar to OnVerticalNavigation. The method handled much more than just arrow characters and it didn't handle all arrow characters.

2011-09-03 15:14 VS, revision 68993

Slightly more efficient wxDataViewCtrl::StartEditor(). Don't compute item rect until we know for sure that the item actually is editable.

2011-09-03 15:14 VS, revision 68992

Fix generic wxDataViewCtrl Enter handling to conform to Windows UI. Spacebar is used to activate columns (e.g. toggle a checkbox). Enter activates the item, i.e. sends wxEVT_COMMAND_ITEM_ACTIVATED. If that event isn't handled, Enter acts the same as Space.

2011-09-03 03:39 RD, revision 68973

Fix some broken or add some missing interface declarations for Phoenix

2011-09-01 20:43 VZ, revision 68969

Don't warn about wxMetaFile in configure by default. Only warn if an explicit --enable-metafile was given, otherwise just turn it on only for the platforms that do support it, similarly to what was done for --enable-hotkey in the previous commit.

2011-09-01 20:43 VZ, revision 68968

Add wxUSE_HOTKEY support to configure. Add --enable-hotkey switch to allow enabling hot keys support and enable it by default under MSW and OS X that do support them but disable it elsewhere to avoid unnecessary warnings about them being unsupported. See #12354.

2011-09-01 18:20 SC, revision 68967

fixes #13443, thanks :-)