

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2014-04-28 00:39 VZ, revision 76406

Remove Windows version check from wxMBConv_win32. We don't support systems predating Windows 2000 SP4 any more, so there is no need to check for them. This also allows to get rid of the code checking for conversion correctness. Also remove the broken URLs from the comments, they didn't contain any particularly useful information anyhow.

2014-04-28 00:39 VZ, revision 76405

Fix precision in wxGraphicsContext::{Stroke,Draw}Lines() under MSW. Use floating point coordinates instead of ints which were used for some reason, resulting in a loss of precision. Closes #16187.

2014-04-28 00:38 VZ, revision 76404

Bring wxMSW wxBitmap::SetBitmapXXX(wxBitmap()) in line with wxGTK. Remove or reset the corresponding bitmap if the provided one is invalid instead of asserting, this is what wxGTK does and this behaviour seems to be more useful. Also document this behaviour as it's now implemented in both wxMSW and wxGTK. Closes #13569.

2014-04-28 00:38 VZ, revision 76403

Make wxMSW wxTextCtrl::AdjustSpaceLimit() safe to call in all cases. Allow calling this function not only from inside DoWriteText(): first, because the existing code could be doing this (although this is only a concern in 3.0 branch as it was made private in the trunk) and second because it could actually happen if the text limit was exceeded by user typing in the control. See #15980.

2014-04-28 00:38 VZ, revision 76402

Don't call AdjustSpaceLimit() explicitly in wxMSW wxTextCtrl any more. There is no need to do it as this is done by DoWriteText() and AdjustSpaceLimit() doesn't work correctly if called from outside of it now. Because of this, also make it private to prevent other accidental calls to it. Closes #15980.

2014-04-28 00:38 VZ, revision 76401

Suppress warnings about using _set_se_translator() for MSVC 12 too. We did it up to MSVC 11 but this still seems to work just fine without /EHa with MSVC 12 too, so relax the version check to allow it to pass.

2014-04-28 00:38 VZ, revision 76400

Get rid of deprecated warnings for ::GetVersionEx(). This does not solve the actual problem of this function not returning the correct value for Windows 8+ any more, but at least allows to compile the library without warnings with MSVC 12 and later.

2014-04-26 19:36 SC, revision 76399

adding wxFALLTHROUGH where until now we had comments, allows for code-analysis support

2014-04-26 19:11 PC, revision 76398

Delay GtkIMContext calls until widget is realized. This may avoid a locking bug seen on Ubuntu which causes a deadlock. See #16202

2014-04-25 23:03 SC, revision 76397

backport, get rid of performance warnings "For best performance, only use PostScript names when calling this API", see #15999

2014-04-25 16:35 SC, revision 76396

backport, get rid of performance warnings "For best performance, only use PostScript names when calling this API", see #15999

2014-04-25 15:02 SC, revision 76395

backport, add our own Apple Event handler for the quit app event, see #16200

2014-04-25 01:25 DS, revision 76394

Fixed wxFileDialog::MSWOnInitDone and wxFileDialog::MSWOnSelChange never being called. A condition was checking for the wrong CDN_XXX message range resulting in CDN_INITDONE and CDN_SELCHANGE no longer being processed. Broken since r75937 (branches/WX_3_0_BRANCH/) and r75941 (trunk/). See #16003.

2014-04-23 15:40 SC, revision 76393

in order to get rid of the warnings completely use the former font descriptor creation sequence and cache the result immediately, fixes #15999

2014-04-22 23:21 SC, revision 76392

add our own Apple Event handler for the quit app event, fixes #16200

2014-04-22 20:20 SC, revision 76391

The Human Interface Guidelines recommend using NSSmallSquareBezelStyle now

2014-04-22 18:27 JS, revision 76390

Added wxRichTextCtrl::DoLayoutBuffer so an application can perform custom tasks before or after layout.

2014-04-22 18:25 JS, revision 76389

Draw an unknown field using a fallback field type, so it's not invisible.

2014-04-22 18:24 JS, revision 76388

Don't Sync() if there is no buffer. This allows derived classes that handle the buffer differently (e.g. reuse the buffer).

2014-04-22 18:24 JS, revision 76387

Don't Sync() if there is no buffer. This allows derived classes that handle the buffer differently (e.g. reuse the buffer).

2014-04-22 18:23 JS, revision 76386

Don't Sync() if there is no buffer. This allows derived classes that handle the buffer differently (e.g. reuse the buffer).

2014-04-21 20:56 SC, revision 76385

removes zlib link statement from static builds, closes #16192

2014-04-21 20:52 SC, revision 76384

recreated project files, see #16192

2014-04-21 20:37 SC, revision 76383

adding built-in zlib sources, see #16192

2014-04-21 20:31 SC, revision 76382

adapting xcode build templates and config file to built-in zlib sources, see #16192

2014-04-20 14:45 VZ, revision 76380

Add wxGraphicsRenderer::GetName() and GetVersion() methods. Allow the code to determine which underlying technology is used for implementing wxGraphics API. This is needed by the unit tests to account for the known differences between platforms and may be useful in other cases. Closes #16154.

2014-04-20 14:44 VZ, revision 76379

Handle wxLANGUAGE_CAMBODIAN correctly in the generation script. Fix wxLANGUAGE_CAMBODIAN definition in autogenerated code, this was already done manually in r76368 but these changes would have been lost after the next generation, so update the script itself to generate them. Closes #16183.

2014-04-20 14:44 VZ, revision 76378

Fix the addition of Kabyle language. Data for this language was added manually in r75752, which meant that it was going to be lost after the next regeneration of the automatically generated files. Add it properly, by updating misc/language/langtabl.txt now.

2014-04-20 13:44 VZ, revision 76377

Italian translations update from bovirus.

2014-04-20 13:42 VZ, revision 76376

Aragonese translations update from Jorge Pérez Pérez.

2014-04-19 00:40 SN, revision 76368

Fixed wxLANGUAGE_USER_DEFINED, which is supposed to be the last element of the enum, but as such must still be given, before messing with the automatic internal counter of enum by defining synonyms. Fixes #16183.

2014-04-18 04:30 PC, revision 76367

fix building or running on GTK < 2.14 after r76365

2014-04-18 04:28 PC, revision 76366

remove wxOVERRIDE, forgot that it's trunk only

2014-04-17 19:36 PC, revision 76365

Add a separate GTK-specific wxDisplay implementation. This separates the GTK implementation from Unix/X11, except for the wxVideoMode stuff, and _NET_WORKAREA when GTK < 3.4. wxDisplay and wxClientDisplayRect() should now work as well as they can with Wayland.

2014-04-17 18:15 PC, revision 76364

allow using wxEventLoopGuarantor when wxUSE_GUI==1 fixes wxOSX-Cocoa build when wxUSE_CONSOLE_EVENTLOOP==0 closes #14980

2014-04-17 17:21 PC, revision 76363

use correct signature for callback

2014-04-17 08:22 PC, revision 76362

use a prefix match for interactive search having to type in the whole string to get a match is worthless

2014-04-17 08:09 PC, revision 76361

Avoid assertion failure when GtkTreeView interactive search is started. The treeview does an unselect_all causing a "changed" signal with no selection. The problem is easily triggered by pressing Ctrl-F (the "start-interactive-search" key binding)

2014-04-16 18:41 VS, revision 76359

Initialize wxFileDialog::m_filter{Panel,Choice} in ctor.

2014-04-16 18:41 VS, revision 76358

Initialize wxFileDialog::m_filter{Panel,Choice} in ctor.

2014-04-15 19:39 PC, revision 76354

remove extraneous semicolons

2014-04-15 19:23 PC, revision 76353

don't use Cairo functions when wxUSE_CAIRO==0

2014-04-15 18:16 PC, revision 76352

wxASSERT(false) --> wxFAIL

2014-04-15 18:16 PC, revision 76351

initialize members in ctor, avoid int-to-bool warnings

2014-04-15 18:16 PC, revision 76350

avoid unused variable warning with wxUSE_VALIDATORS==0

2014-04-15 18:07 PC, revision 76349

use gtk_window_set_opacity() in SetTransparent() when GTK >= 2.12

2014-04-15 17:46 PC, revision 76348

fix wxClientDisplayRect() when wxUSE_DISPLAY==0 GDK_WINDOWING_X11 was not getting defined, causing hard coded size to be used

2014-04-14 05:36 RD, revision 76343

Update how the docset is generated. Use a more human-friendly name, put the files in doxygen/out/docset instead of in html, etc.

2014-04-14 05:36 RD, revision 76342

Avoid possible infinite recursion

2014-04-14 05:36 RD, revision 76341

Add the CellHighlight getters too.

2014-04-14 05:36 RD, revision 76340

Add some missing wxGrid methods

2014-04-14 05:24 RD, revision 76332

Add the CellHighlight getters too.

2014-04-14 05:24 RD, revision 76331

Avoid possible infinite recursion

2014-04-14 05:24 RD, revision 76330

Add some missing wxGrid methods

2014-04-14 05:24 RD, revision 76329

Update how the docset is generated. Use a more human-friendly name, put the files in doxygen/out/docset instead of in html, etc.

2014-04-14 00:07 VZ, revision 76328

Use wxWS_EX_VALIDATE_RECURSIVELY in native Cocoa wxPreferencesEditor too. Transfer data recursively for consistency with the generic implementation and because this generally just makes more sense.

2014-04-14 00:07 VZ, revision 76327

Use wxWS_EX_VALIDATE_RECURSIVELY in native Cocoa wxPreferencesEditor too. Transfer data recursively for consistency with the generic implementation and because this generally just makes more sense.

2014-04-13 02:00 VZ, revision 76326

Disable TextCtrlTestCase::LongText() for non-MSW platforms. At least under GTK SetMaxLength(), tested by this test, can't be used with multiline text controls at all, so running it fails. Keep the test for MSW only where SetMaxLength() works with controls of all kinds.

2014-04-13 00:56 VZ, revision 76325

Add error handling to wxSound under wxOSX. Don't assume that we can open any file as a sound, check for the return value from AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID().

2014-04-13 00:56 VZ, revision 76324

Don't use timer inside wxSound in wxOSX/Cocoa. The timer is only used by Carbon code, there is no need for it in Cocoa, so don't complicate things by starting it unnecessarily.

2014-04-13 00:56 VZ, revision 76323

Fix crash when playing invalid sounds under wxOSX. Sound ID 0 is not actually invalid, it is returned by AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID() when it fails to open the file and currently we don't consider this to be an error. However, because we never called AudioServicesDisposeSystemSoundID() for this sound ID, we continued to receive the notifications from the callback registered by AudioServicesAddSystemSoundCompletion() for it even after the corresponding sound object was destroyed, resulting in crashes when playing it more than once. Fix this by keeping a separate flag indicating whether we're playing a sound and always disposing of the sound if we are, even if ID is 0.

2014-04-13 00:56 VZ, revision 76322

Call wxDataViewRenderer::Validate() under OS X too. Ensure that the custom renderers get a chance to validate (and maybe change) the value entered by user, as previously it was completely impossible with the native OS X implementation of wxDataViewCtrl.

2014-04-13 00:54 VZ, revision 76321

Fix crash when playing invalid sounds under wxOSX. Sound ID 0 is not actually invalid, it is returned by AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID() when it fails to open the file and currently we don't consider this to be an error. However, because we never called AudioServicesDisposeSystemSoundID() for this sound ID, we continued to receive the notifications from the callback registered by AudioServicesAddSystemSoundCompletion() for it even after the corresponding sound object was destroyed, resulting in crashes when playing it more than once. Fix this by keeping a separate flag indicating whether we're playing a sound and always disposing of the sound if we are, even if ID is 0.

2014-04-13 00:54 VZ, revision 76320

Call wxDataViewRenderer::Validate() under OS X too. Ensure that the custom renderers get a chance to validate (and maybe change) the value entered by user, as previously it was completely impossible with the native OS X implementation of wxDataViewCtrl.

2014-04-13 00:54 VZ, revision 76319

Avoid selecting invalid tab when removing last page from wxOSX wxNotebook. Closes #15897 (backport of r75663 from trunk).

2014-04-12 17:42 PC, revision 76318

make validator pointer const

2014-04-12 02:11 VZ, revision 76317

Compilation fix for MinGW in GDI+ code. Don't use the XXXModeInvalid constants which are missing from MinGW headers for some reason.

2014-04-12 02:10 VZ, revision 76316

Use the same wxWeakRef implementation for complete and incomplete classes. This fixes an ODR violation which could arise if wxWeakRef<T> was seen both when T was an incomplete (e.g. just forward-defined) class and when it was complete. As different implementations, with different binary layouts, were used in these two cases, this resulted in fatal run-time problems. Fix this by always using the slightly less efficient (because storing an extra pointer) but simpler and safe "dynamic" wxWeakRef implementation. Also get rid of checks for the ancient compilers such as VC6 and g++ < 3.3, they are not supported any longer. Closes #15884.

2014-04-11 19:49 VZ, revision 76315

Restore correct handling of wxDocument::OnCreate() error return value. The changes of r74515 didn't quite restore the old behaviour, the document was still not being cleaned up if its OnCreate() simply returned false and not threw an exception. Do add cleanup in this code branch too, just duplicating what we in case of exception (this duplication can't be easily avoided unfortunately). This backports changes of r75646 from trunk, see #15883.

