

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2002-10-28 19:42 VZ, revision 17640

support for tooltips longer than 80 characters

2002-10-28 15:23 CE, revision 17639

mdi GetActiveChild patch

2002-10-28 14:14 CE, revision 17638

documents CreateButtonSizer

2002-10-28 01:51 RR, revision 17637

Moved AA information to the right place.

2002-10-28 00:21 RR, revision 17636

Lots of minor GTK2 updates. Added wxFont SetNoAntiAliasing which cannot cause problems with existing apps since it doesn't changing the current style flags.

2002-10-27 16:29 CE, revision 17635
  • D /wxWidgets/branches/WX_2_4_BRANCH/src/msw/makeuniv.b32

makeuniv.b32 has escaped a previous purge

2002-10-26 21:25 VZ, revision 17634

draw the sashes without wxSP_3DSASH flag nicer

2002-10-26 21:11 VZ, revision 17633

fixed wxConfig::Read() return value (bug introduced by the last commit)

2002-10-26 20:18 VZ, revision 17632

clarified the return value of MB2WC/WC2MB

2002-10-25 21:10 VZ, revision 17631

fixed bug which prevented the env vars in wxConfig values from being expanded

2002-10-25 20:15 VZ, revision 17630

compilation fix for wxUniv (patch 628810)

2002-10-25 12:26 RL, revision 17629

Don't install duplicate image handlers.

2002-10-25 00:15 VZ, revision 17628

fix for conversion buffer size problems

2002-10-24 23:15 RR, revision 17627

Added GB2312, BIG5, EUC-JP and Shift-JIS encodings to known encodings so that message catalogs written in these encodings can be loaded. I did't find the code where I can specify that GB2312 is actually the same as the Windows code page.

2002-10-24 23:05 VZ, revision 17626

bumped up version to 2.3.4

2002-10-24 19:42 VS, revision 17625

reverted 'doesn't compile, let's remove it' fix for mingw32 compilation problem -- works now with a definition in missing.h

2002-10-24 19:13 SC, revision 17624

changed wxDisplaySize to return the entire size

2002-10-24 16:16 VZ, revision 17623

trying to keep the list of changes as brief as possible

2002-10-24 16:13 VZ, revision 17622

added SetToWeek() test

2002-10-24 16:11 VZ, revision 17621

fixed several bugs in wxDateTime week number calculations which required passing WeekFlags argument to more functions

2002-10-24 16:10 VS, revision 17620

Mingw compilation fix

2002-10-24 11:35 JS, revision 17619

MinGW fix for XP fix

2002-10-24 11:21 JS, revision 17618

Applied patch [ 623736 ] Build and use FL as DLL This patch allows FL to be build as a DLL with the VC project files, I was only able to at chief it with the VC projects because the make file for building libs doesn't have any rule to build DLLs (at least I didn't see how to do it). However the FL demo applications can be build using FL in DLL form with MSVC project files and VC make files (as mentioned before the FL DLL it self can only be build using VC projects). This patch includes 2 files; 1 to change current FL files to work in DLL form and 1 extra include file that needs to be added in the FL include directory. Small note: if you want to use FL as a DLL you need to use wxWin as a DLL. Thanks, Hans.

2002-10-24 11:06 JS, revision 17617

Applied patch [ 619424 ] texutils.cpp patch for !wxUSE_IOSTEAMH

2002-10-24 11:04 JS, revision 17616

Added note about wxSizer::Show and wxListCtrl crash fix

2002-10-24 11:01 JS, revision 17615

Applied patch [ 614042 ] Add wxSizer::Hide() & Show() By Carl Godkin Also documented wxSizer::Show.

2002-10-23 20:43 RD, revision 17614

Applied patch from Niki Spahiev

2002-10-23 17:32 RR, revision 17613

Lots of small changes to prevent glibc from crashing when converting ansi strings to unicode. After this, you can use and display east asian locales in wxGTK, which looks sorta funny...

