

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2005-03-16 17:51 JS, revision 32853

Implemented PocketPC menubar/toolbar as wxToolMenuBar derived from wxToolBar, solving the problem of how normal toolbars can co-exist with combined ones. Tidied up WinCE toolbar code. Implemented wxToolBar as 'dummy' toolbar under Smartphone. Dialogs now show an empty menubar to hide inactive one underneath.

2005-03-16 16:18 ABX, revision 32852

Use defs.h (and automatically setup.h and chkconf.h) before first wxUSE_* check (bug #1164141).

2005-03-16 16:03 KH, revision 32851

Unlike the preferences item which should only be enabled if it exists and is enabled, the quit item should be enabled unless it both exists and is disabled, otherwise Quit will not be enabled unless the application specifically adds wxID_EXIT. This should fix David's bug but still retain the old functionality. [ modified previously committed patch 1160343 ]

2005-03-16 10:20 JS, revision 32850

Not forgetting PalmOS

2005-03-16 10:18 JS, revision 32849


2005-03-16 09:09 JS, revision 32848

Removed checklistbox test

2005-03-16 05:31 KH, revision 32847

Allow using negative angles with DrawRotatedText. [ patch 1162771 ]

2005-03-16 05:16 KH, revision 32846

Quit application menu item needs special handling like the Preferences item. [ patch 1160343 ]

2005-03-16 05:11 KH, revision 32845

Added comments explaining more about the changes in my last commit. Also, removed __DARWIN__ check for enabling CONNECTION events, always wait to enable them until after the connect() call.

2005-03-15 23:20 VZ, revision 32844

set wxUSE_DEBUGREPORT to 0 by default; fixed a couple of typos

2005-03-15 21:51 JS, revision 32843

UPdated notes

2005-03-15 21:50 JS, revision 32842

Chose different set of buttons for toolbar

2005-03-15 21:48 JS, revision 32841

Fixed wxToolBar for WinCE so normal bitmaps can be used; no longer uses standard buttons. wxToolBar under Smartphone no longer tries to create buttons since a toolbar makes no sense on this platform.

2005-03-15 21:22 JS, revision 32840

Regenerated files

2005-03-15 21:18 JS, revision 32839

WinCE doesn't have wxCheckListBox, and doesn't like wxRmDir

2005-03-15 21:10 ABX, revision 32838

SetLeft|RightMenu is supposed to be API for all smartphones. TODO comment.

2005-03-15 20:55 JS, revision 32837

Fixed wxPropertySheetDialog for Smartphone

2005-03-15 20:33 ABX, revision 32836

More wxWidgets in poem demo.

2005-03-15 17:40 JS, revision 32835


2005-03-15 11:56 JS, revision 32834

No zero id

2005-03-15 11:29 JS, revision 32833

Don't start ids at zero

2005-03-14 22:40 JS, revision 32832

Added wxPropertySheetDialog for implementing settings dialogs in the appropriate way on small devices and desktop platforms (abstracting is the only way to unify the API)

2005-03-14 22:26 VZ, revision 32831

simplified code (removed 2 unnecessary tests) in CalcMin(), no real changes

2005-03-14 22:24 JS, revision 32830

Improve standard button spacing on Windows

2005-03-14 21:55 MBN, revision 32829

Remove wrong clasing bracket.

2005-03-14 21:52 MBN, revision 32828

Blind fix for VC6 compilation when wxUSE_STL == 1.

2005-03-14 20:40 VZ, revision 32827

disable debug report for now

2005-03-14 20:00 ABX, revision 32826

'Dummy' warning fixes (might be used uninitialized).

2005-03-14 19:52 ABX, revision 32825

Unicode fix.

2005-03-14 19:13 JS, revision 32824

Updated symbols

2005-03-14 17:15 JS, revision 32823

Frames have Ctrl+Q accelerator set automatically, as per the PocketPC guidelines Documented issues in manual under wxWinCE topic. wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLES rationalised so we can make use of styles such as wxCLOSE_BOX in future (OK button on titlebar) Added Set/GetAffirmativeId and DoOK so that titlebar OK button can be customised

2005-03-14 17:10 JS, revision 32822

Don't call Layout

2005-03-14 17:09 ROL, revision 32821

README scrolling fix fix for Mac (opts inside try/except)

2005-03-14 17:09 RD, revision 32820

If the parents are nothing but a panel and a frame then MSWGetBgBrushForChild will still return NULL. Fallback to a solid background colour in this case.

