

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2011-08-27 15:24 VS, revision 68912

No real change, use more descriptive variable names in wxDataViewMainWindow::ItemDeleted(). Call the node object corresponding to 'parent' 'parentNode' instead of just the more vague 'node'. Also, 'nodes' instead of 'nds'.

2011-08-27 14:13 VZ, revision 68911

Set colours and fonts for all elements of the generic wxSearchCtrl. Derive generic wxSearchCtrl from wxCompositeWindow<> to ensure that calls to its Set{Fore,Back}groundColour() are propagated to all its children, otherwise they applied only to the composite control itself but not e.g. its text part. Also update the bitmaps when the background colour changes to ensure that it appears as transparent. Closes #13428.

2011-08-27 14:13 VZ, revision 68910

Allow returning NULL windows from GetCompositeWindowParts(). wxCompositeWindow::GetCompositeWindowParts() becomes simpler to implement in the derived classes with optionally shown elements if NULL windows are allowed (and ignored) in the list returned by it.

2011-08-27 14:13 VZ, revision 68909

Fixes to OpenGL samples to avoid asserts/crashes. Don't call wxGLCanvas::SetCurrent() when the window is not shown. Closes #13424.

2011-08-26 15:01 JJ, revision 68907

Update setup for OpenVMS

2011-08-26 01:32 DS, revision 68903

Fixed best size of wxUniv's wxNotebook. Removed wxNotebook::DoGetBestClientSize to let wxBookCtrlBase::DoGetBestSize do its job and fix the best size of a wxNotebook (formerly when running the notebook sample the notebook was not wide enough).

2011-08-26 01:16 DS, revision 68902

Fixed best sizes for wxUniv controls. Many wxUniv controls had a way too small best size which was noticeable when running e.g. the widgets sample. Regression started in r61169 where wxWindowBase::DoGetClientBestSize() was introduced but that virtual function already existed in wxUniv's wxWindow. Removing wxUniv's wxWindow::DoGetBestSize and wxWindow::DoGetBestClientSize fixes sizing issues.

2011-08-26 01:13 DS, revision 68901

Fixed width of scrollbars in wxUniv. The AdjustSize renderer function for wxUniv's GTK and MSW theme adjusted the size of a scrollbar while it already had the correct size, resulting in scrollbars being twice as wide. Fixed by not adjusting the size of a scrollbar anymore in AdjustSize. Closes #11660.

2011-08-26 01:09 DS, revision 68900

Fixed buttons having no border in wxUniv by default. Buttons had a border of wxBORDER_NONE resulting in wxButton::DoDraw not drawing the button's border. Fixed by adding wxAnyButton::GetDefaultBorder() for wxUniv which returns wxBORDER_STATIC. Regression since r67931.

2011-08-25 23:52 DS, revision 68899

Fixed MSW/Univ compilation of toplevel.cpp. MSW-only functions were compiled in, disabled their usage by adding #ifndef __WXUNIVERSAL__ blocks. Closes #13399 (again, after r68723 already should have closed it but its commit message contained a typo).

2011-08-25 18:37 SC, revision 68880


2011-08-24 14:57 SJL, revision 68878

Rebake after previous commit, should fix monolithic compilation.

2011-08-24 13:52 VZ, revision 68877

No real changes, just update copyright year in wxInfoMessageBox(). s/2010/2011/

2011-08-24 13:48 VZ, revision 68876

Try harder to set the requester splitter position in wxSplitterWindow. The code in wxSplitterWindow tried to remember the requested position and set the real sash position to it later, even if the initial window size was too small to allow for it, but it didn't work because the requested position was forgotten after the first size event, even though it was quite possible that this event didn't really change the window size from the initial, small, one. Try to make this more robust by ignoring the size events which don't really change the window size. Also set m_lastSize correctly initially. Now setting the sash position does work even if the splitter itself is inside nested sizers (which results in many size events).

2011-08-24 13:19 SC, revision 68875

adding raw_control for osx

2011-08-24 09:43 SJL, revision 68874

Remove out of date extralib stuff from the bakefiles.

2011-08-24 08:14 SC, revision 68873

missing commit for RAW_CONTROL changes

2011-08-24 06:15 SC, revision 68872

missing commit for RAW_CONTROL changes

2011-08-23 21:09 JC, revision 68871

Merged from trunk

2011-08-23 17:44 VZ, revision 68870

Compilation fix for non-OSX: don't use m_rawControlDown there. m_rawControlDown is supposed to be only used under OS X so put an #ifdef __WXOSX__ around it in wxKeyboardState::GetModifiers() to fix compilation under the other platforms.