2014-04-11 18:04 PC, revision 76314

build fix for wxUSE_VALIDATORS==0 when NULL is defined to be nullptr casting nullptr is not allowed

2014-04-11 17:53 PC, revision 76313

build fix for wxUSE_VALIDATORS==0

2014-04-11 13:48 VZ, revision 76312

Fixes to the previous Nepalese translation update.

2014-04-11 06:48 PC, revision 76311

build fix for wxUSE_TOGGLEBTN==0

2014-04-11 06:48 PC, revision 76310

build fix for wxUSE_DRAG_AND_DROP==0

2014-04-11 06:48 PC, revision 76309

build fix for wxUSE_THREADS==0

2014-04-10 17:57 PC, revision 76308

fix invisible multi-line wxTextCtrl selection when custom foreground/background color is used with GTK3 closes #16176

2014-04-09 06:41 PC, revision 76307

fix invisible wxTextCtrl selection when custom foreground/background color is used with GTK3 closes #16176

2014-04-08 23:38 VZ, revision 76306

Nepalese translations update from Him Prasad Gautam.

2014-04-08 23:38 VZ, revision 76305

Don't set wxINTERPOLATION_GOOD quality by default in wxGDIPlusContext. This is inconsistent with wxOSX and also doesn't play well with the existence of wxINTERPOLATION_DEFAULT which is different from wxINTERPOLATION_GOOD. See #14134.

2014-04-08 23:31 VZ, revision 76304

Document unexpected default wxGraphicsContext interpolation quality. In 3.0, keep wxINTERPOLATION_GOOD as the default value instead of wxINTERPOLATION_DEFAULT for compatibility, but at least mention this and warn about the changes in 3.1. See #14134.

2014-04-08 23:23 VZ, revision 76303

Fix mouse events after calling WarpPointer() under OS X. See #16169.

2014-04-08 11:14 SC, revision 76302

fixes #16169

2014-04-07 22:34 VZ, revision 76301

Remove "default" clause from enums in wxGDIPlusContext code. This will allow the compiler to give us a warning if more elements are added to the enum later but not added to the switch. Also add error checking to Graphics::SetSmoothingMode() call.

2014-04-07 22:34 VZ, revision 76300

Fix mismatch between GDI+ and wxGraphicsContext interpolation quality. Use wxGDIPlusContext own method instead of using GDI+ method directly when setting the interpolation mode in wxGDIPlusContext initialization code to ensure that m_interpolation field matches the real interpolation mode used.

2014-04-07 22:34 VZ, revision 76299

Initialize wxGraphicsContext::m_interpolation field. This member wwas never initialized, resulting in erratic behaviour of SetInterpolationQuality() which compared its parameter with m_interpolation.

2014-04-07 22:29 VZ, revision 76298

Fix mismatch between GDI+ and wxGraphicsContext interpolation quality. Use wxGDIPlusContext own method instead of using GDI+ method directly when setting the interpolation mode in wxGDIPlusContext initialization code to ensure that m_interpolation field matches the real interpolation mode used.

2014-04-07 22:29 VZ, revision 76297

Initialize wxGraphicsContext::m_interpolation field. This member wwas never initialized, resulting in erratic behaviour of SetInterpolationQuality() which compared its parameter with m_interpolation.

2014-04-07 19:16 PC, revision 76296

update comment for wxBG_STYLE_TRANSPARENT

2014-04-07 19:15 PC, revision 76295

fix transparent window example wxBG_STYLE_TRANSPARENT can only be set before window creation. closes #16161

2014-04-07 18:23 JS, revision 76294

Object position calculation correction

2014-04-06 21:33 PC, revision 76293

avoid warnings about double-to-float conversion

2014-04-06 21:30 PC, revision 76292

avoid warning about shadowed variable

2014-04-06 21:28 PC, revision 76291

cast to proper type to avoid warning

2014-04-06 21:27 PC, revision 76290

remove unused macro definition

2014-04-06 21:27 PC, revision 76289

avoid warning about unreachable code

2014-04-05 19:13 PC, revision 76288

avoid double-to-float conversion warnings in headers

2014-04-05 12:44 VZ, revision 76287

Don't use %i format specifier for size_t values. In 64 bit build, size_t can be 64 bits while %i expects a 32 bit value. Fix this by just avoiding the unnecessary use of size_t, the number of entries in the index is not going to be greater than 2^32. Closes #16163.

2014-04-05 12:44 VZ, revision 76286

Fix warning about %lu being used with an int in 32 bit wxOSX build. NSUInteger is unsigned long in 64 bit builds, but unsigned int in 32 bits, so case it to long explicitly to avoid warnings about using it with %lu format specifier.

2014-04-05 12:44 VZ, revision 76285

Don't use %i format specifier for size_t values. In 64 bit build, size_t can be 64 bits while %i expects a 32 bit value. Fix this by just avoiding the unnecessary use of size_t, the number of entries in the index is not going to be greater than 2^32. Closes #16163.

2014-04-05 12:44 VZ, revision 76284

Fix warning about %lu being used with an int in 32 bit wxOSX build. NSUInteger is unsigned long in 64 bit builds, but unsigned int in 32 bits, so case it to long explicitly to avoid warnings about using it with %lu format specifier.

2014-04-04 20:32 VZ, revision 76283

Remove unused variables from wxRichTextListStylePage code. This avoids warnings about them.

2014-04-04 18:55 PC, revision 76282

avoid preprocessor directives inside macro invocation

2014-04-04 18:46 PC, revision 76281

remove unused member functions

2014-04-04 18:44 PC, revision 76280

remove unused macro definitions and limit others to the configurations which use them

2014-04-04 18:00 PC, revision 76279

assertion messages don't need to be translated

2014-04-04 17:56 PC, revision 76278

remove redundant assertion messages, wxLogError has already been called

2014-04-04 17:28 VZ, revision 76277

Add more precise wxRibbonBar::ShowPanels() overload. The existing overload taking bool didn't allow to specify whether the panel should be just expanded or expanded and pinned, add a new one supporting this. Also fix a bug with not updating the ribbon state in the old method. Closes #16133.

2014-04-04 17:28 VZ, revision 76276

Turkish translation update from Hakki Dogusan.

2014-04-04 17:28 VZ, revision 76275

Document wxRibbonDisplayMode enum. See #16133.

2014-04-04 17:28 VZ, revision 76274

Document wxRibbonDisplayMode enum. See #16133.

2014-04-04 17:26 PC, revision 76273

fix typo in size 2530 --> 3530

2014-04-04 17:09 PC, revision 76272

fix some asserts that were clearly meant to be wxFAIL_MSG

2014-04-04 08:45 PC, revision 76271

fix more memory leaks

2014-04-04 08:41 PC, revision 76270

Improve conversion between wxPaperSize and GtkPaperSize Eliminates many "Gtk-WARNING **: Unknown paper size", and the occasional "GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_unref: assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed". And fixes approximately one zillion memory leaks.

2014-04-04 08:36 PC, revision 76269

fix missing semicolon typo

2014-04-04 08:05 PC, revision 76268

Improve conversion between wxPaperSize and GtkPaperSize by using a table to map the screwy Windows DMPAPER_* stuff, which wxWidgets stupidly uses. Eliminates many "Gtk-WARNING **: Unknown paper size", and the occasional "GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_unref: assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed". And fixes approximately one zillion memory leaks.

2014-04-03 15:54 JS, revision 76267

Removed unnecessary list renumbering

2014-04-03 15:53 JS, revision 76266

Removed unnecessary list renumbering

2014-04-03 15:53 JS, revision 76265

Removed unnecessary list renumbering

2014-04-03 03:40 RD, revision 76264

working version of the trac hooks

2014-04-03 03:28 RD, revision 76263

Yet another test commit. Closes #16155

2014-04-03 03:08 RD, revision 76262

Yet another test commit. Closes #16155

2014-04-03 01:59 RD, revision 76261

Another test commit. Closes #16155

2014-04-03 01:51 RD, revision 76260

Another test commit. Closes #16155

2014-04-03 01:35 RD, revision 76259

Another test commit. Closes #16155

2014-04-03 01:26 RD, revision 76258

Update svn hooks. Closes #16155

2014-04-03 00:39 VZ, revision 76257

Fix return value of wxRichMessageDialog with only an "OK" button. Apply the same workaround as was applied in r67771 to wxMessageDialog to wxRichMessageDialog and map IDCANCEL returned from it to IDOK if "Cancel" is the only button in the dialog -- as in this case it's really just a renamed (for convenience of allowing the user to use "Esc" to close it) "OK". Closes #16153.

2014-04-03 00:39 VZ, revision 76256

Show the result of closing rich message box in the sample. Improve showing the button which closed the message box by doing it inside the dialog used for testing it instead of popping up a separate message box just for this. And do the same thing for rich message boxes as for the normal ones. See #16153.

2014-04-03 00:39 VZ, revision 76255

Decrease the size of the message box test dialog in the sample. This dialog was getting too tall, especially in the rich message boxes case, so reduce its vertical size. Also centre it on screen to prevent it from being displayed partially off it because contents was added to the dialog after creating it.

2014-04-03 00:38 VZ, revision 76254

Fix return value of wxRichMessageDialog with only an "OK" button. Apply the same workaround as was applied in r67771 to wxMessageDialog to wxRichMessageDialog and map IDCANCEL returned from it to IDOK if "Cancel" is the only button in the dialog -- as in this case it's really just a renamed (for convenience of allowing the user to use "Esc" to close it) "OK". Closes #16153.

2014-04-02 00:49 VZ, revision 76253

Don't build the drawing test in GUI-less builds. This test requires GUI parts. Closes #16145.

2014-04-01 19:45 PC, revision 76252

Fix invalid use of g_object_get_property()

2014-04-01 14:46 VZ, revision 76251

Fix recently introduced assert when using owner drawn items in wxMSW. Relax the check added in r76202, the item might not be added to its parent menu yet even if the menu is not NULL. See #13878.

2014-04-01 11:02 JJ, revision 76250

Update OpenVMS compile support

2014-04-01 10:56 JJ, revision 76249

OpenVMS (Alpha only) uses != operator in std::find ->needs operator defenition

2014-03-31 21:42 SC, revision 76248

fixing missing wxON_BLOCK_EXIT_OBJ1 error on gtk build

2014-03-31 20:28 SC, revision 76247

extra semicolon

2014-03-31 20:28 SC, revision 76246

testing whether this helps getting the drawing testsuite to build

2014-03-31 18:46 JS, revision 76245

Use style sheet when copying to the clipboard if available

2014-03-31 18:11 JS, revision 76244

Use style sheet when copying to the clipboard if available

2014-03-31 18:11 JS, revision 76243

Use style sheet when copying to the clipboard if available

2014-03-31 17:47 SC, revision 76242

single wxFALLTHROUGH change to test different builds

2014-03-31 17:46 SC, revision 76241

fixing parameter type

2014-03-31 17:46 SC, revision 76240

fixing extra semicolon

2014-03-31 17:46 SC, revision 76239

getting rid of clang warning due to variable size array

2014-03-31 17:45 SC, revision 76238

silencing paranoid analyzer

2014-03-31 17:44 SC, revision 76237

fixing include style

2014-03-31 17:28 SC, revision 76236

adding wxFALLTHROUGH to indicate intended fall through in switch statements

2014-03-31 14:58 SC, revision 76235

adding log for nonprecomp builds, hopefully fixes test compiles on builbot

2014-03-31 14:34 SC, revision 76234

adding correct return type

2014-03-31 13:23 SC, revision 76233

make sure platform constants exist by using defs.h instead of setup.h

2014-03-31 09:55 SC, revision 76232

adding minimal ios support for webview

2014-03-31 09:28 SC, revision 76231

removing extra semicola

2014-03-31 09:08 SC, revision 76230

removing extra semicola

2014-03-31 08:15 SC, revision 76229

removing unnecessary header

2014-03-31 08:02 SC, revision 76228

fixing extra semicola

2014-03-31 04:16 PC, revision 76227

use wxDialog::ShowModal() rather than gtk_dialog_run() so all the things wxDialog::ShowModal() does are not bypassed

2014-03-30 21:23 PC, revision 76226

Prevent dialog widget from being destroyed during ShowModal()

2014-03-30 19:17 VZ, revision 76225

Vietnamese translations update from Trần Ngọc Quân.

2014-03-30 13:47 SC, revision 76224

removing superfluous semicolon

2014-03-30 13:46 SC, revision 76223

adding empty base class implementation for OnNextIteration, call from OSXDoRun, allowing console event loop to override

2014-03-30 09:07 PC, revision 76222

use "new" wx-prefixed macros in samples

2014-03-30 03:52 PC, revision 76221

adjust size hints when decor size changes, to prevent changing a set client size during initial show closes #15794

2014-03-30 01:02 PC, revision 76220


2014-03-29 17:53 VZ, revision 76219

Avoid overflows when calculating metafile coordinates in wxMSW. Use MulDiv() instead of naive multiplication followed by division as this could overflow, and did when large paper sizes were used in print preview. Closes #16138.

