

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2011-12-19 13:16 DS, revision 70047

Removed useless if statement in slider code. The y position of the slider is already taken care of by the variable ySlider, changing labelOffset has no use.

2011-12-19 13:12 DS, revision 70046

Don't move the slider's value label if it's not being used. An if statement was missing brackets and still moving the value label.

2011-12-18 15:38 VZ, revision 70045

Add a reminder to update version.bkl to inc_release script. While docs/tech/tn0011.txt does document this, it's still too simple to forget to update version.bkl, as my experience shows, so add a reminder to the script itself too.

2011-12-18 15:35 VZ, revision 70044

Update version to 2.9.4 in version.bkl too and rebake everything. Change the version for Unix shared libraries too.

2011-12-18 13:34 VZ, revision 70043

Added wxFilePickerCtrl::SetInitialDirectory(). This method allows to configure the initial directory to be shown when browsing for files in an initially empty wxFileDirPickerCtrl. It is also available for wxDirPickerCtrl but is less useful there.

2011-12-18 13:27 VZ, revision 70042

No changes, just use wxScopedPtr instead of explicit "delete". Use wxScopedPtr in wxGenericFileDirButton to ensure that the dialog created by it is always destroyed, even if an exception is thrown while showing the dialog or while processing the event we generate after showing it.

2011-12-18 12:51 SJL, revision 70041

Ensure wxWebViewIE::SetPage clears the existing content before writing the new output. Also add a basic unit test to verify correctness in the future. Fixes #13770

2011-12-18 00:52 VZ, revision 70040

Make wxPalette ctor and Create() const-correct in wxMSW. The input data is never modified so should be const (it is also documented as being const and actually is const in the other ports). Closes #13776.

2011-12-18 00:52 VZ, revision 70039

Define wxBitmapComboBox::Insert(void* clientData) overload in wxMSW. This overload was declared in the header but not implemented, do add its definition too. Closes #13774.

2011-12-18 00:52 VZ, revision 70038

Corrected the name of EVT_WEB_VIEW_ERROR event table macro. It was mistakenly spelt EVT_WEB_VIEW_ERRROR. Closes #13772.

2011-12-18 00:52 VZ, revision 70037

No changes, just fix typo in an example in webview docs. See #13772.

2011-12-18 00:04 VZ, revision 70036

Don't activate MSW dialogs when setting their initial size. As the dialog is not shown yet at this moment, activating it didn't work correctly and the dialog didn't get the focus when it was shown later. Fix this by preventing ::SetWindowPos() from activating it, which it does by default. Closes #13765.

2011-12-17 02:16 DS, revision 70023

Fixed DLL linking of core library with wxUSE_XPM set to 0. imagxpm.h was missing wxUSE_XPM guards which resulted in unresolved externals when compiling with wxUSE_XPM set to 0. Fixes #4085.

2011-12-17 02:13 DS, revision 70022

Fixed unreferenced parameter warning. Parameter xmpData was unused in wxImage::Create when compiling with wxUSE_XPM set to 0.

2011-12-16 23:12 VZ, revision 70021

Incremented the version number to 2.9.4 everywhere. The misc/scripts/inc_release script was used to update the versions.

2011-12-16 22:11 VZ, revision 70020

Try to get more information about wxFileSystemWatcher unit test failures. Log the original and new paths of the rename event to help debugging the extra modification events detected during the buildbot builds.

2011-12-16 20:57 VZ, revision 70019

Don't use wxTE_DONTWRAP style in Lines() wxTextCtrl unit case. The last check in this test couldn't pass under MSW as it relied on the (long) line of text being wrapped but the style used for the control prevented this from happening. Not sure how could it have ever worked before but in any case removing wxTE_DONTWRAP does make the test pass.

2011-12-16 20:47 VZ, revision 70018

Keep the item being updated selected in wxMSW wxChoice::SetString(). Changing the text of the selected wxChoice (or wxComboBox, as it derives from it in wxMSW) item made it unselected. Fix this by explicitly restoring the selection to the item if needed. Closes #13769.

