

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

1999-03-01 01:31 HH, revision 1836

Added Makefile[.in] for wxGTK standard build. Are not yet used, because wxGTK's createall script doesn't look in this dir...

1999-03-01 01:26 HH, revision 1835

added Makefile[.in] for build using wxGTK method. Note that wxGTK's createall script doesn't yet look this deep, so it's not very usefull now... also fixed some wxGTK compile problems.

1999-02-28 23:48 JS, revision 1834

Added tbarsmpl.cpp (hope that's OK...)

1999-02-28 23:39 JS, revision 1833

wxUSE_SOCKETS added to setup(0).h; Cygwin corrections; doc tweaks

1999-02-28 21:56 HH, revision 1832

Modified makefile.unx to include bitmaps dir. Added missing folder.xpm to bitmaps

1999-02-28 20:59 JS, revision 1831

Doc mods; fixed return non-processing problem; fixed toolbar sizing problems (incl. MDI area clipping); put wxPrintPaperDatabase, wxPrintPaperType into prntbase.cpp since it's needed in non-PostScript WIN16 for the generic page setup dialog; corrected some 16-bit makefiles

1999-02-28 18:03 RR, revision 1830

added wxMenu::Append( wxMenuItem ) added keyboard hooks to glcanvas fixed probs with slider/spin button etc

1999-02-28 15:35 VZ, revision 1829

wxCheckListBox fixes: crash/memory leak when items are dynamically inserted/deleted corrected and docs updated

1999-02-28 14:18 VZ, revision 1828

shows different SetCursor() calls

1999-02-28 14:16 VZ, revision 1827

SetCursor() doesn't set cursor for children of the window any more

1999-02-28 13:58 VZ, revision 1826

wxArrayString documentation added

1999-02-28 12:36 GL, revision 1825

* Added "--with-sockets" and made wxSocket optionnal.

1999-02-28 00:00 VZ, revision 1824

some more files to ignore for cvs

1999-02-27 23:55 VZ, revision 1823

cursor problem in sash windows corrected

1999-02-27 23:54 VZ, revision 1822

compilation fix

1999-02-27 23:52 VZ, revision 1821

1. wxListCtrl fixes a) implemented GetColumnCount() b) columns are always created with some reasonable (i.e. != 0) width 2. wxRadioBox: keyboard navigation now works inside it (almost) as it should

1999-02-27 23:16 VZ, revision 1820

added 'provides wxwin'

1999-02-27 22:51 VZ, revision 1819

unused param warning suppressed

1999-02-27 21:01 GL, revision 1818

* wxSocket fixes: FTP, HTTP works really now. GTK fixes to prevent infinite loop. * wxSocket stream fix: they can be encapsulated by now * Doc update: wxURL::GetPath

1999-02-27 14:40 VZ, revision 1817

VK_APPS handling

1999-02-27 14:39 VZ, revision 1816

MSWProcessMessage speed up by a factor of 100 (at least)

1999-02-27 14:38 VZ, revision 1815

wxTreeCtrl::GetBoundRect() implemented

1999-02-27 14:37 VZ, revision 1814

keyboard navigation in dialogs works (again)

1999-02-27 14:36 VZ, revision 1813

1. typos corrected in ftp/protocol/url (Members is no longer a hyperlink leading to nowhere) 2. wxTreeCtrl::GetBoundRect() documentation updated

1999-02-27 11:32 GL, revision 1812

* Big memory bug fixed in socket/getline fixed. * Added two missing "virtual" in stream.h (Sorry, you'll have to rebuild all)

1999-02-27 04:21 RD, revision 1811


1999-02-27 04:20 RD, revision 1810

minor tweaks for testing

1999-02-27 01:43 VZ, revision 1809

i18n overview

1999-02-27 01:33 VZ, revision 1808

wxSetCursor() bug with splitters corrected

1999-02-27 01:26 VZ, revision 1807

1. (very) short i18n overview added, wxGetTranslation() documented. 2. wxTreeCtrl overview written and documentation updated 3. wxString docmunetation updated (no more unresolved references) 4. wxWindow::SetCursor() recursive behaviour mentioned