2011-08-23 17:30 SC, revision 68869

fixing type for key event, using WXK_RAW_CONTROL constant for controlkey, see #13415

2011-08-23 17:18 SC, revision 68868

exposing control key combinations as before, fixing unicodekey casing

2011-08-23 17:11 VZ, revision 68867

Simplify checks for event vetoing in generic wxDataViewCtrl code. Don't return the whole event object from SendExpanderEvent() just to check if it wasn't vetoed, simply return a boolean value indicating if this was the case from this function itself. This makes it both more efficient and easier to use.

2011-08-23 17:11 VZ, revision 68866

Fix completely wrong logic for veto checking in generic wxDVC. The code sending the event must check whether the event was vetoed or not, not whether it was skipped or not. This is the minimal change resulting in correct behaviour even if an event handler does skip the event.

2011-08-23 15:19 SC, revision 68865

adjusting keyboardstate to new ctrl / raw_ctrl handling on osx

2011-08-23 15:03 SC, revision 68864

adjusting keyboardstate to new ctrl / raw_ctrl handling on osx

2011-08-23 13:04 VZ, revision 68863

Mention wxLocale in wxNumValidator documentation. Using setlocale() can thoroughly confuse wxNumValidator because it results in a mismatch between the decimal and/or thousands separators it uses, returned by wxLocale, and the actual separators in the strings, formatted by the CRT. So mention in the documentation that using setlocale() is a bad idea. Closes #12970.

2011-08-23 13:04 VZ, revision 68862

No changes, just add a missing comma in wxNumValidator documentation. SetRange() declaration wasn't properly terminated.

2011-08-23 13:04 VZ, revision 68861

Check for decimal separator inconsistency in wxLocale::GetInfo(). Under wxMSW it's possible to have mismatch between the CRT locale (used by various printf-related functions) and the system locale (queried by wxLocale::GetInfo()). Warn if such a mismatch occurs and tell people to use wxLocale instead of just setlocale() to change the locale. See #12970.

2011-08-23 12:50 VZ, revision 68860

Fix wxBannerWindowNameStr definition in DLL builds. Don't use WXDLLEXPORT_DATA when defining the variable, it can be only used when declaring it. This fixes wxMSW DLL build with MSVC.

2011-08-23 06:55 DS, revision 68859

Added wxBITMAP_TYPE_TIFF and wxBITMAP_TYPE_TIFF_RESOURCE. Having wxBITMAP_TYPE_TIFF and wxBITMAP_TYPE_TIFF_RESOURCE is more consistent with already using the complete short name of an image format elsewhere (e.g. wxBITMAP_TYPE_JPEG, not wxBTMAP_TYPE_JPG, and wxTIFFHandler as opposed to wxTIFHandler). Renamed all existing occurrences and kept the old enum values for backwards compatibility. Also renamed occurrences of wxBITMAP_TYPE_RESOURCE to the already existing wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP_RESOURCE.

2011-08-23 06:41 DS, revision 68858

Fixed linking errors related to wxAnyButton in wxUniv. Native wxAnyButton headers were being included but the sources aren't used in wxUniv. Fixed this by not including any native header in wxUniv and instead made wxAnyButton a typedef of wxAnyButtonBase.

2011-08-23 05:08 DS, revision 68857

Fixed compilation of various notebook.cpp's. Make use of HasImageList() and GetImageList() instead of accessing the now private m_imageList directly. Fixed for wxUniv, wxGTK1, and wxOS2 (the latter 2 blindly). Changes are similar to r68856 and should have been a part of that.

2011-08-23 04:18 DS, revision 68856

Fixed compilation of sources that make use of wx/univ/notebook.h. wxUniv's wxNotebook was accessing m_imageList which now is a private in wxWithImages since r68809. Fixed by using wxWithImages::HasImageList.

2011-08-22 23:53 JC, revision 68855

Trunk made changes. Code had to change to deal with depth==32

2011-08-22 17:35 VZ, revision 68854

Exclude another auto-generated file when cleaning the patches. Changes to autoconf_inc.m4 are not interesting neither, exclude them.

2011-08-22 17:31 VZ, revision 68853

Don't refresh not yet realized widget in wxGTK wxDataViewCtrl. If the text of any of wxDataViewCtrl cells was set before the control was realized (e.g. during its creation), the code tried to refresh the not yet shown widget resulting in GTK+ errors. Avoid this by only refreshing the tree if it's realized.

2011-08-22 17:31 VZ, revision 68852

Return non-const pointer from wxDataViewRendererBase::GetView(). Non-const wxWindow pointers are unfortunately needed quite often in wx API so return a non-const pointer here to allow using it with e.g. wxRendererNative (whose methods all take non-const wxWindow pointers) in the derived classes.

2011-08-22 17:31 VZ, revision 68851

Add wxDataViewIconText::IsSameAs() and make comparison operators members. Add IsSameAs() to make it simpler to call from the derived class operator==() implementation. Also make comparison operators themselves members instead of global functions to avoid considering them as matches for all operator==() uses in the program, there is really no need for this as we do _not_ want to allow implicitly converting something to wxDataViewIconText when comparing.

