

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2024-04-24 12:10:02

Changes per page:

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Changelog for FileZilla 3 (8010 changes):

2014-11-20 16:48 codesquid, revision 6181

Fix a nullpointer dereference.

2014-11-20 10:18 codesquid, revision 6180

These days wxString doesn't use reference counting on its own anymore, there's no need to unshare the string anymore when the thread boundary is crossed.

2014-11-19 14:41 codesquid, revision 6179

Make asynchronous request reply processing asynchronous as well.

2014-11-18 16:20 codesquid, revision 6178

Use implicit memory management for notifications.

2014-11-18 10:02 codesquid, revision 6177

Update encryption icon if server agreed to encryption.

2014-11-18 09:04 codesquid, revision 6176

Break up sending into chunks to keep the event loop going.

2014-11-17 15:22 codesquid, revision 6175

Make options thread-safe.

2014-11-14 13:02 codesquid, revision 6174

Make event handling slightly more efficient. Also add some debug functionality to simulate file I/O to assist with benchmarks.

2014-11-11 10:32 codesquid, revision 6173

Convert string via fn_str() when opening

2014-11-11 10:19 codesquid, revision 6172

Implement CFile on *nix

2014-11-11 09:11 codesquid, revision 6171

Add a lean replacement for wxFile that under Windows is using the CreateFile family of API functions instead of _open (which in turn uses CreateFile). This is a slightly faster and allows us to pass some useful flags, e.g. FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN.

2014-11-09 11:27 codesquid, revision 6170

Fix updater to handle changed semantics of disconnect command.

2014-11-08 11:33 codesquid, revision 6169

Remove remote filename validity check. The server checks this.

2014-11-08 11:32 codesquid, revision 6168

Now that the engine is threaded, we can use bigger buffers without interactivity suffering.

2014-11-05 14:30 codesquid, revision 6164

Fix typo.

2014-11-05 14:30 codesquid, revision 6163

Fix compile error due to naming conflict.

2014-11-05 10:31 codesquid, revision 6162

Disable debug flag, it's not meant to be enabled.

2014-11-04 18:29 codesquid, revision 6161

Pass O_CLOEXEC when opening files.

2014-11-04 18:24 codesquid, revision 6160

Convert external IP address resolver to new threading.

2014-11-03 09:58 codesquid, revision 6159

Remember whether AUTH TLS/SSL worked, though don't act on this yet.

2014-11-03 08:41 codesquid, revision 6158

Now that the engine is threaded, we can re-enabled FTP over TLS by default as performance is no longer an issue. Hence revert #3967.

2014-11-01 23:16 codesquid, revision 6157

Static event tables and templates are bizarre. If this doesn't fix compilation I might use a non-templated base class.

2014-11-01 23:09 codesquid, revision 6156

Fix explicit template instantiation.

2014-11-01 14:11 codesquid, revision 6155

Now that the site manager uses wxTreeCtrlEx, use some of its utility.

2014-11-01 09:51 codesquid, revision 6154

The Site Manager's site tree now drag-scrolls.

2014-11-01 09:33 codesquid, revision 6153

Fix loading of size filters.

2014-10-31 22:49 codesquid, revision 6152

Allow >2GB size filters.

2014-10-31 14:03 codesquid, revision 6151

Allow drag/drop scrolling of tree controls.

2014-10-31 10:27 codesquid, revision 6150

Make deleting engines safe(r).

2014-10-31 10:26 codesquid, revision 6149

Minor reformatting.

2014-10-29 08:24 codesquid, revision 6138

*nix implementation of process class.

2014-10-28 11:29 codesquid, revision 6137

Replace wx' wxProcess, it cannot be used from a different thread. Unix support not yet implemented.

2014-10-23 09:29 codesquid, revision 6135

Updated FileZilla.incs with an updated version by Fabian Egli to improve the quality of the larger icons in the file.

2014-10-22 08:17 codesquid, revision 6134

Not remembering passwords is recommended.

2014-10-21 13:41 codesquid, revision 6133

MinGW doesn't have std::mutex by default as installed on Debian.

2014-10-21 12:37 codesquid, revision 6132

Merge translation updates.

2014-10-18 10:08 codesquid, revision 6130

Make logging thread-safe.

2014-10-18 08:50 codesquid, revision 6129

Get rid of some code duplication.

2014-10-16 08:44 codesquid, revision 6126

Bump to

2014-10-15 09:42 codesquid, revision 6124

Disable SSLv3

2014-10-14 12:19 codesquid, revision 6123

Fix event loop stalling.

2014-10-14 12:19 codesquid, revision 6122

Misc. minor cleanup.

2014-10-13 15:51 codesquid, revision 6121

Implement CRefcountObject in terms of std::shared_ptr to gain thread-safety.

2014-10-06 13:25 codesquid, revision 6119

Move event loop to its own thread.

2014-10-06 08:34 codesquid, revision 6118

Implement command handling via event loop.

2014-10-01 16:26 codesquid, revision 6117

Fix alignment of log lines.

2014-10-01 13:21 codesquid, revision 6116

Move docs/ and COPYING out of bundle root, otherwise the bundle cannot be signed anymore, Apple broke this on purpose to annoy me.

2014-10-01 08:54 codesquid, revision 6114

Add a function to check common command prerequisites to further simplify command processing.

2014-10-01 07:44 codesquid, revision 6113

Small cleanup, make more use of std::unique_ptr.

2014-09-30 08:35 codesquid, revision 6112

Simplify reply handling in command queue.