

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2003-07-01 12:23 VZ, revision 21548

GetOsVersion() is now wxGUIAppTraits method instead of a global function

2003-07-01 12:19 VZ, revision 21547

removed wxFunction

2003-07-01 11:42 VZ, revision 21546

added Bulgarian translations

2003-07-01 09:01 VS, revision 21545

oops, this doesn't belong there

2003-07-01 08:48 VS, revision 21544

fixed include paths to our copies of 3rd party libs

2003-07-01 00:33 VZ, revision 21543

fixed VC++ warning in release build

2003-07-01 00:29 VZ, revision 21542

fixed Unicode compilation and run-time problems

2003-07-01 00:21 VS, revision 21541

fixed incorrect wxUniv rules

2003-07-01 00:09 VS, revision 21540

fix dependencies

2003-06-30 23:46 VS, revision 21539

fix dependencies

2003-06-30 22:53 VZ, revision 21538

regenerated with autocofn 2.57

2003-06-30 22:38 VZ, revision 21537

added missing #include bitmap.h

2003-06-30 22:36 VS, revision 21536

moved more files to wxBase for mac

2003-06-30 22:34 VS, revision 21535

bakefile fixes for mac

2003-06-30 22:21 VS, revision 21534

moved more files to wxBase for mac

2003-06-30 22:05 VS, revision 21533

fix to shared libs name on nonwin32 platforms

2003-06-30 22:01 VS, revision 21532

fixed missing WXDLLEXPORT

2003-06-30 21:49 VZ, revision 21531

we can't declare WinMain() with other arguments using Borland, revert to including windows.h

2003-06-30 21:44 VS, revision 21530

fix to shared libs name on nonwin32 platforms

2003-06-30 21:41 VS, revision 21529

making windows compilation work

2003-06-30 21:39 VS, revision 21528

added init.cpp

2003-06-30 21:39 VZ, revision 21527

include init.h as wxEntry is supposed to be declared here

2003-06-30 21:22 VS, revision 21526

compilation fix

2003-06-30 21:14 VZ, revision 21525

removed old wxEntry() declaration

2003-06-30 21:01 VZ, revision 21524

removed old wxEntry declarations

2003-06-30 20:33 VZ, revision 21523

small wxGTK compilation fixes

2003-06-30 20:30 VS, revision 21522

added init.cpp

2003-06-30 20:11 VZ, revision 21521

added empty Init/CleanUpStandardHandlers() for compatibility with the other platforms

2003-06-30 20:02 VZ, revision 21520

more work on fixing wxEntry() and ANSI/Unicode cmd line args mess

2003-06-30 18:44 VS, revision 21519

fixed location of mac resources

2003-06-30 18:43 VZ, revision 21518

extracted common initialization/cleanup functions in common/init.cpp; standardized wxEntry()

2003-06-30 17:37 RD, revision 21517

Check for and allow zero length files

2003-06-30 16:14 VS, revision 21516

fixed missing rules for tif_unix.c on Mac and other manifestations of the same bug

2003-06-30 15:35 VS, revision 21515

another fix to bk-deps

2003-06-30 14:27 DE, revision 21514

Added call to SetValidator

2003-06-30 13:35 JS, revision 21513

Documented event sink

2003-06-30 13:11 , revision 21512

This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tag 'BEFORE_INIT_REFACTORING'.

2003-06-30 13:11 JS, revision 21511

Added optional event sink for use with dynamic event tables Removed comments and commented-out code re. focus window processing from wxToolBarBase

2003-06-30 12:56 JJ, revision 21510

Committing in . fix for new getosversion procedure. Modified Files: wxWindows/src/motif/descrip.mms wxWindows/src/motif/utils.cpp ----------------------------------------------------------------------

2003-06-30 10:35 JJ, revision 21509

Committing in . Updated OpenVMS compile support Modified Files: wxWindows/setup.h_vms wxWindows/src/common/descrip.mms wxWindows/src/motif/descrip.mms wxWindows/src/unix/descrip.mms ----------------------------------------------------------------------

2003-06-30 01:18 VZ, revision 21508


2003-06-29 23:25 VS, revision 21507

regenerated: smaller makefiles with new bakefile version

2003-06-29 15:44 VZ, revision 21506

added release()

2003-06-29 15:18 SN, revision 21505

Applied Patch 760644 (wxGrid SetTable uses deleted wxGridTable).