2011-12-16 20:47 VZ, revision 70017

Corrected test for region validity in wxMSW wxRegion::DoOffset(). Checking M_REGION is not enough as the region can be invalid (meaning m_refData dereferenced inside M_REGION is NULL itself) and not just not initialized, so it resulted in crashes and not just the expected assert failure when wxRegion::Offset() was called for an invalid region.

2011-12-16 20:33 VZ, revision 70016

Use IsThisEnabled() to test if AUI child is enabled, not IsEnabled(). IsEnabled() returns false if the parent window is disabled and calling Enable() does not help with this, so we could keep trying and trying to enable the window unsuccessfully if it was reenabled while its parent was disabled, resulting in a never-ending stream of EVT_IDLE events. Closes #13767.

2011-12-16 12:03 VZ, revision 70015

Make multiline checkboxes wider in wxMSW to avoid word wrap. At least for some versions of Windows (Server 2003 with classic look and feel) the native checkboxes auto wrapped the label as it wrongly considered that the width we specified for it was not big enough. Compensate for this by making the checkbox wider -- this is just a hack but still better than corrupting the checkbox display.

2011-12-16 10:36 VZ, revision 70014

Output the value of --enable-debug option in configure. As we use AC_ARG_ENABLE() instead of WX_ARG_ENABLE() for it, we need to call AC_MSG_RESULT() explicitly or its value is never reported and configure output is corrupted.

2011-12-15 22:13 VZ, revision 70012

Compilation fix for wxStopWatch with wxUSE_THREADS==0. Use wxCRIT_SECT_DECLARE_MEMBER/wxCRIT_SECT_LOCKER macros which expand to nothing in wxUSE_THREADS==0 case instead of using wxCriticalSection[Locker] classes which are not defined then. Also explicitly include wx/thread.h.

2011-12-15 12:32 JS, revision 70011

Applied #13763 from dghart, to use primary selections if available

2011-12-15 01:22 VZ, revision 70009

Ensure that wxPropertyGrid::m_tlp is initialized early enough. This member variable could be used before it was initialized as OnTLPChanging() was called from Create() before Init2(), where m_tlp was assigned NULL, was called. Closes #13552.

2011-12-14 20:38 VZ, revision 70008

Tagging 2.9.3 for the third and final time.

2011-12-14 19:42 VZ, revision 70007

No changes, just harmonized the EOLs in the ISS file. Use consistent DOS EOLs for all the lines in this file.

2011-12-14 19:26 VZ, revision 70006
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_9_3

Deleting 2.9.3 tag in preparation for moving it for the second time.

2011-12-14 18:38 VS, revision 70005

Remove unnecessary m_editorCtrl assignment. m_editorCtrl is WeakRef<>, so doing it is pointless, and it breaks VC6 compilation.

2011-12-14 17:04 VZ, revision 70004

Re-tagging 2.9.3.

2011-12-14 17:03 VZ, revision 70003
  • D /wxWidgets/tags/WX_2_9_3

Delete the original 2.9.3 tag, it will be recreated in a moment.

2011-12-14 17:00 VS, revision 70002

Close wxDataViewCtrl inline editor when destroying the control. If the wxDataViewCtrl control was destroyed while an inline editor control was still active, it wouldn't get destroyed in the right order and the ~wxWindow assert about unpopped event handlers would be triggered. Fix this by popping the handler as one of the first things in wxDataViewRendererBase destructor.

2011-12-14 16:53 VS, revision 70001

Don't change horizontal scroll position needlessly in wxDataViewCtrl. When ScrollTo() or EnsureVisible() was called in the generic wxDataViewCtrl implementation with unspecified column, horizontal scroll position was reset to left-most position, which doesn't make much sense. Instead, leave horizontal position unchanged in this case and only change it when explicitly requested.

