

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2009-10-19 00:38 KO, revision 62453

Just doing a rebake of latest trunk.

2009-10-18 19:47 MBN, revision 62451

Copy wxPerl notes from the LaTeX documentation.

2009-10-18 00:56 VZ, revision 62445

Restore --debug wx-config option handling for pre-2.9 builds. Although 2.9 and later doesn't have debug/release distinction, previous version of wx may be installed on the system and should be usable via 2.9 wx-config so honour this option for them. Closes #11316.

2009-10-17 22:06 PC, revision 62444

derive wxMask from wxMaskBase

2009-10-17 19:37 PC, revision 62443

add opengl lib dependency, fixes #11335

2009-10-17 18:13 VZ, revision 62442

Update column order in MSW native wxHeaderCtrl after drag. We must update the internally stored columns order even if the end reorder event was processed (but not vetoed), otherwise we don't reflect the new order in the our public functions such as GetColumnsOrder() which broke wxDVC display under MSW. Closes #11300.

2009-10-17 18:13 VZ, revision 62441

Fix for windres flags used in Win64 mingw build. We must explicitly define WX_CPU_AMD64 when compiling using mingw64 and configure as wx/msw/genrcdefs.h is not used in this case and even if it were, it wouldn't work because g++ doesn't define _M_AMD64 (unlike MSVC). So just add the flag directly to windres command line in configure. Closes #11336.

2009-10-17 14:28 JMS, revision 62439

Exposed wxPGCell to SWIG

2009-10-17 03:04 VZ, revision 62436

Rewrite handling cell value changes in wxOSX/Cocoa wxDVC. Instead of using a chain of dynamic_cast<>s to find the right type of the value, construct a wxVariant corresponding to the type of the object we receive in NSOutlineView:setObjectValue:forTableColumn:byItem and pass it to a wxDataViewRenderer virtual function. This fixes assert and allows to edit icon text items under OS X.

2009-10-17 03:04 VZ, revision 62435

No changes, just attempts to make the code more readable. Reformat/reindent, use more wx coding style, wrap some extremely long lines. Use shorter and less Carbon-ish variable names. Clarify some comments. Also use static_cast<> because there is no need to use reinterpret_cast<> when a static_cast<> will do.

2009-10-17 03:04 VZ, revision 62434

Fix crash when editing wxDVC items in place in wxOSX/Cocoa. NSOutlineView::editedColumn: and editedRow: return -1 when they are called from textDidEndEditing so we need to store their values in textDidBeginEditing and reuse them later. This fixes the crash in the sample with out-of-range array index exception which happened whenever a cell was edited.

2009-10-16 23:35 VZ, revision 62433

Add ellipsization support to wxDataViewCtrl. Implemented ellipsization in the generic, GTK and both OS X Carbon and Cocoa versions but it currently doesn't work well in GTK as it changes the item alignment unconditionally, this will need to be fixed later. The behaviour for the columns is currently inconsistent between ports too: under MSW they (natively) use wxELLIPSIZE_END, under GTK -- wxELLIPSIZE_NONE and under OS X the same ellipsization mode as the column contents, i.e. wxELLIPSIZE_MIDDLE by default.

2009-10-16 23:32 VZ, revision 62432

Rename wxEllipsizeFlags elements to avoid confusion with wxEllipsizeMode. We shouldn't use the same "wxELLIPSIZE_" prefix for two different enums, so use wxELLIPSIZE_FLAGS one for wxEllipsizeFlags (they should be used less often than wxEllipsizeMode so it's better to keep the short prefix for the latter). Also add wxELLIPSIZE_FLAGS_NONE flag.

2009-10-16 18:25 VZ, revision 62431

Improve wxCollapsiblePane appearance under OS X. By default, don't use border in wxDisclosureTriangle because the native applications do not. However do honour wxBORDER_XXX style if specified in case this becomes useful in the future (this required no effort as the code was already there for bitmap buttons and just had to be extracted into a reusable function). Don't expand the disclosure triangle in wxCollapsiblePane sizer, as this resulted in the text being centered instead of remaining left-aligned.

2009-10-16 18:25 VZ, revision 62430

Don't use sunken border for the list control in log dialog. There doesn't seem to be any reason to use a heavy border here as there is nothing much to separate the list control from. In particular this looks rather horrible under OS X.

2009-10-16 16:35 VZ, revision 62429

Make assert in wxMSW wxListCtrl::InsertItem() more informative. Assert if inserting an item failed (this is really unexpected and must be a programmer error) instead of asserting about items number mismatch -- which might be true but only indirectly helpful.

2009-10-16 15:54 JMS, revision 62428

Fix incorrect wxComboBox dropdown and closeup event macro names in doxygen docs (closes #11340)

2009-10-16 03:29 VZ, revision 62423

Implement icon text column using native GTK renderers in wxDVC. This has a possible advantage of a more native look and feel (although it's hard to tell the difference between drawing the icon ourselves and how the default GTK+ renderer does it to be honest) and a very real advantage of allowing to edit in place cells with icons. It also reduces code duplication in GTK implementation. Modify the sample to make the icon-text column in the list model editable to show that it works. This required storing the values of the second column as well, so do it in its own array and to avoid calling it "m_array2", rename the existing m_array to m_textColValues (which accounts for most of the diff in the sample) and call the new one m_iconColValues.

2009-10-15 18:53 VZ, revision 62418

Correct cell alignment computation for too small column sizes. Actually the column size might not even be too small but the size returned by renderers GetSize() could be too large -- as is the case for spin renderer currently. And trusting it results in drawing outside of the cell boundary even when there is enough space inside it, so don't do this and fall back to left alignment if there is not enough space. This fixes display of the year column in the dataview sample broken by the recent changes.

2009-10-15 18:53 VZ, revision 62417

Use correct colour for selected items in generic wxDVC. wxDataViewCustomRenderer::RenderText() taking attributes must use correct colour for the selected items if no attribute is specified as it can be (and is) called directly and not only via the compatibility overload. This fixes the display of the selected items in the dataview sample broken by recent changes.

2009-10-15 18:39 JMS, revision 62416

Changed 'bool recursively' to 'int flags' argument (with default value of wxPG_RECURSE) in wxPropertyGrid Set(Property)BackgroundColour() and Set(Property)TextColour() member functions.

2009-10-15 16:49 JMS, revision 62415

Fixed regression: wxPropertyGrid caption selection rectangle was drawn at incorrect horizontal offset.

2009-10-15 16:44 VZ, revision 62414

Replace wxValidator::SetBellOnError() with SuppressBellOnError(). SetBellOnError() erroneously inversed the value of its parameter. Fixing it to behave correctly could silently break the existing code which might work around this bug already because it always behaved like this (ever since it was added 10.5 years ago). So instead simply deprecate this function and add a new SuppressBellOnError() one which behaves as expected. Closes #11318.

2009-10-15 16:44 VZ, revision 62413

Correct typo in wxDocument::OnSaveModified() description.

2009-10-15 16:41 JMS, revision 62412

Added wxPGCell::SetFont() and GetFont(); Documented wxPGCell class.