2003-06-29 11:52 VZ, revision 21504

documented wxIsMainThread() and other thread-related stuff

2003-06-29 11:51 VZ, revision 21503

corrected link in see also

2003-06-29 11:51 VZ, revision 21502

added wxIsMainThread()

2003-06-29 09:25 VS, revision 21501

oops, partially reverted previous commit, it was incorrect

2003-06-29 09:17 VS, revision 21500


2003-06-29 00:43 VS, revision 21499


2003-06-29 00:39 VZ, revision 21498

compilation fix

2003-06-29 00:35 VZ, revision 21497

we don't need to include wx/mac/private.h, at least under OS X

2003-06-29 00:32 VZ, revision 21496

fix for compiling in wxUSE_GUI == 0 mode

2003-06-29 00:03 VS, revision 21495

naming convention fixes

2003-06-29 00:02 VS, revision 21494

more bakefile optimalizations

2003-06-29 00:02 VS, revision 21493

compilation fix

2003-06-28 23:40 VZ, revision 21492

fix for comparison bug in GetHeader()

2003-06-28 20:56 MBN, revision 21491

Stop GCC from complaining about unhandled enumeration values.

2003-06-28 17:18 VS, revision 21490

MacOS X fixes

2003-06-28 16:08 VS, revision 21489


2003-06-28 16:07 VS, revision 21488

missing libbase

2003-06-28 15:59 VS, revision 21487

samples/console is buildable as part of multilib, too

2003-06-28 15:06 VS, revision 21486


2003-06-28 15:00 VS, revision 21485

don't create samples/autoconf_inc.m4

2003-06-28 14:33 VS, revision 21484

fixed dll extension when crosscompiling for win32

2003-06-28 14:23 VS, revision 21483

libgdi32.a is not included in console apps by mingw, but we required it in wxBase

2003-06-28 14:14 VS, revision 21482

upstream fixes in bakefile's handling of mutually exclusive targets with same name

2003-06-28 13:52 VS, revision 21481

typo fix (bakefile needs error checking...)

2003-06-28 13:12 VZ, revision 21480

fixed fatal crash in Create() after my last change

2003-06-28 13:10 VS, revision 21479

wxUSE_BASE fixes

2003-06-28 12:34 VS, revision 21478

fixed libtiff build

2003-06-28 12:34 VS, revision 21477

libtiff build fix

2003-06-28 12:33 VS, revision 21476

fixed linker errors

2003-06-28 12:23 VZ, revision 21475

replaced wxGetOsVersion() with wxGUIAppTraits::GetOSVersion()

2003-06-28 12:21 VZ, revision 21474

fixed unused variable warnings

2003-06-28 11:59 VZ, revision 21473

fixed sscanf() format string typo

2003-06-28 11:54 VS, revision 21472


2003-06-28 11:49 VZ, revision 21471

don't generate makefiles for the samples which don't build in current configuration

2003-06-28 11:39 VZ, revision 21470

don't output strange "base (hosted)" message when not cross-compiling

2003-06-28 11:34 VZ, revision 21469

only configure programs which compile without GUI when building wxBase

2003-06-28 06:59 SC, revision 21468

function key support

2003-06-28 04:12 DE, revision 21467

Added more generic implementation files to wxCocoa files list FIXME: Update list of header files Added all of the UNIX implementation files FIXME: Make this use the base UNIX list of files (like any other UNIX port)

2003-06-28 04:05 DE, revision 21466

include "wx/setup.h" before testing for wxUSE_SLIDER

2003-06-28 04:03 DE, revision 21465

Added wxGUIAppTraits::GetOSVersion() implementation.

2003-06-28 02:18 RD, revision 21464

SWIGged updates

2003-06-28 02:18 RD, revision 21463

SWIGged updates for wxGTK

2003-06-28 01:53 RD, revision 21462

SWIGged updates for wxMac

2003-06-28 01:52 RD, revision 21461

Don't need to include private.h anymore

2003-06-27 23:57 VS, revision 21460

fixed stupid bug - failure to generate samples/makefile.bcc

2003-06-27 23:48 VS, revision 21459

fixed command line arguments order problems

2003-06-27 23:47 VS, revision 21458

needs wxbase, too

2003-06-27 23:40 DE, revision 21457

Removed wxGetOsVersion stub. It's now handled by utilscmn.cpp.

2003-06-27 23:24 VS, revision 21456

it's the other way around..

2003-06-27 21:59 VS, revision 21455

bk-deps fixes and win32

2003-06-27 21:55 VS, revision 21454

fixed linking against 3rd party libs

2003-06-27 21:53 VS, revision 21453

added Borland C++ makefiles

2003-06-27 21:29 VS, revision 21452

different name for release and debug build of third party libraries

2003-06-27 21:15 VZ, revision 21451

added RefreshItem[s]()

2003-06-27 19:48 SC, revision 21450

resetting clipping region (needed because of faster port setting)

2003-06-27 19:22 VS, revision 21449

1. more borland work 2. added optimization and debug info flags