

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2006-10-30 10:19 VS, revision 42706

render scrollbar's thumb as stippled bar to distinguish it from controls

2006-10-30 10:11 JS, revision 42705

Call Update after user input to improve responsiveness

2006-10-30 09:37 JJ, revision 42704

Committing in . Update OpenVMS configuration files Modified Files: wxWidgets/setup.h_vms

2006-10-30 09:07 CE, revision 42703

add index and contents as per

2006-10-30 09:03 JS, revision 42702

Applied patch [ 1586964 ] Getting the PID of the process executed by wxProcess::Open() by Lauri Nurmi

2006-10-30 08:07 SN, revision 42701

Compilation fix for old GCC versions.

2006-10-30 07:16 JS, revision 42700

Improve the registry query for whether to show combobox animation or not WinCE compile fix

2006-10-30 07:12 JS, revision 42699

Focus event recursion fix

2006-10-30 07:04 JS, revision 42698

Don't use wstring for MinGW versions that don't support it

2006-10-30 04:36 KH, revision 42697

Non pre-comp compilation fix

2006-10-30 01:28 VZ, revision 42696

check that the cell using bool editor has a valid value (i.e. either true or false) (last nail in the coffin of the request 1557790)

2006-10-30 01:01 VZ, revision 42695

try http scheme if we can't find the default browser for the URL scheme (this is the case for file:// URLs for example) in wxLaunchDefaultBrowser()

2006-10-30 00:44 VZ, revision 42694

undid removal of implicit http: from wxLaunchDefaultBrowser() done in last revision as it's not supposed to work with local files by default (which should have file:// scheme (obviously)) but with URLs

2006-10-30 00:36 VZ, revision 42693

increment TEXTCTRLYADJUST_CLASSIC (patch 1586710)

2006-10-30 00:07 JS, revision 42692

Small updates

2006-10-29 23:57 SN, revision 42691

Renamed m_clientData member variable to avoid clash with variable with same name in wxEvtHandler which wxSimpleHtmlListBox derives from.

2006-10-29 23:42 VZ, revision 42690

Borland needs dummy return in wxSEH_HANDLE as well

2006-10-29 23:40 VZ, revision 42689

removed more unused variables (thanks Borland)

2006-10-29 23:38 VZ, revision 42688

removed unused variable (thanks Borland)

2006-10-29 23:35 VZ, revision 42687

commented out more unused code (bcc compilation warning)

2006-10-29 23:20 VZ, revision 42686

renamed OnLinkClicked() event handler to avoid hiding the virtual function with the same name

2006-10-29 23:16 VZ, revision 42685

set wxUSE_STD_STRING to 1 by default

2006-10-29 22:57 SN, revision 42684

Fixed typo.

2006-10-29 22:46 JS, revision 42683

Digital Mars needs CCS_RIGHT

2006-10-29 22:41 MW, revision 42682

Compile fix for no-pch.

2006-10-29 22:38 MW, revision 42681

Compile fix after GetC return type changed from char to int.

2006-10-29 22:33 MW, revision 42680

Compile fix for 64-bit.

2006-10-29 22:31 MW, revision 42679

Make m_typeflag an int.

2006-10-29 22:01 JS, revision 42678

Digital Mars doesn't like the identifiers being declared later

2006-10-29 21:55 JS, revision 42677

Digital Mars fixes

2006-10-29 21:49 VZ, revision 42676

escape special SQL chars in where clauses (patch 1204728)

2006-10-29 21:29 VZ, revision 42675

search in the index case-insensitively in FindPageByName() if all else fails (replaces patch 1227882)

2006-10-29 21:28 SC, revision 42674

minimize overlay area to avoid eg scrolling artifacts when using a caret

2006-10-29 21:13 VS, revision 42673

add events API to wxHtmlWindow (patch #1504493 by Francesco Montorsi)

2006-10-29 21:10 MW, revision 42672

Restore the final wildcard.

2006-10-29 21:10 VZ, revision 42671

avoid infinite recursion by not using GetMaxWidth/Height() from GetMaxSize() implementation

2006-10-29 21:09 VZ, revision 42670

mention wxTB_RIGHT patch

2006-10-29 21:01 SC, revision 42669

guarding against setting of NULL

2006-10-29 21:00 SC, revision 42668

applying correct offsets

2006-10-29 20:51 SC, revision 42667

remove unneeded code

2006-10-29 20:47 VZ, revision 42666

remove manual bitmap greying code with a call to wxImage::ConvertToGreyscale()

2006-10-29 20:44 CE, revision 42665

fix borland header difference

2006-10-29 20:39 VZ, revision 42664

don't override GetMinWidth/Height() which are non-virtual any more, override GetMinSize() instead

2006-10-29 20:39 PC, revision 42663

remove unnecessary casts

2006-10-29 20:38 VZ, revision 42662

return the results of GetMin/MaxSize() from GetMin/MaxWidth/Height(); fix warnings about unused parameters in DoSetSizeHints()

2006-10-29 20:37 PC, revision 42661

remove unneeded include

2006-10-29 20:36 PC, revision 42660

fix for Borland 5.5

2006-10-29 20:26 VZ, revision 42659

pass correct indicator pointer to SQLBindCol() (patch 1390059)

2006-10-29 20:26 VS, revision 42658

add events API to wxHtmlWindow (patch #1504493 by Francesco Montorsi)

2006-10-29 20:24 VZ, revision 42657

post WM_CLOSE instead of deleting the inplace edit control (second incarnation of the patch 1394785)