

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2006-04-04 16:40 vell, revision 38553

added missing paren

2006-04-04 15:06 MR, revision 38552

gdk_gc_destroy -> gdk_gc_unref -> g_object_unref

2006-04-04 14:57 MR, revision 38551

gdk_image_destroy -> g_object_unref (gdk_image_destroy is deprecated in favor of gdk_image_unref, and is just a #define to it; gdk_image_unref deprecated in favor of g_object_unref)

2006-04-04 14:44 MR, revision 38550

gdk_pixbuf_unref -> g_object_unref

2006-04-04 14:26 MR, revision 38549

gdk_gc_unref -> g_object_unref

2006-04-04 14:25 VZ, revision 38548

corrected mistake in the UTF-16 test on big endian machines

2006-04-04 14:06 MR, revision 38547

And gdk_drawable_unref is in turn deprecated in favor of g_object_unref

2006-04-04 13:54 MR, revision 38546

gdk_bitmap/pixmap_unref -> gdk_drawable_unref

2006-04-04 13:46 MR, revision 38545

gdk_draw_pixmap -> gdk_draw_drawable

2006-04-04 13:37 MR, revision 38544

gdk_window_copy_area(drawable,gc,x,y,source_drawable,source_x,source_y,width,height) -> gdk_draw_pixmap(drawable,gc,source_drawable,source_x,source_y,x,y,width,height)

2006-04-04 13:13 MR, revision 38543

gdk_window_get_visual -> gdk_drawable_get_visual

2006-04-04 13:04 VZ, revision 38542

MB2WC/WC2MB are not pure virtual any longer, implement them in terms of To/FromWChar()

2006-04-04 12:35 VZ, revision 38541

added new To/FromWChar() API with more reasonable semantics than old MB2WC/WC2MB; for now both coexist and the change is/should be backwards compatible

2006-04-04 07:49 VZ, revision 38540

renamed GetMinMBCharWidth() to GetMBNulLen(), made it public and documented it

2006-04-04 04:00 RD, revision 38539

Mention wx.Choice/wx.ComboBox event fix

2006-04-04 03:59 RD, revision 38538

Docstring fix

2006-04-04 03:56 RD, revision 38537

Backport of fixes for wxChoice/wxComboBox so they send events when an item is selected only with the keyboard.

2006-04-03 22:16 VZ, revision 38536

fixed LaTeX markup to suit tex2rtf

2006-04-03 19:34 VS, revision 38535

added ParseInnerSource() to make <pre>-like parsing easier

2006-04-03 18:23 RD, revision 38534


2006-04-03 17:38 ABX, revision 38533

Warning fix.

2006-04-03 05:53 MR, revision 38532

Sync wxGTK docs from WX_2_6_BRANCH to HEAD

2006-04-03 00:21 vell, revision 38531

minor cleanup - reformatting

2006-04-02 20:18 VZ, revision 38530

Apple gcc compilation fixes: for it size_t and unsigned are not the same type for some reason

2006-04-02 20:03 VZ, revision 38529

fixed wxMBConv_iconv to work with UTF-16/32

2006-04-02 20:02 VZ, revision 38528

properly terminate UTF-32 test string

2006-04-02 15:59 VZ, revision 38527

compilation fix for iconv call

2006-04-02 15:51 JS, revision 38526

Johny Quest <>

2006-04-02 15:50 JS, revision 38525

Corrected index passed

2006-04-02 15:02 VZ, revision 38524

added filename comparison test

2006-04-02 14:59 VZ, revision 38523

replaced recently added wxMBConv::GetMBNul() with a less clever but better working GetMinMBCharWidth(): the idea is that we can't deal with completely arbitrary encodings anyhow using the current API as we get confused by NUL runs in the middle of the string, so instead just deal correctly with normal multibyte encodings, UTF-16/UCS-2 and UTF-32/UCS-4 which should cover 99.9% of the cases

2006-04-02 14:57 VZ, revision 38522

added wxBuffer::reset()

2006-04-02 14:06 VZ, revision 38521

added UTF-32 test

2006-04-02 14:01 VZ, revision 38520

added test UTF-16 string with embedded NUL NUL which makes the current code fail

2006-04-02 13:45 VZ, revision 38519

added test UTF-16 string with embedded NUL NUL not terminating the string

2006-04-02 13:39 VZ, revision 38518

removed extra returns to fix compilation with old compilers such as VC6 (patch 1463007)

2006-04-02 04:56 KH, revision 38517

Make the Connect that also takes a local bind port non-virtual. This silences some compiler warnings (Borland, Watcom). Plus, it's not likely that this method would need to be overridden anyway since it has rather limited and specific uses.

