

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2004-05-07 22:17 RD, revision 27153

Switch to using a Python buffer object for the sound from data methods

2004-05-07 22:17 VZ, revision 27152

split wxUSE_MDI from wxUSE_MDI_ARCHITECTURE (which is wxUSE_MDI + wxUSE_DOCVIEW)

2004-05-07 22:17 RD, revision 27151

wxMemoryBuffer typemap needs to set the data length

2004-05-07 22:16 VZ, revision 27150

don't define DestroyClippingRegion() any more but simply use the base class version

2004-05-07 22:15 VZ, revision 27149

don't add WS_VISIBLE to all windows style (replaces patch 948992)

2004-05-07 21:43 RD, revision 27148

Some test code for loading sound from data

2004-05-07 21:35 RD, revision 27147

Change wxSound ctor wrappings so sound can be loaded from data

2004-05-07 21:34 RD, revision 27146

Don't use deprecated list methods

2004-05-07 21:00 VZ, revision 27145

complete Polish translations from ABX

2004-05-07 19:52 RD, revision 27144

Patch# 893337, Fix for line control point handling in wxLineShape

2004-05-07 19:36 RD, revision 27143

Patch #930307, really exit if wrong python on the mac

2004-05-07 19:33 RD, revision 27142

Patch #945404, fix icon clipping

2004-05-07 17:14 RD, revision 27141


2004-05-07 17:07 RD, revision 27140

Another addtomethod removed

2004-05-07 17:04 RD, revision 27139

removed a debugging print

2004-05-07 16:34 RD, revision 27138

Added OOR typemaps for wxPanel and wxDialog

2004-05-07 16:34 RD, revision 27137

Corrected _setCallbackInfo code so GiveFeedback can work

2004-05-07 16:11 CE, revision 27136

fix for motif /scintilla bugs

2004-05-07 12:06 VZ, revision 27135

*really* updated the translations (last ommit didn't change anything)

2004-05-07 10:46 DS, revision 27134

applied patch #931719: "ESC closes dialog instead of combobox dropdown" (closes patch #931709)

2004-05-07 08:01 SC, revision 27133

fixed menu item numbering to mac convention

2004-05-07 04:31 RD, revision 27132

SetInitialBestSize changes for wxMac

2004-05-07 01:59 DS, revision 27131

fixed bug #947908: wxString("abcdefghij", wxConvLibc, n) returns an empty string for every n>0 and n<string length (Unicode mode only)

2004-05-07 01:55 RD, revision 27130

Tweaks to work around wxMac bugs

2004-05-07 01:54 RD, revision 27129


2004-05-07 01:51 RD, revision 27128

demo tweaks

2004-05-06 23:47 DS, revision 27127

fixed unused variable warning

2004-05-06 23:42 VZ, revision 27126

added support for --libs=std,... syntax in wx-config

2004-05-06 21:40 RD, revision 27125

Don't #include the extra files unless we need them

2004-05-06 21:15 RD, revision 27124

moved #define to before it is used

2004-05-06 21:02 RD, revision 27123

Use wxVisualAttributes (#if'd out until tested further)

2004-05-06 21:01 RD, revision 27122

Use wxVisualAttributes (partially #if'd out until tested further.)

2004-05-06 18:57 VZ, revision 27121

updated wxstd.po and merged changes in the other catalogs

2004-05-06 18:31 VZ, revision 27120

update from ABX

2004-05-06 18:01 RD, revision 27119


2004-05-06 17:35 RD, revision 27118

Add GetClassDefaultAttribute. Since it is static we need to put the definition in all window classes so the right one will be called on the C++ side of the fence.

2004-05-06 17:34 RD, revision 27117

Some tweaks

2004-05-06 17:33 RD, revision 27116

Oops, forgot to cleanup some commented-out code before last commit. Setting attributes seems to work okay on both multiline and single line widgets for both wxGTK and wxGTK2, so don't disable it for multiline.

2004-05-06 17:26 RD, revision 27115

Get(Class)DefaultAttributes() for wxGTK controls

2004-05-06 14:52 VZ, revision 27114

don't create artificial alpha channel for all bitmaps (patch 949221)

2004-05-06 14:35 VZ, revision 27113

corrections from ABX

2004-05-06 14:33 VZ, revision 27112

more updates from Herbert Breunung

2004-05-06 07:17 VZ, revision 27111

compilation fix for older compilers

2004-05-06 07:02 VZ, revision 27110

warning fix for BSD

2004-05-05 22:46 VZ, revision 27109

call InitDialog() before showing the dialog, not after; also TRUE -> true

2004-05-05 22:45 VZ, revision 27108

oops, added missing const_cast to make last check in compile

2004-05-05 22:43 VZ, revision 27107

use ResetClipping() instead of simply setting m_clipping to false; added call to it to wxDCBase::DestroyClippingRegion() so that some ports don't have to define their own version of it at all

2004-05-05 22:41 VZ, revision 27106

made GetClippingBox() work even for clipping region (pre)set by Windows and not only for clipping regions set using our own SetClippingXXX() functions

