

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2005-01-21 20:04 KH, revision 31553

Do not emit a wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED when the tab key is lifted (otherwise each time you tab into the combobox, the text updated event is fired, which is wrong)

2005-01-21 18:48 ABX, revision 31552

Warning fixes for MinGW.

2005-01-21 18:26 ABX, revision 31551

Warning fixes for MinGW.

2005-01-21 18:23 RD, revision 31550

Patch #1106564, corrects possible 100% CPU load condition.

2005-01-21 18:15 ABX, revision 31549

Warning fixes for MinGW.

2005-01-21 17:54 VZ, revision 31548

more forward declarations (trying to fix bug 1106829)

2005-01-21 15:41 VZ, revision 31547

remove margins in the bitmap button

2005-01-21 15:36 VZ, revision 31546

implemented DrawComboBoxDropButton() for classic Win32

2005-01-21 15:32 VZ, revision 31545

added DrawComboBoxDropButton()

2005-01-21 15:08 VZ, revision 31544

compilation fix when used together with native control

2005-01-21 15:05 VZ, revision 31543

added possibility to use generic date control if configured

2005-01-21 15:02 VZ, revision 31542

check for error in GetSelection(long *, long *); clean up SetSelect(long, long)

2005-01-21 14:41 VZ, revision 31541

define wxHAS_NATIVE_DATEPICKCTRL in the header file to make it available to user code

2005-01-21 14:39 VZ, revision 31540

moved code working around combobox selection bug to wxComboBox: wxChoice doesn't have selection anyhow, why should it be there?

2005-01-21 14:08 VZ, revision 31539


2005-01-21 13:44 VZ, revision 31538

renamed generic version to wxDatePickerCtrlGeneric to allow using it alongside the native one

2005-01-21 13:42 VZ, revision 31537

put datectlg.cpp in ADVANCED_SRC so that it can be used in all ports, even MSW

2005-01-21 13:41 VZ, revision 31536


2005-01-21 12:40 VS, revision 31535

compilation fix

2005-01-21 12:38 VZ, revision 31534

don't include wx/popupwin.h in the header, use forward declarations

2005-01-21 11:33 ABX, revision 31533

Forgot to free string after usage.

2005-01-21 11:30 ABX, revision 31532

Start more than minimal TLW support.

2005-01-21 11:22 ABX, revision 31531

Reenable wxPalmOS status bar after recent changes. Start transition from faked drawing of the bar to usage of the native status bar. Source cleaning as usually.

2005-01-21 05:14 KH, revision 31530

Add support for wxSL_INVERSE using gtk_range_set_inverted

2005-01-21 05:13 KH, revision 31529

wxSL_INVERSE added, noted as being wxGTK only (for now)

2005-01-21 05:12 KH, revision 31528

Add wxSL_INVERSE flag

2005-01-21 03:56 KH, revision 31527

Fixed name strings to match documentation (Expanded patch 1098784)

2005-01-21 02:00 VZ, revision 31526

switched to using wxPopupWindow

2005-01-21 01:27 VZ, revision 31525

define wxDateEvent static stuff here

2005-01-21 01:21 VZ, revision 31524

use ResetTime() in Today() instead of dealing with raw struct tm which introduces a bug around DST changes (replaces patch 1097811)

2005-01-20 20:55 RD, revision 31523

Fix typos

2005-01-20 17:33 DE, revision 31522

Add support for Metrowerks compilers.

2005-01-20 17:24 ABX, revision 31521

WM_CONTEXTMENU available since WinCE.NET

2005-01-20 17:08 ABX, revision 31520

Missing define.

2005-01-20 17:03 DE, revision 31519

Check for vsnprintf while using namespace std if its not found when not.

2005-01-20 16:23 VZ, revision 31518

expanded the date picker part to show wxDP_XXX styles

2005-01-20 16:22 VZ, revision 31517

added and implemented for MSW wxDP_SHOWCENTURY flag

2005-01-20 16:10 DE, revision 31516

Make sure -DNO_GCC_PRAGMA is in wx-config output regardless of the reason. Mostly reverts,1.916,1.917 and uses a simpler method.

