

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

1999-10-05 22:10 DW, revision 3837

wxOS2 updates for 10/5/99

1999-10-05 19:38 RR, revision 3836

Updated configure (not only Refresh improvements

1999-10-05 07:34 SB, revision 3835

after a seek, reset error if error==EOF

1999-10-05 07:22 SB, revision 3834

warn if visual isn't found

1999-10-05 06:40 JL, revision 3833

Debug version with compiler switch /MDd

1999-10-05 06:32 RD, revision 3832

Inceremented the version number for the DLL

1999-10-05 04:22 DW, revision 3831

*** empty log message ***

1999-10-04 22:55 VZ, revision 3830

use BMPs and npt PNGs under MSW

1999-10-04 22:55 VZ, revision 3829

MSW compilation (and other) fixes

1999-10-04 20:15 VZ, revision 3828

many changes; major ones: 1. start of !wxUSE_GUI support 2. _T() macro renamed to T() 3. wxConvertWX2MB and MB2WX macro added

1999-10-04 20:03 KB, revision 3827

ping method almost there

1999-10-04 19:54 RR, revision 3826

OpenGl updates (still gives warnings..)

1999-10-04 15:07 , revision 3825

This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tag 'BEFORE_LIB_SPLIT'.

1999-10-04 15:07 JS, revision 3824

Removed some unused parameter warnings; compile error in dialup.cpp corrected; some commits are redundant (sorry)

1999-10-04 14:23 VZ, revision 3823

attempt to fix makefile for make -j

1999-10-04 14:05 VZ, revision 3822

more new items

1999-10-04 13:59 VZ, revision 3821

several new items

1999-10-04 13:31 JS, revision 3820

Added ProjGen for generating sample VC++ project files

1999-10-04 13:23 JS, revision 3819

Added some makefiles etc. to nettest sample

1999-10-04 12:56 VZ, revision 3818

-ldl only added if it exists

1999-10-04 12:31 JS, revision 3817

Version numbering change, small additions to ToDo

1999-10-04 11:40 JL, revision 3816

Renameing funktions from DIB to prevent name clashes

1999-10-04 11:39 JL, revision 3815

Renameing funktions to prevent name clashes

1999-10-04 11:28 JL, revision 3814

Parameter "small" renamed. Defined in a header file

1999-10-04 09:18 VS, revision 3813

added GetTextExtent test

1999-10-04 09:16 KB, revision 3812

minor fixes

1999-10-04 09:03 RR, revision 3811

Applied a few old patches, Changed dclick handling in wxFileDialog, Added cursor code to wxToolBar

1999-10-03 19:41 VS, revision 3810

more AFM metrics fixes

1999-10-03 19:33 RR, revision 3809

If we used 10% less inline functions in useless occasions, we would have 50% less to debug.

1999-10-03 18:02 VS, revision 3808

changed to use 2 html windows

1999-10-03 18:01 VS, revision 3807

postscript DC didn't check for AFM metrics

1999-10-03 17:56 VS, revision 3806

wxHTML 8.3 convention

1999-10-03 17:26 KB, revision 3805

wxDialUpManager fixes

1999-10-03 15:57 KB, revision 3804


1999-10-03 01:36 VZ, revision 3803

forgot this one

1999-10-03 01:33 VZ, revision 3802

1. Win9x support + async dialing + many more for wxDialUpManager 2. renamed files from net.h/cpp to dialup.h/cpp

1999-10-03 01:30 VZ, revision 3801
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/src/msw/net.cpp

I'm having some weird problems with cvs...

1999-10-03 00:05 VZ, revision 3800

fixes I previously forgot to check in

1999-10-02 19:43 RR, revision 3799

Added test for wxTreeCtrl::GetChildrenCount() Fixed Reparent (added heaps of debug code for this) Small mods to glcanvas

1999-10-02 18:29 KB, revision 3798

Unix implementation of wxDialUpManager.

1999-10-02 18:21 VS, revision 3797

did not compile under GCC2.95

1999-10-02 18:19 VS, revision 3796

making wxHTML 8.3 compliant

1999-10-02 18:18 VS, revision 3795

added wxHTML

1999-10-02 18:17 VS, revision 3794

global makefile for samples now include html

1999-10-02 15:21 GRG, revision 3793

PROCESS_EVENTS macro added

1999-10-02 14:15 JS, revision 3792

Added roadmap.

1999-10-02 13:41 VS, revision 3791

removed declarations of static wxLoadQueryFont, wxLoadQueryNearestFont

1999-10-02 10:56 RR, revision 3790

Updated doc for wxFileExists() Corrected redrawing and OpenGl canvas Made new font code in utilsunix compile (Why does Vadim never need any headers?)

1999-10-02 03:15 DW, revision 3789

*** empty log message ***

1999-10-02 01:44 DW, revision 3788

*** empty log message ***

1999-10-01 23:00 VZ, revision 3787

fix for Append() bug for sorted comboboxes

1999-10-01 23:00 VZ, revision 3786

Borland makefiles fixes for .c files

1999-10-01 22:50 VZ, revision 3785

minor correction

1999-10-01 22:42 VZ, revision 3784

wxDialUpManager class (first draft, works only under Windows NT for now)

1999-10-01 18:31 VZ, revision 3783

virtual functionsignature corrected

1999-10-01 18:27 VZ, revision 3782

wxCALLBACK added, wxCOMPFUNC_CONV moved to defs.h

1999-10-01 18:01 VZ, revision 3781

wxFontEnumerator class for Motif/X

1999-10-01 15:41 RR, revision 3780

Improved wxFileDialog behaviour wrt to remembering filenames Ported new scrolling code from wxWindow to wxScrollBar and wxSlider

