

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2010-03-16 01:23 VZ, revision 63690

Initialize picker style in native GTK file/dir pickers. This fixes the styles used in the native wxGTK version after changes in r63654: we must initialize base class m_pickerStyle now and the code didn't do this before resulting in various asserts and incorrect behaviour.

2010-03-15 20:31 SC, revision 63689

streamlining OSX event support second step, moving pending and idle event handling to runloop-observer, see #11805, see #11797

2010-03-15 16:40 SC, revision 63687

streamlining OSX event support first step, see #11805, see #11797

2010-03-14 18:15 JMS, revision 63686

Fixed label editor position for child properties

2010-03-14 15:47 VZ, revision 63685

Fix test for compilers not supporting \u escapes in strings (such as VC6). Also reformat the code to follow wx style and explicitly use UTF-8 for the test strings encoding instead of assuming the encoding of the current locale was UTF-8 (which is never the case under Windows).

2010-03-14 15:44 VZ, revision 63684

Set correct properties for the new file added in r63660.

2010-03-14 15:15 VZ, revision 63683

Use an appropriate icon automatically in wxMSW wxMessageDialog. wxMessageBox() functions uses wxICON_QUESTION or wxICON_INFORMATION automatically if no other icon style (including wxICON_NONE) is specified but wxMessageDialog under MSW didn't do this, unlike under e.g. wxGTK. Fix this by also determining the appropriate icon automatically in wxMessageDialog itself in wxMSW. Ideally we'd do this in all ports wxMessageDialog implementations and remove the code doing it from wxMessageBox() but right now it's still needed for the platforms other than wxMSW and wxGTK.

2010-03-14 15:15 VZ, revision 63682

Document that message box with wxYES_NO but without wxCANCEL can't be closed. Recommend using these styles together to avoid it.

2010-03-14 15:15 VZ, revision 63681

Add a "not specified" icon style to the message box test dialog. The sample allowed to test the behaviour with all wxICON_XXX including wxICON_NONE but not without any icon styles at all. Do allow it now. Also use symbolic names for the radiobox indices for clarity.

2010-03-13 22:58 VZ, revision 63680

Use event tables instead of Bind() in uiaction sample. This should fix VC6 build broken by addition of this sample as VC6 doesn't support Bind(). Luckily, there is no need to use it here anyhow.

2010-03-12 23:59 VZ, revision 63664

Add minimal support for QNX to configure. Recognize QNX and define __QNX__ under it. Don't use -lpthreads as the thread functions are in libc under QNX. Use wxX11 by default. See #11790.

2010-03-12 15:38 JMS, revision 63663

Fixed property editor re-positioning when additional column editor (e.g. label editor) is used

2010-03-12 10:36 VZ, revision 63662

Revert unneeded fix for list control headers from r63177. The call to SetItemMinSize() shouldn't be needed and the latest OS X version does work correctly without it. Apparently the real bug was fixed somewhere else in the meanwhile. Closes #11309.

2010-03-12 10:27 VZ, revision 63661

Correct query for formats supported by wxDataObject in wxGTK wxClipboard. We wrongly asked wxDataObject for the formats it could provide on output instead of those it accepted as input in wxClipboard::GetData() in wxGTK. This could result in clipboard not working for "asymmetrical" data objects. See #11811.

2010-03-10 14:57 FM, revision 63660

Fix function wxControlBase::DoEllipsizeSingleLine to really make sure that the ellipsized string takes less pixels than maxFinalWidthPx. Add comments to explain in more details what the function does and in particular the valid ranges of all internal variables; fix in that regard both the code of both wxELLIPSIZE_START, wxELLIPSIZE_MIDDLE and wxELLIPSIZE_END. Add more asserts to check the valid ranges and turn a couple of time-expensive checks in level-2 asserts. Add a test unit for the wxControl::Ellipsize function. Fix minor details in the docs of wxControl::Ellipsize. Closes #11567.

2010-03-10 12:07 FM, revision 63659

no real changes, just rename the variables to make the code more readable and to prepare everything for the next commit: - add postfix "Px" to all variables containing numbers of pixels - add postfix "ToRemove" to initialChar and nChars vars to make it clear what they are for

2010-03-09 12:08 VZ, revision 63658

Use _UNICODE instead of UNICODE in wx/msw/winundef.h. This is consistent with the other checks and generally more correct.

2010-03-09 00:34 VZ, revision 63655

Another German translation update from Herbert Breunung. German translation is now 100% complete again.

2010-03-08 20:37 VZ, revision 63654

Use correct style for the dialog shown by generic file/dir pickers. The picker styles don't make sense for the button so we don't use them when creating the button but we do need to somehow use the style the picker was created with to create an appropriate dialog when it's clicked. Fix the problem by simply storing the style in a member variable and using it instead of wxWindow::m_windowStyle. Closes #11635.

2010-03-08 13:21 VS, revision 63653

Fix wxTlsValue<> memory leaks. Win32 API doesn't provide pthreads-like destructors, so we need to emulate them to free per-thread allocated memory.

2010-03-08 12:08 SC, revision 63652

pending events detected didn't work properly, go the safe route now, fixes #11797

2010-03-07 17:03 FM, revision 63650

Provide more details about the major and minor version numbers returned by wxGetOsVersion() under linux,mac,windows. Document that wxOS_UNIX, wxOS_MAC and wxOS_WINDOWS enum values are combinations of other values (unfortunately doxygen does not show the definition of those symbols in the HTML docs so we need to explicitely state that).

2010-03-07 12:37 VZ, revision 63649

German translations update from Herbert Breunung.

2010-03-07 11:46 VZ, revision 63648

Skip wxChildFocusEvent in wxAuiNotebook handler. There doesn't seem to be any good reason to eat the event in this handler, leave it for the others if needed. See #11785.

2010-03-07 11:46 VZ, revision 63647

Show pages icons in window list menu in wxAuiNotebook. Reuse the tab icons in the wxAuiNotebook window list menu. Closes #11785.