

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2009-02-26 09:32 CE, revision 59156

update for 2.8.10-rcX with bakefile 0.2.5

2009-02-26 09:29 CE, revision 59155

update for 2.8.10-rcX with bakefile 0.2.5

2009-02-26 08:02 JS, revision 59154

Fixed symbol

2009-02-26 07:24 JJ, revision 59153

Updating OpenVMS compile configuration

2009-02-26 00:17 VS, revision 59150

added wxXmlResource::LoadFile() to avoid URL-vs-filename ambiguity in Load()

2009-02-26 00:13 VS, revision 59149

fixed wxXmlResource::Load's detection of filenames to be done as early as possible

2009-02-25 23:41 VZ, revision 59144

added wxGrid::{Set,Get}{Row,Col}Sizes() methods allowing to save/restore all grid rows/columns sizes at once

2009-02-25 23:40 KO, revision 59143

Make sure that a framework build always uses lipo to build, and make sure functions which return a command's result always use a return code even when the command isn't run.

2009-02-25 23:27 VZ, revision 59142

compilation fix after last commit

2009-02-25 23:02 VZ, revision 59141

don't use template assign() with VC6, even though it can compile it it doesn't handle it correctly when using DLL

2009-02-25 21:12 VZ, revision 59139

compilation fix after the previous commit

2009-02-25 21:04 VZ, revision 59138

fix for DLL build: wxEvtHandlerArray should be in wxBase as it's used by wxEventLoopBase, not in wxCore

2009-02-25 21:01 VZ, revision 59137

undo the change of r57522, it's not needed any more after r59136

2009-02-25 21:01 VZ, revision 59136

postpone the check for the validity of growable rows/columns indices until we know the total number of items in the sizer (closes #10294)

2009-02-25 17:55 KO, revision 59135

Remove duplicate code that was landed when forward porting.

2009-02-25 17:43 VZ, revision 59134

replace templae Connect() overloads with separate Bind() method to improve compatibility (see #10000, closes #10477)

2009-02-25 13:23 FM, revision 59132

add wxAppConsoleBase::OnEventLoopEnter/Exit callbacks; add wxEventLoopBase::IsMain() and wxAppConsoleBase::GetMainLoop() helpers

2009-02-25 13:12 FM, revision 59131

document wxPolygonFillMode

2009-02-25 13:10 FM, revision 59130

no real change: just group functions in a logic manner

2009-02-25 13:07 VZ, revision 59128

don't call Refresh(empty-rect) unnecessarily

2009-02-25 12:08 FM, revision 59127

try to clear the device/logical unit fog; remove unused and unsupported (an assertion fails if they are used) wxMM_ constants; better docs for the supported wxMM_ constants; use MM_ANISOTROPIC in old win16 metafile code instead of wxMM_ANISOTROPIC since it's not supported by wx code

2009-02-25 11:54 FM, revision 59126

revise all code; do not use many global objects; use wxLog to give errors/messages; put drawing code in a wxApp member; get rid of old code; fix indentation

2009-02-25 07:59 JJ, revision 59125

Update compile configuration for OpenVMS

2009-02-25 02:11 KO, revision 59122

Remove no longer necessary re-entrancy check, fix function prototype definition for insertText, and add support for handling almost all the missing keys. (Function keys and the numpad Enter are still not handled properly.)

2009-02-25 00:09 VZ, revision 59121

fix handling of long lines in wxGridCellAutoWrapStringRenderer