2011-08-22 17:31 VZ, revision 68850

Return (16,16) as the default list icons size in wxMSW. The standard size of the small icons in list controls under MSW is traditionally 16*16 so return this from wxMSW wxArtProvider.

2011-08-22 17:11 SC, revision 68849

removing trailing comma

2011-08-22 17:10 SC, revision 68848

exposing wxGraphicsContext through an ordinary wxDC

2011-08-22 16:14 VS, revision 68847

Fix typo.

2011-08-22 16:14 VS, revision 68846

Don't iterate over selection twice needlessly in wxDataViewMainWindow::ItemDeleted().

2011-08-22 16:14 VS, revision 68845

No change, improve wxDataViewMainWindow::ItemDeleted() readability.

2011-08-22 14:41 VZ, revision 68844

Harmonize wxDataViewCtrl::GetSelection() behaviour in all ports. wxDataViewCtrl::GetSelection() now always returns invalid item if more than a single item is selected in a multi-selection control. Also add HasSelection() and GetSelectedItemsCount() to allow checking if any items are selected. Updated the documentation, all ports and added a test for all these functions.

2011-08-22 14:41 VZ, revision 68843

No changes, just use CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL() instead of CPPUNIT_ASSERT(). CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL() gives more informative error messages in case of failure which is important when running tests unattended on build slaves.

2011-08-22 14:41 VZ, revision 68842

No changes, just add wxGtkList to ensure g_list_free() is always called. Add an extremely simple RAII wrapper around GList and use it. Also add wxGtkTreePathList which also automatically frees its contents to simplify working with the lists of GtkTreePaths.

2011-08-22 14:38 VZ, revision 68841

Don't export Objective C interfaces in non-x86_64 builds. Doing this is unnecessary and results in compilation errors in PPC and x86 builds when using old (4.0.1) version of the compiler. So make WXEXPORT added in r67575 specific to 64 bit builds.

2011-08-22 14:18 VZ, revision 68840

Add XRC handler for wxBannerWindow and a test for it to the xrc sample. Also document the new XRC format elements.

2011-08-22 14:18 VZ, revision 68839

No changes, just factor our wxDirection parsing code in wxXRC. Move it from wxButtonXmlHandler into a reusable wxXmlResourceHandler:: GetDirection() that can used by the other handlers too.

2011-08-22 14:18 VZ, revision 68838

Add new wxBannerWindow class. A simple banner showing either a bitmap or some text on gradient background.

2011-08-22 14:18 VZ, revision 68837

Add @genericAppearance Doxygen macro. This allows to provide just a single image (in "generic" subdirectory) for the generic controls that look the same in all ports instead of having to create three identical ones (in "wxmsw", "wxgtk" and "wxmac" subdirectories) that are required by @appearance.

2011-08-22 14:13 VZ, revision 68836

Fix the coordinates in wxDataViewCustomRenderer::LeftClick() in generic wxDVC. The code in generic wxDataViewCtrl implementation didn't take the space taken by tree expander button nor the indentation of child nodes into account, so the coordinates passed to LeftClick() could be completely wrong. Fix this by offsetting them to ensure that click coordinates are always relative to the cell client area.

2011-08-22 13:27 JS, revision 68835

Fix duplicate variable for VC++ 6

2011-08-22 13:26 JS, revision 68834

Rename identifier

2011-08-22 11:28 LV, revision 68833

Regenerated Makefiles with bakefile_gen

2011-08-22 11:21 SJL, revision 68832

Add new sample project files.

2011-08-22 11:16 SJL, revision 68831


2011-08-22 10:58 LV, revision 68830

Removed wxButtonStrip (not too useful too)

2011-08-22 10:58 LV, revision 68829

Removed wxTabCtrl altogether (not very useful); implemented wxSegmentedCtrl

2011-08-22 10:57 LV, revision 68828

Removed wxContentWindow from wxTableCell

2011-08-22 10:45 SJL, revision 68827

Export a couple of carbon functions so that shared builds in carbon compile correctly.

2011-08-22 09:52 JC, revision 68826

Added comments. Many samples show correct images

2011-08-22 09:34 JC, revision 68825

Fixed a bug in creating mask

2011-08-22 09:06 LV, revision 68824

Various (remaining) wxTableCtrl setters

2011-08-22 09:06 LV, revision 68823

Common source files to Bakefile

2011-08-22 09:06 LV, revision 68822

wxTableCtrl accessory button event

2011-08-22 09:06 LV, revision 68821

Remaining wxTableCtrl setters

2011-08-22 07:56 JC, revision 68820

Fixed a bug in creating mask

2011-08-22 04:15 JC, revision 68819

Fixed a bug in MaskToAlpha()

2011-08-22 00:36 JC, revision 68818

Fixed bug in reading mask info

2011-08-21 20:07 PC, revision 68815

fix memory corruption

2011-08-21 16:52 VZ, revision 68813

Add missing wx/icon.h header to fix wxGTK compilation. wx/withimages.h needs to include wx/icon.h as it contains an inline function returning wxIcon.

