

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2000-01-11 02:59 GRG, revision 5337

Mumit Khan's fixes to allow DLL compilation

2000-01-10 23:58 GT, revision 5336

No #if wxUSE_DRAG_AND_DROP around the wxMetafileDataObject class, so compilation failed if wxUSE_DRAG_AND_DROP was 0 and wxUSE_METAFILE was 1

2000-01-10 23:01 RD, revision 5335

MSW Caret is now destroyed and recreated when resized.

2000-01-10 22:59 RD, revision 5334

incremented version number for DLL

2000-01-10 19:07 DW, revision 5333

New VA 4.0 .icc file the minimal sample

2000-01-10 19:06 DW, revision 5332

New wxWin.icc for monolithic build.

2000-01-10 17:25 SN, revision 5331

SN: WXPM wants wxUSE_OWNER_DRAWN to be defined to 1 as well.

2000-01-10 17:12 VZ, revision 5330

fixes for 'make install' for wxBase - seems to work

2000-01-10 17:11 SN, revision 5329

SN: Fixes to OS/2 specific problems (use LEX_STEM and PATH_IFS set by configure). SN: Added support for compiling wxPM with EMX using Unix-Makefiles.

2000-01-10 17:07 SN, revision 5328

SN: Several workarounds for OS/2-specific problems. SN: "--with-pm" only allowed on OS/2.

2000-01-10 16:56 JS, revision 5327

Makefiles and .rsp file edited for demos/samples

2000-01-10 15:58 VZ, revision 5326

wxAPIENTRY fixes (?)

2000-01-10 15:29 VZ, revision 5325

check for wxUSE_DYNLIB_CLASS corrected

2000-01-10 10:41 BJ, revision 5324

#define DEBUG_MAIN_THREAD for non __WXDEBUG__ compilation

2000-01-10 07:21 RD, revision 5323

Wrong Init was being called in ctor.

2000-01-10 03:54 GRG, revision 5322

Important changes to avoid dependence on events inside wxSocket implementation (should also ease a console only version soon)

2000-01-10 01:06 GRG, revision 5321

Ops, small typo

2000-01-10 01:00 GRG, revision 5320

Fixed from Mumit Khan to allow DLL compilation for mingw32

2000-01-10 00:55 GRG, revision 5319

Fixes from Mumit Khan to allow DLL compilation; most fixes related to missing WXDLLEXPORTs

2000-01-09 16:12 RR, revision 5318

Themes crash fix.

2000-01-09 15:13 GL, revision 5317

Some other mini test I used for wxmedia2

2000-01-09 13:12 GRG, revision 5316

Add XPM handlers by default if XPM support is enabled

2000-01-09 13:10 GRG, revision 5315

Was using CPPFLAGS instead of CFLAGS for C files

2000-01-09 13:09 GRG, revision 5314

Removed mingw32 fix

2000-01-08 23:45 VS, revision 5313

added IsEncodingAvailable and GetAltForEncoding extended by facename argument and added GetAltForEncoding alternative that returns only wxFontEncoding (and thus more useful for wxWin users)

2000-01-08 23:45 VS, revision 5312

add wxFontEncoding member into wxNativeEncodingInfo

2000-01-08 23:44 VS, revision 5311

Borland #include hack

2000-01-08 22:20 VZ, revision 5310

tried to correct the colour problems

2000-01-08 18:27 GRG, revision 5309

Split the sample in three source files + three header files, for improved clarity. Now there is a 'life' module (main app), a 'game' module (game logic) and a 'dialogs' module (guess what). Also, speeded up drawing a lot.

2000-01-08 16:53 RR, revision 5308

Applied listbox isselected fix.

2000-01-08 16:26 RR, revision 5307

Themes and threads testing code.

2000-01-08 16:12 GRG, revision 5306


2000-01-08 16:10 GRG, revision 5305

ops. SetFocus should be public

2000-01-08 16:07 VZ, revision 5304

updated configure and the makefiles after the samples move

2000-01-08 16:07 GRG, revision 5303


2000-01-08 15:46 VZ, revision 5302

regenerate several files at once, not only one

2000-01-08 15:38 VZ, revision 5301

regenerated from template

2000-01-08 15:28 VZ, revision 5300

renaming and moving samples around

2000-01-08 14:26 VZ, revision 5299

wxLongLongWx::Assign(double) works - thanks Guillermo

2000-01-08 13:59 VZ, revision 5298

keyword search should work now

2000-01-07 20:35 VZ, revision 5297

added test mode to wxLongLongWx which allowed to find the bug in operator*=() which was breaking wxDateTime - now seems to work

2000-01-07 19:46 RD, revision 5296

bug fix for OnLinkClicked callback

2000-01-07 18:23 GRG, revision 5295

Added limits to wxSpinCtrls, fixed one bug

2000-01-07 18:22 GRG, revision 5294

Fixed problem with tab traversal in wxSpinCtrl (added SetFocus())

2000-01-07 16:26 GRG, revision 5293

mingw32 specific compile fix

2000-01-07 16:23 GRG, revision 5292

Added libxpm

2000-01-07 14:59 BJ, revision 5291

wxControl child of wxControlBase

2000-01-07 14:14 BJ, revision 5290

*** empty log message ***

2000-01-07 11:06 BJ, revision 5289

wxFONTENUMPROC definition changed for mingwin 2.95

2000-01-07 10:50 BJ, revision 5288

deleting the 'validator' param in call to wxControl::Create. To be further fixed

2000-01-07 10:22 BJ, revision 5287

fix _beginthreadex problem with bcc

2000-01-07 09:09 RD, revision 5286

small fixes and cleanups

2000-01-07 05:42 RD, revision 5285

Trying out addition of SetSize to wxCaret...