1999-02-26 22:22 JS, revision 1806

DoSetClientSize omissions fixed; some doc fixes

1999-02-26 21:13 VZ, revision 1805

char */wxString confusion cleaned in the docs

1999-02-26 20:56 VZ, revision 1804

wxLog fix as for wxMSW

1999-02-26 18:54 GL, revision 1803

*** empty log message ***

1999-02-26 18:51 GL, revision 1802

* Missing doc file.

1999-02-26 18:04 JS, revision 1801

Fixed wxMSW arrow key bug, changed wxPoem window to a wxWindow

1999-02-26 17:29 JS, revision 1800

Doc fixes

1999-02-26 17:01 HH, revision 1799

added double click handler. various minor fixes.

1999-02-26 09:45 JS, revision 1798

Some doc fixes

1999-02-26 00:25 HH, revision 1797

A port of Requires Numeric module.

1999-02-25 22:53 JS, revision 1796

wxBitmapButton bug fixed

1999-02-25 20:13 GL, revision 1795

* Added a small wxHTTP description * Added some example/description to wxFTP * Some more on wxURL * Added missing file in wxMMedia

1999-02-25 15:45 VZ, revision 1794

delete all log messages suppressed

1999-02-25 15:09 JS, revision 1793

Small changes

1999-02-25 15:07 JS, revision 1792

Corrected some .tex problems

1999-02-25 14:47 VZ, revision 1791

1. validator fixes: don't eat TAB. Added new SetBellOnError() function to suppress _annoying_ bell. 2. Docs and samples updated to reflect this.

1999-02-25 13:50 VZ, revision 1790

InsertItems() implemented for wxGTK

1999-02-25 13:50 VZ, revision 1789

check list box sample updated to test InsertItems

1999-02-25 13:38 VZ, revision 1788

more HP-UX fixes

1999-02-25 12:38 VZ, revision 1787

InsertItems() documented

1999-02-25 12:25 VZ, revision 1786

SetSize() fixes

1999-02-25 10:32 KB, revision 1785

GetNextItem() now checks for item < GetItemCount() to avoid illegal wxList access beyond end of list.

1999-02-25 09:36 VZ, revision 1784

more DG-UX compilation fixes (thanks to Benjamin Beckwith)

1999-02-25 07:18 RD, revision 1783

wxPython version 2.0b5

1999-02-25 07:09 RD, revision 1782

wxPython version 2.0b5

1999-02-24 23:53 VZ, revision 1781

wxString docs are nearly complete (but don't compile :-( ), a brief threads overview

1999-02-24 23:50 VZ, revision 1780

demonstrates SetCursor() now too

1999-02-24 23:48 VZ, revision 1779

SetCursor() works now

1999-02-24 14:53 VZ, revision 1778

added /usr/include/Xm to the search path

1999-02-24 13:15 VZ, revision 1777

wxGTK fixes for the yesterday's addition of m_isWindow flag

1999-02-24 08:17 RD, revision 1776

More wxPython docs...

1999-02-24 08:02 JS, revision 1775

Some stubs corrections; Motif corrections incl. busy cursor fix; doc corrections

1999-02-24 00:46 HH, revision 1774

Some wxPython interface change updates. Moved refresh button. Platform sensitive defaults for external browser. uses wxYield instead of (silly) quicktimer hack.