2005-03-14 16:37 JS, revision 32819

More PocketPC adaptations

2005-03-14 16:05 VZ, revision 32818

made GetDataDir() return the directory where the program is installed under MSW

2005-03-14 14:50 JS, revision 32817

Define Ctrl+Q accelerator on PocketPC for quitting the application, as per guidelines

2005-03-14 14:41 GT, revision 32816

Added support (barely tested) for MaxDB from MySQL Added dbmsFutureX to the database enumerations to allow for adding support for new databases between releases of wxWidgets

2005-03-14 14:40 GT, revision 32815

Fixed unicode builds that were not on MSW Added dbmsFutureX to the database enumerations to allow for adding support for new databases between releases of wxWidgets

2005-03-14 14:38 KH, revision 32814

Removed unneeded semicolon after DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS [ bug 1162938 ]

2005-03-14 13:31 DS, revision 32813

refactored scrollbar creation code to use CreateControl, MSWCreateControl, and MSWGetStyle: fixes default colour inheriting from parent and allows the scrollbar to be hidden initially (with 2-step creation)

2005-03-14 10:19 ABX, revision 32812

Incomplete setup build fix (wxPalmOS).

2005-03-14 09:08 CE, revision 32811

fix bug which was trashing gifs

2005-03-14 04:47 DE, revision 32810

Make wxCocoa compile on Tiger.

2005-03-14 03:33 RN, revision 32809

"test" for testing a [fixed] proxy crash (from last commit)

2005-03-14 02:15 DE, revision 32808

Dammit, try it again this time actually removing it instead of adding it again (forgot to give patch the -R).

2005-03-14 02:12 DE, revision 32807

Reverted 1.32. This breaks my Tiger builds which is part of the reason I reverted the last incarnation of this in the first place!!!

2005-03-14 01:45 DE, revision 32806

Rebaked (changes to proper WXMAC/NOTWXMAC handling from the other day)

2005-03-14 01:42 DE, revision 32805

Update to include recent acinclude.m4 changes. Yes, they aren't any longer used by configure but they're still in acinclude.m4 so now they're here too.

2005-03-14 01:24 MW, revision 32804

The DLL version of Watcom's C runtime doesn't have fileno, but the static version does

2005-03-13 21:01 MW, revision 32803

Temporary fix for Watcom link error 'fileno'

2005-03-13 18:57 RR, revision 32802

Query for "default_border" not "default_outside_border" since that is what is done in the gtk code. Correct wrong pos in scrolled window.

2005-03-13 18:23 MW, revision 32801

Add wxTempFileOutputStream, patch 1152042 by Stas Sergeev

2005-03-13 17:46 JS, revision 32800

Added wxNB_FLAT for WinCE property sheet tabs Titlebar OK button on PocketPC now looks for OK, Cancel, Close buttons. Dialog size now takes into account SIP or menubar. Panels more naturally white on PocketPC. wxDIALOG_EX_CONTEXTHELP ignored on WinCE since it interferes with correct titlebar style.

2005-03-13 17:32 JS, revision 32799

PocketPC adaptations

2005-03-13 17:31 JS, revision 32798

Added wxNB_FLAT for WinCE property sheet tabs Titlebar OK button on PocketPC now looks for OK, Cancel, Close buttons. Dialog size now takes into account SIP or menubar. Panels more naturally white on PocketPC. wxDIALOG_EX_CONTEXTHELP ignored on WinCE since it interferes with correct titlebar style.

2005-03-13 17:08 MBN, revision 32797

Fixed compilation for GCC 3.4 when wxUSE_STL == 1. Should be compatible with VC6.

2005-03-13 16:20 MW, revision 32796

Add wxTempFileOutputStream

2005-03-13 15:35 ABX, revision 32795

Better margin on Smartphone.

2005-03-13 15:32 ABX, revision 32794

Correct sending of wxW event from wxChoice on MS Smartphone.

