

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2009-10-23 13:44 VZ, revision 62486

Use an even more informative error message in wxFSW unit test. Dump information about both events when we received two of them instead of the (single) expected one.

2009-10-23 13:44 VZ, revision 62485

Compilation fix for wxFileSystemWatcher in MSW STL build. Don't rely on implicit wxString to TCHAR* conversion, use t_str() explicitly. Closes #11368.

2009-10-23 12:52 JJ, revision 62484

Updating configuration for OpenVMS

2009-10-23 01:54 VZ, revision 62482

Give more informative error in wxFSW test. Output more details when more than one event is unexpectedly received. Hopefully this will allow to debug the test failure at build bot slaves which doesn't seem to be happening locally.

2009-10-23 01:54 VZ, revision 62481

Fix g++ compilation of wxFileSystemWatcher test after VC6 fix. Enums can't be used to deduce template parameters so cast WAIT_DURATION to int explicitly before passing it to wxString::Format().

2009-10-22 18:57 VZ, revision 62480

Fix wxFSW test compilation with VC6. Work around an internal compiler error and don't initialize static variable when declaring it as VC6 doesn't support this.

2009-10-22 18:53 VZ, revision 62479

Compilation fix for PCH-less OS X build after wxFSW merge. Include wx/log.h explicitly as we use wxLogTrace().

2009-10-22 18:53 VZ, revision 62478

Rebake everything using bakefile 0.2.7. Also updated aclocal inputs and regenerated configure.

2009-10-22 17:44 FM, revision 62477

update wxpresets for new osx_carbon and osx_cocoa names provided by the wx-config --selected_config command

2009-10-22 14:53 VZ, revision 62476

Compilation fix for old SDK in wxFileSystemWatcher MSW code. PULONG_PTR is older SDK so use "LONG_PTR *" which we already define in our wx/msw/wrapwin.h in any case.

2009-10-22 13:36 VZ, revision 62475

Refactor wxEventLoopSource-related code. Currently wxEventLoopSource can't be created directly and can only be used to monitor file descriptors so reduce the API to just wxEventLoop::AddSourceForFD() and remove AddSource(), RemoveSource() and RemoveAllSources() which couldn't be implemented for all ports. This makes the code much simpler without any loss of functionality. Make wxEventLoopSource responsible for removing itself from the event loop when it is deleted. This allows to remove IsOk() and Invalidate() methods making the code simpler and gets rid of various sets/maps which were used before. This also allows to support event loop sources in Carbon as well: wxOSX/Carbon now compiles and works with wxUSE_FSWATCHER==1.

2009-10-22 13:35 VZ, revision 62474

Merge SOC2009_FSWATCHER branch into trunk. Merges everything from the branch with only some minor changes, mostly renamed wxUSE_FSWATCHER_{INOTIFY,KQUEUE} to wxHAS_{INOTIFY,KQUEUE}. Add wxFileSystemWatcher and related classes. Also introduces wxEventLoopSource.

2009-10-22 13:34 VZ, revision 62473

Extract operator<<(ostream, wxFileName) from filename test. Putting this function in a header allows to reuse it in other tests, e.g. the upcoming wxFileSystemWatcher one.

2009-10-22 13:18 VZ, revision 62472

Suppress VC6 warnings about non-DLL-exported class for wxScrolled. It's harmless to derive wxScrolledWindow from wxScrolled<> so suppress the warnings about it.

2009-10-22 13:18 VZ, revision 62471

Fix UseUintMax definition used by wxAny for VC6. The old code tried to work around the lack of unsigned __int64 to double conversion in VC6 by casting from UseUintMax to wxAnyBaseIntType but this was wrong as this value was -1 when cast to wxAnyBaseIntType (__int64) and so UseUintMaxF was defined as -1.0. Use a slightly uglier but simpler work around now: just define the constants as macros instead of (typed) variables and let the compiler deal with literal values on its own (which it does correctly). This fixes the unit test failure: conversion from double to unsigned always failed when using VC6.

2009-10-22 13:17 VZ, revision 62470

Suppress a warning in cppunit/extensions/ExceptionTestCaseDecorator.h. This was the last warning given during the tests phase in build bot builds. Also use #pragma warning(pop) for MSVC instead of incorrect warning(default).

2009-10-22 11:40 VZ, revision 62469
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/demos/bombs/bombs_vc9.sln
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/demos/forty/forty_vc9.sln
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/demos/fractal/fractal_vc9.sln
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/demos/life/life_vc9.sln
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/demos/poem/poem_vc9.sln
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/ribbon/ribbon_vc7.sln
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/ribbon/ribbon_vc8.sln
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/ribbon/ribbon_vc9.sln
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/tests/benchmarks/bench.sln
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/tests/test_vc9.sln
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/emulator/src/emulator_vc9.sln
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/helpview/src/helpview_vc9.sln
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/hhp2cached/hhp2cached_vc9.sln
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxrc/wxrc_vc9.sln

Remove unwanted solution files from the repository. Remove VC9-only solution files from a couple of tests/utils/demos (there is no reason at all to have only VC9 solutions: either we have all of [789] or none of them) and also remove all solutions files for the ribbon sample which were probably added mistakenly in the first place (as no other sample has them).

2009-10-22 08:43 VS, revision 62468

Post-0.2.6 version of Bakefile is required. This is because of two recent changes: addition of the 'ribbon' library (with filenames shared with other libs) and unconditional enabling of debug info with VC++. Both of these uncovered bugs in Bakefile's VC++ support that weren't fixed until after 0.2.6.

2009-10-21 18:56 JMS, revision 62465

Move in-cell property expander buttons slightly to the right (looks better that way)

2009-10-21 11:44 VZ, revision 62462

Add or fix descriptions of return values from SetFont/XXXColour(). Add the same kind of description to SetBackground/ForegroundColour() as in SetFont() and fix typo in the latter. Closes #11352.

2009-10-19 15:57 VZ, revision 62459

Don't include LDFLAGS in `wx-config --libs` output. Use a separate WXCONFIG_LDFLAGS variable for the flags which should be used when linking applications using wxWidgets and not wxWidgets itself. The only intentional effect this change is supposed to have right now is that -arch options added to LDFLAGS when building wx for multiple architectures under OS X are not used for building the applications any more.

2009-10-19 15:57 VS, revision 62458

added COMPILER_PREFIX support to wxpresets

2009-10-19 11:17 VZ, revision 62457

Use portable comparison syntax in wx-config. "==" is not portable in test and while it works in most shells, it fails in dash. Fix it by using "=". Closes #11349.

2009-10-19 10:59 VZ, revision 62456

Define COMPILER_PREFIX as COMPILER if it's not defined. Temporary fix after the changes of r62323 which broke generation of makefiles using wx presets unless they explicitly defined COMPILER_PREFIX: define COMPILER_PREFIX as COMPILER by default.

2009-10-19 10:59 VZ, revision 62455

Document wxRendererNative::DrawTitleBarBitmap() and use it properly. Comment and document the (non obvious) requirement for the PNG image handler to be enabled when using this function under OS X. In fact, document the entire function itself which was forgotten previously. Do enable PNG image handler when using DrawTitleBarBitmap() in the sample. Closes #11345.