1999-02-23 23:48 RD, revision 1773

reenabled some methods for wxPython on wxGTK

1999-02-23 23:24 VZ, revision 1772

wxCritSection change to accomodate mem checking system (even better :-)

1999-02-23 23:23 VZ, revision 1771

wxCritSection change to accomodate mem checking system

1999-02-23 23:08 VZ, revision 1770

more cursor fixes (now ::wxSetCursor() works too)

1999-02-23 23:00 VS, revision 1769

Czech language

1999-02-23 22:57 VZ, revision 1768

some very minor fixes (I don't even remember what exactly)

1999-02-23 22:53 VZ, revision 1767

menu help string fix

1999-02-23 22:51 VZ, revision 1766

wxBeginBusyCursor now works (better)

1999-02-23 22:49 VZ, revision 1765

wxLogXXX() functions called near app termiantion shouldn't crash

1999-02-23 22:43 VZ, revision 1764

compilation fixes

1999-02-23 22:42 VZ, revision 1763

new options: wxUSE_OLE (on by default except for some compilers), wxUSE_DYNLIB_CLASS (off by default)

1999-02-23 22:41 VZ, revision 1762

small optimizations: m_isWindow and m_isCommandEvent flags introduced

1999-02-23 19:05 VZ, revision 1761

another wxBeginBusyCursor fix

1999-02-23 18:57 VZ, revision 1760

some feeble attempts at making wxBeginBusyCursor work

1999-02-23 18:26 VZ, revision 1759

support for incorrect entries in .mime.types added (world is not perfect, alas)

1999-02-23 18:13 VZ, revision 1758

SetSelection(from, to) and SetEditable() implemented

1999-02-23 17:51 VZ, revision 1757

HP-UX compilation fixes (thanks to Zdravko Bas)

1999-02-23 17:48 VZ, revision 1756

1. C++ comments removed from setup.h 2. --with-dynlib option added (wxUSE_DYNLIB_CLASS)

1999-02-23 15:43 VZ, revision 1755

crash in some very special case when arrows were used to move around fixed

1999-02-22 23:15 VZ, revision 1754

listview has LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT style when supported

1999-02-22 20:34 VZ, revision 1753

dlopen fixes

1999-02-22 19:48 VZ, revision 1752

dlopen() also exists under FreeBSD

1999-02-22 19:42 VZ, revision 1751

HP-UX support added

1999-02-22 14:50 KB, revision 1750

Fixed DoSetClientSize() causing infinite recursion.

1999-02-22 13:28 JS, revision 1749

Soem corrections for SetSize changes

1999-02-22 11:01 VZ, revision 1748

GetSize() and GetClientSize() changes

1999-02-22 10:31 JS, revision 1747

Corrected WM_KEYDOWN bug (missing 'break')

1999-02-22 09:32 JS, revision 1746

Minor changes

1999-02-21 23:17 VZ, revision 1745

error msg when there are no files in wxFindFirst() removed

1999-02-21 22:32 VZ, revision 1744

1. more C++ parser fixes - now it almost parses wx/string.h a) #if/#ifdef/#else (very) limited support b) param type fix - now indirection chars are correctly handled c) class/struct/union distinction d) public/private fixes e) Dump() function added - very useful for debugging 2. option to ignore parameter names during 'diff' (in fact, they're ignored by default, and this option switches it on)

1999-02-21 12:59 VS, revision 1743

NO_GUI bug fixed

1999-02-20 23:17 VZ, revision 1742

wxListCtrl column resize bug corrected

1999-02-20 23:01 VZ, revision 1741

1. better 'const' and 'virtual' functions handling 2. operators are now supported 3. tokens such as "<=" and "!=" are now tokenized properly

1999-02-20 23:00 VZ, revision 1740

1. new 'diff' mode which seems to work 2. output files are not overwritten in 'dmup' mode 3. fixes for better handling of const functions and operators

1999-02-20 22:50 VZ, revision 1739

\\param -> \param

1999-02-20 22:49 VZ, revision 1738

ignore file for HelpGen

1999-02-20 10:05 RD, revision 1737

Added wxWindow_FromHWND(hWnd) for wxMSW to construct a wxWindow from a window handle. If you can get the window handle into the python code, it should just work... More news on this later. Added wxImageList, wxToolTip. Re-enabled wxConfig.DeleteAll() since it is reportedly fixed for the wxRegConfig class. As usual, some bug fixes, tweaks, etc.