

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2004-07-30 23:33 VZ, revision 28553

fixed wxDateTime::GetWeekDayName() for wday > Wed (patch 998646)

2004-07-30 23:18 VZ, revision 28552

fixed delete[]/free mismatch in SetAlpha (part of patch 991168)

2004-07-30 23:05 VZ, revision 28551

fixed quitting the sample; fixed memory leak of CDummyWindow

2004-07-30 23:01 VZ, revision 28550

fixed MFC sample (bug 978194)

2004-07-30 22:54 VZ, revision 28549

switched to wxEventLoopBase/wxEventLoop implementation (instead of m_impl based one) for wxMSW; minimal changes for the other ports

2004-07-30 22:51 VZ, revision 28548

define WXMSG same as Win32 MSG instead of untyped pointer

2004-07-30 19:23 ABX, revision 28547

Additional configuration check.

2004-07-30 19:14 ABX, revision 28546

Conditional compilation fix.

2004-07-30 17:44 ABX, revision 28545

Warning cleaning.

2004-07-30 15:55 ABX, revision 28544

Code and warning cleaning.

2004-07-30 15:41 ABX, revision 28543

wxUSE_STL fixes

2004-07-30 15:28 ABX, revision 28542

wxUSE_STL fixes and suggested coding of -1/TRUE/FALSE

2004-07-29 20:21 JS, revision 28541

Can't use directives within a macro

2004-07-29 20:17 JS, revision 28540

Needs log.h

2004-07-29 13:52 DE, revision 28539

Removed unused event table entries

2004-07-29 09:39 VZ, revision 28538

fix for assert when copying bitmap in CloneRefData()

2004-07-29 08:44 JS, revision 28537

Checkbox needs an extra pixel in height on WinCE

2004-07-29 02:07 DE, revision 28536

C/C++ differences

2004-07-29 02:03 DE, revision 28535

Copied from src/msw/gsocket.c revision 1.61

2004-07-29 01:40 DE, revision 28534

Applied gsockmsw.c 1.20 to 1.25 changes

2004-07-28 19:34 DE, revision 28533

wxWindowMSW::OnInitDialog is only implemented for WinCE

2004-07-28 16:02 SN, revision 28532

Switched from wxUsleep to wxMilliSleep/wxMicroSleep.

2004-07-28 14:22 VZ, revision 28531

fixed subrelease test in wxCHECK_VERSION_FULL

2004-07-28 13:56 SC, revision 28530

trying to get coordinates of native controls and wx coordinates in synch. as native controls cannot draw arbitrary borders we have to take care of that ourselves...

2004-07-28 13:51 SC, revision 28529

HasFlag is not set at this point

2004-07-28 13:48 SC, revision 28528

Refresh is necessary in earlier systems, no penalty when doing in 10.3+

2004-07-28 09:36 ABX, revision 28527

Score dialog improvements.

2004-07-28 09:34 JS, revision 28526

Worked around static box opaqueness problem on WinCE by setting the z-order in OnInitDialog

2004-07-28 09:24 ABX, revision 28525

Fixed lack of copying help. Regenerated makefiles.

2004-07-28 00:35 VZ, revision 28524

removed GSocket_[Un]Streamed

2004-07-27 20:30 JS, revision 28523

Under WinCE, we need to send the groupbox z position to the bottom to reveal the controls that were created after the group control.

2004-07-27 19:14 ABX, revision 28522

Finally whole configtool works regardless of wxUSE_STL value (at least with Borland). Changes followed adjustements of other things like better styles, storing pointers, unified headers of files, etc. etc.

2004-07-27 18:12 ABX, revision 28521

Missing headers.

2004-07-27 18:04 ABX, revision 28520

Missing DMC OFN_* values.

2004-07-27 11:34 VS, revision 28519

fixed memory leak

2004-07-27 11:28 SC, revision 28518

region from polygon added

2004-07-27 09:40 VS, revision 28517

removed useless event handlers that were breaking focus handling in wxGTK

2004-07-27 08:53 VS, revision 28516

fixed sending 2 events (normal and bogus cancel one) when ending to edit a tree ctrl item (same thing as patch 978403 for treectlg.cpp)

2004-07-27 02:15 DE, revision 28515

Incorporated src/unix/gsocket.c 1.86 to 1.92 changes (except 1.90 to 1.91 which was applied by Vadim as 1.9 to 1.10 of src/unix/gsocket.cpp)

2004-07-26 22:14 VZ, revision 28514

removed GSocket_Unstreamed() call

2004-07-26 21:35 VZ, revision 28513

removed GSocket_[Un]Streamed(), GSocket_SetNonOriented() must be used instead

2004-07-26 21:33 VZ, revision 28512

removed _GSocket::m_oriented

2004-07-26 20:55 JS, revision 28511

Don't return wxEmptyString for e.g. wxPathOnly("\file.txt")

2004-07-26 20:16 JS, revision 28510

Stub out SetToolTip to avoid massive ifdefing when encountering a platform that doesn't support them

2004-07-26 18:48 JS, revision 28509

OFN_ENABLESIZING not appropriate for WinCE

2004-07-25 23:42 VZ, revision 28508

check if wxTheApp still exists in FreeColour(); fixes crash on shutdown

2004-07-25 23:34 VZ, revision 28507

IsTopLevel() may return true not only for wxTLW: this fixes crash when opening a menu