2011-08-21 16:08 VZ, revision 68812

Refactor: replace wxTreeItemId and wxDataViewItem with new wxItemId<>. Add wxItemId<> template which can be used to identify items in different {tree,list}-like controls, including wxDataViewCtrl (where it replaces, in backwards compatible way, wxDataViewItem), wxTreeCtrl (where it replaces wxTreeItemId) and the upcoming wxTreeListCtrl.

2011-08-21 16:08 VZ, revision 68811

No changes, just move wxCheckBoxState to wx/defs.h from wx/checkbox.h. Move the enum to allow reusing it in other places.

2011-08-21 16:08 VZ, revision 68810

No changes, just use symbolic NO_IMAGE constant instead of -1 or wxNOT_FOUND. Existing declarations used -1 in several places to indicate the absence of the image which wasn't especially clear and was also inconsistent with other places that used wxNOT_FOUND which didn't make much sense in this context. Add a new symbolic constant NO_IMAGE in wxWithImages and use it in the classes deriving from it. This still doesn't help with wx{Tree,List}Ctrl but improves clarity for the other classes.

2011-08-21 16:08 VZ, revision 68809

Add wxWithImages helper mix-in with {Set,Get,Assign}ImageList() methods. Avoid defining SetImageList() in several different places in wx API as not only this resulted in (trivial) code duplication but this method also had different semantics before: it didn't take ownership of the pointer passed to it in wxTreeCtrl, wxListCtrl and wxBookCtrl and derived classes but did take its ownership in wxDataViewTreeCtrl and wxRichTextFormattingDialog. Harmonize this for all the classes now: SetImageList() never takes ownership while AssignImageList() (which is now available in all classes having SetImageList()) always does. Also add convenience wxWithImages::GetImage() helper to avoid (more) code duplication in wxDataViewTreeCtrl code.

2011-08-21 14:06 VZ, revision 68808

Replace wxComboBox::IsEmpty() with Is{List,Text}Empty(). IsEmpty() didn't exist in all ports (notably not wxMSW) and its meaning was unclear anyhow, so remove it even from the ports where it did exist and add clear Is{List,Text}Empty() replacements instead.

2011-08-21 11:07 VS, revision 68807

Rename wxDataViewCtrl::InvalidateColBestWidth* to UpdateColBestWidth*. The new names make it more clear that the functions don't just set an invalidated flag, but that they actually do some recalculations.

2011-08-21 11:07 VS, revision 68806

Fix autosize columns width calculation in generic wxDataViewCtrl. Column widths were recomputed too soon -- after the model changed, but before the control's own data structures were updated to reflect the change. This could lead to incorrect calculations or worse, crashes.

2011-08-21 09:45 LV, revision 68805

wxTableCtrl wxiOS tests

2011-08-21 09:45 LV, revision 68804

Parts of wxTableCtrl/wxNavigationCtrl moved to 'generic' source files

2011-08-21 09:45 LV, revision 68803

Safer wxViewController SetWindow()

2011-08-21 09:45 LV, revision 68802

wxStaticBitmap wxiOS tests

2011-08-21 09:45 LV, revision 68801

wxBitmapButton wxiOS tests

2011-08-21 09:45 LV, revision 68800

wxiOS test bitmap moved to a more generic location

2011-08-21 08:46 JC, revision 68799

Fixed a bug in reading xbm files.

2011-08-20 16:04 SJL, revision 68797

Fix history when using custom schemes in GTK.

2011-08-20 14:25 VZ, revision 68796

Add a one line script to clean patches before submitting them for review. Exclude changes to the auto-generated files using filterdiff.

2011-08-20 12:59 SJL, revision 68795

Add virtual destructors to fix GCC4 warnings.

2011-08-20 11:50 SJL, revision 68794

Another compilation fix for OSX 10.5

2011-08-20 07:09 JC, revision 68793

Merged from the trunk

2011-08-19 20:25 VS, revision 68792

Reorganize wxDataViewMainWindow::ItemAdded() for better readability. Reuse common code. No real changes.

2011-08-19 18:10 DS, revision 68791

Fixed failing test in ImageTestCase for builds made with makefiles. The recently added BMP images in tests/image/ were not being copied. Added them to test.bkl and regenerated makefiles.

2011-08-19 15:30 SJL, revision 68790

Update documentation for new library name.

2011-08-19 12:45 SJL, revision 68789

Rename web library to webview.

2011-08-19 11:15 SJL, revision 68788

Rename wxUSE_WEB to wxUSE_WEBVIEW to reflect that actually it specifically toggles the wxWebView class and associated features.

2011-08-19 05:57 DS, revision 68787

Documented wxIMAGE_OPTION_TIFF_* options that are currently in use.

