

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2006-09-13 22:20 RR, revision 41206

More RTL work.

2006-09-13 22:18 RR, revision 41205

Add GetScrollHelper() to wxWindow. Let wxScrollHelper set the underlying field itself.

2006-09-13 20:47 RD, revision 41204

Changes for TreeListCtrl to take advantage of the new native HeaderButton abilities

2006-09-13 20:44 RD, revision 41203

Dashes and Stipple accessors are not available on all platforms

2006-09-13 20:34 RD, revision 41202

More support for drawing native column headers, adds more states (selected, mouse-over) and also optionally drawing the contents of the header (label and/or bitmap, sort arrow) in a consistent way. Also added a method to determine the default height of the column header. This is based on work done for OSAF.

2006-09-13 20:28 RD, revision 41201

More support for drawing native column headers, adds more states (selected, mouse-over) and also optionally drawing the contents of the header (label and/or bitmap, sort arrow) in a consistent way. Also added a method to determine the default height of the column header. This is based on work done for OSAF.

2006-09-13 19:10 ABX, revision 41200

it needs wxUSE_* guard to not break smartphone build.

2006-09-13 19:01 RD, revision 41199

wxStatusBarGeneric is used directly so the header needs to be included too

2006-09-13 17:12 VS, revision 41198

renamed wxRect::Inside() to wxRect::Contains(), wxRect::Inside(wxRect) is too confusing

2006-09-13 17:06 VS, revision 41197

renamed wxRect::Inside() to wxRect::Contains(), wxRect::Inside(wxRect) is too confusing

2006-09-13 16:31 PC, revision 41196

minimize code duplication

2006-09-13 16:27 JS, revision 41195

Added public keyword

2006-09-13 16:16 ABX, revision 41194

Build fix.

2006-09-13 16:14 ABX, revision 41193

[ 1556353 ] [wxOS2] Change derivation to add wxGauge::Pulse

2006-09-13 16:06 ABX, revision 41192

Build fix.

2006-09-13 15:50 PC, revision 41191

don't include generic/statusbr.h directly

2006-09-13 14:23 BIW, revision 41190

got rid of some extra borders

2006-09-13 11:59 VZ, revision 41189

fix wxVsnprintf_ declaration for VC8

2006-09-13 11:44 VZ, revision 41188

document wxChildFocusEvent

2006-09-13 11:01 VS, revision 41187

wxTLW::DoRefreshRect must check the rect, too

2006-09-13 10:01 RR, revision 41186

Make wxGTK's wxScrolledWindow set m_x/xScrollLines to 0 if scrollbars disappear (instead of 1) as per wxMSW. Expose m_x/yScrollLines in public getters. Correct window origin for scrolled window in RTL.

2006-09-13 09:50 VS, revision 41185

corrected painting implementation for wxDFB

2006-09-13 01:31 RD, revision 41184

compile fix for Mac

2006-09-12 22:20 VZ, revision 41183

remove unneeded m_inputHandler initialization (already done in the base class ctor)

2006-09-12 21:06 RD, revision 41182


2006-09-12 21:05 RD, revision 41181

Updated the C++ code for wx.gizmos.TreeListCtrl from the wxCode project.

2006-09-12 18:45 RD, revision 41180

DisplayAvailable renamed

2006-09-12 17:18 PC, revision 41179

gtk_pizza_set_external is redundant

2006-09-12 17:09 PC, revision 41178

calling GtkPizza base class method on non-GtkPizza widget doesn't seem like such a good idea

2006-09-12 12:02 JS, revision 41177

Increased size slightly

2006-09-12 11:57 JS, revision 41176

Sometimes, m_x and m_y don't reflect the true position of the window, for example after using wxToolBar::AddControl. This change gets the actual position if necessary; it fixes a popup window positioning problem for combo controls on a toolbar.

2006-09-12 11:38 JS, revision 41175

Added pango_context_get_language to speed up pango_context_get_metrics

2006-09-12 10:19 JS, revision 41174

Style listbox now shows current style Added combo control for selecting styles Updated the sample to show the combo control

2006-09-12 09:57 RR, revision 41173

Reverse Left and Right meaning of keys.

2006-09-12 09:48 RR, revision 41172

More RTL fixes.

2006-09-12 09:26 VS, revision 41171

limit clipping to surface area

2006-09-12 09:12 RR, revision 41170

Add const to GetTargetSize()

2006-09-12 08:42 JS, revision 41169

Setting the current style from the UI is a mode that is cancelled when moving away from the current caret position. This must be done to avoid confusing default attributes and attributes at the current caret position, in normal use. Style feedback now correct when caret is at the start of a paragraph (don't use previous paragraph's style), and out-by-one style feedback bug fixed (start/end of styled content). Added ApplyStyle for applying a character or paragraph style. Some coding style cleanup.

2006-09-12 07:39 RR, revision 41168

RD forgot to add "Do"

2006-09-12 07:18 JS, revision 41167

Fixed flag setting omission that showed up as list problems in sample

2006-09-12 03:20 RD, revision 41166

more properties

2006-09-11 21:00 VS, revision 41165

fixed two typos: XLOG2DEV was used instead of YLOG2DEV

2006-09-11 17:50 RD, revision 41164

Use DoIsExposed for the virtual version of the method, so the wxPoint and wxRect versions don't get hidden in derived classes.

2006-09-11 16:54 RD, revision 41163

sync with CVS updates

2006-09-11 14:20 RR, revision 41162

Further RTL fixes.

2006-09-11 14:11 VZ, revision 41161

removed GTK header include

2006-09-11 14:07 VZ, revision 41160

compilation fix

2006-09-11 11:26 VS, revision 41159

implemented DrawPoint in terms of DrawLine (for now)

2006-09-11 11:13 VS, revision 41158

removed tabs and trailing whitespace

2006-09-11 11:08 VS, revision 41157

wxXML load/save improvements: added ability to not ignore whitespace and specify indentation level (patch #1541888)