2014-03-29 17:53 VZ, revision 76218

Another PrepareForItem()-related fix in generic wxDataViewCtrl. This fix is similar to the previous commit but more speculative, as we currently don't have a bug scenario for it. Still, it seems to be wrong to call PrepareForItem() just before GetLineStart() which undoes its effect, so exchange the order of the calls. See #16132.

2014-03-29 17:53 VZ, revision 76217

Fix clicking on activatable toggle column in generic wxDataViewCtrl. Call PrepareForItem() after calling GetLineStart() as the latter calls PrepareForItem() for other items internally, undoing the effects of the first call. Closes #16132.

2014-03-29 17:53 VZ, revision 76216

Fix use of expander in non left most position in wxDataViewCtrl. Correct the expander rectangle definition to work when the expander column left boundary is not 0, i.e. if the expander column is not the left most one. Closes #16131.

2014-03-29 17:53 VZ, revision 76215

Simplify wxMSW wxToolBar controls support implementation. Rely on being able to set the separator size, which is supported since comctl32.dll v4.71 (the version distributed with IE 4.0...). This allows to remove big chunks of code dealing with multiple separators and simplifies the rest. Closes #16129.

2014-03-29 17:53 VZ, revision 76214

Avoid overflows when calculating metafile coordinates in wxMSW. Use MulDiv() instead of naive multiplication followed by division as this could overflow, and did when large paper sizes were used in print preview. Closes #16138.

2014-03-29 17:52 VZ, revision 76213

Another PrepareForItem()-related fix in generic wxDataViewCtrl. This fix is similar to the previous commit but more speculative, as we currently don't have a bug scenario for it. Still, it seems to be wrong to call PrepareForItem() just before GetLineStart() which undoes its effect, so exchange the order of the calls. See #16132.

2014-03-29 17:52 VZ, revision 76212

Fix clicking on activatable toggle column in generic wxDataViewCtrl. Call PrepareForItem() after calling GetLineStart() as the latter calls PrepareForItem() for other items internally, undoing the effects of the first call. Closes #16132.

2014-03-29 17:52 VZ, revision 76211

Fix use of expander in non left most position in wxDataViewCtrl. Correct the expander rectangle definition to work when the expander column left boundary is not 0, i.e. if the expander column is not the left most one. Closes #16131.

2014-03-29 14:06 VS, revision 76210

Don't emit wxEVT_TEXT in wxMSW's wxTextCtrl::SetFont(). Native text control sends EN_CHANGE when the font changes, producing a wxEVT_TEXT event as if the user changed the value. This is not the case, so supress the event.

2014-03-29 14:04 VS, revision 76209

Revert "Don't emit wxEVT_TEXT in wxMSW's wxTextCtrl::SetFont()." This reverts accidentally committed r76207.

2014-03-29 14:03 VS, revision 76208

OS X: fix wxFileDialog::SetupExtraControls()'s sandbox test. OS X 10.9 (possibly earlier) don't have nil contentView in NSSavePanel anymore, a NSRemoteView instance is used. The wx code that follows this test still crashes under sandbox, though, so update the check to use the APP_SANDBOX_CONTAINER_ID environment variable, which is only set when running under the sandbox. This is just another quick fix for the existing uncomfortably long-lived sandbox crash hotfix, not a proper solution.

2014-03-29 14:03 VS, revision 76207

Don't emit wxEVT_TEXT in wxMSW's wxTextCtrl::SetFont(). Native text control sends EN_CHANGE when the font changes, producing a wxEVT_TEXT event as if the user changed the value. This is not the case, so supress the event.

2014-03-29 14:02 VS, revision 76206

OS X: fix wxFileDialog::SetupExtraControls()'s sandbox test. OS X 10.9 (possibly earlier) don't have nil contentView in NSSavePanel anymore, a NSRemoteView instance is used. The wx code that follows this test still crashes under sandbox, though, so update the check to use the APP_SANDBOX_CONTAINER_ID environment variable, which is only set when running under the sandbox. This is just another quick fix for the existing uncomfortably long-lived sandbox crash hotfix, not a proper solution.

2014-03-27 23:10 VZ, revision 76205

Make "NOT the index" in wxListCtrl::SortItems() stand out even more. Any reasonable person expects the sort callback to receive the indices of the items, but it doesn't: it's passed the client data associated with them instead. Make it even more noticeable in the documentation.

2014-03-27 13:46 JS, revision 76204

Allow derivation from wxRichTextBufferDataObject

2014-03-27 13:05 VZ, revision 76203

Russian translations update from Pavel Maryanov.

2014-03-27 01:02 VZ, revision 76202

Make wxMSW owner drawn menu item code more clear and correct. The user-visible effect of this change is that removing the item from the menu and adding it back doesn't lose its icon any more. At the code level, wxMenuItem::SetBitmaps() and related methods are implemented outside of "#if wxUSE_OWNER_DRAWN" which allows to use them even in minimalistic library builds. And IsOwnerDrawn() is not used any more to determine whether the item has bitmaps, just only if it's really owner drawn, making the code more clear and fixing at least the bug above and possible more. Closes #13878.

2014-03-27 01:02 VZ, revision 76201

Rename wxMenuItem::MustUseOwnerDrawn() to MSWMustUseOwnerDrawn(). No real changes, just make it clear that this method is MSW-specific and is about using owner drawn items at MSW level and not wx one. See #13878.

2014-03-27 01:02 VZ, revision 76200

Close monitoring thread handles as soon as possible in wxMSW. Don't leave the handles of all threads used for monitoring the child processes open until the main process termination, rather close them as soon as the monitored process terminates. This ensures that we don't accumulate potentially unbounded number of open handles if we keep launching new child processes. An even better idea would be to actually use a single thread for monitoring all of them, but this fix is much simpler and should fix the most acute problem for now. Closes #16123.

2014-03-27 00:41 VZ, revision 76199

Close monitoring thread handles as soon as possible in wxMSW. Don't leave the handles of all threads used for monitoring the child processes open until the main process termination, rather close them as soon as the monitored process terminates. This ensures that we don't accumulate potentially unbounded number of open handles if we keep launching new child processes. An even better idea would be to actually use a single thread for monitoring all of them, but this fix is much simpler and should fix the most acute problem for now. Closes #16123.

2014-03-26 14:40 VZ, revision 76198

Dutch translations update from Thomas De Rocker.

2014-03-24 19:46 VZ, revision 76197

Add missing wxUSE_WXDIB checks. Fix compilation with wxUSE_WXDIB==0. Closes #16113.

2014-03-24 19:46 VZ, revision 76196

Don't change bitmap depth in wxMSW when copying it. Sometimes, creating a DDB may fail to create the bitmap of the requested depth and so a copy of wxBitmap could have a different depth than the original wxBitmap. Avoid this problem by falling back on using DIB if DDB with the right depth couldn't be created. Closes #11640.

2014-03-24 14:19 VZ, revision 76195

Add "View text" menu item to the webview sample. Allow to view just the text of the web page. Closes #16098.

2014-03-24 14:17 VZ, revision 76194

Fix reentrancy issues in wxMSW wxTextCtrl max length handling code. The changes of r75936 didn't work correctly if the handler of wxEVT_TEXT in some text control modified a (potentially) different text control, as the same global variable was reused with disastrous results. Avoid this by keeping a stack of insertion lengths instead. Additionally, fix another problem in r75936 which used 0 as a special marker for the insertion length, which result in redoing each insertion of empty string (which is another word for Remove()) twice unnecessarily, by using -1 instead. Closes #15980.

2014-03-24 14:06 VZ, revision 76193

Fix reentrancy issues in wxMSW wxTextCtrl max length handling code. The changes of r75940 didn't work correctly if the handler of wxEVT_TEXT in some text control modified a (potentially) different text control, as the same global variable was reused with disastrous results. Avoid this by keeping a stack of insertion lengths instead. Using a per-control field would work too, but would be a bit wasteful as the size of the stack will rarely be more than 1 (and never much more) and this change can also be applied to 3.0 branch without breaking ABI. Additionally, fix another problem in r75940 which used 0 as a special marker for the insertion length, which result in redoing each insertion of empty string (which is another word for Remove()) twice unnecessarily, by using -1 instead. Closes #15980.

2014-03-23 18:54 VZ, revision 76192

Add files included by richtext library to MSVC1{1,2} projects. Closes #16104.

2014-03-23 16:18 VZ, revision 76191

Fix setting menu item bitmaps after appending them in wxMSW. Update the bitmap used by Windows when using non-owner-drawn items with bitmaps. Closes #9388.

2014-03-23 16:18 VZ, revision 76190

Refactor wxMSW: move some code from wxMenu to wxMenuItem. This will allow reusing it for other wxMenuItem bitmap-related operations. See #9388.

2014-03-23 01:57 VZ, revision 76189

Fix toolbar repainting after deleting a tool in wxMSW. The toolbar was in an inconsistent state when recalculating the sizes of the separators used as placeholders for the controls and stretch spacers as the tool was already deleted from the native toolbar but still present in wx internal toolbar data and this resulted in discrepancies between the indices in the native and wx toolbars. Fix this by specially marking the already deleted but not yet removed tool and ignoring it during the recalculations. This makes the old, and only partially successful, attempt to work around this bug in DoDeleteTool() unnecessary and so the code is actually simplified by this change. Closes #16095.

2014-03-23 01:57 VZ, revision 76188

Document what wxPrintQuality really is. Mention that it can be either a predefined constant or a number expressing the resolution. See #14085.

2014-03-23 01:57 VZ, revision 76187

Fix wxFileSystemWatcher::RemoveAll() to actually work. We need to call DoRemove() on all watcher objects to really remove them, just removing our record of them was not enough and e.g. resulted in errors if we tried to re-add a previously watched path again. Closes #15531.

2014-03-23 01:57 VZ, revision 76186

Fix handling deletion of watched directory in MSW wxFileSystemWatcher. Don't log an incomprehensible error when the watched directory itself is deleted, but generate wxFSW_EVENT_DELETE for it. This is consistent with the behaviour under Unix and generally more useful. Closes #13294.

2014-03-23 01:57 VZ, revision 76185

Small refactoring in wxFileSystemWatcher MSW implementation. Make wxIOCPService::GetStatus() smarter about its return value, it makes sense to encapsulate the convention used to indicate the thread exit condition inside wxIOCPService class itself instead of sharing it between it wxIOCPThread itself. It will also make it easier to detect more detailed error conditions in this code.

2014-03-23 01:56 VZ, revision 76184

Disable the use of "override" keyword for MSVC < 11. While the keyword is indeed supported since MSVC 8, it's only since MSVC 11 that using it doesn't generate C4481 compiler warning ("nonstandard extension used"), so avoid using it with the earlier versions. See #16100.

2014-03-23 01:51 VZ, revision 76183

Fix toolbar repainting after deleting a tool in wxMSW. The toolbar was in an inconsistent state when recalculating the sizes of the separators used as placeholders for the controls and stretch spacers as the tool was already deleted from the native toolbar but still present in wx internal toolbar data and this resulted in discrepancies between the indices in the native and wx toolbars. Fix this by specially marking the already deleted but not yet removed tool and ignoring it during the recalculations. This makes the old, and only partially successful, attempt to work around this bug in DoDeleteTool() unnecessary and so the code is actually simplified by this change. Closes #16095.

2014-03-23 01:10 VZ, revision 76182

Fix wxFileSystemWatcher::RemoveAll() to actually work. We need to call DoRemove() on all watcher objects to really remove them, just removing our record of them was not enough and e.g. resulted in errors if we tried to re-add a previously watched path again. Closes #15531.

2014-03-23 01:10 VZ, revision 76181

Fix handling deletion of watched directory in MSW wxFileSystemWatcher. Don't log an incomprehensible error when the watched directory itself is deleted, but generate wxFSW_EVENT_DELETE for it. This is consistent with the behaviour under Unix and generally more useful. Closes #13294.

2014-03-23 01:10 VZ, revision 76180

Small refactoring in wxFileSystemWatcher MSW implementation. Make wxIOCPService::GetStatus() smarter about its return value, it makes sense to encapsulate the convention used to indicate the thread exit condition inside wxIOCPService class itself instead of sharing it between it wxIOCPThread itself. It will also make it easier to detect more detailed error conditions in this code.

2014-03-22 23:03 VZ, revision 76179

Handle normalization of directory names correctly in wxFileHistory. Don't use relative path for the directories, which can also be managed by wxFileHistory, because they don't have any and the old code resulted in showing an empty string for them.

2014-03-20 20:52 VZ, revision 76177

Put a __cplusplus guard around C++-specific tests in wx/defs.h. This avoids the warning about __cplusplus being undefined in the recently added wxOVERRIDE logic and make the existing wx_xxx_cast<>s definitions simpler.

2014-03-20 20:45 VZ, revision 76176

Mark some deprecated wxGrid methods as deprecated in the documentation. Point people to the new names of the deprecated methods. Closes #16103.

2014-03-20 20:45 VZ, revision 76175

Use Doxygen @deprecated tags for deprecated methods. Instead of just mentioning that the methods are deprecated in the documentation text, use the @deprecated tag for them to make it possible to detect it in documentation-processing tools too. Closes #16102.

