

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2008-10-05 13:56 JMS, revision 56090

Need to call wxVScrolledWindow::UpdateScrollbar() in wxVListBox EVT_SIZE handler. Otherwise resizing wxVListBox does not update visible items count.

2008-10-05 11:24 FM, revision 56089

other s*h interface revisions

2008-10-05 09:47 JMS, revision 56088

Have GetDescBoxHeight() return value consistent with one given to SetDescBoxHeight(); In SetDescBoxHeight(), do not call RecalculatePositions() unless box height really changed

2008-10-05 09:45 JMS, revision 56087

Call RecreateControls() if relevant window style flag was toggled

2008-10-05 09:43 JMS, revision 56086

GetEditableState() with DescBoxState flag could assert

2008-10-04 23:23 VZ, revision 56085

added the possibility to draw grid lines across the entire window

2008-10-04 20:49 FM, revision 56084

fix for doxygen warnings

2008-10-04 19:34 RR, revision 56083

Also use F4 shortcut for textfield + button combination

2008-10-04 18:57 RR, revision 56082

Moved list of subclasses away from 'classes overview' corrected some wxGrid overview references

2008-10-04 18:41 FM, revision 56081

fix usage of MacRegisterDefaultTypeAndCreator

2008-10-04 18:41 FM, revision 56080

wxLogError=>LogError (in ifacecheck wxLog facilities are not used - actually I don't even remember why\!); fix wxScrolledT_Helper AD-HOC FIX

2008-10-04 14:52 FM, revision 56079

fix many doxygen warnings about undocumented parameters

2008-10-04 14:30 FM, revision 56078

some s*h interface headers reviews

2008-10-04 13:22 JMS, revision 56077

Fixed use of erase() in wxPGChoices::RemoveAt()

2008-10-04 11:55 FM, revision 56076

remaining t*h interface revisions

2008-10-04 11:01 FM, revision 56075

interface revisions of ta*h te*h headers; grouped wxTextAttr #defines into enums to make it easier to document them

2008-10-04 10:59 JMS, revision 56074

Added Description Box Height to saveable/restoreable editable state

2008-10-04 09:28 RR, revision 56073

Removed wxNavigationKey code, new keyboard navigation

2008-10-04 09:14 RR, revision 56072

Also use F4 as short-cut for opening pop-up

2008-10-03 22:15 VZ, revision 56070

don't duplicate base class m_acceleratorTable as m_accelTable in wxMenuBar, this is not only unnecessary but also doesn't allow using GetAcceleratorTable() to retrieve the menu bar accelerators (#9654)

2008-10-03 22:01 VZ, revision 56069

generate command events for accelerators even when there is no menu bar (#9784) fixing the bug introduced in r54510

2008-10-03 21:52 VZ, revision 56068

fix VC6 compilation problems due to its for variables scope brokenness (closes #10035)

2008-10-03 17:46 JMS, revision 56065

Explicitly call wxObject ctor in wxColourPropertyValue ctors

2008-10-03 17:39 JMS, revision 56064

Fixed bug: wxPG_EX_AUTO_UNSPECIFIED_VALUES was basically always on

2008-10-03 17:30 JMS, revision 56063

Increase properties' tolerance for wxNullVariant as old value