2011-08-19 05:50 DS, revision 68786

Use a default photometric interpretation value of PHOTOMETRIC_MINISWHITE instead of PHOTOMETRIC_MINISBLACK for greyscale and b/w TIFF images. Closes #13194.

2011-08-19 05:47 DS, revision 68785

Added option to TIFF handler for specifying the photometric interpretation. Added option wxIMAGE_OPTION_TIFF_PHOTOMETRIC for reading and writing TIFF images. This is mostly for being able to distinguish between PHOTOMETRIC_MINISBLACK (chocolate flavour) and PHOTOMETRIC_MINISWHITE (vanilla) as currently the flavour used was fixed. It applies to greyscale as well as black and white images. Added unit tests to verify the written photometric value. Also see #13194.

2011-08-19 04:35 DS, revision 68784

Added support for saving greyscale TIFF images. When saving with a samples per pixel value of 1 the TIFF handler still treated the image as RGB, resulting in corrupted images. Handle the greyscale case and added a unit test for it.

2011-08-19 04:27 DS, revision 68783

Changed TIFF handler's monochrome conversion to look at the green channel instead of red. It's common when reducing a coloured image to greyscale or black and white to give the green channel more significance. Since we're only looking at a single channel use the green one instead of red.

2011-08-19 04:00 DS, revision 68782

Fixed crash when saving as a monochrome TIFF image with incomplete options set. When setting only wxIMAGE_OPTION_TIFF_BITSPERSAMPLE to 1 the used samples per pixel (wxIMAGE_OPTION_TIFF_SAMPLESPERPIXEL) would still be set to 3. This is invalid and confuses libtiff, resulting in a crash ("possible heap corruption" during _TIFFfree using WinXP+MSVC8). Set the used samples per pixel to 1 explicitly in cases where only bits per sample is set to 1. Added a unit test to check for this problem (and verify the bits per sample from the saved image is indeed 1).

2011-08-19 03:31 DS, revision 68781

No code changes. Renamed variable bpp (bits per pixel) in TIFF handler to what it actually represents: bps (bits per sample).

2011-08-19 03:19 DS, revision 68780

Renamed the options specific to the TIFF handler. The loading/saving options that are specific for TIFF were in the form of wxIMAGE_OPTION_<name> while all other non-generic options use the form wxIMAGE_OPTION_<imagetype>_<name>. Renamed the TIFF options to the form wxIMAGE_OPTION_TIFF_<name> and kept the old names for backwards compatibility.

2011-08-19 03:13 DS, revision 68779

improved wxImage documentation. moved description of wxIMAGE_OPTION_GIF_COMMENT from wxImage::GetOptionInt documentation to wxImage::GetOption because the value of the GIF option is a string, not int.

2011-08-19 03:09 LV, revision 68778

wxWheelsCtrl wxiOS implementation + some tests

2011-08-19 03:08 DS, revision 68777

Improved saving of TIFF monochrome images. When reducing an RGB image to black and white any non-black pixel was treated as white resulting in mostly white images. Set the threshold to 127 instead to improve the looks of saved monochrome TIFF images.

2011-08-18 19:32 JC, revision 68774

Merged from the trunk

2011-08-18 15:29 SJL, revision 68773

Remove a couple of unused forward declarations.

2011-08-18 15:15 DS, revision 68772

Fixed saving TIFF images to wxMemoryOutputStream. Libtiff attempts to seek past the end of a stream and the behaviour for this can vary per stream implementation. Fixed failure to seek by filling the gap between the end of stream and new seek position with zeroes. Enabled a unit test which so far was disabled due to wxMemoryOutputStream failing to save a TIFF because of the seeking problem. Also closes #4089.

2011-08-18 12:51 SJL, revision 68771

Add some version checks to help compiling on OSX.

2011-08-18 11:28 JC, revision 68770

samples/drawing can work

2011-08-18 11:26 SJL, revision 68769

Remove MoveWindow method.

2011-08-18 08:23 JC, revision 68768

Added code for creating cairo context in dcmemory. Samples/caret works very well. Caret rendering is good.

2011-08-18 07:52 JC, revision 68767

Fixed a bug in creating cairo_image_surface from wxImage.GetData(). Now samples/image can load and show image correctly

2011-08-17 23:01 DS, revision 68766

Improved BMP decoding. The BMP decoder did not handle images that are not stored upside down but straight up (in which case the height is negative). Also with RLE4 or RLE8 compressed images the 'end of scanline' RLE marker was not handled correctly. Fixed the issues and added a unit test for them.

2011-08-17 21:34 JC, revision 68765

Improved a little bit

2011-08-17 18:25 JC, revision 68764

Merged from trunk to fix the bug in samples/thread and samples/menu

2011-08-17 15:50 SJL, revision 68763

Return true by default under OSX WebKit.

