

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2008-11-29 22:52 VZ, revision 57034

compilation fix after making wxSocketImpl derive from wxFDIOHandler

2008-11-29 22:39 VZ, revision 57033

fix best size caluclation for the notebooks with multiple rows (#2335) [backport of r57024 from trunk]

2008-11-29 22:30 VZ, revision 57032

replace the mismatched new[]/delete (bug #10234) with a wxVector

2008-11-29 22:28 VZ, revision 57031

add wxVector(size_t size[, const value_type& value]) ctors

2008-11-29 22:19 VZ, revision 57030

cleanup the Win32 window classes registration code: remove global variables and register the window classes we use on demand to avoid registering MDI or GL classes unnecessarily

2008-11-29 15:05 VZ, revision 57028

more updates after r57026 change to app.cpp

2008-11-29 15:03 VZ, revision 57027

update after r57026 change to app.cpp

2008-11-29 14:59 VZ, revision 57026

get rid of CE-specific code for class name registration, the unique instance enforcement should be implemented by using wxSingleInstanceChecked if it's really necessary

2008-11-29 14:49 VZ, revision 57025

don't reuse the double click handled in activation event handler for toggling the item (#9761)

2008-11-29 14:47 VZ, revision 57024

correct CalcSizeFromPage() for multiline notebooks (#2335)

2008-11-29 14:41 VZ, revision 57023

add safe wxStrlcpy() function and replaced all wxStrncpy() calls by it

2008-11-29 13:51 VZ, revision 57022

don't use wxChar arrays and wxStrncpy (especially as the latter was used incorrectly) in Mac-specific type/creator code, just use wxString

2008-11-29 13:43 VZ, revision 57021

properly NUL-terminate the string when using strncpy() (#10230)

2008-11-29 00:24 FM, revision 57019

add GetSize also to wxGDIImage since wxBitmap under some ports derives from wxGDIImage and not from wxBitmapBase

2008-11-28 23:48 FM, revision 57018

fix wrong placement of the @apperance tag previously committed

2008-11-28 23:16 FM, revision 57016

remove @appearance tag from abstract classes; add the missing screenshots of some controls to wxGTK image folder

2008-11-28 22:32 FM, revision 57015

fix crash caused by cancelling querybitmap dialog; fix crash caused by clicking 'add widget icons' on an empty bitmapcombobox

2008-11-28 22:29 FM, revision 57014

provide GetSize() getters in wxBitmap and wxImage

2008-11-28 21:50 FM, revision 57013

return wxDefaultSize (as done in all other platforms) when the combo box is empty

2008-11-28 20:59 VZ, revision 57012

remove wxVSCROLL from wxMessageDialog style (left over from prior experiments)

2008-11-28 19:33 FM, revision 57011

move style table in the detailed description like for all other interface headers

2008-11-28 19:29 FM, revision 57010

restore correct doctype

2008-11-28 19:28 FM, revision 57009

added the possibility (for doxygen >= to generate a QCH file for wxWidgets documentation

2008-11-28 17:58 FM, revision 57008

make more readable the checks for incoherent style flags

2008-11-28 17:58 FM, revision 57007

internal variables of wxFileHistory are protected, not public; in any case, do not document them since they are all editable safely using the accessors