2006-04-02 03:04 RD, revision 38516

Mention the toolbar fix

2006-04-02 01:50 RD, revision 38515


2006-04-02 01:29 VZ, revision 38514

document missing default parameters in ctor (patch 1458151)

2006-04-02 01:27 VZ, revision 38513

don't crash when loading images with verbose==false (patch 1449823)

2006-04-02 01:21 VZ, revision 38512

report error for GIF images without CLEAR code in the stream instead of crashing (patch 1449734)

2006-04-02 01:10 VZ, revision 38511

use proper dllexport declaration with _WX_LIST_HELPER_

2006-04-02 00:58 VZ, revision 38510

added wxTimeSpan::Millisecond[s]() for consistency

2006-04-02 00:58 RD, revision 38509

Add Mandriva 2006 build host

2006-04-02 00:57 RD, revision 38508

Get rid of any binaries from the embedded sample

2006-04-02 00:52 VZ, revision 38507

seconds and milliseconds in wxTimeSpan ctor should be long long, not long

2006-04-01 18:16 JS, revision 38506

Reset the position when auto-sizing toolbar

2006-04-01 16:40 vell, revision 38505

fix compilation problem in prior commit

2006-04-01 15:53 VZ, revision 38504

let the UTF7 test fail but not crash

2006-04-01 15:34 VZ, revision 38503

fixed wxMBConv_iconv::GetMBNul()

2006-04-01 14:04 VZ, revision 38502

regenerated to add textfiletest

2006-04-01 13:53 JG, revision 38501

Refactor XP theme aware owner drawn button code so as to not affect any header files.

2006-04-01 13:38 VZ, revision 38500

Unix compilation fixes after last commit

2006-04-01 12:43 VZ, revision 38499

added NUL command

2006-04-01 12:43 VZ, revision 38498

Described in the comments and documented the semantics of the parameters and return values of wxMBConv methods and tried to make them more consistent. The only (intentional) backwards incompatible change is that cMB2WC/cWC2MB now return the length of the converted string in outLen parameter and not length+1 Added wxMBConv::GetMBNul() and use it instead of supposing that all multibyte strings are always terminated with a single NUL which is wrong for UTF-16/32. Using GetMBNul(), completely rewrote cMB2WC/cWC2MB() to accept a string of the specified length, whether it is NUL-terminated or not. This means that they don't overwrite the provided buffer any more and convert the entire string in all cases. Fixed bug in wxMBConvUTF16::WC2MB() which didn't NUL-terminate the string properlyv even if there was enough space.

2006-04-01 03:42 JG, revision 38497

Support for older compilers and wxABI_VERSION with XP themed owner drawn buttons.

2006-04-01 03:24 VZ, revision 38496

made DoTestConversion() work with strings containing NULs

2006-04-01 02:58 VZ, revision 38495

added extend() method which realloc()s the buffer

2006-03-31 23:33 VZ, revision 38494

default ctor should create an empty/uninitialized buffer, not one with a single character string

2006-03-31 23:29 RD, revision 38493

Fixed the equality and inequality operators for some of the basic data types (wx.Point, wx.Size, wx.Colour, etc.) to no longer raise a TypeError if the compared object is not compatible, but to just return a boolean as expected. For example:: wx.Colour(64,0,64) == 123 ==> False

2006-03-31 23:19 RD, revision 38492

Fixed problem in wx.lib.splitter when used on 64-bit platforms. Used the current length of the list for specifying an append instead of sys.maxint.

2006-03-31 23:15 RD, revision 38491

Backport of XRCed fix for Copy/Paste objects with international characters.