2014-03-20 16:49 VZ, revision 76174

Remove configure test for override keyword. Detect its support in the code by testing __cplusplus value and using specific checks for MSVC and Clang as configure detects it as being available when using recent g++ versions in non-C++11 mode, which do support this keyword but warn when it is used without -std={gnu,c}++11 option, which makes actually using it a bad idea in this case.

2014-03-20 14:26 VZ, revision 76173

Add wxOVERRIDE and use it in common and wxOSX code. Make overriding virtual methods more explicit and enable additional checks provided by C++11 compilers when "override" is used. Closes #16100.

2014-03-20 14:26 VZ, revision 76172

Compilation fix in wchar_t build after r76171. Don't concatenate narrow wxLongLongFmtSpec with wide strings, just don't use wxT() at all. Closes #14685.

2014-03-19 23:57 VZ, revision 76171

Add wxInt64 support to wxText{Input,Output}Stream. Add explicit Read64[S]() and Write64() methods. Closes #14685.

2014-03-19 19:06 VZ, revision 76170

Use "virtual" keyword with overridden methods. No real changes, just make the code more clear by explicitly using "virtual". Closes #16097.

2014-03-19 19:01 VZ, revision 76169

Remove more unnecessary headers from drawing test. Don't include GUI headers in non-GUI code.

2014-03-19 18:59 VZ, revision 76168

Fix WX_ASSERT_SAME_AS_FILE() definition in the new drawing test. This macro should use AreFilesContentsEqual(), not AreImagesFilesContentsEqual(), used by WX_ASSERT_SAME_AS_IMAGE_FILE().

2014-03-18 21:12 VZ, revision 76166

Don't include apparently unnecessary headers in drawing test. wx/window.h shouldn't be needed in this non-GUI test.

2014-03-18 21:10 VZ, revision 76165

Remove redundant forward declaration of wxCursor from wx/window.h. We include wx/cursor.h from wx/window.h anyhow (and can't avoid it as we have a member of wxCursor type in wxWindowBase).

2014-03-18 20:31 VZ, revision 76164

Add a new test checking wxGraphicsContext implementation correctness. This test verifies that the output of wxGraphicsContext on the current system matches the pregenerated reference output.

2014-03-18 20:28 VZ, revision 76163

Include the individual headers that we really need instead.

2014-03-18 20:28 VZ, revision 76162

Don't include wx/dc.h from wx/graphics.h. This is not necessary and prevents compilation of this header in wxUSE_GUI=0 case.

2014-03-18 20:28 VZ, revision 76161

Don't include wx/cursor.h from wx/dc.h. This is simply not needed.

2014-03-18 18:23 VZ, revision 76160

Add font colour support to wxFontPickerCtrl. Currently this is only really implemented under Windows, just as the colour support in wxFontDialog, but make the API available under all platforms for consistency. Closes #11614.

2014-03-18 18:23 VZ, revision 76159

Use helper GetPickerWidget() function in wxFontPickerCtrl. No real changes, just use a helper function instead of an ugly M_PICKER macro. See #11614.

2014-03-18 18:08 VZ, revision 76158

Use "MultiProcessorCompilation" instead of explicit /MP in MSVS projects. Use the user-visible option instead of the command line option which is now hidden in the IDE. Closes #16093.

2014-03-18 18:07 VZ, revision 76157

Use "MultiProcessorCompilation" instead of explicit /MP in MSVS projects. Use the user-visible option instead of the command line option which is now hidden in the IDE. Closes #16093.

2014-03-18 15:21 VZ, revision 76156

Add margin to the right of the message in wxGenericProgressDialog. For some reason the border was used only on the left side but not on the right one, resulting in the ugly looking label flush to the right dialog border if it was long enough. Closes #16094.

2014-03-18 15:20 VZ, revision 76155

Add margin to the right of the message in wxGenericProgressDialog. For some reason the border was used only on the left side but not on the right one, resulting in the ugly looking label flush to the right dialog border if it was long enough. Closes #16094.

2014-03-18 10:14 JS, revision 76154

Improved calculation of spanning column widths.

2014-03-16 17:39 PC, revision 76153

update for GTK3

2014-03-16 14:05 VZ, revision 76152

Disable the use of new style wxDirDialog under Vista. IFileDialog-based dialog has a bug making it return a wrong path sometimes under Vista, disable its use there to avoid it. Closes #16005.

2014-03-16 14:05 VZ, revision 76151

Disable the use of new style wxDirDialog under Vista. IFileDialog-based dialog has a bug making it return a wrong path sometimes under Vista, disable its use there to avoid it. Closes #16005.

2014-03-15 20:34 PC, revision 76150

build fixes for wxUniversal

2014-03-15 19:44 PC, revision 76149

for GTK+ 3.6 and later, invalidate cached best size when GTK's style cache is updated, see #16088

2014-03-14 20:22 VZ, revision 76148

Fix showing of 32bpp bitmaps without alpha in wxMSW wxStaticBitmap. The native control doesn't make a secret copy of the image in this case (0RGB bitmap, i.e. 32bpp ARGB bitmap with all alpha values set to 0) and just shows the bitmap we assigned to it directly, so we must not delete it in this case, otherwise nothing is shown at all. Closes #16084.

2014-03-14 20:22 VZ, revision 76147

Also free internal handlers when wxMSW wxStaticBitmap is destroyed. r76142 fixed the resource leak when wxStaticBitmap image was replaced by another one but the leak still happened at the end, when the wxStaticBitmap was destroyed. Fix it there as well in the same way. Closes #16068.

2014-03-14 20:22 VZ, revision 76146

Fix recently introduced compilation error in wxUSE_PALETTE==0 build. Add missing "#if wxUSE_PALETTE" tests. Closes #16083.

2014-03-14 20:21 VZ, revision 76145

Also free internal handlers when wxMSW wxStaticBitmap is destroyed. r76141 fixed the resource leak when wxStaticBitmap image was replaced by another one but the leak still happened at the end, when the wxStaticBitmap was destroyed. Fix it there as well in the same way. Closes #16068.

2014-03-14 02:36 VZ, revision 76144

Add support for loading old V1 bitmap files to wxBMPHandler. Such files are apparently still seen in the wild, even though this format has been superseded since Windows 3.0 (!). Closes #3433.

2014-03-13 18:09 SC, revision 76143

adding 10.5 compatibility again

2014-03-13 17:20 VZ, revision 76142

Fix resource leak in wxMSW wxStaticBitmap when using RGBA icons. Release the old handle if it wasn't freed by STM_SETIMAGE itself. Closes #16068.

2014-03-13 17:19 VZ, revision 76141

Fix resource leak in wxMSW wxStaticBitmap when using RGBA icons. Release the old handle if it wasn't freed by STM_SETIMAGE itself. Closes #16068.

2014-03-13 17:17 VZ, revision 76140

Avoid unused variable warning in wxUSE_VALIDATORS==0 build. Closes #16076.

2014-03-13 17:15 VZ, revision 76139

Install wx/preferences.h and wx/testing.h in "make install". These headers were accidentally forgotten in files.bkl, add them there and rebake.

2014-03-13 17:12 VZ, revision 76138

Install wx/preferences.h and wx/testing.h in "make install". These headers were accidentally forgotten in files.bkl, add them there and rebake.

2014-03-13 14:03 VZ, revision 76137

Compilation fix to wxScopedArray use. The ctor taking the number of elements doesn't exist in 3.0, don't use it to fix compilation after the changes of r76124.

2014-03-13 00:04 VZ, revision 76136

Use wxScopedXXX<> instead of explicit memory management in wxBMPHandler. Make the code simpler and ensure there are no memory leaks in it.

2014-03-13 00:04 VZ, revision 76135

No changes, just use properly const variable in wxBMPHandler code. Initialize "data" pointer consistently with "alpha".

2014-03-13 00:04 VZ, revision 76134

Add support for saving 32bpp icons too. Save in 32bpp format if alpha channel is present in the image being saved in ICO format. See #15918.

2014-03-13 00:04 VZ, revision 76133

Allow saving 24 bpp ICO file in wxImage. Create ICO files with 24bpp if the image being saved contains more than 256 colours. Also use smaller values (4 bpp or monochrome) if the image uses fewer colours. See #15918.

2014-03-13 00:04 VZ, revision 76132

Add support for saving 256*256 ICOs in PNG format. Allow saving icons larger than 127*127 pixels (up to 256*256 which is the maximal size supported by the ICO format) and save large icons with the item data in PNG format, as it is normally done for these sizes. See #15918.

2014-03-13 00:04 VZ, revision 76131

Add support for loading icons in PNG format to wxImage. ICO files can contain data in PNG, as well as BMP, format in recent (i.e. from this millennium) versions of Windows, so check for this case in wxICOHandler and load such data using wxPNGHandler. See #15918.

2014-03-13 00:04 VZ, revision 76130

Handle verbosity correctly in wxICOHandler loading code. Pass on the "verbose" argument to LoadDib() function instead of always being verbose in it. Also remove the unused IsBmp variable. See #15918.

2014-03-13 00:04 VZ, revision 76129

Allow loading icons of width 256 from ICO files. Account for the tweak of ICO file format which uses 0 if the width is 256. See #15918.

2014-03-13 00:03 VZ, revision 76128

Fix possible memory leak in wxICOHandler loading code. Use wxScopedArray<> instead of a raw pointer to ensure that the memory is always freed, even in case of error return. See #15918.

2014-03-12 23:54 VZ, revision 76127

Add support for loading icons in PNG format to wxImage. ICO files can contain data in PNG, as well as BMP, format in recent (i.e. from this millennium) versions of Windows, so check for this case in wxICOHandler and load such data using wxPNGHandler. See #15918.

2014-03-12 23:54 VZ, revision 76126

Handle verbosity correctly in wxICOHandler loading code. Pass on the "verbose" argument to LoadDib() function instead of always being verbose in it. Also remove the unused IsBmp variable. See #15918.

2014-03-12 23:54 VZ, revision 76125

Allow loading icons of width 256 from ICO files. Account for the tweak of ICO file format which uses 0 if the width is 256. See #15918.

2014-03-12 23:54 VZ, revision 76124

Fix possible memory leak in wxICOHandler loading code. Use wxScopedArray<> instead of a raw pointer to ensure that the memory is always freed, even in case of error return. See #15918.

2014-03-12 23:20 VZ, revision 76123

Reset the system last error value before checking it in wxLog test. Explicitly set the last error indicator to 0 before checking that wxLogSysError() logs it correctly as it wasn't always set to 0 otherwise.

2014-03-12 17:02 VZ, revision 76122

Update the version string in manually managed VC11 project files. Use "31", not "30".

2014-03-12 14:23 VZ, revision 76121

Upgrade included Scintilla to version 3.3.9. Closes #15742.

2014-03-11 21:48 VZ, revision 76120

Add wxFont::GetBaseFont(). This can be used to "undo" the result of Bold() ,Underlined() or Italic() methods and returns an unadorned version of the font. Closes #11815.

2014-03-11 21:48 VZ, revision 76119

Remove unnecessarily overridden methods from wxToggleButtonBase. These methods already do exactly the same thing in the base wxAnyButton class, there is no need to override them again.

2014-03-11 21:48 VZ, revision 76118

No changes, just fix typos in my own name ("Zeitlin").

2014-03-11 17:04 VZ, revision 76117

Add wxEnhMetaFile::Detach(). Allow getting the handle from this class, this is useful if it needs to be passed to some other library, for example. Closes #15706.

2014-03-11 17:04 VZ, revision 76116

Correct wxThread::SetPriority() under Unix to hopefully work. The old implementation was completely broken, the new should hopefully work if pthread_setschedparam() behaviour really corresponds to its documentation. Mapping of our priorities in 0..100 range to pthread 1..99 range remains ugly but this seems to be unavoidable, unfortunately. Closes #14985.

2014-03-11 17:04 VZ, revision 76115

Fix accelerators in appended submenu items in wxGTK. They were not previously taken into account because we didn't call gtk_widget_add_accelerator() on the right GtkAccelGroup. Closes #16050.

2014-03-11 17:04 VZ, revision 76114

Add wxDynamicLibrary::GetModuleFromAddress(). Use dladdr() under Unix, if available, to provide the same functionality as we get from GetModuleHandleEx() under MSW and export it in a new public function. Closes #15248.

2014-03-11 16:20 VZ, revision 76113

Fix accelerators in appended submenu items in wxGTK. They were not previously taken into account because we didn't call gtk_widget_add_accelerator() on the right GtkAccelGroup. Closes #16050.

2014-03-10 20:05 VZ, revision 76111

Do run TextStreamTestCase::TestULongLong() test case. We ran TestLongLong test case twice because of an accidental typo.

2014-03-10 12:08 JS, revision 76110

Added on-demand image loading option to wxRTC.

2014-03-09 21:58 VZ, revision 76109

Fix size calculation for multi-column vertical toolbars in wxMSW. The width was calculated incorrectly in this case as we simply multiplied the width of the widest column by their number in this case, but actually each of them has its own width which needs to be calculated separately. See #13579.

