

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2010-10-08 13:16 MW, revision 65783

Fix for wxChm

2010-10-07 22:57 VZ, revision 65782

Don't use default "Error" title for wxMessageOutputBest message box. Use the application display name as the message box title if possible andu se "Message" rather than "Error" otherwise. See #12548.

2010-10-07 22:43 VZ, revision 65781

Remove unnecessary check from IPC sample. No real changes, just remove a check for pointer passed to wxDELETE() bot being NULL as wxDELETE() already checks for this anyhow.

2010-10-06 23:27 JS, revision 65780

Don't use wxDC in header

2010-10-06 22:22 JS, revision 65779

Eliminated redundant wxRichTextAnchoredObject class; refactored XML I/O code so that objects can stream themselves; added a wxXmlDocument-based method of writing XML, though this turned out to be much slower than writing directly so the direct approach is retained and is the default (can be changed with wxRICHTEXT_USE_XMLDOCUMENT_OUTPUT). Loading and saving new attributes implemented. Added custom properties to objects.

2010-10-06 15:15 JS, revision 65778

More efficient access to name and value

2010-10-05 15:38 VZ, revision 65769

Destroy the in-place edit control in wxGenericListCtrl dtor. If the in-place text control was still alive when wxGenericListCtrl was destroyed, it resulted in asserts from wxWindow dtor about child windows still being alive, so explicitly destroy it from wxListMainWindow dtor. As this required a slightly different behaviour from wxListTextCtrlWrapper:: EndEdit(), replace its bool argument with an enum one which can take more than 2 values. Not using bool values when calling it also made the code more clear. Finally, added a unit test verifying that the in-place control is indeed destroyed correctly.

2010-10-05 15:37 VZ, revision 65768

Disable TimerEventTestCase::Multiple() test for ANSI wxGTK build. This test crashes for unknown reasons on wxGTK ANSI build slave and prevents the rest of the test suite from running, so disable it for now.

2010-10-05 15:37 VZ, revision 65767

Fix harmless unused variables warnings. Don't initialize the variables we never use in richtext sample, this results in g++ warnings.

2010-10-05 08:33 JS, revision 65765

Removed test code

2010-10-05 08:17 JS, revision 65764

Added a flag suppressing node content conversion when saving to XML. This helps improve the extremely poor performance of XML saving if you have, for example, hex data that does not need conversion.

2010-10-04 14:25 JS, revision 65762

Exports fixed

2010-10-04 14:20 JJ, revision 65761

Update OpenVMS Makefile

2010-10-04 12:53 VZ, revision 65760

Don't throw assert failure exception in the test suite if it's unsafe. Don't throw when already handling an exception as it would result in a call to terminate() and no useful information about the test failure would be given. Abort ourselves instead to at least give the message about the assert failure. This should help debug the mysterious ListCtrlTestCase failures in buildbot wxGTK builds.

2010-10-04 12:41 VZ, revision 65759

Fix timing format string in the test suite. wxStopWatch::Time() returns a long value so use %ld, not %d. This fixes assert failure when using "-t" option with the test suite under 64 bit Unix architectures.

2010-10-04 12:41 VZ, revision 65758

Fix tests compilation with wxUSE_TOOLTIPS==0 as in wxX11. Unit test suite didn't compile in wxX11 build because it doesn't support tooltips, just disable the relevant test then.

2010-10-04 11:27 JS, revision 65757

Removed redundant GetEditableWindow on GTK+

2010-10-04 10:37 JS, revision 65756

wxRTC no longer derives from wxTextCtrlBase; added wxRichTextAttr deriving from wxTextAttr with CSS-like attributes for future developments; removed image-specific attributes object

2010-10-04 10:10 JS, revision 65755

Avoid id clashes

2010-10-04 00:24 VZ, revision 65754

Fix wchar_t with int comparisons for Apple gcc. Apple gcc refuses to compile comparisons between wchar_t and int for some reason, so add explicit casts to int to make it work there.

2010-10-04 00:23 VZ, revision 65753

Fix wxUSING_VC_CRT_IO definition in the tests when not using MinGW. The condition was always true for non-MinGW compilers because of a missing pair of parentheses, do add them.

2010-10-04 00:23 VZ, revision 65752

Fix gcc warnings about comparing iterators with NULL in STL build. Iterators are not pointers and shouldn't be compared to NULL.

2010-10-03 19:34 VZ, revision 65749

Fix use of DELETE and BACKSPACE when starting editing grid with them. Using the current insertion position in wxGridCellTextEditor::StartingKey() didn't make much sense, it was always 0 -- so DELETE worked as expected and did delete the first character of the cell but BACKSPACE never did anything. Just always delete the first character when DELETE is used and always delete the last one when BACKSPACE is.

2010-10-03 19:34 VZ, revision 65748

Fix non-ASCII key handling in wxGrid editors. Use wxKeyEvent::GetUnicodeKey() correctly, there is no need to guess about what does it return now that its correct behaviour is documented and implemented. Simply check if it returns WXK_NONE to check for non-characters. Also use WXK_START instead of hard-coded 255 when checking GetKeyCode() result.

2010-10-03 19:16 VZ, revision 65747

Disable the use of __thread with MinGW. __thread keyword doesn't work correctly with at least some MinGW builds and in particular TLS unit tests failed with the official 4.4 version. Disable the use of __thread with MinGW entirely for now to be sure that the generated code behaves correctly. In the future we should white list the known good versions of MinGW and/or use run-time test for __thread support in configure instead of compile-time one only.