2006-03-31 21:14 VZ, revision 38490

added missing licence information

2006-03-31 20:28 VZ, revision 38489

undid last (wrong) change to wxMBConvUTF16swap::MB2WC(); added comment to explain why

2006-03-31 20:25 VZ, revision 38488

added UTF16 test

2006-03-31 20:23 VZ, revision 38487

fixed fatal buffer overwrite in wxMBConvUTF16swap::MB2WC()

2006-03-31 20:04 VZ, revision 38486

detect some invalid UTF7 strings when decoding them in wxMBConvUTF7

2006-03-31 19:30 VZ, revision 38485

test predefined wxConvUTF[78] too

2006-03-31 19:24 JG, revision 38484

Don't use XP themes if wxBU_AUTODRAW isn't set.

2006-03-31 19:24 VZ, revision 38483

the expected test result was wrong, corrected; also define a manifest constant only once instead of using its value everywhere

2006-03-31 19:15 VZ, revision 38482

fixed if/idef wxHAVE_U_ESCAPE mixup

2006-03-31 19:04 vell, revision 38481

simplify KeywordSearch; cleanup and reformat

2006-03-31 18:29 JG, revision 38480

Return type is void, not bool in last commit.

2006-03-31 18:26 ABX, revision 38479

Build fix for 2.6 compatibility off.

2006-03-31 18:23 JG, revision 38478

Add support for XP themed owner drawn buttons and bitmap buttons.

2006-03-31 18:07 ABX, revision 38477

Removed every usage of obsolete wxTLW flags. 2.6 compatibility markup for them.

2006-03-31 17:43 VZ, revision 38476

use wxHAVE_U_ESCAPE to accomodate old compilers

2006-03-31 17:42 VZ, revision 38475

enable tests using \u escapes for VC7; replaced compiler version checks for this with wxHAVE_U_ESCAPE defined once and for all in testprec.h

2006-03-31 17:40 VZ, revision 38474

really pass the proper output buffer size in wxMBConv_win32 round trip check, at least for the encodings without NULs such as UTF7

2006-03-31 17:34 VZ, revision 38473

pass proper output buffer size in round trip conversion success check in wxMBConv_win32, otherwise conversions from UTF-7 always failed for example

2006-03-31 17:10 VZ, revision 38472

moved wide char conversion tests to their own file

2006-03-31 17:07 VZ, revision 38471

removed wxTextFile test case, what was it doing here?

2006-03-31 16:39 ROL, revision 38470

version 0.1.7-3

2006-03-31 16:38 ROL, revision 38469

ignore wrong colour spec

2006-03-31 14:36 ROL, revision 38468

fix for copy/paste to work with i18n

2006-03-31 14:26 VZ, revision 38467

added tests for UTF8 and UTF16 files

2006-03-31 14:00 VZ, revision 38466

don't give error when reading empty file in Unicode build

2006-03-31 13:58 VZ, revision 38465

Unicode compilation fixes

2006-03-31 13:53 VZ, revision 38464

rewrote Read() to slurp all the file at once to avoid problems in Unicode build

2006-03-31 13:46 VZ, revision 38463

added unit test for wxTextFile (reading only for now)

2006-03-31 11:13 ABX, revision 38462

Better backward compatibility and deprecation markup for interface deprecated in comments.

2006-03-31 09:58 JS, revision 38461

Make bundle on Mac

2006-03-31 00:05 VZ, revision 38460

also link in ODBC lib if wxUSE_ODBC (patch 1457800)

2006-03-31 00:03 VZ, revision 38459

use wx/dynlib.h and not wx/dynload.h (patch 1448691)

2006-03-31 00:01 VZ, revision 38458

added #if wxUSE_CONSTRAINTS around the whole file (patch 1448826)

2006-03-30 23:49 VZ, revision 38457

don't compile DirectDraw code when wxUSE_DIRECTDRAW==0 (patch 1461271); set wxUSE_DIRECTDRAW to 0 by default

2006-03-30 23:01 JG, revision 38456

Include compatibility guard for int GetItemSpacing( bool isSmall ) in implementation file also.

2006-03-30 19:15 RD, revision 38455


2006-03-30 17:09 RD, revision 38454

Fixed problem in wx.lib.splitter when used on 64-bit platforms. Used the current length of the list for specifying an append instead of sys.maxint.