

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2009-01-25 14:41 VZ, revision 58399

don't use the not always appropriate word "document" in the save prompt (#10076)

2009-01-25 14:40 VZ, revision 58398

don't use _() in the public header in case WXINTL_NO_GETTEXT_MACRO is defined (closes #10132)

2009-01-25 14:38 VZ, revision 58397

add wxDrawStateBitmap() (closes #10289)

2009-01-25 14:21 VZ, revision 58396

notify the timers outside of loop over m_timers to avoid crashes if a timer event hanlder modifies the timers list (#10094)

2009-01-25 14:18 FM, revision 58395

build fix

2009-01-25 13:47 VZ, revision 58394

added support for wxCAL_SHOW_WEEK_NUMBERS to generic version of wxCalendarCtrl (#10033)

2009-01-25 13:27 VZ, revision 58393

added (MSW-only) wxListCtrl::OnGetItemColumnAttr() (#10018)

2009-01-25 13:19 VZ, revision 58392

return NULL from GetVoidPtr() for NULL variants instead of asserting (closes #9873)

2009-01-25 13:15 VZ, revision 58391

merged libpng 1.2.34 into the trunk (see #10043)

2009-01-25 13:10 VZ, revision 58390

fix MSVC warning C4516 about using deprecated access declarations; use using declarations instead

2009-01-25 13:08 VZ, revision 58389

tagging libpng 1.2.34

2009-01-25 13:07 VZ, revision 58388

upgrade to libpng 1.2.34 (without contrib subdirectory)

2009-01-25 12:48 VZ, revision 58387

fix a buffer overflow (#9596)

2009-01-25 12:45 VZ, revision 58386

zero {host,serv}ent_data before passing it to the system functions to avoid crashing (see #10332)

2009-01-25 12:37 VZ, revision 58385

added wxPATH_RMDIR_FULL/RECURSIVE wxFileName::Rmdir() flags (closes #10422)

2009-01-25 12:25 VZ, revision 58384

convert COM arguments to wx lazily to improve performance and allow calling Invoke/handling events involving parameters which can't be mapped to wx types at all (new GetNativeParameters() method can be used to access them) (closes #9606)

2009-01-25 12:04 VZ, revision 58383

add IsOk() (closes #9872)

2009-01-25 12:01 VZ, revision 58382

don't deprecate the entire wxDrawObject class, this results in warnings when we just declare wxDC::DrawObject(); instead deprecate just its ctor

2009-01-25 11:58 FM, revision 58381

Change in wxWindow the access specifier of the wxEvtHandler event processing and queuing functions from public to protected. Adapt wxWidgets code and wxWidgets samples to always use wxWindow::GetEventHandler() when calling such functions on a wxWindow rather than directly using wxWindow::ProcessEvent, etc. This enables correct event dispatching to the event handlers which have been pushed (with PushEventHandler) on the windows.

2009-01-25 11:40 VZ, revision 58380

allow using wxBG_STYLE_CUSTOM even with the native controls and use it in wxTreeCtrl (see #9832)

2009-01-25 11:32 VZ, revision 58379

deprecate wxDrawObject (#9860)

2009-01-25 11:15 SC, revision 58378

adapting to name change in r58318

2009-01-25 11:11 VZ, revision 58377

implement wxChoicebook::SetWindowVariant() by forwarding it to wxChoice (see #10398)

2009-01-25 11:06 VZ, revision 58376

removed debugging wxPrintf() which not only had nothing to do there but also broke PCH-less compilation

2009-01-25 10:33 SC, revision 58375

adapting to name change in r58318