2005-03-13 15:26 ABX, revision 32793

Make Smartphone buildable with current flags.

2005-03-12 22:04 RD, revision 32792

regenerated ReST docs

2005-03-12 21:03 RD, revision 32791

Don't use the PyGILState_* APIs with Python 2.3, it causes a problem with Boa's debugger. :-(

2005-03-12 21:01 RD, revision 32790


2005-03-12 21:01 RD, revision 32789

Add a note about a few other wxGTK changes that were made

2005-03-12 21:00 RD, revision 32788

disable debugreport option

2005-03-12 20:59 RD, revision 32787

some demo tweaks

2005-03-12 20:58 RD, revision 32786

Bumped up rc number

2005-03-12 20:57 RD, revision 32785

"As is" means the current size (or position) not the best size. Factored out AsIs size calculations to an inline so it can be experimented with further if desired.

2005-03-12 20:43 VZ, revision 32784

ensure that either RTLD_LAZY or RTLD_NOW is always used as calling dlopen() with flags == 0 fails withrecent glibc versions

2005-03-12 20:37 VZ, revision 32783

changed wxDL_DEFAULT to be same as wxDL_NOW as this makes more sense for portable programs because wxDL_NOW is the only flag supported by Win32

2005-03-12 20:33 RD, revision 32782


2005-03-12 20:26 RD, revision 32781


2005-03-12 20:25 RD, revision 32780

Allow wxStaticText to have a custom fg without a custom bg

2005-03-12 19:35 DE, revision 32779

Fix compilation of generic message dialog.

2005-03-12 19:24 DE, revision 32778

Added trailing newline.

2005-03-12 19:20 DE, revision 32777

Added back trailing newline. Please be more careful when using dumb editors like Xcode's.

2005-03-12 19:11 VZ, revision 32776

readded back wxUSE_OLE and wxUSE_WXDIB

2005-03-12 18:09 RD, revision 32775


2005-03-12 18:07 RD, revision 32774

GetSize --> GetSizeHint

2005-03-12 14:16 GD, revision 32773

corrected typo in comment

2005-03-12 12:26 RR, revision 32772

gtk updates

2005-03-12 12:24 RR, revision 32771

Correct orientation of splitter sash again. Query splitter sash size at runtime.

2005-03-12 10:44 RR, revision 32770

Make tree control more GTK-is in the HTML help system.

2005-03-12 10:33 RR, revision 32769

Applied patch for ArtProvider.

2005-03-12 10:30 RR, revision 32768

There shouldn't be any need to draw the backgound under a sash.

2005-03-11 22:49 DS, revision 32767

ignore vc_dll directory

2005-03-11 22:13 MW, revision 32766

Add samples mobile and ownerdrw. Make sample richedit available on all platforms for fixing.

2005-03-11 21:48 DE, revision 32765


2005-03-11 21:42 DE, revision 32764

Rename BASE_MAC_OSX_(SRC|HDR) to BASE_MACOSX_WXMAC_(SRC|HDR). Put $BASE_MAC_(SRC|HDR) inside of these definitions since they're always needed for these cases anyway.

2005-03-11 21:34 DE, revision 32763


2005-03-11 21:03 RR, revision 32762

GTK compilation.

2005-03-11 20:47 RR, revision 32761

GTK+ 2.0 compilation.

2005-03-11 18:59 VZ, revision 32760

compilation fix for non PCH build

2005-03-11 18:56 RR, revision 32759


2005-03-11 15:44 VZ, revision 32758

don't use private URL in the sample

2005-03-11 15:34 ABX, revision 32757

Base for wxMessageDialog with common checks for style.

2005-03-11 15:12 ABX, revision 32756

Warning and build fixes focused with Borland and Watcom.

2005-03-11 11:49 VZ, revision 32755

call wxOle[Un]Initialize() in wxClipboard ctor/dtor to ensure that when wxTheClipboard is destroyed at program shutdown and its Clear() method is called OLE is still initialized

2005-03-11 11:47 VZ, revision 32754

extracted code calling {Ole|Co}[Un]Initialize() to wxOle[Un]Initialize() functions in oleutils.h