2014-03-09 21:58 VZ, revision 76108

Fix background painting of multi-row toolbars in wxMSW. The item rectangle used wrong vertical coordinates which didn't matter (much?) for the single row toolbars but was completely wrong for toolbars with more than one row. Don't always anchor the rectangle at the window top to avoid this. See #13579.

2014-03-09 21:58 VZ, revision 76107

Disable stretchable spaces in multi-row toolbars in wxMSW. Stretchable separators simply don't work correctly when the space they are supposed to stretch onto is distributed across several different toolbar rows or columns, so just disable them for multi-row (or column, for vertical toolbars) case. See #13579.

2014-03-09 21:56 VZ, revision 76106

Fix size calculation for multi-column vertical toolbars in wxMSW. The width was calculated incorrectly in this case as we simply multiplied the width of the widest column by their number in this case, but actually each of them has its own width which needs to be calculated separately. See #13579.

2014-03-09 21:55 VZ, revision 76105

Fix background painting of multi-row toolbars in wxMSW. The item rectangle used wrong vertical coordinates which didn't matter (much?) for the single row toolbars but was completely wrong for toolbars with more than one row. Don't always anchor the rectangle at the window top to avoid this. See #13579.

2014-03-09 21:55 VZ, revision 76104

Disable stretchable spaces in multi-row toolbars in wxMSW. Stretchable separators simply don't work correctly when the space they are supposed to stretch onto is distributed across several different toolbar rows or columns, so just disable them for multi-row (or column, for vertical toolbars) case. See #13579.

2014-03-09 17:54 TIK, revision 76103

Don't assert if no keyboard has been found in wxGetKeyState(). Sometimes there really is no keyboard plugged in.

2014-03-09 17:51 TIK, revision 76102

wxBitmap::GetMask() asserts on invalid bitmap. Check for valid bitmap before calling GetMask().

2014-03-09 15:05 VZ, revision 76101

Make Move{Before,After}InTabOrder() work at any time in wxGTK. These functions only worked if called at the beginning, before showing the parent window containing the children whose TAB order was being adjusted, because it didn't refresh the GTK+ TAB order on the correct window: we need to do it for the parent of the window being moved, not this window itself. Closes #16032.

2014-03-09 15:03 VZ, revision 76100

Make Move{Before,After}InTabOrder() work at any time in wxGTK. These functions only worked if called at the beginning, before showing the parent window containing the children whose TAB order was being adjusted, because it didn't refresh the GTK+ TAB order on the correct window: we need to do it for the parent of the window being moved, not this window itself. Closes #16032.

2014-03-08 15:34 VZ, revision 76099

Fix handling of controls in vertical toolbars in wxMSW. Not adding the controls to vertical toolbar is not enough, we also need to hide them to prevent them from being shown as independent floating windows. And we also need to add separators instead of the controls themselves to keep the indices the same as in the horizontal case. Closes #11821.

2014-03-08 15:33 VZ, revision 76098

Fix handling of controls in vertical toolbars in wxMSW. Not adding the controls to vertical toolbar is not enough, we also need to hide them to prevent them from being shown as independent floating windows. And we also need to add separators instead of the controls themselves to keep the indices the same as in the horizontal case. Closes #11821.

2014-03-08 14:39 VZ, revision 76097

Fix handling of Esc while an auto-complete drop down is open in wxMSW. Just close the drop down instead of closing the dialog the text control using this auto-complete drop down is in, as this was completely unexpected and counter-intuitive. Closes #13945.

2014-03-08 14:39 VZ, revision 76096

Fix handling of Esc while an auto-complete drop down is open in wxMSW. Just close the drop down instead of closing the dialog the text control using this auto-complete drop down is in, as this was completely unexpected and counter-intuitive. Closes #13945.

2014-03-07 19:43 PC, revision 76095

fix memory leak in SetFont with GTK3

2014-03-07 14:17 VZ, revision 76094

Skip mouse button release events in wxGenericTreeCtrl. Not doing this prevented the default handling from taking place resulting in internal confusion in GtkNotebook when wxTreeCtrl was placed inside it: the code there set the button being held by user in its mouse press event handler and reset it in its mouse release event handler which was never called because we didn't skip the event, resulting in ignoring the next mouse press in the notebook. Closes #16055.

2014-03-07 14:16 VZ, revision 76093

Skip mouse button release events in wxGenericTreeCtrl. Not doing this prevented the default handling from taking place resulting in internal confusion in GtkNotebook when wxTreeCtrl was placed inside it: the code there set the button being held by user in its mouse press event handler and reset it in its mouse release event handler which was never called because we didn't skip the event, resulting in ignoring the next mouse press in the notebook. Closes #16055.

2014-03-07 02:19 VZ, revision 76092

Make stretchable spacers work in vertical toolbars too in wxMSW. Replace the old implementation of stretchable spacers based on changing the size of the separators used as spacers as the toolbar size itself changed with a new one, simply replacing the old separator with the new one of the correct size, as it also works for the vertical toolbars, unlike the old approach. Closes #13673.

2014-03-07 02:19 VZ, revision 76091

Document Insert() and Prepend() overloads taking wxMenu. Document these methods in addition to AppendSubMenu(). Closes #16052.

2014-03-07 01:58 VZ, revision 76090

Document Insert() and Prepend() overloads taking wxMenu. Document these methods in addition to AppendSubMenu(). Closes #16052.

2014-03-06 14:53 VZ, revision 76089

Update the URL of the web site images used in the test. The old images don't exist any more after web site redesign. Also, the new favicon can't be loaded from an unseekable stream because it contains multiple icons, so point to the old favicon instead. Closes #16049.

2014-03-06 14:49 VZ, revision 76088

Update the URL of the web site images used in the test. The old images don't exist any more after web site redesign. Also, the new favicon can't be loaded from an unseekable stream because it contains multiple icons, so point to the old favicon instead. Closes #16049.

2014-03-05 17:29 VZ, revision 76085

Add wxFD_NO_FOLLOW style for wxFileDialog. This style tells the dialog to return the paths of the link being selected without dereferencing it. Currently only implemented under wxMSW as the links are not dereferenced by default in wxGTK anyhow. But we may want to change this and implement it there too for consistency in the future. Closes #15429.

2014-03-05 17:29 VZ, revision 76084

Another compilation fix for wxUniv/MSW build. This should have been part of r76077, see #16039.

2014-03-05 00:57 VZ, revision 76082

Fix initializing bitmaps from DIB in wxMSW code. Don't call wxDIB::CreatePalette() on an invalid (because its handle had been detached from it) DIB object. Also add some comments to explain this code a bit better. Closes #16045.

2014-03-05 00:57 VZ, revision 76081

Fix initializing bitmaps from DIB in wxMSW code. Don't call wxDIB::CreatePalette() on an invalid (because its handle had been detached from it) DIB object. Also add some comments to explain this code a bit better. Closes #16045.

2014-03-04 15:20 VZ, revision 76080

Fix bug in vertical toolbar size calculation in wxMSW. Correct the changes of the r76035 to avoid using separators when calculating the fitting width of the vertical toolbars as this doesn't always work correctly. Closes #3788.

2014-03-04 15:17 VZ, revision 76079

Fix bug in vertical toolbar size calculation in wxMSW. Correct the changes of the r76034 to avoid using separators when calculating the fitting width of the vertical toolbars as this doesn't always work correctly. Closes #3788.

2014-03-04 15:07 VZ, revision 76078

Don't accept data in unsupported format in wxMSW dnd code. We wrongly pretended to accept the data in formats which we didn't actually accept and showed misleading cursors to the user. Fix this by partially reverting some of the changes of r72668 (see #14697). Closes #16042.

2014-03-04 15:07 VZ, revision 76077

Compilation fix for wxUniv/MSW in wxTLW code dealing with menus. The code used by WM_INITMENUPOPUP and WM_EXITMENULOOP handlers shouldn't be used in wxUniv build as it's not used there anyhow and doesn't even compile. Closes #16039.

2014-03-04 15:07 VZ, revision 76076

Don't accept data in unsupported format in wxMSW dnd code. We wrongly pretended to accept the data in formats which we didn't actually accept and showed misleading cursors to the user. Fix this by partially reverting some of the changes of r72668 (see #14697). Closes #16042.

2014-03-03 16:27 VZ, revision 76074

Romanian translations update from Catalin for 3.0.1.

2014-03-03 15:21 VZ, revision 76073

Romanian translations update from Catalin.

2014-03-03 08:04 SC, revision 76072

cleanup, see #15600

2014-03-03 00:46 VZ, revision 76071

Update wxForum URL in documentation overview.

2014-03-03 00:40 VZ, revision 76070

Add a one liner script to show symbols exported from a DLL. This is useful to check if ABI wasn't accidentally broken between two micro wxMSW releases.

2014-03-03 00:40 VZ, revision 76069

Remove non-existent wx/cairo.h from MSVC{11,12} projects. This file resulted in never ending rebuilds of the core project as MSVS tried to recreate the missing dependency (and failed). See for help with debugging such problems in the future.

2014-03-03 00:40 VZ, revision 76068

Enable debug information in release configuration of MSVC{11,12} projects. We want to generate debug information even in the release builds of the libraries in order to allow debugging of the programs using them. This is especially important for the DLLs but do it for the static release build too for consistency. This also almost fixes the constant rebuilding of the entire solution which happened because the PDBs, supposed to be generated by linker, were not found because they were not actually created as the debug information wasn't there. See #15780.

2014-03-03 00:40 VZ, revision 76067

Add missing XRC handlers to the manual VC{11,12} projects. XRC handler in aui, ribbon and richtext libraries were omitted in the initial versions of the projects for some reason. See #15780.

2014-03-03 00:37 VZ, revision 76066

Remove non-existent wx/cairo.h from MSVC{11,12} projects. This file resulted in never ending rebuilds of the core project as MSVS tried to recreate the missing dependency (and failed). See for help with debugging such problems in the future.

2014-03-03 00:37 VZ, revision 76065

Enable debug information in release configuration of MSVC{11,12} projects. We want to generate debug information even in the release builds of the libraries in order to allow debugging of the programs using them. This is especially important for the DLLs but do it for the static release build too for consistency. This also almost fixes the constant rebuilding of the entire solution which happened because the PDBs, supposed to be generated by linker, were not found because they were not actually created as the debug information wasn't there. See #15780.

2014-03-03 00:37 VZ, revision 76064

Add missing XRC handlers to the manual VC{11,12} projects. XRC handler in aui, ribbon and richtext libraries were omitted in the initial versions of the projects for some reason. See #15780.

2014-03-02 22:55 PC, revision 76063

fix for wxMiniFrame titlebar appearing blank

2014-03-02 19:58 PC, revision 76062

for GTK3, draw odd-width lines as a sharp, n-pixel wide line, rather than a fuzzy n+1-pixel wide line

2014-03-02 19:58 VZ, revision 76061

Refactor YieldFor() to avoid code duplication among the ports. Don't repeat the same code in all the ports, move it to the common base class and add a new virtual DoYieldFor() for the really port-specific code.

2014-03-02 19:27 VZ, revision 76060

Don't dispatch pending events from selective YieldFor(). Pending events list can contain events from all kinds and dispatching them from YieldFor() called to dispatch the events of some particular kind only (e.g. to redraw the window) is unexpected and wrong, e.g. it breaks some uses of wxProgressDialog, see #15799.

2014-03-02 19:07 VZ, revision 76059

Fix harmless signed/unsigned comparison warning in a test. Don't compare int with unsigned to avoid warnings that were introduced by the changes of r75936. See #15980.

2014-03-02 19:06 VZ, revision 76058

Fix harmless signed/unsigned comparison warning in a test. Don't compare int with unsigned to avoid warnings that were introduced by the changes of r75940. See #15980.

2014-03-02 17:07 VZ, revision 76057

Correct wrong version number in MSVC12 properties file. Use "30" in 3.0 branch.

2014-03-02 16:51 VZ, revision 76056

Fix off by 1 error in buffer size in wxOSX wxDropTarget code. The size of the buffer used for the data currently needs to include an extra byte for the trailing NUL. This is wrong, as it means that GetDataSize() and GetDataHere() behaviour is not consistent, but at least avoid overrunning the buffer for now. Also use wxCharBuffer instead of raw char array to make the code safer (both because it releases the memory automatically and because it also adds an extra byte for the trailing NUL automatically as well, making such bugs impossible). See #15914.

2014-03-02 16:51 VZ, revision 76055

Implement support for wxGA_VERTICAL style in wxOSX. Rotate the native control to make it look correct in vertical orientation. Closes #15682.

2014-03-02 16:51 VZ, revision 76054

Fix harmless signed/unsigned comparison warning in wxOSX wxJoystick. A better fix would probably be to make wxJoystick::GetNumberAxes() return an unsigned value.

2014-03-02 16:51 VZ, revision 76053

Remove redundant comparison of unsigned value with 0. This is always true and so is unnecessary.

2014-03-02 16:51 VZ, revision 76052

Really fix using install_name_tool with wxrc under OS X. Don't test for USE_XRC before it is set, correcting the wrong change of r75845. See #15946.

2014-03-02 16:51 VZ, revision 76051

Don't crash in wxOSX wxDataViewChoiceRenderer if selection was cancelled. Check for the index validity and ignore the value of -1 as it is passed if the selection in the popup was cancelled. Closes #16017.