2005-01-20 16:09 ABX, revision 31515

Simple wxBatteryPower API for the support in wxWinCE, wxPalmOS and any other mobile device with wxWidgets. Minor source cleaning.

2005-01-20 15:50 ABX, revision 31514

Syntax error fixes.

2005-01-20 14:06 VZ, revision 31513

compilation fix for CE: don't use GetModuleHandleA() which doesn't exist there

2005-01-20 11:44 VZ, revision 31512

call InitCommonControlsEx() when using comtl32.dll <= 4.72; check for date picker availability for even earlier versions

2005-01-20 11:32 VZ, revision 31511

report more information about the control whose creation failed in the assert

2005-01-20 10:07 VZ, revision 31510

fixed typo in testing whether wxUSE_NATIVE_STATUSBAR should be set to 0

2005-01-20 06:56 ABX, revision 31509

PalmOS description.

2005-01-20 01:04 VZ, revision 31508


2005-01-20 01:01 VZ, revision 31507

trying to get wxUSE_NATIVE_STATUSBAR setting correctly: define it to 1 by default but reset it to 0 in wx/chkconf.h if it's not supported

2005-01-19 22:06 RD, revision 31506

Adjust the bounding box of the labels to client coordinants

2005-01-19 21:49 KH, revision 31505

Additional header files required

2005-01-19 21:41 SN, revision 31504

Compilation fix for OS/2.

2005-01-19 21:38 KH, revision 31503

Additional header files required

2005-01-19 21:28 SN, revision 31502

Compilation fixes for OS/2 (OS/2 still defines __UNIX__ :-( ).

2005-01-19 20:13 VZ, revision 31501

Unicode compilation fix

2005-01-19 19:39 VZ, revision 31500

use wxDP_SPIN by default under Win32

2005-01-19 19:34 VZ, revision 31499

corrected #if tests to use correct wxUSE_DATEPICKCTRL spelling

2005-01-19 19:31 VZ, revision 31498

added wxDP_SPIN/DROPDOWN styles (only Win32 native version implements the former)

2005-01-19 16:25 ABX, revision 31497

wxTextPos for all GetLastPosition with constants for special cases. Make it virtual everywhere. Avoid doubling typedefs. Always include textctrl.h for combobox.h. Source cleaning.

2005-01-19 15:57 VZ, revision 31496

compilation fixes; pruned API

2005-01-19 15:41 ABX, revision 31495

MinGW warning fix for hundreds of not initialized members.

2005-01-19 14:13 ABX, revision 31494

MinGW warning fix.

2005-01-19 13:55 VZ, revision 31493

added generic version of wxDatePickerCtrl from Andres Pflug

2005-01-19 13:53 VS, revision 31492

hotfix for bakefile-0.1.5 bug: rpmspec format doesn't work because of missing precomp-headers-location

2005-01-19 13:46 ABX, revision 31491

MinGW warning fix.

2005-01-19 13:26 ABX, revision 31490

MinGW warning fix.

2005-01-19 13:23 ABX, revision 31489

Cookie is not for dummy initialization due to condition of setting it. Source cleaning.

2005-01-19 11:24 ABX, revision 31488

DMC PCH requires additional parameter in new bakefiles.

2005-01-19 10:57 VS, revision 31487

regenerated autoconf files using bakefile-0.1.5

2005-01-19 10:56 VS, revision 31486

require bakefile-0.1.5 and use it's features

2005-01-19 09:51 VZ, revision 31485

undef wxUSE_NATIVE_STATUSBAR before redefining it as 1 for wxMSW

2005-01-19 06:50 ABX, revision 31484

Fix for incomplete setup (wxPalmOS case).

2005-01-19 06:48 ABX, revision 31483

Fixes after removal of palmos/gccpriv.h.

2005-01-19 03:42 DE, revision 31482

Updated aclocal.m4 using Bakefile's CVS HEAD bakefile.m4 with BAKEFILE_BAKEFILE_M4_VERSION set back to 0.1.4. - Adds support for Metrowerks compilers. - Improves used on OS/2. - Allows autoconf to invalidate its cache when autoconf_inc.m4 is changed.

