

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2010-02-25 01:03 VZ, revision 63552

Fix harmless g++ 4.3 warning about suggested parentheses. Closes #11719.

2010-02-25 01:03 VZ, revision 63551

Fix multiple bugs in non-ownerdrawn wxListBox after recent merge. Changes done in ownerdraw-refactor branch have broken non-ownerdrawn list boxes as the code was now using m_aItems array even for them but it's not used in this case. Also remove unnecessarily overridden Delete() method which didn't add anything to the base class implementation but just deleted the same m_aItems pointer twice. Also use HasFlag(wxLB_OWNERDRAW) everywhere consistently instead of testing for it manually. Closes #11729.

2010-02-25 01:03 VZ, revision 63550

Document the use of --disable-gui for building wxBase. We don't have a special configure version for wxBase where GUI is off by default and it doesn't seem to be worth the trouble to create one. Instead just tell people to use --disable-gui themselves. Closes #11733.

2010-02-25 01:03 VZ, revision 63549

Always use UTF-8 for GTK+ strings. Strings returned and accepted by GTK+ functions always use UTF-8 independently of the current locale and of the file name encoding we use. So use UTF-8 instead of wxConvFileName everywhere where we deal with GTK+ directly. Closes #11743.

2010-02-25 01:03 VZ, revision 63548

Compilation fixes in wxHTML for wxUSE_CONFIG==0. Surround uses of wxConfig with #of wxUSE_CONFIG in wxHTML code. Closes #11750.

2010-02-25 01:03 VZ, revision 63547

Document more wxDC drawing functions overloads. Document overloads taking wxPoint/wxSize/wxRect in addition to the versions taking individual wxCoords. Closes #11752.

2010-02-24 23:09 BP, revision 63546

Fixed typo in wxDataViewIconTextRenderer docs.

2010-02-24 12:32 JS, revision 63543

wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER isn't just for Windows.

2010-02-23 18:32 SC, revision 63542

proper app shutdown support for iphone

2010-02-23 16:29 JMS, revision 63540

Set up default property grid unspecified value colour

2010-02-23 16:24 JMS, revision 63539

When drawing wxPropertyGrid check box editor, be consistent with the other editors and use dc.GetTextForeground() for obtaining check box colour

2010-02-22 18:04 JMS, revision 63535

Rename property pending for deletion so it won't be in the way of the user code

2010-02-22 17:44 JMS, revision 63534

Property removal and deletion done from wxPropertyGrid event handler is now postponed to idle event

2010-02-22 02:56 KO, revision 63533

Cocoa text fields and views have their own context menus, so we should use those instead.

2010-02-19 08:01 KO, revision 63522

Since wxDialog::Show(false) only calls wxWindow::Show, we must explicitly hide the dialog ourselves.

2010-02-19 08:00 KO, revision 63521

Typo fix.

2010-02-19 04:00 KO, revision 63519

Disable sending of events by OS X Combobox during programmatic changes.

2010-02-18 10:34 CE, revision 63512

fix trac 11733 (part2, missing xml.h in base tarball)

2010-02-16 17:24 JMS, revision 63502

Fixed auto-resizing behavior when double-clicking a splitter; Added wxPropertyGrid::ResetColumnSizes(); wxPropertyGrid::GetSplitterPosition() got splitterIndex argument

2010-02-16 16:38 JMS, revision 63501

Added wxPropertyGridInterface::GetColumnProportion()

2010-02-16 15:15 JMS, revision 63499

Added missing words in event documentation

2010-02-16 15:12 JMS, revision 63498


2010-02-16 10:44 MW, revision 63497

Add user for buildbot notifications.

2010-02-15 18:34 RD, revision 63486

Apply new patch fixing problem of IsRunning always returning True. See #11699

2010-02-15 18:30 RD, revision 63485

Apply new patch fixing problem of IsRunning always returning True. See #11699