

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2009-06-28 18:22 VZ, revision 61233

compilation fix after r61232

2009-06-28 18:14 VZ, revision 61232

always use wxBU_NOTEXT and wxBU_EXACTFIT for wxBitmapButton under all platforms (which required some refactoring) (hopefully really closes #10927)

2009-06-28 17:56 MJM, revision 61231

Implement drag handling for notebook tabs, it is now possible to drag a tab off a notebook and have it turn into a floating pane, it is not yet possible to drop panes back into the notebook though. Fixed a bug in previous commit that broke handling of close buttons for normal docked panes.

2009-06-28 12:44 MJM, revision 61230

Implement handling for notebook pulldown list.

2009-06-28 12:15 MJM, revision 61229

Fix problem that was causing the incorrect pane to be closed when pushing the close button on a notebook.

2009-06-28 12:05 MJM, revision 61228

Implement proper changing of page in notebook controls. Implement handler for notebook buttons, closing of notebook pages now works as well as changing of selection via right arrow buttons(left arrow button is implemented but is currently permanently greyed out) The current implementation is currently a bit hacky due to differences in how wxAuiTabContainer and wxAuiManager store buttons, this hack is temporary while other things are being implemented and should eventually fall away once wxAuiTabContainer is changed to work in a more compatible way with wxAuiManager

2009-06-28 11:59 MJM, revision 61227

Fix wxAuiTabContainer::ButtonHitTest so that it remaps x and y values to the internal rect, otherwise it won't function correctly. Change wxAuiTabContainer::SetActivePage to Hide/Show the actual windows.

2009-06-28 11:56 MJM, revision 61226

Refactor wxAuiTabContainer to work with pointers to panes instead of copying the panes, otherwise changes in the tab container don't reflect inside the main aui manager and changes of selection are lost when doing a resize etc. Replace some tab characters white spaces.

2009-06-28 09:13 MJM, revision 61225

Fix wxAuiTabContainer::TabHitTest so that it remaps x and y values to the internal rect, otherwise it won't function correctly. Start implementing OnLeftDown handler for wxAuiDockUIPart::typePaneTab, notebooks now change page correctly when tabs are selected.

2009-06-28 01:11 BBE, revision 61224

Configure updated itself.

2009-06-28 00:41 BBE, revision 61223

Converted accidental tabs => spaces

2009-06-28 00:32 BBE, revision 61222

Completed inotify file system watcher implementation. Update of build files to search for sys/inotify.h File system watcher test cleaned and improved.

2009-06-28 00:22 VZ, revision 61221

set the initial size of bitmap buttons correctly again after it was broken by r61081 (closes #10927)

2009-06-28 00:11 VZ, revision 61220

check whether we show bitmaps at all in GTKUpdateBitmap() (closes #10933)

2009-06-28 00:02 VZ, revision 61219

use the top level window parent as argument to gtk_window_set_transient_for() to fix GTK errors/crashes (closes #10929)

2009-06-27 23:35 VZ, revision 61218

correct an example which had no chance of working

2009-06-27 22:20 MJM, revision 61217

Implement layout code inside LayoutAddDock to handle notebooks when inside a fixed dock. Modify code inside LayoutAll so that panes with identical position remain identical instead of being assigned different positions.(Necessary for notebooks to be formed)

2009-06-27 19:47 MJM, revision 61216

Implement layout code inside LayoutAddDock to handle notebooks when inside a dock, currently only for non fixed docks not yet for fixed docks. Notebooks are now correctly formed but don't actually work in any way yet(None of the buttons do anything, can't drag etc..) Add a destructor to wxAuiDockUIPart so that we don't leak tab containers.

2009-06-27 17:14 MJM, revision 61215

Add a second wxRect member to wxAuiTabContainer so that the rect on the internal dc and the rect on the raw dc no longer get confused, change parts of code to use new rect member which fixes problems with drawing that were appearing.

2009-06-27 14:31 JS, revision 61214

Fix for toolbar commands not working

2009-06-27 14:31 JS, revision 61213

Fix for toolbar commands not working

2009-06-27 13:20 MJM, revision 61212

Move call to LayoutAll again, the place it was moved to in the last commit was not correct. Minor tab correction.

2009-06-27 12:05 MJM, revision 61211

Change the position of the call to LayoutAll so that it occurs after the hiding/showing of panes, this is necessary as LayoutAll will need to hide those panes that are in a notebook but not the currently active pane in that notebook.

2009-06-27 11:58 MJM, revision 61210

Add code to OnRender to draw tab parts.

2009-06-27 11:31 MJM, revision 61209

Add new state "optionActiveNotebook" to wxAuiPaneInfo