2014-03-02 16:50 VZ, revision 76050

Fix off by 1 error in buffer size in wxOSX wxDropTarget code. The size of the buffer used for the data currently needs to include an extra byte for the trailing NUL. This is wrong, as it means that GetDataSize() and GetDataHere() behaviour is not consistent, but at least avoid overrunning the buffer for now. Also use wxCharBuffer instead of raw char array to make the code safer (both because it releases the memory automatically and because it also adds an extra byte for the trailing NUL automatically as well, making such bugs impossible). See #15914.

2014-03-02 16:50 VZ, revision 76049

Implement support for wxGA_VERTICAL style in wxOSX. Rotate the native control to make it look correct in vertical orientation. Closes #15682.

2014-03-02 16:50 VZ, revision 76048

Fix harmless signed/unsigned comparison warning in wxOSX wxJoystick. A better fix would probably be to make wxJoystick::GetNumberAxes() return an unsigned value.

2014-03-02 16:50 VZ, revision 76047

Remove redundant comparison of unsigned value with 0. This is always true and so is unnecessary.

2014-03-02 16:49 VZ, revision 76046

Really fix using install_name_tool with wxrc under OS X. Don't test for USE_XRC before it is set, correcting the wrong change of r75845. See #15946.

2014-03-02 16:49 VZ, revision 76045

Don't crash in wxOSX wxDataViewChoiceRenderer if selection was cancelled. Check for the index validity and ignore the value of -1 as it is passed if the selection in the popup was cancelled. Closes #16017.

2014-03-02 14:34 VZ, revision 76044

Fix setting the label for already existing menu items with bitmaps in wxMSW. Do update the label at Windows level if we don't use MF_OWNERDRAW style, checking for IsOwnerDrawn() is wrong because the flag it tests may be set even if the item is not really owner drawn from Windows point of view. This is a mess and setting the bitmap for the existing items is still broken, but at least setting the label works now. See #9388.

2014-03-02 14:34 VZ, revision 76043

Fix loading of top to bottom BMP files in wxMSW wxBitmap. The native LoadImage() function used by wxBMPFileHandler only supports the standard bottom to top BMPs, fall back to our own implementation in wxImage wxBMPHandler if it fails to also support the top to bottom ones. Closes #13650.

2014-03-02 14:22 VZ, revision 76042

Fix setting the label for already existing menu items with bitmaps in wxMSW. Do update the label at Windows level if we don't use MF_OWNERDRAW style, checking for IsOwnerDrawn() is wrong because the flag it tests may be set even if the item is not really owner drawn from Windows point of view. This is a mess and setting the bitmap for the existing items is still broken, but at least setting the label works now. See #9388.

2014-03-02 14:06 VZ, revision 76041

Fix loading of top to bottom BMP files in wxMSW wxBitmap. The native LoadImage() function used by wxBMPFileHandler only supports the standard bottom to top BMPs, fall back to our own implementation in wxImage wxBMPHandler if it fails to also support the top to bottom ones. Closes #13650.

2014-03-01 17:48 SC, revision 76036

using a lazy translation hash map for conversion between user friendly names and postscript names, so that we get only one warning per font family. The only way to completely get rid of this would be to pre-populate the map during startup which would mean to completely iterate through all installed fonts, so it's a compromise. see #15999

2014-03-01 00:40 VZ, revision 76035

Fix calculating the size of vertical toolbar in wxMSW. Use the width of the largest toolbar item as the toolbar width, not the width of the first one. The implicit assumption that all items had the same width was wrong and resulted in items wider than the first one being truncated. Closes #3788.

2014-03-01 00:39 VZ, revision 76034

Fix calculating the size of vertical toolbar in wxMSW. Use the width of the largest toolbar item as the toolbar width, not the width of the first one. The implicit assumption that all items had the same width was wrong and resulted in items wider than the first one being truncated. Closes #3788.

2014-02-28 23:35 VZ, revision 76033

Document possible problem with unbinding functors. Unbind() may currently disconnect the wrong functor as it compares them by address. See

2014-02-28 17:16 VS, revision 76032

Fix VarArgTestCase::ArgsValidation() after r76026.

2014-02-28 17:15 VS, revision 76031

Fix VarArgTestCase::ArgsValidation() after r76027.

2014-02-27 16:46 VZ, revision 76030

Allow passing NULL buffer to wx{,F}File::{Read,Write} when count==0. If the count of bytes to read or write is 0, the buffer pointer value shouldn't matter as it's not used at all anyhow, so relax the assert and allow it to be NULL in this case. Closes #16018.

2014-02-27 16:46 VZ, revision 76029

Fix Intel compiler warnings about hiding member variables. Rename method parameters to avoid conflicts with member variables names. Closes #15971.

2014-02-27 16:46 VZ, revision 76028

Don't build wxFileSystemWatcher test if wxUSE_FSWATCHER==0. Closes #16031.

2014-02-27 16:24 VS, revision 76027

Be more permissive when validating format string arguments. Previously, the code would assert if the caller passed too many arguments to wxPrintf() or other printf-like functions. But that can happen legitimately in translations: in some languages such as Hebrew, using "1" (i.e. "%d") in the singular feels unnatural and it's better to use the word "one" and left the variadic argument unused. Relax the check not to assert in this case. This is consistent with the standard library and other implementations. Notice that gettext's msgfmt doesn't complain about this case either in the specific case of singular forms.

2014-02-27 16:23 VS, revision 76026

Be more permissive when validating format string arguments. Previously, the code would assert if the caller passed too many arguments to wxPrintf() or other printf-like functions. But that can happen legitimately in translations: in some languages such as Hebrew, using "1" (i.e. "%d") in the singular feels unnatural and it's better to use the word "one" and left the variadic argument unused. Relax the check not to assert in this case. This is consistent with the standard library and other implementations. Notice that gettext's msgfmt doesn't complain about this case either in the specific case of singular forms.

2014-02-27 16:15 JS, revision 76025

Paragraph and image layout fixes

2014-02-27 16:14 JS, revision 76024

Paragraph layout fix

2014-02-27 11:07 JS, revision 76023

Correction for wxTextAttrCollectCommonAttributes

2014-02-27 11:03 JS, revision 76022

Corrections to attribute manipulation

2014-02-25 18:55 VS, revision 76017

Fix compilation with Xcode projects (type_traits). The changes to type_traits headers detection with Clang broke Clang use with the Xcode projects. Fix this by not setting HAVE_* macros in config_xcode.h for Clang and letting defs.h detect the features. See #15915.

2014-02-25 18:54 VS, revision 76016

Fix compilation with Xcode projects (type_traits). The changes to type_traits headers detection with Clang broke Clang use with the Xcode projects. Fix this by not setting HAVE_* macros in config_xcode.h for Clang and letting defs.h detect the features. See #15915.

2014-02-25 18:38 PC, revision 76015

Index: src/generic/graphicc.cpp =================================================================== --- src/generic/graphicc.cpp (revision 76007) +++ src/generic/graphicc.cpp (working copy) @@ -1569,12 +1569,13 @@ { const wxUint32 argb = *src++; - *alpha++ = (argb & 0xff000000) >> 24; + const unsigned char a = argb >> 24; + *alpha++ = a; // Copy the RGB data undoing the pre-multiplication. - *dst++ = Unpremultiply(*alpha, (argb & 0x00ff0000) >> 16); - *dst++ = Unpremultiply(*alpha, (argb & 0x0000ff00) >> 8); - *dst++ = Unpremultiply(*alpha, (argb & 0x000000ff)); + *dst++ = Unpremultiply(a, argb >> 16); + *dst++ = Unpremultiply(a, argb >> 8); + *dst++ = Unpremultiply(a, argb); } src = rowStart + stride;

2014-02-25 18:26 VZ, revision 76014

Fix wxGenericTreeCtrl::ScrollTo() for all ports, not just wxOSX. When scrolling down, make the item being scrolled into view completely visible instead of just showing its top part. The fix was already used for wxOSX but not for the other ports for some reason, do use it everywhere as this code is generic and behaves in the same way in all ports. Also fix the wrong comments about scrolling direction.

2014-02-25 18:26 VZ, revision 76013

Add a helper function to get the last tree item to the sample. This makes the behaviour of different menu commands working with the "last item" consistent as some of them used the last root child while others used the really last item (i.e. the last child of the last child). This should have been part of r75987.

2014-02-25 18:26 VZ, revision 76012

Fix font size when using wxGraphicsContext with wxPrinterDC in wxMSW. Use pixel size which is scaled correctly by GDI+ itself instead of the size in points which is currently not scaled correctly by wx. Closes #3566.

2014-02-25 18:26 VZ, revision 76011

Define wxUSE_BOOKCTRL as 1 if wxUSE_AUI==1. wxAuiNotebook needs wxBookCtrlBase. Closes #16025.

2014-02-25 18:26 VZ, revision 76010

Add missing semicolons to the example in wxThread documentation. wxDEFINE_EVENT() needs a semicolon after it. Closes #16026.

2014-02-25 18:26 VZ, revision 76009

Fix wxGenericTreeCtrl::ScrollTo() for all ports, not just wxOSX. When scrolling down, make the item being scrolled into view completely visible instead of just showing its top part. The fix was already used for wxOSX but not for the other ports for some reason, do use it everywhere as this code is generic and behaves in the same way in all ports. Also fix the wrong comments about scrolling direction.

2014-02-25 18:12 VZ, revision 76008

Fix font size when using wxGraphicsContext with wxPrinterDC in wxMSW. Use pixel size which is scaled correctly by GDI+ itself instead of the size in points which is currently not scaled correctly by wx. Closes #3566.

2014-02-24 21:55 VZ, revision 76007

Fix loading of bitmap with non-pre-multiplied alpha in wxMSW. Detect when the bitmap file doesn't have pre-multiplied alpha and pre-multiply it ourselves when loading it in this case. Closes #12762.

2014-02-24 21:54 VZ, revision 76006

Add helper Set32bppHDIB() method to wxMSW wxBitmapRefData. No real changes, just add a helper to allow replacing the HBITMAP stored in wxBitmapRefData without changing anything else, this is going to be used in another place soon. See #12762.

2014-02-24 21:54 VZ, revision 76005

Mention that wxAuiNotebook uses native theme under wxGTK. Closes #16021.

2014-02-24 21:54 VZ, revision 76004

Clarify that there is only a single TAB traversal implementation. Don't imply that wxPanel can use either native or generic TAB traversal implementation because this is not true. Closes #16020.

2014-02-24 21:54 VZ, revision 76003

Include wxEVT_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_XXX in the documented interface. This facilitates automatic language bindings generation. Closes #16019.

2014-02-24 20:31 VZ, revision 76002

Tamil translations update for 3.0.1 from DINAKAR T.D.

2014-02-24 20:31 VZ, revision 76001

Tamil translations update for 3.0.1 from DINAKAR T.D.

2014-02-24 15:47 VZ, revision 76000

Mention wxDD_DIR_MUST_EXIST support in wxGTK in the change log. Document the change of r75997, see #16002.

2014-02-24 09:17 SC, revision 75999

using old code for carbon only, new code for cocoa, fixing doubly apply flip of y axis

2014-02-24 09:10 SC, revision 75998

add fix for 32 bit builds, also when wx is drawing CGContextRef is always flipped

2014-02-24 07:44 PC, revision 75997

add support for wxDD_DIR_MUST_EXIST, closes #16002

2014-02-24 02:00 PC, revision 75996

native GTK3 implementation for DrawSash()

2014-02-23 20:14 SC, revision 75995

new DrawIcon implementation, turned off by default

2014-02-23 20:11 SC, revision 75994

adding NSImage support to wxIcon on OSX, as IconRefs are on their way out, and performance under 10.9 is suffering

2014-02-23 20:02 SC, revision 75993

make sure a frozen control calls a native 'thaw' on the tlw during destruction, otherwise tlws might end up unresponsive, see #16011

2014-02-23 16:09 VZ, revision 75992

Swedish translations update for 3.0.1 from Jonas Rydberg.

2014-02-23 16:08 VZ, revision 75991

Swedish translations update for 3.0.1 from Jonas Rydberg.

2014-02-22 23:40 VZ, revision 75990

Always initialize values returned from wxGDDC::GetChar{Width,Height}(). Don't return garbage in case of error.

2014-02-22 23:40 VZ, revision 75989

Improve parameter validation in wxStream code. Replace wxASSERT_MSG()s with wxCHECK_MSG()s to ensure that we don't crash even if we are passed a NULL pointer, saying "Warning: Null pointer is about to be used" and crashing just isn't very useful in the grand scheme of things.

2014-02-22 23:39 VZ, revision 75988

Remove confusing delete from wxIdRangeManager dtor. The singleton dtor shouldn't delete the global singleton object, if this were ever really possible, it would result in an infinite recursion. And even though it was not (because ms_instance was reset to NULL before destroying the object pointed by it), this delete was still confusing and unnecessary, so remove it.

2014-02-22 23:39 VZ, revision 75987

Remove code maintaining last item from the treectrl sample. The code was buggy (e.g. it didn't update the last item correctly after executing "Append many items" menu command) and seems to be unnecessary.