2011-12-14 16:53 VS, revision 70000

Ensure that current column is visible in generic wxDataViewCtrl. When navigating between columns using keyboard, ensure visibility of the newly selected column.

2011-12-14 09:52 CE, revision 69999

2.9.3 version

2011-12-14 01:48 VZ, revision 69998

Tag 2.9.3 release.

2011-12-14 01:46 VZ, revision 69997

Add the release date of 2.9.3 to the change log.

2011-12-13 22:08 VZ, revision 69996

Use string column identifiers with NSTableColumns in wxDataViewCtrl. Starting with OS X 10.7 the column identifiers used in NSOutlineView must be of type NSString, so convert the code to use string identifiers instead of wxPointerObject. Closes #13661.

2011-12-13 20:06 JS, revision 69995

Applied #13738: Make a wxRichTextImage's box display around the image (dghart)

2011-12-12 21:38 DS, revision 69994

Regenerated Xcode projects. Updated the Xcode projects to use timectrlg.cpp (renamed from timectrl.cpp).

2011-12-12 16:54 SC, revision 69993

adding defaults for Xcode builds

2011-12-12 16:43 SC, revision 69992

reverting r69387 and r69389, fixes #13737

2011-12-12 15:01 VZ, revision 69991

Rename src/generic/timectrl.cpp to timectrlg.cpp. We can't use the same names for these files with VC6, it doesn't support this and the project can't be built because of the output object file names conflict.

2011-12-12 14:08 VZ, revision 69990

Remove the item before notifying about it in wxDataViewIndexListModel. Remove the item from the internal representation of the model before calling ItemDeleted() callback so that the callback sees the model in a consistent state. This is more consistent with the other callbacks (e.g. ItemAdded()) and other models (e.g. wxDataViewVirtualListModel) and should fix crashes in wxOSX version of the control. Closes #13753.

2011-12-12 14:08 VZ, revision 69989

Always give error message when file-related functions fail. Some failures in the file functions that usually did give error messages were not reported, do log these errors too now. Closes #13576.

2011-12-12 00:59 VZ, revision 69988

Fix harmless warning in wxOSX with 10.7 SDK. Use NSInteger instead of int in a declaration to avoid warnings about declaration mismatch from g++ 4.2 under OS X 10.7.

2011-12-12 00:51 VZ, revision 69987

Minor corrections to event handling overview documentation. Use "wx" prefix with the macros and correct the event methods used in the example. Closes #13752.

2011-12-12 00:51 VZ, revision 69986

Document that setting colours for native controls might not work. Changing colours of the native controls can't be relied on. See #13745.

2011-12-11 20:05 PC, revision 69985

fix GetTextExtent with non-null font argument, fixes #13750

2011-12-11 18:03 VZ, revision 69984

Ensure that Enter key presses are never stolen from wxButton in wxMSW. This commit fixes the following bug: when an in-place editor control containing an embedded button was used in wxDataViewCtrl, pressing Enter on the button would close the editor, accepting changes, instead as (generic) wxDataViewCtrl intercepts WXK_RETURN in its EVT_CHAR_HOOK handler. To prevent this from happening, wxButton now handles EVT_CHAR_HOOK itself and never lets the parent window intercept it if it's for WXK_RETURN. To ensure that normal wxEVT_KEY_DOWN and wxEVT_CHAR are still generated in this case, wxButton handler calls the new wxKeyEvent::DoAllowNextEvent() method that was added to allow suppressing EVT_CHAR_HOOK only, without affecting the subsequent events. DoAllowNextEvent() is currently only used in wxMSW but support for it was also added to wxGTK and (both) wxOSX ports. See #9102.

2011-12-11 06:36 PC, revision 69981

don't include files which may not exist in source release for a specific platform, fixes #13746

2011-12-10 19:17 VZ, revision 69980

Added wxXmlNode::DeleteAttribute() for forward compatibility with 2.9. For some reason this method was not added when all the rest were in r59768, do add it too. Closes #13105.