2005-01-19 02:51 VZ, revision 31481

fixed crash in wxKill() introduced by 1.116 patch (ironically named "proper return value testing"); this is slightly modified patch 1098248

2005-01-19 02:31 VZ, revision 31480

reenabled WM_MOUSELEAVE event handling (patch 1104551); moved duplicated code in its handler in a new GenerateMouseLeave() method

2005-01-19 02:29 VZ, revision 31479

don't return HTCLIENT for static bitmaps, this breaks mouse (leave) event generation

2005-01-19 02:28 VZ, revision 31478

(harmless) VC++ warning fixes

2005-01-19 01:53 VZ, revision 31477

define wxUSE_NATIVE_STATUSBAR as 1 for wxMSW builds

2005-01-19 01:49 VZ, revision 31476

clarified what needs to be done to get useful results with this class

2005-01-19 01:42 VZ, revision 31475

documented wxStackWalker/Frame

2005-01-19 01:15 VZ, revision 31474

implemented wxStackWalker for Unix (using glibc-specific methods); moved wxUSE_STACKWALKER to common setu_inc.h

2005-01-18 23:36 SN, revision 31473

Fixed some line breaks.

2005-01-18 21:27 ABX, revision 31472

Less MSW related files in wxPalmOS port.

2005-01-18 21:22 DE, revision 31471

Take -DWX_PRECOMP out of GCC_PRAGMA_FLAGS and put it into its own PCH_FLAGS. If -DNO_GCC_PRAGMA is included in GCC_PRAGMA_FLAGS (because the platform always requires it) then it won't be duplicated in PCH_FLAGS, but if the platform does not normally need -DNO_GCC_PRAGMA then the flag will be included in PCH_FLAGS because PCH always requires it.

2005-01-18 21:21 RD, revision 31470

Use a panel

2005-01-18 21:14 ABX, revision 31469

Cleaning of headers.

2005-01-18 20:23 ABX, revision 31468

MinGW warning fix.

2005-01-18 20:13 ABX, revision 31467

MinGW warning fix.

2005-01-18 19:50 ABX, revision 31466

MinGW warning fix.

2005-01-18 17:44 JS, revision 31465

Skip processing in OnTextEnter so normal return processing works.

2005-01-18 16:31 ABX, revision 31464

ctor/dtor not available in C code (MinGW fix).

2005-01-18 16:15 VZ, revision 31463

fixed memory leak in UpdateAttr[Rows][Or][Cols] (patch 1104355)

2005-01-18 16:11 VZ, revision 31462

fixed crash if an error happened inside WaitConnection() (patch 1093852)

2005-01-18 16:07 KH, revision 31461

Added DLL export for wxCommandEventStringHelper

2005-01-18 15:54 KH, revision 31460

Fixed wxTextCtrl being undefined when not using precompiled headers

2005-01-18 15:17 KH, revision 31459

For efficiency reasons, text controls no longer set the string for each text updated event, but rather query for the string value only when GetString is called from an event handler

2005-01-18 15:15 KH, revision 31458

GetString() method queries the control for the string when called, m_commandString is no longer set for each event and cached

2005-01-18 15:14 KH, revision 31457

Event member variables hidden, text control efficiency by not calling GetString for each event

2005-01-18 15:13 KH, revision 31456

Removed m_ variables from the documentation, since they are now protected and should not be used directly

2005-01-18 15:12 KH, revision 31455

Move member m_ variables to be protected rather than public to force usage of Set/Get rather than allow direct access. Compatibility with 2.4 keeps members private, and also creates a class to allow continued usage of m_commandString. GetString() will now get the text control's string when called, rather than store it and return it every time (huge performance gain by doing this, esp. on GTK2)

2005-01-18 15:08 KH, revision 31454

Use event modifiers and accessors rather than m_ variables directly, which are now protected rather than public with 2.4 compatibility disabled