2004-05-05 22:36 VZ, revision 27105

mention non-const wxDC::GetPen/Font/Brush() removal

2004-05-05 21:45 VZ, revision 27104

don't use non-const wxDC::GetBackground() which doesn't exist any more

2004-05-05 21:44 VZ, revision 27103

removed non-const accessors for pens, brushes, &c from wxDC

2004-05-05 12:17 VZ, revision 27102

update from ABX

2004-05-05 07:18 SC, revision 27101

using const GetPen

2004-05-04 20:08 RD, revision 27100

Added some info panels that show size and colour attributes about the widget

2004-05-04 18:12 RD, revision 27099

Added multi-line TextCtrl

2004-05-04 17:30 VZ, revision 27098

minor update from Herbert Breunung

2004-05-04 15:00 VZ, revision 27097

check for multiple calls to gtk_glwindow_realized_callback

2004-05-04 14:25 DS, revision 27096

removed tab characters

2004-05-04 14:19 DS, revision 27095

delayed destruction of global memLocker object

2004-05-04 14:05 VZ, revision 27094

update from Marco Cavallini

2004-05-04 13:46 VZ, revision 27093

GetThumbLength() doesn't exist, GetThumbSize() does

2004-05-04 09:40 SC, revision 27092

allowing shaped windows again

2004-05-04 08:52 JS, revision 27091

Name change replacements

2004-05-04 08:27 JS, revision 27090

Name change replacements

2004-05-04 07:17 JS, revision 27089

Improved real Latex support Added missing brace for new perlnote

2004-05-04 07:09 RD, revision 27088

Added wxControl::PostCreation for wxGTK. Moved calls to InheritAttributes and ApplyWidgetStyle there, and added a call to SetInitialBestSize. Also removed calls to Show from Create since PostCreation already does it.

2004-05-04 06:39 RD, revision 27087

Sorted and added StaticBox, StaticLine

2004-05-04 03:09 RD, revision 27086

added notebook test

2004-05-04 02:38 DS, revision 27085

improved backwards compatibility when a wxGauge is (incorrectly) created without wxGA_HORIZONTAL style flag

2004-05-04 00:53 RD, revision 27084

Book controls also shouldn't do anything for SetInitialBestSize

2004-05-03 23:08 RD, revision 27083

Initial/Best size fixes for wxRadioBox, wxSlider and wxStaticText on wxMSW

2004-05-03 23:06 RD, revision 27082

cleanup after an exteption in the postcreate code, added StaticText tests.

2004-05-03 22:58 RD, revision 27081

Added ability to execute more code after the widget is created

2004-05-03 21:31 RD, revision 27080

a little cleanup and refresh

2004-05-03 20:34 RD, revision 27079

Updated layout test

2004-05-03 17:13 RD, revision 27078

Misc tests, scripts, etc.

2004-05-03 12:49 VZ, revision 27077

set best size after filling the control with strings

2004-05-03 12:48 VZ, revision 27076

removed the old hack needed to size the control properly initially, now it is done by simply calling SetBestSize()

2004-05-03 12:42 VZ, revision 27075

set min size to initial size when it is explicitly given

2004-05-03 12:40 VZ, revision 27074

override SetInitialBestSize() to do nothing (we must add our strings first)

2004-05-03 12:38 VZ, revision 27073

call SetInitialBestSize(), not SetBestSize(), when setting the best size initially

2004-05-03 12:33 VZ, revision 27072

moved SetBestSize() to .cpp file; set min size from it

2004-05-03 09:19 VZ, revision 27071


2004-05-03 08:09 JJ, revision 27070

Committing in . OpenVMS issue Modified Files: wxWidgets/src/motif/toplevel.cpp ----------------------------------------------------------------------

2004-05-02 17:12 SN, revision 27069

Take the inverted coordinate system into account in wxFindMaxSize.

2004-05-02 17:07 SN, revision 27068

Don't choke on NULL pointer passed into wxRadioBox::GetSize. Take the inverted coordinate system into account when computing size.

2004-05-02 17:05 SN, revision 27067

Don't choke on NULL pointer passed into wxSlider::GetSize. Take the inverted coordinate system into account when computing size.

2004-05-02 16:48 SN, revision 27066

Don't choke on NULL pointer passed into wxSlider::GetSize. Take the inverted coordinate system into account when computing size.

2004-05-02 16:06 VZ, revision 27065

don't let wxChoice created with default size to shrink to nothing in a sizer

2004-05-02 15:25 SN, revision 27064

Workaround for compile problem in IconizeChildFrames.

2004-05-02 15:24 SN, revision 27063

Added missing include.

2004-05-02 13:10 VZ, revision 27062

fixed assert failure for a window which doesn't have a set background colour

2004-05-02 11:16 VZ, revision 27061

moved OnExceptionInMainLoop() in .cpp from header

2004-05-02 09:01 VS, revision 27060

corrected cppunit test's output

2004-05-02 08:14 MBN, revision 27059

Make wxMotif buttons smaller (and nicer) by default, with the option of reverting to the old behaviour.

2004-05-02 08:11 MBN, revision 27058

Fixed MinGW compilation with GCC 3.x when wxUSE_STL == 1.

2004-05-02 08:06 MBN, revision 27057

Added missing NO_GCC_PRAGMA check.

2004-05-02 03:32 RD, revision 27056


2004-05-02 03:25 RD, revision 27055


2004-05-02 03:23 RD, revision 27054

removed duplicate definitiion