2011-08-17 15:46 SJL, revision 68762

Correctly stop the loading animation in the sample when we veto navigation.

2011-08-17 13:19 SJL, revision 68761

Derive wxWebViewEvent from wxNotifyEvent.

2011-08-17 12:55 SJL, revision 68760

Rename LoadUrl to LoadURL. This corrects the capitalisation as it is an acronym, and brings it into line with GetCurrentURL.

2011-08-17 12:49 SJL, revision 68759

Tidy up webview.h. Remove all of the doxygen comments which have now been moved to the interface file. Organise method declarations more sensibly.

2011-08-17 12:36 SJL, revision 68758

Make a few internal methods private.

2011-08-17 12:35 VZ, revision 68757

Use correct format specifier for thread id in the sample. Thread id is an (unsigned) long, not just unsigned, so use "%lx" to print it instead of "%x" to avoid asserts in formatting code. Closes #13404.

2011-08-17 12:35 VZ, revision 68756

Restore stock item labels mistakenly removed by r68641. The patch adding separate string for the labels with mnemonics and the ones without them has somehow managed to remove entries for 10 stock ids. Restore them now. Closes #13403.

2011-08-17 12:26 SJL, revision 68755

Const correct the wxWebView api.

2011-08-17 10:38 JS, revision 68754

Better text control non-selection solution

2011-08-17 10:38 JS, revision 68753

Better text control non-selection solution

2011-08-17 09:05 JC, revision 68752

samples/image can start but the image reader seems buggy

2011-08-17 07:40 JC, revision 68751

Minor fix

2011-08-17 04:51 JC, revision 68750

samples/dialog works without a warning

2011-08-16 22:52 JS, revision 68749

Implemented non-selection of content when setting focus via the keyboard.

2011-08-16 22:51 JS, revision 68748

Implemented non-selection of content when setting focus via the keyboard.

2011-08-16 20:14 SC, revision 68747

using sizer

2011-08-16 20:13 SC, revision 68746

using sizer

2011-08-16 20:12 SC, revision 68745

fixing vertical size expansion

2011-08-16 20:00 SC, revision 68744

fixing layout for segmented control

2011-08-16 18:40 JC, revision 68743

Merged from trunk

2011-08-16 18:33 JC, revision 68741

Applied Paul's patch. DoGetAsBitmap still neends improvements

2011-08-16 18:27 SC, revision 68740

using sizers

2011-08-16 18:22 SC, revision 68739

using sizers

2011-08-16 18:20 SC, revision 68738

using sizers

2011-08-16 18:18 SC, revision 68737

using sizers

2011-08-16 18:17 SC, revision 68736

using sizers

2011-08-16 18:14 SC, revision 68735

using sizers

2011-08-16 18:14 SC, revision 68734

fixing standard icon buttons

2011-08-16 17:22 SC, revision 68733

integrating sizers

2011-08-16 17:17 SC, revision 68732

integrating sizers

2011-08-16 17:15 SC, revision 68731

integrating sizers

2011-08-16 17:15 SC, revision 68730

integrating sizers

2011-08-16 17:12 SC, revision 68729

integrating sizers

2011-08-16 17:10 SC, revision 68728

integrating Layout

2011-08-16 15:46 SC, revision 68727

adapting to new ctrl constant handling on OSX

2011-08-16 15:45 SC, revision 68726

adapting to new ctrl constant handling on OSX

2011-08-16 15:36 SC, revision 68725

adapting to new ctrl constant handling on OSX

2011-08-16 14:42 SC, revision 68724

supporting full style mask

2011-08-16 14:24 VZ, revision 68723

wxMSW compilation fix when not using PCH. Add missing "wx/menu.h" include. Coses #13399.

2011-08-16 14:17 SC, revision 68722

adjust init to standard

2011-08-16 14:17 SC, revision 68721

support for raw ctrl shortcut

2011-08-16 14:01 SC, revision 68720

emulate more arrow keys on non msw platforms

2011-08-16 14:00 SC, revision 68719

adapt defines for ctrl/command key

2011-08-16 13:55 SC, revision 68718

adapt defines

2011-08-16 09:02 PC, revision 68717

Avoid creating rect with negative size while clipping to DC size. Also, don't convert result of wxDC::GetSize() to device coords, it's already device coords.

