

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2010-02-03 06:22 KO, revision 63364

Add sanity check on the item number.

2010-02-02 23:19 JS, revision 63358

Fixes for incorrect selection, extra newline insertion when undoing deletion of selection, insufficient refresh for operations on last line, HasCharacter/ParagraphAttributes bug.

2010-02-02 23:19 JS, revision 63357

Fixes for incorrect selection, extra newline insertion when undoing deletion of selection, incorrect SetScrollbar optimization, insufficient refresh for operations on last line, HasCharacter/ParagraphAttributes bug.

2010-02-02 16:19 JMS, revision 63356

Do not clear property selection when adding new properties, but instead correct positions of any open editor controls.

2010-02-02 12:23 JS, revision 63355

Don't crash if there's no top window.

2010-02-01 13:07 JS, revision 63345

Simplify SetSelectionRange and make consistent with SetSelection. Fix a bug that returns true for character and paragraph style tests if no characters or paragraphs were found. Fix SetSelection to position caret at end.

2010-02-01 11:45 JS, revision 63344

Simplify SetSelectionRange and make consistent with SetSelection. Fix a bug that returns true for character and paragraph style tests if no characters or paragraphs were found. Fix SetSelection to position caret at end.

2010-02-01 09:23 SC, revision 63343

adapting to new API variant

2010-02-01 02:20 KO, revision 63340

nschars is never used for the wxEVT_CHAR case, so don't assign it a different value for this case.

2010-02-01 01:48 KO, revision 63339

Use the correct type to fix Tiger compilation.

2010-01-31 19:31 VZ, revision 63338

Update bakefile.m4 to bakefile 0.2.8 which was used for makefiles. When a new bakefile version is used, build/aclocal/bakefile.m4 must be updated and configure must be regenerated to take into account the changes in autoconf_inc.m4, otherwise incorrect makefiles will be produced (for example, symbolic links for shared libraries were not created in Unix build this time).

2010-01-31 19:15 JMS, revision 63337

Added nominal wxPG_PROP_READONLY support for editor controls other than wxTextCtrl-based ones

2010-01-31 19:14 JMS, revision 63336

Added command to set wxPG_PROP_READONLY in the propgrid sample

2010-01-31 19:13 JMS, revision 63335

Fixed value column rendering for properties which do not create editor control when selected

2010-01-31 16:19 SC, revision 63334

fix for sleep mode on displays, fixes #11557

2010-01-31 15:42 SC, revision 63333

avoiding catching incorrect shortcuts, see #11676

2010-01-31 12:01 SC, revision 63332

supporting clipboard command shortcuts on osx_cocoa as well, simplifying code

2010-01-29 14:07 VZ, revision 63306

Disable wxUSE_FSWATCHER under Unix if neither inotify nor kqueue is available. Don't define wxUSE_FSWATCHER as 1 in configure if we can't implement it. Also add a check to wx/unix/chkconf.h to verify that we didn't end up with an inconsistent configuration somehow. Closes #11670.

2010-01-28 22:46 MW, revision 63303

Fix for file length fixup.

2010-01-28 22:46 MW, revision 63302

Fix for file length fixup.

2010-01-28 22:38 MW, revision 63301

Allow large file tests to run by default on more platforms.

2010-01-28 22:36 MW, revision 63300

Backport stdio large file support for VC++ and mingw.

2010-01-28 14:49 SC, revision 63299

storing modal returncode correctly for carbon

2010-01-28 14:48 SC, revision 63298

make sure modality is reflected correctly when rerouted from window-modal to app-modal

2010-01-28 13:30 CE, revision 63297

fix version as per email