2002-10-23 12:51 JS, revision 17612

Added FINAL=$(FINAL) to some BC++ makefile targets to make the sublibraries compile properly

2002-10-22 22:16 VZ, revision 17611

implemented GetTimes() for the directories

2002-10-22 21:38 JS, revision 17610

Patch [ 626532 ] Fix default item/tab traversal problem This patch fixes a problem that occurs when you have a panel containing controls inside a dialog/frame with a default item (i.e. default button). Currently, <Return/Enter> is processed incorreclty as a <tab> even if there is a default item in a parent. This patch causes a window not to handle the VK_RETURN key if it is not a top level window and doesn't have a default item of it's own. Derry Bryson

2002-10-22 21:34 JS, revision 17609

Applied patch [ 626545 ] Correct num bytes allocated for bitmap This corrects the calculation of the number of bytes to allocate for the bitmap in wxPrinterDC::DoDrawBitmap (). It was allocating more memory than necessary. By Derry Bryson

2002-10-22 18:21 VZ, revision 17608

updated Indonesian translations

2002-10-22 15:41 SC, revision 17607

changed notebook icon code to only trigger under 10.2 and later (it is not working/buggy under 10.1.X)

2002-10-22 15:38 SC, revision 17606

added system version getter

2002-10-22 07:11 JJ, revision 17605

Committing in . OpenVMS specific changes: setup.h_vms : updated configuration for OpenVMS threadspsx.cpp : the type long on OpenVMS is 32 bits. therefor some casts are changed to long long, for OpenVMS only. Modified Files: Tag: WX_2_4_BRANCH wxWindows/setup.h_vms wxWindows/src/unix/threadpsx.cpp ----------------------------------------------------------------------

2002-10-22 06:20 RD, revision 17604

SWIGged updates for wxMac

2002-10-22 05:07 RD, revision 17603

SWIGged update for wxGTK

2002-10-22 00:30 VZ, revision 17602

a hack to fix multiple problems with showing modal dialogs from OnIdle()

2002-10-21 22:19 RD, revision 17601

Allow WM_SYSKEYDOWN to still be processed by MSWDefWindowProc, even if it was handled by an event handler. This allows the magic Windows keys (such as Alt-space for the system menu, Alt or F10 to activate the menu bar, Alt-F4 to send WM_CLOSE, etc.) to still work properly.

2002-10-21 21:31 RD, revision 17600

Document major user visible changes Build and such for recent CVS updates

2002-10-21 21:29 RD, revision 17599

Changed how the images are encoding in, and have also checked in the images themselves. Also changed how it detects if the platform is wxGTK.

2002-10-21 21:13 RD, revision 17598

SWIGged code updates for wxMSW

2002-10-21 21:10 RD, revision 17597

Fixed wxSWIG so that it won't convert None to NULL for parameters that are C++ references, it still does for pointer parameters.

2002-10-21 21:08 RD, revision 17596

Added GetSelectedCells, GetSelectionBlockTopLeft, GetSelectionBlockBottomRight, GetSelectedRows, GetSelectedCols nethods to wxGrid.

2002-10-21 21:04 RD, revision 17595

Added Python == and != operators for some basic classes

2002-10-21 20:08 RD, revision 17594

Added wxRealPoint::operator!= for consistency

2002-10-21 13:34 JS, revision 17593

Removed tabs

2002-10-21 12:41 JS, revision 17592

Two fixes for wxListCtrl under XP. 1) Do not use lParam for LVN_HOTTRACK since this doesn't have valid data. 2) Check for item validity in HDN_GETDISPINFOW notification and return TRUE to stop further processing of this strange message.

2002-10-21 08:57 CE, revision 17591

fix for sourceforge bug report 625765

2002-10-20 22:17 VS, revision 17590

more compilation fixes (tex2rtf now builds again)

2002-10-20 21:45 VZ, revision 17589

show something in the summary when --enable-debug was explicitly given too

2002-10-20 18:21 RR, revision 17588

Added header filename to pragma.

2002-10-20 14:45 VZ, revision 17587

fixed (?) file format

2002-10-20 13:47 VS, revision 17586

fixed syntax errors in documentation (once again...)

2002-10-20 13:46 VS, revision 17585

use iso-8859-1 as default encoding

2002-10-20 13:46 VS, revision 17584

compilation fixes

2002-10-20 13:46 VS, revision 17583

compilation fix

2002-10-20 13:45 VS, revision 17582

don't use <font face> if not requested

2002-10-20 12:45 RR, revision 17581

Use UTF8 for writing file configuation data in Unicode mode. I assume that the registry also will use Unicode in Unicode mode.

2002-10-20 11:20 RR, revision 17580

Corrected GetCharWidth() and GetCharHeight()

2002-10-20 10:15 RR, revision 17579

New code for char and key events under GTK 2.0. This uses the built-in input method which is required even for getting European characters. Key down events probably don't work anymore. It is still impossible to receive Unicode characters due to the limitations of wxKeyEvent.