2000-01-07 02:31 VZ, revision 5284

demo of clipboard support for metafiles (which still doesn't work)

2000-01-07 02:30 VZ, revision 5283

attempts at providing clipboard/dnd support for metafiles - unsuccessful

2000-01-06 19:05 GRG, revision 5282

Fixed virtual function hiding problem

2000-01-06 18:40 RR, revision 5281

Minor resize probs solved.

2000-01-06 18:34 VZ, revision 5280

added --cc, cxx, ld options to wx-config

2000-01-06 18:23 VZ, revision 5279

MSW compilation fixes for !wxUSE_VALIDATORS

2000-01-06 17:32 RR, revision 5278

Themes again.

2000-01-06 16:58 GRG, revision 5277

typos fixed

2000-01-06 16:57 GRG, revision 5276

Removing warnings

2000-01-06 16:47 VZ, revision 5275

1. more warnings fixes in gtk/region.cpp and common/tbarsmpl.cpp 2. wxWindow::Create() always takes a wxValidator parameter, even if !wxUSE_VALIDATORS - it is just ignored then, tons of #if wxUSE_VALIDATORS removed

2000-01-06 15:58 VZ, revision 5274

corrected wxComboBox::GetBestSize()

2000-01-06 15:42 VZ, revision 5273

1. more HP-UX warning fixes (almost done...) 2. added a macro WXUNUSED_UNLESS_DEBUG()

2000-01-06 15:24 VZ, revision 5272

bug fixes for '\r' handling in wxTextFile::Translate()

2000-01-06 15:09 JS, revision 5271

Some edits to OGL; tweaks to wxClipboard docs

2000-01-06 10:30 JS, revision 5270

BC++ IDE compile mod to thread.cpp; other small stuff

2000-01-06 10:22 GRG, revision 5269

Lots of new features

2000-01-06 01:21 GRG, revision 5268

Small change for updated wxTCPXXX classes

2000-01-06 01:07 GRG, revision 5267

Rewrote large parts of the non-DDE IPC stuff (wxTCPServer, wxTCPClient, wxTCPConnection) to upgrade to the 'new' wxSocket code. Plenty of bugs removed. IPC samples at samples/dde working again.

2000-01-05 18:10 VZ, revision 5266

1. added wfstream.cpp to wxBase (needed by filesys.cpp) 2. small enchancements in wxCmdLineParser (handles "help" options correctly) 3. use wxCmdLineParser in makegen

2000-01-05 17:19 VZ, revision 5265

added cmdline.h/.cpp to the makefiles

2000-01-05 17:11 VZ, revision 5264

-fpermissive is now returned by wx-config -cflags if the library was compiled with it

2000-01-05 17:00 VZ, revision 5263

test for date parameters to wxCmdLineParser

2000-01-05 17:00 VZ, revision 5262

more bug fixes: options with values and compound options seem to work

2000-01-05 16:59 VZ, revision 5261

ParseDate() understands tomorrow and yesterday as well as today

2000-01-05 16:38 VZ, revision 5260

more stream-like insertion operators

2000-01-05 15:35 VZ, revision 5259

more fixes to compilation warnings from HP-UX build log. About 30% more to go <sigh>

2000-01-05 15:29 JS, revision 5258

Added contributed speedup of ConvertToBitmap under Motif, for 8-bit images.

2000-01-05 15:17 VZ, revision 5257

bug with incorrect & test fixed

2000-01-05 15:17 VZ, revision 5256

unreachable code warning fixed

2000-01-05 15:16 VZ, revision 5255

wxRegion should work with wxCoord, not long

2000-01-05 15:02 RR, revision 5254

Corrceted background problem with themes.

2000-01-05 14:07 DW, revision 5253

General fixes

2000-01-05 13:56 JS, revision 5252

Added RC file needed by makefiles.

2000-01-05 13:22 VZ, revision 5251

include "module.h"

2000-01-05 04:58 RD, revision 5250

wxFloatbar fixes other odds and ends

2000-01-05 04:51 RD, revision 5249

Fixed a bug so the toggle flag is set correctly

2000-01-05 02:46 VZ, revision 5248

small bug fix for composite options

2000-01-05 02:42 VZ, revision 5247

wxCmdLineParser tests

2000-01-05 02:41 VZ, revision 5246

1. compilation fixes for TB_REPLACEBITMAP and FONTENUMPROC 2. added wxCmdLineParser class

2000-01-04 22:56 RR, revision 5245

Removed crashes when not using themes. Removed much flicker form tree ctrl and list ctrl.

2000-01-04 20:14 RR, revision 5244


2000-01-04 19:41 RR, revision 5243

Doc updates.

2000-01-04 18:19 DW, revision 5242

Added Calctrl.cpp to sources list

2000-01-04 18:00 RD, revision 5241

Fixed a bug that caused a crash on startup

2000-01-04 17:53 RD, revision 5240

fixed a compilation error for VC++ 6

2000-01-04 17:20 RR, revision 5239

Compilation fix, wxGTK requires GTK 1.2.3.

2000-01-04 17:15 DW, revision 5238

Updated OS/2 sources with fixes to wxControl and wxSpinCtrl