2004-07-25 23:13 VZ, revision 28506

detach removed submenu from the menubar too

2004-07-25 23:09 VZ, revision 28505

replace wxHashTable with a type safe hash map of Window to wxWindow

2004-07-25 23:05 VZ, revision 28504

insert now returns pair<iterator, bool>, as for the standard map

2004-07-25 20:13 VZ, revision 28503

compilation fix

2004-07-25 17:49 DS, revision 28502

removed reference to deleted wxNotebookSizer programming section

2004-07-25 17:45 DS, revision 28501

added missing closing bracket

2004-07-25 17:38 DS, revision 28500

fixed tex2rtf errors

2004-07-25 17:26 VZ, revision 28499

compilation fixes

2004-07-25 17:25 VZ, revision 28498

compilation warning fix

2004-07-25 17:21 VZ, revision 28497

reverted previous patch applied by mistake

2004-07-25 17:12 VZ, revision 28496

invalidate selection when deleting the page changes its index (replaces patch 865500)

2004-07-25 17:09 VZ, revision 28495

use wxWindowDisabler instead of ShowModal() for showing the print preview frame (patch 832288)

2004-07-25 17:06 VZ, revision 28494

replaced my recent GSocket_SetReuseAddr() addition with GSocket_SetReusable() from the patch 992473; it also adds and documents wxSOCKET_REUSEADDR flag

2004-07-25 16:57 VZ, revision 28493

better Finnish translations (patch 993051)

2004-07-25 16:56 VZ, revision 28492

implemented moving the dialog (patch 996448)

2004-07-25 16:50 DS, revision 28491

converted char * references to wxChar *

2004-07-25 16:47 VZ, revision 28490

don't define _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC as it is apparently unnecessary (patch 995135)

2004-07-25 16:44 VZ, revision 28489

don't include wx/wxprec.h from the headers (patch 993136)

2004-07-25 16:39 VZ, revision 28488

dc.h shouldn't include itself (patch 992933)

2004-07-25 16:38 DS, revision 28487

typo fix

2004-07-25 16:37 DS, revision 28486

added shortcut functions AddSpacer and AddStretchSpacer (plus Prepend and Insert variants)

2004-07-25 16:36 VZ, revision 28485

fixed header include guard position (patch 992443)

2004-07-25 16:33 VZ, revision 28484

don't assign the same normal value for all the other bitmaps, leave them empty (patch 990370)

2004-07-25 16:32 VZ, revision 28483

update the caret bitmap size in EVT_SIZE (patch 990361)

2004-07-25 16:25 VZ, revision 28482

corrected assert in wxSocket::Initialize()

2004-07-25 16:18 VZ, revision 28481

unused param warnings fixes

2004-07-25 16:13 VZ, revision 28480

added status bar fields styles support (patch 988292)

2004-07-25 16:02 VZ, revision 28479

fixed flushing of secondary log target in wxLogChain (patch 985711)

2004-07-25 15:59 VZ, revision 28478

fixed wxList copy ctor (patch 985473)

2004-07-25 15:52 VZ, revision 28477

compilation fix for a patch which didn't compile...

2004-07-25 15:48 VZ, revision 28476

compilation fix after last commit

2004-07-25 15:44 VZ, revision 28475

removed #pragma interface without matching #pragma implementation (replaces patch 981135)

2004-07-25 15:42 VZ, revision 28474

added DoCreate/Load/SaveDocument() (patches 983570 and 983571)

2004-07-25 15:30 VZ, revision 28473

added GetHeaderValue() (patch 974427)

2004-07-25 15:24 VZ, revision 28472

don't crash if we delete the item being edited (replaces patch 979733)

2004-07-25 15:06 VZ, revision 28471

unselect previously selected items in SetSelection() (patch 974326)

2004-07-25 15:03 VZ, revision 28470

corrected Center() for cases when client display rect origin is not at (0, 0) (patch 973192)

2004-07-25 14:01 VZ, revision 28469

added SetPath() test

2004-07-25 13:59 VZ, revision 28468

added and documented SplitVolume() and GetPathTerminators(); corrected SetPath() to treat the volume part properly (patch 970580)

2004-07-25 13:27 VZ, revision 28467

added wxFileName test

2004-07-25 12:59 VZ, revision 28466

support for alpha channel in toolbars (patch 949843)

2004-07-25 12:54 VZ, revision 28465

check better before overwriting files (patch 951868)

2004-07-25 12:41 VZ, revision 28464

documented how to use sockets in non-main thread (patch 951134)

2004-07-25 12:40 VZ, revision 28463

don't set SO_REUSEADDR by default; added GSocket_SetReuseAddr()

2004-07-25 12:36 VZ, revision 28462


2004-07-25 12:32 VZ, revision 28461

FindItem() implementation (patch 950021)

2004-07-25 12:30 VZ, revision 28460

fixed Freeze/Thaw() for wxCombobox (patch 925808)

2004-07-25 12:30 VZ, revision 28459

added IsFrozen() (part of patch 925808)

2004-07-25 12:27 VZ, revision 28458

use BS_RIGHT for right-aligned controls (patch 945460)

2004-07-25 12:24 VZ, revision 28457

rewrote this page to look like all the others; added wxALIGN_RIGHT test

2004-07-25 12:23 VZ, revision 28456

typos in comments

2004-07-25 11:34 VZ, revision 28455

wxGTK/Cygwin fix (patch 914565)

2004-07-25 11:33 VZ, revision 28454

use Unix path separators under Cygwin