2011-12-10 19:09 VZ, revision 69979

Check that we have command line arguments before using them. Don't use argv[0] if argc == 0. Closes #13731.

2011-12-10 19:06 VZ, revision 69978

Don't use `install -d` to create directories. This is a backport of r69199 from trunk. See #13452.

2011-12-10 18:59 VZ, revision 69977

Update version in bakefile.m4 and regenerate configure to reflect it. Autoconf format files (autoconf_inc.m4 and itself) were generated with bakefile 0.2.9 but bakefile.m4 still contained 0.2.8, resulting in errors when configuring. Closes #13743.

2011-12-10 12:42 VZ, revision 69976

Document wxFileConfig ctor. This ctor was not documented at all because the comment preceding it was a plain C++ comment and not a Doxygen one. Do it now, especially as the logic of this ctor is not quite obvious.

2011-12-10 05:34 RD, revision 69970

Use default values for some parameters of wxSizerItem and wxGBSizerItem ctors

2011-12-09 22:41 VZ, revision 69969

Quote variables in -z tests correctly in wx-config. The changes of r69944 broke wx-config for the traditional Unix systems (at least Solaris and AIX, probably others too) which don't support using -z without any value (unlike Linux/bash). Fix this by quoting the possible empty variables in the tests.

2011-12-09 16:58 VZ, revision 69968

Rename wxRichToolTipPopup::SetBackground() method to avoid warnings in wxUniv. wxUniv has SetBackground() in wxWindow so rename this one to SetBackgroundColours() to avoid g++ warning about hiding a base class virtual.

2011-12-09 16:23 SC, revision 69967

avoid accepting an invalid color, ignore it, as other ports do, fixes #13720

2011-12-09 16:20 VZ, revision 69966

Restore mouse capturing/releasing in wxPopupTransientWindow under MSW. Partially revert the changes of r69350 to restore EVT_IDLE handling of wxPopupTransientWindow under MSW. It turns out that we must release the mouse for the embedded controls to work. It would be better to solve the problem differently, e.g. perhaps maybe only releasing mouse capture when mouse is clicked as the current code is fragile but for now at least restore the functionality that used to work. Closes #13740.

2011-12-09 12:09 SC, revision 69965

fixing copy size

2011-12-08 21:22 VZ, revision 69964

Add wxEXEC_HIDE_CONSOLE flag allowing to unconditionally do it under MSW. Also renamed wxEXEC_NOHIDE to wxEXEC_SHOW_CONSOLE for symmetry (keeping the old name for compatibility, of course). Extend exec sample to allow easily testing the different flags and adding more of them later. See #13676.

2011-12-08 21:22 VZ, revision 69963

Explicitly document wxEXEC_XXX flags. These flags were described in wxExecute() documentation but not clearly documented individually, do it now. Also reduce duplication of documentation in different wxExecute() overloads.

2011-12-08 18:08 SC, revision 69962

copied from old cocoa code from David, fixes #13732

2011-12-08 16:58 VZ, revision 69961

Allow using wxEvtHandler::Bind() with IBM xlC compiler v7+. xlC 7 seems to be able to deal with this code without problems under AIX 5.3 so white list it.

2011-12-08 16:55 VZ, revision 69960

Use '1'..'9' to simulate digits instead of WXK_NUMPADn. Using WXK_NUMPADn with wxUIActionSimulator doesn't work under Unix, the resulting GDK events have wrong keyval for some reason. It would, of course, be nice to fix this but in the meanwhile use ASCII codes to simulate the digits to at least allow doing this at all. Also extend uiaction sample to allow testing text simulation.

2011-12-08 16:55 VZ, revision 69959

Refactor to eliminate duplication in wxGTK key events generation code. This also fixes a small bug with wxKeyEvent::m_uniChar not being always set correctly to the same value as m_keyCode for ASCII characters.