2014-02-22 23:39 VZ, revision 75986

Fix harmless warnings about unused global variables. Don't define variables that we never use to fix clang warnings about them. See #15915.

2014-02-22 23:39 VZ, revision 75985

Fix Unix build using clang with g++ 4.8 headers. Don't override HAVE_TR1_TYPE_TRAITS detected by configure with HAVE_TYPE_TRAITS detected by clang __has_include() as the latter is less reliable and can return true even when the header is not actually usable, as it happens with g++ 4.8 <type_traits> in non C++11 mode. Closes #15915.

2014-02-22 23:39 VZ, revision 75984

Fix harmless warnings about unused global variables. Don't define variables that we never use to fix clang warnings about them. See #15915.

2014-02-22 23:38 VZ, revision 75983

Fix Unix build using clang with g++ 4.8 headers. Don't override HAVE_TR1_TYPE_TRAITS detected by configure with HAVE_TYPE_TRAITS detected by clang __has_include() as the latter is less reliable and can return true even when the header is not actually usable, as it happens with g++ 4.8 <type_traits> in non C++11 mode. Closes #15915.

2014-02-22 20:45 VZ, revision 75982

Use settings in wx_vcN_local.props files if they exist. Allow overriding the default build settings in local properties files for VC11 and VC12 builds. See #15780.

2014-02-22 18:26 VZ, revision 75981

Allow customizing bitmap handling in wxSVGFileDC. Provide a built-in alternative for using external files for the bitmaps in SVG: allow embedding them inside the SVG itself using "data:" URI. And also allow to define custom handlers to make the behaviour even more flexible. Closes #15968.

2014-02-22 15:54 VZ, revision 75980

Fix several rounding problems with float values in wxPropertyGrid. Loss of precision when converting floating point numbers to text and back could result in several problems, notably comparing a valid value with the minimum could fail after a round trip through wxSpinCtrl. Fix this by using a specialization of NumericValidation() handling floating point values specially and correctly. Closes #15625.

2014-02-22 15:54 VZ, revision 75979

Use symbolic attributes names in wxPropertyGrid code. No real changes, just use constants instead of hardcoding their values. See #15625.

2014-02-22 15:54 VZ, revision 75978

Allow retrieving wxPG_FLOAT_PRECISION and not just setting it. It was possible to call SetAttribute() to change this attribute value but not to get it back. Override DoGetAttribute() to also allow the latter. See #15625.

2014-02-22 15:54 VZ, revision 75977

Expose ScintillaWX DoDragEnter() and DoDragLeave() methods. These methods are needed to allow implementing alternative wxDropTargets, in addition to the already public DoDragOver(). Closes #16010.

2014-02-22 15:54 VZ, revision 75976

Document interaction of wxSplitterWindow gravity with initial size. Document the somewhat counter intuitive (but difficult to change) behaviour of the splitter when both sash position and gravity are set. See #15996.

2014-02-22 15:54 VZ, revision 75975

Fix memory leak when not finishing iteration started by wxFindFirstFile(). Memory allocated by wxFindFirstFile() was only freed when no more files could be found by wxFindNextFile(), resulting in a memory leak if the iteration was never finished. Closes #4631.

2014-02-22 15:14 VZ, revision 75974

Fix wxOSX compilation error after r75956. wxScopedArray::get() needs to be explicitly called to access the array contents as a pointer. Closes #16015.

2014-02-22 15:09 VZ, revision 75973

Chinese translations update for 3.0.1 from Jiawei Huang.

2014-02-22 15:09 VZ, revision 75972

Chinese translations update for 3.0.1 from Jiawei Huang.

2014-02-22 15:06 VZ, revision 75971

German translations update for 3.0.1 from Sebastian Walderich.

2014-02-22 15:06 VZ, revision 75970

German translations update for 3.0.1 from Sebastian Walderich.

2014-02-22 10:08 SC, revision 75969

backport of r75966, make sure a frozen control calls a native 'thaw' on the tlw during destruction, otherwise tlws might end up unresponsive, see #16011

2014-02-21 22:47 VZ, revision 75968

Basque translations update for 3.0.1 from Xabier Aramendi.

2014-02-21 22:47 VZ, revision 75967

Basque translations update for 3.0.1 from Xabier Aramendi.

2014-02-21 20:05 SC, revision 75966

make sure a frozen control calls a native 'thaw' on the tlw during destruction, otherwise tlws might end up unresponsive, see #16011

2014-02-21 18:15 VZ, revision 75965

Ukrainian translations update for 3.0.1 from Yuri Chornoivan.

2014-02-21 18:15 VZ, revision 75964

Ukrainian translations update for 3.0.1 from Yuri Chornoivan.

2014-02-21 17:28 VZ, revision 75963

French translations update for 3.0.1 from Xavier Perrissoud. Apply to the trunk as well. See #16013.

2014-02-21 17:27 VZ, revision 75962

Regenerate all .po files in the trunk too. Bring them (more) in sync with 3.0 branch.

2014-02-21 17:22 VZ, revision 75961

French translations update for 3.0.1 from Xavier Perrissoud. Closes #16013.

2014-02-21 14:55 VZ, revision 75960

Regenerate message catalogs for 3.0.1 release. Add a couple of new strings which have been added since 3.0.0.

2014-02-21 01:51 VZ, revision 75959

Fix memory leak in wxRibbonToolBar in case of error. Use wxScopedPtr to ensure the tool is not leaked, even if we fail to insert it.

2014-02-21 01:51 VZ, revision 75958

Fix uninitialized variable use in wxPropertyGrid code. wxPGProperty::GetItemAtY() uses its input/output "nextItem" parameter, so it must be initialized before calling it.

2014-02-21 01:51 VZ, revision 75957

Ensure we don't read invalid memory in wxOSX wxDisplay code. Replace wxASSERT() with wxCHECK_MSG() to ensure that we don't read beyond the end of the array even if we are given an invalid index.

2014-02-21 01:51 VZ, revision 75956

Fix memory leak on error return in wxOSX wxDisplay code. Use wxScopedArray to ensure that memory is freed, even if wxCHECK_MSG() condition fails.

2014-02-21 01:51 VZ, revision 75955

Fix memory leak in case of error in wxOSX graphics code. Delete the pointer before returning from the function if we don't pass its ownership to CGDataProviderCreateWithData().

2014-02-21 01:51 VZ, revision 75954

Fix memory leak on error return from wxMsgCatalogFile::FillHash(). Use wxScopedPtr to make memory management simpler and to ensure that all pointers allocated in this function are deleted: this wasn't the case when we returned false earlier due to the MO file being invalid.

2014-02-21 01:51 VZ, revision 75953

No real changes, just use smart pointers in GIF decoding code. Use wxScopedArray to make the code much shorter and guarantee that it doesn't leak memory.

2014-02-21 01:51 VZ, revision 75952

Fix socket leak in Accept() in case of error.o We leaked a socket descriptor if creating the accepted socket object failed.

2014-02-21 01:51 VZ, revision 75951

Fix fall back to default resolution in wxOSX printing code. The code was written to use the default resolution if getting it from the printer failed but only handled failure of PMPrinterGetOutputResolution() and not of PMSessionGetCurrentPrinter() itself. Use default resolution if obtaining it failed for any reason (alternative could be to return error if obtaining it failed for any return...).

2014-02-21 01:51 VZ, revision 75950

Correct wxDataViewColumn::AppendXXXColumn() return value in case of failure. Don't return invalid column pointer if it was freed because actually appending it to the control failed. Fixes corresponding Coverity warnings.

2014-02-20 16:13 VZ, revision 75949

Fix crash when using wxThreadSpecificInfo from global object ctor. When not using compiler TLS support (which is the default now), TLS variable itself needs to be initialized and user-defined code in the global objects ctor could be called before this happened, resulting in using uninitialized CRITICAL_SECTION under Windows and a crash. Fix this by wrapping global wxThreadSpecificInfo itself in an accessor function ensuring that it is always initialized before use. Notice that this required adding wxTLS_TYPE_REF() as wxTLS_TYPE() itself can't be used for the function return value (__thread or similar can only be used on the variables). Closes #16009.

2014-02-20 16:12 VZ, revision 75948

Fix crash when using wxThreadSpecificInfo from global object ctor. When not using compiler TLS support (which is the default now), TLS variable itself needs to be initialized and user-defined code in the global objects ctor could be called before this happened, resulting in using uninitialized CRITICAL_SECTION under Windows and a crash. Fix this by wrapping global wxThreadSpecificInfo itself in an accessor function ensuring that it is always initialized before use. Notice that this required adding wxTLS_TYPE_REF() as wxTLS_TYPE() itself can't be used for the function return value (__thread or similar can only be used on the variables). Closes #16009.

2014-02-20 14:06 VZ, revision 75947

Use correct column type when adding columns to wxDataViewListCtrl. Using base class methods such as AppendBitmapColumn() resulted in wxDataViewListCtrl::AppendColumn() being called but this function always assumed the column was of "string" variant type -- which was, of course, false for bitmap columns and so resulted in heap corruption (thanks to the wonderfully type unsafe code using wxVariant) and a crash. Get the correct type to use from the column itself now to fix this. Closes #16008.

2014-02-20 14:05 VZ, revision 75946

Use correct column type when adding columns to wxDataViewListCtrl. Using base class methods such as AppendBitmapColumn() resulted in wxDataViewListCtrl::AppendColumn() being called but this function always assumed the column was of "string" variant type -- which was, of course, false for bitmap columns and so resulted in heap corruption (thanks to the wonderfully type unsafe code using wxVariant) and a crash. Get the correct type to use from the column itself now to fix this. Closes #16008.

2014-02-20 01:32 VZ, revision 75945

Don't show hidden MDI frames when maximizing them in wxMSW. This is inconsistent with the other ports and rather unexpected. Closes #2508.

2014-02-20 01:32 VZ, revision 75944

Don't show the MDI children implicitly by default in wxMSW any more. We kept doing it for compatibility with pre-2.5.3 versions but this was a long time ago and we don't need this any longer. See #2508.

2014-02-20 01:32 VZ, revision 75943

Fix wxCmdLineParser::Found(name) for options with values. Calling Found() without providing the second "value" argument started generating an assert since introduction of the negated options as it reused FoundSwitch() which can only be used for switches, i.e. options without values. Fix this to revert a regression since 2.8 and also add unit tests for the different Found() overloads. Closes #15986, #16001.

2014-02-20 01:32 VZ, revision 75942

Reduce code duplication in wxCmdLineParser implementation. No real changes, just extract the code for finding options from their names into a separate function instead of repeating it 4 (and 5, after the next commit changes) times.

2014-02-20 01:32 VZ, revision 75941

Don't use invalid pointer in file dialog hook procedure in wxMSW. We can receive WM_NOTIFY for other than CDN_XXX messages if we have a native control as our immediate child (which can happen with "extra" controls) and the LPARAM is not a pointer to OFNOTIFY at all in this case, so don't try to use it as such. This fixes a crash when adding a "bare" extra control, see #16003.

2014-02-20 01:32 VZ, revision 75940

Fix wxTextCtrl contents corruption with long strings in wxMSW. wxMSW automatically extended wxTextCtrl length limit beyond the tiny standard 32KB when it was exceeded, but part of the text being appended into the control was lost when doing it. Fix this by retrying insertion after extending the limit. Closes #15980.

2014-02-20 01:31 VZ, revision 75939

Fix wxCmdLineParser::Found(name) for options with values. Calling Found() without providing the second "value" argument started generating an assert since introduction of the negated options as it reused FoundSwitch() which can only be used for switches, i.e. options without values. Fix this to revert a regression since 2.8 and also add unit tests for the different Found() overloads. Closes #15986, #16001.

2014-02-20 01:31 VZ, revision 75938

Reduce code duplication in wxCmdLineParser implementation. No real changes, just extract the code for finding options from their names into a separate function instead of repeating it 4 (and 5, after the next commit changes) times.

2014-02-20 01:31 VZ, revision 75937

Don't use invalid pointer in file dialog hook procedure in wxMSW. We can receive WM_NOTIFY for other than CDN_XXX messages if we have a native control as our immediate child (which can happen with "extra" controls) and the LPARAM is not a pointer to OFNOTIFY at all in this case, so don't try to use it as such. This fixes a crash when adding a "bare" extra control, see #16003.

2014-02-20 01:31 VZ, revision 75936

Fix wxTextCtrl contents corruption with long strings in wxMSW. wxMSW automatically extended wxTextCtrl length limit beyond the tiny standard 32KB when it was exceeded, but part of the text being appended into the control was lost when doing it. Fix this by retrying insertion after extending the limit. Closes #15980.

2014-02-19 21:38 SC, revision 75935

backport of r75934, misplaced the orderOut: , see #15998, #15902

2014-02-19 21:24 SC, revision 75934

misplaced the orderOut: , see #15998, #15902

2014-02-19 15:52 VZ, revision 75933

Set model pointer in wxDataViewEvents generated under wxOSX. Add missing SetModel() calls. Closes #16004.

2014-02-19 15:51 VZ, revision 75932

Set model pointer in wxDataViewEvents generated under wxOSX. Add missing SetModel() calls. Closes #16004.

