

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2009-07-12 02:21 VZ, revision 61408

correct translation of "in." (Isaac Marino Bavaresco)

2009-07-11 23:15 VZ, revision 61407

compilation fix after last commit

2009-07-11 22:46 VZ, revision 61406

Added wxThread::GetMainId(). This is useful for checking if a message was logged from the main thread or not and also allows us to implement IsMain() by comparing GetCurrentId() with GetMainId() in all ports and avoid repetition.

2009-07-11 10:16 JMS, revision 61405

Added named section 'Property development funcions'

2009-07-11 09:59 JMS, revision 61404

Added wxPropertyGrid::WasValueChangedInEvent(), added code to avoid showing colour picker dialog twice when 'Custom' colour was picked from drop-down list

2009-07-11 09:29 JMS, revision 61403

Fixed 'Custom' entry in the colour property combo boxes

2009-07-11 09:08 JMS, revision 61402

Made sorting case-insensitive (to match wxComboBox behavior, backported from SVN trunk)

2009-07-11 09:01 JMS, revision 61401

Made sorting case-insensitive (to match wxComboBox) and fixed sorting in general for combo box classes inheriting from wxOwnerDrawnComboBox

2009-07-11 01:19 PJC, revision 61398

Implemented most of remaining code for minimising ribbon panels and externally expanding them (though not yet perfect). Added minimised icons to panels which minimise in ribbon sample. Minor reworking of some images in ribbon sample.

2009-07-10 22:48 VZ, revision 61384

fix harmless warnings about uninitialized (not really) variables in MSVC release build

2009-07-10 21:19 SC, revision 61383

adapting to widgetimpl extensions and iPhone OS 3.0

2009-07-10 19:56 SC, revision 61382

updating conditions for OSX

2009-07-10 19:53 SC, revision 61381

adding #ifs for reflecting existing controls, fixing #ifdefs

2009-07-10 19:46 SC, revision 61380

adapting init sequence for different osx platforms

2009-07-10 19:41 SC, revision 61379

committing current iphone state

2009-07-10 19:38 SC, revision 61378

guarding for scrollbar use

2009-07-10 19:33 SC, revision 61377

iPhone bitmap support

2009-07-10 19:31 SC, revision 61376

more iPhone types

2009-07-10 19:29 SC, revision 61375

correcting to ifdef to if

2009-07-10 19:28 SC, revision 61374

guarding scrollbar

2009-07-10 18:23 BBE, revision 61373

Removed unnecessary '*' to align the documentation with wxWidgets style

2009-07-10 16:50 JMS, revision 61372

Do not disable some useful buttons when wxCB_SORT style is used in wxBitmapComboBox sample

2009-07-10 16:47 JMS, revision 61371

Fixed wxCB_SORT for wxMSW and generic wxBitmapComboBox

2009-07-10 16:26 SC, revision 61370

backport of r61369

2009-07-10 16:24 SC, revision 61369

supporting SetFont(wxNullFont), fixes #10980