2011-12-08 16:45 BP, revision 69958

Regenerated new Doxygen custom HTML header, footer, and stylesheet with 1.7.6, but only for use with Doxygen 1.7.4.

2011-12-08 15:54 VZ, revision 69957

Fix Unicode key code for Ctrl-letter in wxGTK. This was broken by changes in r69892 and just the letter was used as the key code instead of Ctrl-letter as it used (and should) be.

2011-12-08 15:47 VZ, revision 69956

Only declare wxComboBox::Popup/Dismiss() when using Cocoa in wxOSX. wxOSX/Carbon doesn't use the core implementation file so declaring these methods for the Carbon version resulted in linking errors. Just don't do this, they're not implemented for Carbon anyhow.

2011-12-08 15:15 VZ, revision 69955

Refresh generic wxListCtrl after removing a column from it. Deleting a column still kept it on display, at least until the next refresh, e.g. resizing the window was enough to make it disappear. Simply add a call to Refresh() to ensure that the column does disappear when deleted.

2011-12-08 14:07 VZ, revision 69954

Document that wxEraseEvent::GetDC() never returns NULL. This makes implementation of EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND handlers simpler. Closes #13736.

2011-12-08 14:04 VZ, revision 69953

Correct the name of EVT_DATAVIEW_ITEM_START_EDITING event type in the docs. START_EDITING is not the same as EDITING_STARTED.

2011-12-08 01:07 VZ, revision 69952

Fix asserts when removing the menu item starting radio group in wxOSX. Update m_startRadioGroup when removing the item it corresponds to. Closes #13545.

2011-12-08 00:55 VZ, revision 69951

Set the tooltip for generic wxToolBar tools under wxOSX/Cocoa. When using non-native toolbar, set the tooltip for tools m_controlHandle. Closes #12362.

2011-12-08 00:41 VZ, revision 69950

Work around impossibility to use wxCombobox in wxGrid in wxOSX. Open the combobox when the editor is initially shown, this somehow ensures that the combobox selection is taken into account when it is closed while without this the selection is simply completely ignored. This is just a hack but at least it allows to use wxGridCellChoiceEditor under wxOSX which was previously impossible at all. Closes #12644.

2011-12-08 00:41 VZ, revision 69949

Use NSApp abortModal instead of stopModal to end modal dialogs. Using abortModal is apparently the right thing to do if the dialog is not being closed as the result of user action (but e.g. because a timer expired) and shouldn't change anything if it done because of something the user did (e.g. clicked on a button). Closes #12467.

2011-12-08 00:41 VZ, revision 69948

Implement wxComboBox::Popup() and Dismiss() for wxOSX/Cocoa. Unlike in the other ports, these methods currently don't generate any events under OS X because these events are never generated at all there. Closes #12642.

2011-12-08 00:21 VZ, revision 69947

Don't use gtk_menu_item_set_submenu() with NULL menu with GTK+ < 2.12. In GTK+ 2.10 and earlier gtk_menu_item_remove_submenu() had to be used to remove the items submenu as gtk_menu_item_set_submenu() gave errors when passed NULL submenu, so call the old function when using old GTK+ version.

2011-12-07 20:34 PC, revision 69945

In Refresh(), allow for possibility that child is mapped and parent is not. It turns out this can actually happen, and is apparently allowed by GTK.

2011-12-07 17:13 VZ, revision 69944

Order the libraries correctly in wx-config for static linking. The order of libraries matters when linking statically under UNIX. Ensure that it is always correct in wx-config itself.

2011-12-07 15:35 VZ, revision 69943

Fix the size of the buffer when using wxIPC::Execute() with DDE. Don't multiply the "realSize" variable by sizeof(wxChar) when passing it to DdeClientTransaction(), as its name indicates it is already supposed to be the size of the data and not the length of the string so just ensure that it is always correctly set to the size and not length when initializing it. Closes #13734.