2014-02-19 00:36 VZ, revision 75930

Move DSS_HIDEPREFIX fallback definition to the central header. Do it only once now that it's used in 3 different places (it recently started to be used in src/msw/anybutton.cpp as well) instead of defining it thrice. This also fixes MinGW build.

2014-02-19 00:36 VZ, revision 75929

Move DSS_HIDEPREFIX fallback definition to the central header. Do it only once now that it's used in 3 different places (it recently started to be used in src/msw/anybutton.cpp as well) instead of defining it thrice. This also fixes MinGW build.

2014-02-18 18:47 SC, revision 75928

backport of r15902

2014-02-18 16:44 VZ, revision 75927

Mention the addition of VC{11,12} solution files in the change log. This is an important thing for a lot of people.

2014-02-18 16:43 VZ, revision 75926

Add projects for MSVC 11 and 12 (MSVS 2012 and 2013). Add manually created projects for now, as it looks that we are not going to have bakefile-generated ones any time soon. Closes #15780.

2014-02-18 16:40 VZ, revision 75925

Add projects for MSVC 11 and 12 (MSVS 2012 and 2013). Add manually created projects for now, as it looks that we are not going to have bakefile-generated ones any time soon. Closes #15780.

2014-02-18 16:14 VZ, revision 75924

Fix transparency in toolbar buttons when not using comctl32.dll v6. Old versions of comctl32.dll don't support alpha in the toolbar image list, so use the masks only for them. This is a backport of r75785, r75794 and r75923 from trunk. Closes #2609.

2014-02-18 16:13 VZ, revision 75923

Compilation fix for wxUSE_IMAGE==0 wxMSW build. Declare the variable used in any case outside of wxUSE_IMAGE-only block. See #2609.

2014-02-18 16:09 VZ, revision 75922

Don't delete child controls when deleting wxStaticBoxSizer. This is an incompatible change compared to 2.8 which can make the existing code crash and it also goes against the usual rule that the windows are never owned by sizers, only other windows. Closes #15698.

2014-02-18 16:08 VZ, revision 75921

Don't delete child controls when deleting wxStaticBoxSizer. This is an incompatible change compared to 2.8 which can make the existing code crash and it also goes against the usual rule that the windows are never owned by sizers, only other windows. Closes #15698.

2014-02-18 16:05 VZ, revision 75920

Add support for fixed spacers and labels to wxAuiToolBar XRC handler. Allow specifying "width" and "proportion" attributes for the "space" elements and add "label" element support. Closes #15964.

2014-02-18 14:13 SC, revision 75919

backport of r75899

2014-02-18 11:09 SC, revision 75918

fixing nested modal sessions, part 2, see #15902

2014-02-18 00:55 VZ, revision 75917

Add missing bounding box calculations in wxMSW wxDC code. Update the bounding box when drawing bitmaps (in one of several possible ways) and gradients. Closes #2132.

2014-02-18 00:55 VZ, revision 75916

Improve disabled buttons appearance in wxMSW when not using themes. Owner drawn buttons were not drawn in the same way as normal ones when they were disabled, use Win32 DrawState() to do it now to achieve the correct appearance. Closes #11746.

2014-02-18 00:55 VZ, revision 75915

Fix crash in wxMSW wxFileSystemWatcher when removing the same path twice. Starting to watch a path, stopping to watch it, starting to watch it again and stopping again resulted in a crash in wxMSW wxFileSystemWatcher implementation because the watcher object wasn't kept artificially kept alive when it was stopped for the second time. This happened because our way of keeping it alive was to store it in a hash map indexed by path, but if a watcher for the same path (added there when this path was first unwatched) was already present in the map, the watcher wasn't added to it and not kept alive. Fix this by using a vector instead of a map. We obviously sacrifice quick access to it by path but at least this doesn't crash any more. And we could actually still use a map, just indexed by the (unique) pointer to the object stored inside wxSharedPtr itself, and not its path. But a vector might be a more efficient data structure in practice, if we keep it from becoming too big as we should try to do by triggering artificial port completions when a watch is removed. At any rate, at least the crash is fixed for now. Closes #15995.

2014-02-18 00:55 VZ, revision 75914

Allow waiting for thread termination even without wxTheApp in wxMSW. Attempts to wait for thread termination after wxTheApp was destroyed resulted in an error in wxMSW since 2.9.something whereas it used to work in 2.8 and also generally makes sense to be allowed. So do make this work again by falling back to the simple non-interruptible wait for thread if we don't have the application object any more. Closes #13391.

2014-02-18 00:55 VZ, revision 75913

Fix handling of wxTEXT_ATTR_EFFECT_SMALL_CAPITALS in wxRichTextFontPage. Due to a typo when copy-and-pasting code wrong control was being updated. It would be better to have a function updating the given control from the given flag, of course, but for now just fix the bug. Closes #15990.

2014-02-18 00:55 VZ, revision 75912

Fix fallback format index in wxPropertyGetter wxUIntProperty code. Don't crash by accessing an out of bands array element if the format string index had been set to an invalid value, just use the default (decimal) format in this case. Closes #15984.

2014-02-18 00:55 VZ, revision 75911

Use symbolic constants in wxPropertyGrid wxUIntProperty code. No real changes, just use symbolic constants instead of hard coded magical constants. The code is still difficult to understand but slightly better than before.

2014-02-18 00:53 VZ, revision 75910

Add "const" to the recently added wxRTC XPM. This fixes half a page of warnings about converting string constants to non-const char* from g++.

2014-02-18 00:53 VZ, revision 75909

Add missing bounding box calculations in wxMSW wxDC code. Update the bounding box when drawing bitmaps (in one of several possible ways) and gradients. Closes #2132.

2014-02-18 00:53 VZ, revision 75908

Improve disabled buttons appearance in wxMSW when not using themes. Owner drawn buttons were not drawn in the same way as normal ones when they were disabled, use Win32 DrawState() to do it now to achieve the correct appearance. Closes #11746.

2014-02-18 00:53 VZ, revision 75907

Speed up wxHtmlHelpWindow startup time by freezing font choices. Appending the names of all fonts could take a significant amount of time if there were a lot of them, freeze the controls while doing it to speed it up. Closes #15978.

2014-02-18 00:53 VZ, revision 75906

Set wxHtmlHelpFrame title format before creating it. This ensures that it's always set before it can be used, fixing assert introduced in r75748. Closes #15977.

2014-02-18 00:53 VZ, revision 75905

Fix crash in wxMSW wxFileSystemWatcher when removing the same path twice. Starting to watch a path, stopping to watch it, starting to watch it again and stopping again resulted in a crash in wxMSW wxFileSystemWatcher implementation because the watcher object wasn't kept artificially kept alive when it was stopped for the second time. This happened because our way of keeping it alive was to store it in a hash map indexed by path, but if a watcher for the same path (added there when this path was first unwatched) was already present in the map, the watcher wasn't added to it and not kept alive. Fix this by using a vector instead of a map. We obviously sacrifice quick access to it by path but at least this doesn't crash any more. And we could actually still use a map, just indexed by the (unique) pointer to the object stored inside wxSharedPtr itself, and not its path. But a vector might be a more efficient data structure in practice, if we keep it from becoming too big as we should try to do by triggering artificial port completions when a watch is removed. At any rate, at least the crash is fixed for now. Closes #15995.

2014-02-18 00:53 VZ, revision 75904

Allow waiting for thread termination even without wxTheApp in wxMSW. Attempts to wait for thread termination after wxTheApp was destroyed resulted in an error in wxMSW since 2.9.something whereas it used to work in 2.8 and also generally makes sense to be allowed. So do make this work again by falling back to the simple non-interruptible wait for thread if we don't have the application object any more. Closes #13391.

2014-02-18 00:53 VZ, revision 75903

Fix handling of wxTEXT_ATTR_EFFECT_SMALL_CAPITALS in wxRichTextFontPage. Due to a typo when copy-and-pasting code wrong control was being updated. It would be better to have a function updating the given control from the given flag, of course, but for now just fix the bug. Closes #15990.

2014-02-18 00:52 VZ, revision 75902

Fix fallback format index in wxPropertyGetter wxUIntProperty code. Don't crash by accessing an out of bands array element if the format string index had been set to an invalid value, just use the default (decimal) format in this case. Closes #15984.

2014-02-18 00:52 VZ, revision 75901

Use symbolic constants in wxPropertyGrid wxUIntProperty code. No real changes, just use symbolic constants instead of hard coded magical constants. The code is still difficult to understand but slightly better than before.

2014-02-18 00:52 VZ, revision 75900

Document wxTopLevelWindow::Restore(). This was never documented, probably because it's not actually very clear to understand what exactly does it do.

2014-02-17 20:13 SC, revision 75899

fixing nested modal sessions

2014-02-17 17:25 PC, revision 75898

avoid potential NULL pointer dereference, closes #15993

2014-02-17 17:25 PC, revision 75897

fix ordering of function parameters, closes #15985

2014-02-17 15:54 JS, revision 75896

Fixed floating object layout when there is only a short text string in the paragraph

2014-02-17 15:54 JS, revision 75895

Fixed floating object layout when there is only a short text string in the paragraph

2014-02-16 21:05 JS, revision 75894

Removed rounding that didn't work for negative numbers

2014-02-16 21:05 JS, revision 75893

Removed rounding that didn't work for negative numbers; added ability to hide "move object" controls

2014-02-16 12:41 JS, revision 75892

Compile fix

2014-02-15 19:14 PC, revision 75888

mimic wxMSW wxSetCursorEvent propagation behavior, closes #15801

2014-02-15 19:11 JS, revision 75887

Sizing fix in wxRichTextImage::LoadImageCache

2014-02-15 17:59 VS, revision 75886

OS X: fix startup sequence when restoring session on >=10.7. Make sure that OnInit() is called before MacReopenApp(). This is normally the case, but it is possible for it to be called as the first thing. This can happen when OS X restores running apps when starting a new user session. Apps that were hidden (dock only) when the previous session terminated are only restored in a limited, resources-saving way - the event loop is running, but didn't call anything in the app delegate yet. When the user clicks the icon, applicationShouldHandleReopen: is called, but we didn't call OnInit() yet. In this case, we shouldn't call MacReopenApp(), but should proceed with normal initialization.

2014-02-15 17:59 VS, revision 75885

OS X: fix startup sequence when restoring session on >=10.7. Make sure that OnInit() is called before MacReopenApp(). This is normally the case, but it is possible for it to be called as the first thing. This can happen when OS X restores running apps when starting a new user session. Apps that were hidden (dock only) when the previous session terminated are only restored in a limited, resources-saving way - the event loop is running, but didn't call anything in the app delegate yet. When the user clicks the icon, applicationShouldHandleReopen: is called, but we didn't call OnInit() yet. In this case, we shouldn't call MacReopenApp(), but should proceed with normal initialization.

2014-02-15 17:19 JS, revision 75884

Optimized wxRTC insertion and deletion when floating objects are present.

2014-02-13 17:47 PC, revision 75883

avoid setting negative window size, see #15976

2014-02-13 17:46 PC, revision 75882

avoid forcing a paint on a window with zero size, see #15976

2014-02-13 13:32 JS, revision 75881

Added ability to disable images in wxRTC for performance or image corruption reasons

2014-02-13 13:01 JS, revision 75880

Corrected wxTextBoxAttr::IsDefault() implementation

2014-02-13 13:00 JS, revision 75879

Corrected wxTextBoxAttr::IsDefault() implementation

2014-02-13 12:57 JS, revision 75878

Border drawing corrections

2014-02-13 12:47 JS, revision 75877

Fixed a bug that prevented floating objects from being updated correctly

2014-02-13 12:46 JS, revision 75876

Fixed a bug that prevented floating objects from being updated correctly

2014-02-12 14:15 VZ, revision 75875

Provide more detailed deprecation message for wxFont ctor. Be more clear about how should the code be changed. Closes #15972.

2014-02-10 18:32 PC, revision 75867

finish setting size before sending wxMoveEvent

2014-02-10 18:25 PC, revision 75866

remove stuff that is already done by gtk_window_set_transient_for()

2014-02-10 18:11 PC, revision 75865

generate wxMoveEvent from wxPopupWindow::DoSetSize()

2014-02-09 20:53 PC, revision 75864

add missing GTK3 implementations of GTKGetWindow()

2014-02-09 19:36 PC, revision 75863

emit signal by id instead of name

2014-02-09 19:15 PC, revision 75862

get non-default wxTextCtrl cursors working with GTK3

2014-02-09 17:49 PC, revision 75861

Use "state-flags-changed" signal with GTK3, deprecated "state-changed" is ignored.

2014-02-09 14:40 VZ, revision 75858

Extract private methods when generating documentation too. The only private methods appearing in interface/wx/*.h files are meant to be documented, so do extract them. This should fix wxThread::OnExit() not appearing in the generated documentation, for example.

2014-02-08 15:12 VZ, revision 75846

Fix wxToolBar size in wxMSW when not using icons. There were several problems when the toolbar style was toggled to not show icons, fix them by adding missing checks for wxTB_NOICONS style. Closes #13578.

2014-02-08 15:12 VZ, revision 75845

Fix build under OS X with --disable-xrc. Don't try to change the install names in non-existent (in this case) wxrc. Closes #15946.