2011-08-16 08:45 JC, revision 68716

Improved bitmap_gtk3.cpp

2011-08-16 08:34 LV, revision 68715

Disable wxViewController tests for now

2011-08-16 08:34 LV, revision 68714

Correct wxNavigationBar creation

2011-08-16 07:22 JC, revision 68713

Improved bitmap_gtk3.cpp. Now samples/opengl can run but the glcanvas doesn't show anything

2011-08-16 07:00 JC, revision 68712

Fixed a bug in destructor in bitmap_gtk3.cpp

2011-08-16 06:02 LV, revision 68711

wxNavigationBar and friends (wxNavigationItem, wxBarButton)

2011-08-16 06:02 LV, revision 68710

wxViewController wxiOS tests

2011-08-16 06:02 LV, revision 68709

More wxListBox wxiOS tests

2011-08-16 06:01 LV, revision 68708

wxListBox wxiOS tests

2011-08-16 06:01 LV, revision 68707

wxListBox events and implementation

2011-08-16 06:01 LV, revision 68706

wxSearchCtrl wxiOS tests

2011-08-16 04:45 JC, revision 68705

Fixed a bug in bitmap_gtk3.cpp. samples/combo works but seems to have memory leak. cairo stuff needs more careful releases

2011-08-16 02:40 JC, revision 68704

Fixed a bug that bit per pixel m_bpp is not set

2011-08-15 23:00 JC, revision 68703

glcanvas can be compiled

2011-08-15 18:08 JC, revision 68701

working on samples/combo. m_originalMatrix should be initialized. A bug in wxBitmap still crashes the program.

2011-08-15 15:10 SJL, revision 68700

Add a menu item linking to a custom scheme example.

2011-08-15 14:37 SJL, revision 68699

Update bakefile for new header names.

2011-08-15 14:31 SJL, revision 68698

Rename wxWebHistoryItem to wxWebViewHistoryItem.

2011-08-15 13:03 SJL, revision 68697

Rename wxWebNavigationError to wxWebViewNavigationError and wxWebNavigationEvent to wxWebViewEvent. This makes the names more consistent with other parts of wxWidgets.

2011-08-15 08:40 JC, revision 68696

wxWindowDCImpl::DoGetAsBitmap() needs to be implemented with gtk+3. But how to get the bitmap of a widnowDC in gtk+3?

2011-08-14 22:15 JC, revision 68695

Merged from trunk

2011-08-14 21:39 VZ, revision 68694

Fix return value of wxMBConvUTF8::ToWChar() when not using MAP_INVALID_UTF8_NOT. wxMBConvUTF8::ToWChar() was off by 1 when the input length was explicitly specified, the extra NUL should only be added in the implicit length case. This bug didn't occur for the default wxMBConvUTF8 object as it simply forwarded to the base class wxMBConvStrictUTF8 implementation but it happened when MAP_INVALID_UTF8_TO_OCTAL or MAP_INVALID_UTF8_TO_PUA was used.

2011-08-14 17:43 SC, revision 68693

fixing comment

2011-08-14 17:42 SC, revision 68692

fixing open application event handling, fixes #13397

2011-08-14 17:41 SC, revision 68691

adding two missing strings (used in docview)

2011-08-14 14:25 SJL, revision 68690

Add missing bakefile from previous commit.

2011-08-14 14:15 SJL, revision 68689

Rename wxWebFileHandler to wxWebViewArchiveHandler, wxWebHandler to wxWebViewHandler. Update the documentation and the sample. Add a constructor taking a wxString to specify the scheme in wxWebViewHandler.

2011-08-14 13:55 SC, revision 68688

using proper cmd constant

2011-08-14 02:38 JC, revision 68687

Fixed a bug in gtk/renderer.cpp. Now samples/artprov works

2011-08-13 18:17 PC, revision 68685

simplify global cursor setting

2011-08-13 18:01 SJL, revision 68684

Merge in from trunk r68626 - r68683

2011-08-13 17:45 SJL, revision 68683

Add various selection menu items to the sample.

2011-08-13 16:53 SJL, revision 68682

Add Run Script menu option to the sample.

2011-08-13 16:11 SJL, revision 68681

Add history list to the sample.

2011-08-13 15:54 VZ, revision 68680

Fix bitmap position attribute name in XRC handler. Bitmap position attribute was called "bitmapposition" in the documentation and in the code that generated an error message for a wrong value in it but was inexplicably called "direction" in the code that really looked it up. This seems to be just a straight typo from the original r61065. Surprising as it is that it wasn't noticed before, do correct it now.

2011-08-13 12:07 SJL, revision 68679

Call Dismiss rather than Show(false) on the infobar to correct the layout.

2011-08-13 11:41 SJL, revision 68678

Fix loading history items under GTK. The wrong function was being used.

