

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2011-06-08 00:49 VZ, revision 67884

Update status bar fields widths from WM_SIZE handler. Doing it immediately after calling ::SetWindowPos(), as we used to do, didn't work correctly (presumably because the status bar fields widths were not updated yet internally) and resulted in not updating the ellipsized fields values when "Show window contents while dragging" Windows option was off. Doing it when we get WM_SIZE works in this case too. Closes #13257.

2011-06-08 00:27 VZ, revision 67883

Handle colours with alpha channel correctly in wxSVGFileDC. wxColour::GetAsString(wxC2S_HTML_SYNTAX) doesn't accept colours with alpha channel as alpha is not representable in HTML syntax, so avoid calling this function with such colours, remove the alpha component in the caller before using it instead. Also slightly simplify wxBrushString() and wxPenString() functions code in wxSVGFileDC implementation. Closes #13214.

2011-06-07 18:48 VZ, revision 67882

Replace more DECLARE_CLASS occurrences with DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS. Correct more mismatches between DECLARE_CLASS and IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS usage.

2011-06-07 18:24 PC, revision 67881

avoid direct struct access for GTK3

2011-06-07 16:28 VZ, revision 67880

Use DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS instead of DECLARE_CLASS. Correctly use DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS for the classes that are supposed to be dynamically creatable as using DECLARE_CLASS doesn't work any longer after the last commit.

2011-06-07 15:06 VZ, revision 67879

Make wxDECLARE_CLASS synonym of wxDECLARE_ABSTRACT_CLASS. Previously wxDECLARE_CLASS was a synonym for wxDECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS which was inconsistent with its documentation and wxIMPLEMENT_CLASS that was the same as wxIMPLEMENT_ABSTRACT_CLASS. Resolve this in the most backwards compatible and also arguably logical way.

2011-06-07 15:06 VZ, revision 67878

Vietnamese translation update from Trần Ngọc Quân.

2011-06-07 07:56 JC, revision 67877

Added WXGTK3 support

2011-06-07 07:45 JC, revision 67876

Added WXGKT3 flag

2011-06-07 04:27 JC, revision 67875

Rename from .c to .cpp to make bakefile and make happy

2011-06-07 04:20 JC, revision 67874

Modified bakefile file.bkl to hold gtk3 source files

2011-06-07 01:23 SC, revision 67873

using higher abstraction to allow for optimized implementations

2011-06-07 01:15 SC, revision 67872

speeding up rectangle drawing by using specific methods, needs 40% less time

2011-06-06 23:13 SC, revision 67871

10.4 compatibility

2011-06-06 23:12 SC, revision 67870

reverting to idle handling

2011-06-06 22:13 JC, revision 67869

Migrated to gtk3

2011-06-06 22:13 JC, revision 67868

Migrated to gtk3

2011-06-06 21:19 SC, revision 67867

turning off unconditional usage of filter-delegate, using native capabilities under 10.6, proper handling of empty default directories for dialogs by passing in nil to native calls,

2011-06-06 18:32 SC, revision 67866

supporting nested window disablers on the same window

2011-06-06 17:53 JC, revision 67865

Fixed UNICODE support in

2011-06-06 17:39 JC, revision 67864

Added gtk3 define entry in

2011-06-06 09:09 JC, revision 67863

Define -D__WXGTK3__

2011-06-06 04:28 SC, revision 67862

supporting native background color on wxWindow descendants that are not themselves native controls, like eg wxPanel , see #13032

2011-06-05 22:26 LV, revision 67861

autogen'ed configure

2011-06-05 18:08 SC, revision 67860

supporting native background on nonownedwindow, see #13032