1999-10-01 14:59 VZ, revision 3779

wxMotif::wxFont supports encodings too (and shares 99% of font code with wxGTK)

1999-10-01 13:53 VZ, revision 3778

renamed gsockmot.cpp to *.c

1999-10-01 13:21 VZ, revision 3777

fix from Ron for one-shot timers

1999-10-01 11:41 JS, revision 3776

Updates to VC++ project files

1999-10-01 00:50 VZ, revision 3775

small font demo

1999-10-01 00:49 VZ, revision 3774

basic support for encodings for wxMSW::wxFont

1999-09-30 23:56 GRG, revision 3773

new sample

1999-09-30 23:53 GRG, revision 3772


1999-09-30 23:44 GRG, revision 3771

All events now internally watched

1999-09-30 23:42 GRG, revision 3770

Uses wxSocketBase::Unread instead of CreatePushback

1999-09-30 23:41 GRG, revision 3769

Several changes and updates

1999-09-30 23:25 VZ, revision 3768

fixed compilation and added support for all 4 images (as a side effect) to the generic tree control

1999-09-30 22:28 RD, revision 3767

gernerated source code updates

1999-09-30 22:27 RD, revision 3766

version string is now quoted properly

1999-09-30 22:26 RD, revision 3765

fixed an error in the sample

1999-09-30 22:17 VZ, revision 3764

wxListCtrl::InsertItem returns the index of the inserted item

1999-09-30 22:13 RR, revision 3763

Corrected filelist.txt a little - one gsocket.c is enough, Corrected cursors - not yet perfect, Added some tests to scroll sample Made wxScrolledWindow::Scroll() call Refresh(), Change wxListCtrl to reflect the latter change (wxTreeCtrl will follow), Added activate event for wxMDIChildFrame Implemented wxSIMPLE_BORDER for wxWindow (no controls), Tried to correct positioning upon start-up - no way, Rewrote catching of scroll events - page-up, page-down, up and down work now. Don't know what TOP and BOTTOM are used for.

1999-09-30 21:28 RD, revision 3762

fixed the rule for the DLL so it doesn't build the .lib file twice

1999-09-30 21:26 RD, revision 3761

added missing fontcmn.cpp

1999-09-30 08:01 MT, revision 3760

only set parent frame ontop when the current frame being destructed is active

1999-09-30 07:13 RD, revision 3759

updates for wxPython docs

1999-09-30 07:11 RD, revision 3758

1. wxHtmlHelpController and related classes 2. the C++ versions of wxSizer and firends, Python versions are 'depreciated' 3. wxPyEvent and wxPyCommandEvent, event classes that can carry some python objects through the event system and safely come back out again. 4. wxGridSizer and wxFlexGridSizer 5. wxValidator 6. wxPyOnDemandOutputWindow 7. several tweaks, fixes and additions of missing methods, etc. 8. and probably several other things I am forgetting since CVS was down so long...

1999-09-30 06:58 RD, revision 3757

Created and wrapped wxPyControlPoint

1999-09-29 22:47 VZ, revision 3756

1. Implemented support for different icons for different states (expanded, selected, combination of them) for the tree control (and doc'd it) 2. removed code which was sending extra event if wxFrame::SetSize() was used 3. important changes to wxWizard interface 4. small compilation corrections

1999-09-29 19:51 SB, revision 3755

Change wxGetCurrentUTime as wxGetCurrentMTime (milli not micro!)

1999-09-29 19:40 SB, revision 3754

Factorize timercmm.cpp code Added wxGetCurrentUtime Put extern declaration in wx/timer.h instead of wx/*/timer.h Added wxChrono class

1999-09-29 19:02 VZ, revision 3753

1. added a brief overview of Unicode support 2. added and documented wxBITMAP() macros (as wxICON) 3. restructured wxFont class, added support of encoding parameter 4. regenerated makefiles to compile the new fontcmn.cpp file 5. corrected bug with non existing files in document-view history

1999-09-29 17:45 RS, revision 3752

Added wxNB_LEFT,RIGHT,BOTTOM styles to alter tab placement

1999-09-29 17:44 RS, revision 3751

Added defines to allow altered tab placement under gcc-2.95

1999-09-29 17:41 RS, revision 3750

Added wxNB_RIGHT,LEFT,BOTTOM flags for tab placement

1999-09-29 17:35 VZ, revision 3749

param type of wxWindow::Reparent() fixed in wxGTK

1999-09-29 17:34 RS, revision 3748

Added wxNB_LEFT,RIGHT,BOTTOM for notebook tab placement

1999-09-29 16:10 RD, revision 3747

Removed call to SetValidator since CreateBase was doing it already

1999-09-29 15:55 JS, revision 3746

Misc changes, including to wxPropertyForm and sample to make it work

1999-09-29 15:18 VZ, revision 3745

wxListCtrlCompare typedef now is defined correctly (was missing CALLBACK)

1999-09-21 11:44 VZ, revision 3744

//... => /* ... */

1999-09-21 11:39 VZ, revision 3743

item about constants naming added

1999-09-21 05:32 MB, revision 3742

Ifdef'd out sample code for wxStaticBitmap. It's not working under wxMOTIF at the moment.

1999-09-21 05:22 MB, revision 3741

Added check to ensure that style arg to ctor has either wxHORIZONTAL or wxVERTICAL. Without one of these the slider doesn't display under Motif.

1999-09-21 05:16 DW, revision 3740

*** empty log message ***

1999-09-21 03:29 MB, revision 3739

Added code to wxMemoryDC ctor to set default font. This fixes the controls sample which was crashing when calling wxDC::DrawText.

1999-09-21 02:37 MB, revision 3738

Added code to implement wxTE_READONLY style for single line text controls.