2011-12-07 15:05 VZ, revision 69942

Remove vertical wxTextCtrl adjustment hacks for wxMSW in wxComboCtrl code. Because wxTextCtrl used to wrongly report its best size in wxNO_BORDER case under MSW, wxComboCtrl manually adjusted its position to work around this. However since r69066 wxTextCtrl::GetBestSize() was fixed and now these adjustments resulted in wrong vertical position for the control. Just remove all manual adjustments completely now to fix this. Closes #13722.

2011-12-07 13:48 CE, revision 69941

add dot to path

2011-12-07 13:46 VZ, revision 69940

Add documentation of emitted events to wxScrolled documentation. Make it clear that wxScrolled<> emits wxScrollWinEvent and not wxScrollEvent. Closes #13730.

2011-12-07 08:47 JJ, revision 69939

Update Make-files for OpenVMS

2011-12-07 01:59 VZ, revision 69938

Pretend that the window showing popup menu has focus in wxGTK. This is necessary for compatibility with wxMSW as the focus remains on the window which had it before the popup menu was shown there and existing code relies on it, while in wxGTK the popup steals the focus when it's shown.

2011-12-07 01:59 VZ, revision 69937

Enable wxEvtHandler::Bind() for Sun CC. At least 5.10+ are good enough to compile it.

2011-12-07 01:59 VZ, revision 69936

Fix build with Sun CC under Linux. We need to explicitly define _GNU_SOURCE when building our code as we use it configure when running the tests and it's not predefined by Sun CC, unlike g++ so we need to add it to CXXFLAGS ourselves. An alternative solution would be to run the tests without _GNU_SOURCE but this would lose too much functionality so it doesn't seem like a good idea.

2011-12-07 01:59 VZ, revision 69935

Remove wxHAVE_GLIBC2 from configure, always predefine _GNU_SOURCE. We used to test for glibc version first and predefined _GNU_SOURCE only if it was greater than 2.1 but there doesn't seem to be any harm to just always predefine _GNU_SOURCE under Linux (not that there are any systems with glibc < 2.1 left anyhow). Also do it much earlier to ensure that all tests are affected by it. And as we don't use wxHAVE_GLIBC2 anywhere else just remove it.

2011-12-06 19:35 SC, revision 69934

avoiding NSToolbarSeparatorItemIdentifier under Lion, where it is not supported anymore, fixes #13363

2011-12-05 10:59 JS, revision 69933

Applied patch #13698 to fix wrong border test

2011-12-05 10:00 CE, revision 69932

add docs to name

2011-12-05 01:00 VZ, revision 69931

No changes, just remove unnecessary assignment in wxOSX code. Local size variable was unnecessarily assigned itself. Closes #13723.

2011-12-05 00:57 VZ, revision 69930

Add virtual dtor to wxCustomBackgroundWindowBase. Suppress g++ warnings about a class with virtual methods but non-virtual dtor by making the dtor virtual even if we don't need it to be virtual in this class.

2011-12-05 00:57 VZ, revision 69929

Compilation fix for wxCarbon after the last commit. Apply corrected version of the patch for Carbon. See #13661.

2011-12-04 20:23 VZ, revision 69928

Fix wxDataViewCtrl compilation with 10.7 SDK under OS X. Add the required casts to wxPointerObject. Closes #13661.

2011-12-04 13:26 VZ, revision 69927

Do not declare "environ" variable ourselves under MSW. The changes of r69564 making "environ" declaration unconditional broke MinGW 4.6 build, presumably because "environ" is declared differently (as DLL exported?) there, so avoid declaring it under MSW, we don't need to do it there anyhow as it's always defined in system headers.

2011-12-04 00:52 VZ, revision 69926

Allow 2-step creation of wxGenericProgressDialog. Add default ctor and Create() with the same parameters as the non-default ctor. Closes #13555.