2011-08-13 00:58 JC, revision 68676

Minor change

2011-08-13 00:30 LV, revision 68675

wx[Action|Alert]SheetDialog wxiOS tests

2011-08-13 00:30 LV, revision 68674

wxScrolledWindow wxiOS tests

2011-08-13 00:30 LV, revision 68673

wxSegmentedCtrl SetButtonBackgroundColour

2011-08-13 00:30 LV, revision 68672

wxSegmentedControl changing/changed events

2011-08-13 00:30 LV, revision 68671

wxSegmentedCtrl tests

2011-08-13 00:30 LV, revision 68670

wxPageCtrl wxiOS tests

2011-08-13 00:29 LV, revision 68669

wxPageCtrl button click event

2011-08-13 00:29 LV, revision 68668

wxPageCtrl implementation bits

2011-08-13 00:29 LV, revision 68667

wxGauge wxiOS tests

2011-08-13 00:29 LV, revision 68666

wxToolBar wxiOS tests

2011-08-13 00:29 LV, revision 68665

wxStaticText background colors

2011-08-13 00:29 LV, revision 68664

wxNavigationCtrl tests

2011-08-13 00:29 LV, revision 68663

wxCheckBox event tests

2011-08-13 00:29 LV, revision 68662

wxTextCtrl read-only support

2011-08-13 00:29 LV, revision 68661

wxWebCtrl event tests

2011-08-13 00:29 LV, revision 68660

wxCheckBox wxiOS tests

2011-08-13 00:29 LV, revision 68659

wxWebKitCtrl wxiOS tests

2011-08-12 23:53 LV, revision 68658

wxTextCtrl wxiOS tests

2011-08-12 23:53 LV, revision 68657

wxStaticText wxiOS tests

2011-08-12 23:53 LV, revision 68656

Expanded wxNotebook test cases

2011-08-12 23:53 LV, revision 68655

Expanded wxNavigationCtrl test coverage

2011-08-12 23:40 JC, revision 68654

Minor changes

2011-08-12 18:10 PC, revision 68653

allow creating wxDC for un-realized window

2011-08-12 16:09 VZ, revision 68652

No changes, just remove gratuitous inefficiency from generic wxDVC. Don't return wxDataViewMainWindow::m_selection array by value, returning a const reference to it is enough and avoids completely unnecessary memory allocations and copying of potentially large amounts of data. Also make wxDataViewMainWindow::GetSelections() const.

2011-08-12 16:09 VZ, revision 68651

Fix compilation of generic wxDVC code when not using STL containers. wx sorted containers don't implement iterators so use indices to iterate over wxDataViewMainWindow::m_selection, just as r68613 already did in another place. Closes #13388.

2011-08-12 12:49 SJL, revision 68650

Update documentation about custom schemes and virtual file systems.

2011-08-12 12:44 SJL, revision 68649

Fix history in wxWebViewIE when using a custom file scheme.

2011-08-12 11:35 SJL, revision 68648

Use the data scheme to load resources in the WebKitGTK+ implementation, rather than temporary files.

2011-08-12 07:45 PC, revision 68647

remove unneeded gdk_window_get_pointer() call

2011-08-12 07:33 PC, revision 68646

pass proper window to gdk_window_get_pointer(), NULL does not work with GTK3

2011-08-11 20:56 SJL, revision 68644

Add support for custom scheme handling and virtual file systems to the OSX WebKit implementation.

2011-08-11 19:13 JC, revision 68643

Applied Paul's patch to make wxPizza scroolable in gtk+3

2011-08-11 14:21 SJL, revision 68642

2011-08-11 12:56 VZ, revision 68641

Use separate strings for stock labels with and without mnemonics. Obtaining the string without mnemonics by simply removing "&" characters from the string containing mnemonics doesn't work for some languages, notably Chinese where the convention is to use "Chinese Text (&M)" for the labels with "M" being the ASCII mnemonic and just "Chinese Text" and not "Chinese Text (M)" should be used if wxSTOCK_WITH_MNEMONIC flag is not specified. Fix the fundamental problem by using separate strings for the two cases. Translations still need to be updated to really correct the labels appearance.

2011-08-11 12:54 SJL, revision 68640

Fix typo in last commit

2011-08-11 12:49 SJL, revision 68639

Rename delegates to try and stop name clashes, probably with wxWebKitCtrl.

2011-08-11 10:43 SC, revision 68638

adjusting include styles

2011-08-11 10:43 SC, revision 68637

adjusting include styles

2011-08-11 10:42 SC, revision 68636

fixing osx_carbon

2011-08-11 10:24 SC, revision 68635

fixing osx_cocoa, there's a reason m_peer is private in the base class

2011-08-11 10:14 SC, revision 68634

fixing osx_cocoa

2011-08-11 02:39 DS, revision 68632

Fixed wxOSX build. Since r68621 dataview.cpp didn't compile anymore (at least with wxOSX-Carbon). Fixed by explicitly using wxDataViewItem's void * constructor in a few cases.

2011-08-10 23:57 VZ, revision 68631

Basque translations update from Xabier Aramendi.

2011-08-10 23:07 VZ, revision 68630

Also regenerate configure after wxWeb-related bakefile changes. Configure must be rebuilt after any changes to autoconf_inc.m4 but this wasn't done by the previous commit.

2011-08-10 22:25 JC, revision 68629

Added wxpizza_set_property and wxpizza_get_property for scroll policy

2011-08-10 22:11 JC, revision 68628

Added wxpizza_set_property and wxpizza_get_property