2002-10-20 10:12 RR, revision 17578

Corrected GetTextExtent() although I dont reall know what was wrong.

2002-10-20 10:10 RR, revision 17577

Don't use libc for converting the command line params to Unicode as it will crash.

2002-10-19 21:23 VZ, revision 17576

implemented missing wxNativeFontInfo methods

2002-10-19 13:24 VZ, revision 17575

added wxRB_SINGLE style as temp workaround for MSW native radiobutton bug

2002-10-18 20:54 VS, revision 17574

added wxScrolledWindow to XRC

2002-10-18 19:47 SC, revision 17573

added toggle support (and some corrections ;-)

2002-10-18 17:22 SC, revision 17572

notebook images support

2002-10-18 16:26 GD, revision 17571

corrected Mac OS X related configuration check (removed spurious if)

2002-10-18 08:48 SC, revision 17570

added proper accessor for getting region boundaries

2002-10-18 07:16 SC, revision 17569

key handler does not interfere with menuevent keystrokes

2002-10-18 06:48 SC, revision 17568

bracketed fstream include

2002-10-18 06:24 RD, revision 17567

SWIGged updates for wxMac

2002-10-18 05:11 RD, revision 17566

Use true reference counting with wxMemoryBuffer

2002-10-17 22:07 VS, revision 17565

wxCheckBox and wxCheckList docs

2002-10-17 20:40 SC, revision 17564

turned off several branches for cursor setting idle code, I'll have to turn on some of them

2002-10-17 20:38 SC, revision 17563

picture support on tabs

2002-10-17 20:34 SC, revision 17562

changed code for better debugging

2002-10-17 20:32 SC, revision 17561

pict generation code takes into account mask, getting rid of a memory leak

2002-10-17 20:30 SC, revision 17560

attempt to keep the number of control updates lower during idle times

2002-10-17 19:58 VZ, revision 17559

added Indonesian translation

2002-10-17 19:20 GD, revision 17558

Under Mac OS X, when building non bundle applications, resources are bundled both with shared library and applications since the carb resource *must* be included in the application in order for it to be recognized as a Carbon application

2002-10-17 18:49 ROL, revision 17557

Notes about 0.0.8-1.

2002-10-17 18:41 ROL, revision 17556

Using MyDocument objects for writing XML (myxml module). Added new controls. Panel.OnCut code is merged with Panel.OnDelete to Panel.OnCutDelete. Encoding support (beta). Moved "del conf" line from App class to main function - for some weird reason it doesn't work in App.

2002-10-17 18:37 ROL, revision 17555

Updated control parameters for wxDialog, wxGauge, wxSpinButton. Implemented wxSpinCtrl, wxGenericDirCtrl, wxUnknown. Added encoding support and new classes xxxEncoding, xxxMainNode (represents Document object). etc.

2002-10-17 18:37 RD, revision 17554

wxFAIL used wxFalse in its message like '"wxFalse" failed' which doesn't make much sense... So I changed the token passed to wxASSERT to "wxAssertFailure" to try and make it a little better.

2002-10-17 18:33 ROL, revision 17553

Customised XML writing - include encoding header attribute

2002-10-17 18:23 RD, revision 17552

Fix a couple asserts so they won't deref NULL pointers if that's what was passed in.

2002-10-17 18:02 VZ, revision 17551

added include wx/defs.h

2002-10-17 16:43 VZ, revision 17550

fixes for gcc 3.x -Wshadow warnings

2002-10-17 16:38 VZ, revision 17549

gcc 3.x -Wshadow warning fix

2002-10-17 16:32 VZ, revision 17548

compilation fix (missing header)

2002-10-17 16:30 VZ, revision 17547

added wxLongLongSuffix and wxLongLongFmtSpec for CW

2002-10-16 23:24 RD, revision 17546

SWIGged updates for wxGTK

2002-10-16 22:51 RD, revision 17545

Various changes to reflect current CVS. Added a separate wxRadioButton demo. Various tweaks.

2002-10-16 22:48 RD, revision 17544

Reverted last change. The page size must be set when it is added in case the notebook has already been sized by the time the new page is added.

2002-10-16 22:46 RD, revision 17543

FileExists --> wxFileExists

2002-10-16 22:43 VZ, revision 17542

Mac compilation warning fixes

2002-10-15 22:46 VS, revision 17541

fix binary incompatiblities in wxHtmlHelpController's cached data bytestream