

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2009-03-08 12:58 FM, revision 59433

add wxAppConsoleBase::DeletePendingEvents and wxEvtHandler::DeletePendingEvents. Fix wxAppConsoleBase::Suspend/ResumeProcessingOfPendingEvents: locking the mutex does not prevent wxAppConsoleBase::ProcessPendingEvents from running if the mutex was locked from the main thread!

2009-03-08 12:56 FM, revision 59432

document that locking a wxMutex or a wxCriticalSection twice from the same thread doesn't result in a deadlock

2009-03-08 12:08 FM, revision 59431

document wxProgressDialog::Update(maximumValue) behaviour and warn the user that it may generate unwanted re-entrancies because of wxDialog::ShowModal()

2009-03-08 12:05 FM, revision 59430

fix typo; distribute docs between Open() overloads for better rendering/better function descriptions

2009-03-08 11:34 JMS, revision 59429

Added support for 'AutoComplete' attribute, automatically used by any wxTextCtrl-based property editor

2009-03-08 11:04 JMS, revision 59428

Always reduce size of the last (instead of widest) wxPropertyGrid column when control's client size changes

2009-03-08 10:02 SC, revision 59427

letting the peer declare whether it wants to draw its borders itself (eg the search control has a round border on mac)

2009-03-08 06:42 KO, revision 59426

Fix double-click support for wxListBox (#10548)

2009-03-08 06:35 KO, revision 59425

Mac inherits the window variant setting on control creation, and thus on Mac this always asserts, so remove the assert to fix #10559.

2009-03-08 04:15 KO, revision 59424

Fixes needed to get transient popup windows working, also implement SetFont for OS X Cocoa for classes that support it.

2009-03-08 03:32 KO, revision 59423

Make sure the user can't select the text.

2009-03-07 23:37 VZ, revision 59422

detect adding too many items to a grid sizer sooner and don't crash if this happens

2009-03-07 19:36 VZ, revision 59421

support %l in wxDateTime::ParseFormat()

2009-03-07 16:07 VZ, revision 59420

optimize Replace() to use a linear algorithm (closes #9135)

2009-03-07 15:49 VZ, revision 59419

add wxUSE_CONFIG checks (see #10560)

2009-03-07 15:49 VZ, revision 59418

no changes, just remove an extra space (see #10560)

2009-03-07 15:39 VZ, revision 59417

replace wxGetMultipleChoices() with wxGetSelectedChoices() which allows to distinguish between cancelling the dialog and not selecting any items in it (closes #10057)

2009-03-07 15:28 VZ, revision 59416

correct size of extra controls in pixels to dialogs units correctly (see #9679)

2009-03-07 15:16 VZ, revision 59415

don't add the sash size to the best size if the window is not actually split (see #10533)

2009-03-07 15:10 VZ, revision 59414

also remove WXUNUSED_UNLESS_DEBUG to fix release build after t59404

2009-03-07 15:08 VZ, revision 59413

compilation fix: add missing header after r59404

2009-03-07 14:54 RR, revision 59412

wxMac requires UTF-8 for wxTextDataoObject

2009-03-07 14:37 VZ, revision 59411

store our styles in wxSpinCtrlGenericBase ctor (needed to make the changes of r59410 actually work, see #10557)

2009-03-07 14:27 VZ, revision 59410

support wxSP_WRAP in generic implementation (closes #10557)

2009-03-07 14:25 VZ, revision 59409

use wxLog::Log() instead of ugly cast