

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2008-09-22 16:06 VZ, revision 55797

mention that width/height parameters to wxDisplaySize[MM]() can be NULL

2008-09-22 16:03 VZ, revision 55796

added a simple test for wxGetDisplayXXX() functions

2008-09-22 14:11 VZ, revision 55795

fix the event handling in presence of pushed event handlers broken by r55784 (closes #9992)

2008-09-22 14:00 SC, revision 55794

using new API instead of 2.8 compat, fixes #9990

2008-09-22 13:19 SC, revision 55793

fixing typo, thanks to Angelo Mottola

2008-09-22 12:43 VZ, revision 55792

no changes, just clarified meaning of various conversion functions in a comment

2008-09-22 12:24 SC, revision 55791

fixing override, fixes #9985 (second error)

2008-09-22 00:53 KO, revision 55790

Rebake after taskbar addition (apparently dlist.h commit didn't include rebake, so I'm committing that as well).

2008-09-22 00:51 KO, revision 55789

Adding compiling (but not yet working) taskbar implementation for OS X Cocoa, mostly borrowed from wxCocoa. Also enabled HTML Help support as it seems this compiles fine now.

2008-09-22 00:49 VZ, revision 55788

no changes, just some markup fixes

2008-09-22 00:34 VZ, revision 55787

use ProcessEventHere() instead of ProcessEvent() in TryValidator() to avoid passing the unhandled event to wxApp before it can be processed by this window itself

2008-09-22 00:33 VZ, revision 55786

hook the docview-specific customization of event handling logic at TryValidator() level instead of ProcessEvent(): this ensures that the events are not sent to wxApp before they're passed to all the handlers which might process them (before the events were passed to wxDocument and then immediately to wxApp)

2008-09-22 00:10 VZ, revision 55785

correct and expand (while omitting the irrelevant bits which only distract from the main topic) the explanation of how events are processed

2008-09-22 00:08 VZ, revision 55784

extracted the part of ProcessEvent() which is repeated multiple times during the handling of a single event in the new ProcessEventHere() method; this ensures that wxApp::FilterEvent() is not called multiple times for the same event unnecessarily

2008-09-21 23:48 FM, revision 55783

other ifacecheck fixes

2008-09-21 23:13 FM, revision 55782

various misc ifacecheck fixes (many virtual attributes missing)

2008-09-21 22:35 FM, revision 55781

revised and fixed some typos

2008-09-21 21:11 FM, revision 55780

ignore preprocessor lines which #define a symbol to 'nothing'

2008-09-21 21:09 FM, revision 55779

complete rev55777 with some icon.h modifications which I missed in the first place

2008-09-21 20:04 SC, revision 55778

fixing typo (lead to always floating layering for simple frames)

2008-09-21 20:03 FM, revision 55777

introduced wxICON_DEFAULT_TYPE and wxBITMAP_DEFAULT_TYPE; documented these default argument values; matched the wxBitmap and wxIcon interfaces to their real implementations; revised icon.h interface header

2008-09-21 19:58 JMS, revision 55776

Fixed non-precompiled headers compilation

2008-09-21 19:04 SC, revision 55775

fixes #9982

2008-09-21 18:54 VS, revision 55774

Removed too strict check from wx-config that prevented wxwin.m4 from wx-2.8 from working with trunk version of wx (the "Extra unknown input parameters : $input_parameters" error).

2008-09-21 18:52 SC, revision 55773

fixing focus, fixes #9985

2008-09-21 17:06 JMS, revision 55772

Revised #ifndef WX_PRECOMP headers, added missing #include wx/wxcrtvararg.h

2008-09-21 16:54 JMS, revision 55771

'wx(U)LongLong << variant' type safety improved (now works even if variant has plain long value). Added << operator and WXVARIANT template specialization for wx(U)LongLong_t as well. Changed WX_PG_DECLARE/IMPLEMENT_VARIANT_DATA so that classname << variant can be customized.

2008-09-21 16:50 FM, revision 55770

fix default argument values

2008-09-21 15:58 JMS, revision 55769

Remove redundant GetValueRef() from wxVariantData impl macro

2008-09-21 15:48 JMS, revision 55768

Removed #include <typeinfo> (since C++ RTTI is no longer used)

2008-09-21 15:42 JMS, revision 55767

Moved SetPropertyAttributeAll() to wxPropertyGridInterface

2008-09-21 14:13 JMS, revision 55766

A lot of documentation revision. Updated doctest code in propgrid sample to reflect sample code on overview page.

2008-09-21 13:05 VZ, revision 55765

don't waste time sending out update UI events for separators, they can't be updated anyhow

2008-09-21 11:38 VS, revision 55764

Get rid of gs_cairo; if wxGtkPrint* classes are used, Cairo is guaranteed to be available.

2008-09-21 10:27 VZ, revision 55763

no changes, just reformat/reindent, remove wxT()s

2008-09-21 09:42 VS, revision 55762

route all Cairo calls in GTK printing code through gs_cairo (is this still needed?)

2008-09-21 09:35 VS, revision 55761

added wxGetDisplayPPI() convenience function and wxPrintout::SetPPI*() overloads accepting single wxSize argument

2008-09-21 08:50 VS, revision 55760

progress message passed to wxDC::StartDoc() is not appropriate for PostScript document title

2008-09-21 08:49 VS, revision 55759

progress message passed to wxDC::StartDoc() is not appropriate for PostScript document title

2008-09-21 08:44 RR, revision 55758

Added wxDList<T>. not yet used anywhere

2008-09-21 00:53 KO, revision 55756

Rebake after changes.

2008-09-21 00:51 KO, revision 55755

Stubbed wxToolTip implementation to get code that uses it building.

2008-09-20 23:59 KO, revision 55754

Rebake after bakefile changes.

2008-09-20 23:56 KO, revision 55753

Copy headers and get MDI and glcanvas fully building for OS X Cocoa port.

2008-09-20 23:46 KO, revision 55752

Fix bakefiles. Precomp variable is used undefined when building samples (it was only defined inside the test bakefiles).

2008-09-20 23:06 KO, revision 55751

Source changes needed to get MDI support compiling on OS X Cocoa, and a explicit cast to CGImageRef so the compiler doesn't complain.

2008-09-20 22:03 VZ, revision 55750

add const synonyms for wxGridTableBase::GetNumberRows/Cols(), using const_cast<> all the time is painful

2008-09-20 21:58 VZ, revision 55749

fix g++ warning about order of objects in the initializer list

2008-09-20 00:09 VZ, revision 55748

use a single wxKeyboardEvent parameter instead of 4 bools in tons of places

2008-09-19 23:59 VZ, revision 55747

allow specifying the initial modifier keys values in the ctor