

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2009-03-04 15:19 FM, revision 59313

remove wxSYS_DEFAULT_PALETTE: it's supported only by wxMSW and it never worked there: GetStockObject(DEFAULT_PALETTE) returns a palette and not a font; so the resulting wxFont is wrong. Expand and correct documentation for various system constants. Provide wxSYS_COLOUR_FRAMEBK as a synonym for wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE as it is the colour which must be used to make wxFrame background coherent with the background of the controls they (eventually) contain.

2009-03-04 11:47 FM, revision 59311

add headers to the samples' bakefiles so that they show up in MSVC project files

2009-03-04 11:39 FM, revision 59310

revert addition of the simple listctrl; it doesn't help. Log the version of comctl32.dll under wxMSW; it's useful when reporting bugs or when debugging

2009-03-04 07:42 JJ, revision 59309

inserting missing include for non PCH-build

2009-03-03 23:23 KO, revision 59305

More fixes for clickCount... even sometimes when respondsToSelector returned true we'd get a crash, so only check clickCount for up and down events.

2009-03-03 23:10 FM, revision 59304

clarify the list of bitmap handlers natively supported. Clarify that wxBitmap::AddHandler isn't useful to the final user; wxImage::AddHandler should be used instead.

2009-03-03 21:17 JMS, revision 59302

Remove unneeded workaround for a ScrolledWindow issue that is now fixed

2009-03-03 21:04 JMS, revision 59301

Remove wxEnumProperty::ms_prevIndex

2009-03-03 20:57 FM, revision 59300

update the list of samples

2009-03-03 19:20 VZ, revision 59297

use ldlibs, not ldflags, for wx-config --libs output in gnu format as well as in autoconf one to ensure that the libraries appear at the end of the linker command line

2009-03-03 13:12 JS, revision 59295

Don't crash if no scrollbar Force wxVSCROLL in wxRTC

2009-03-03 10:34 VZ, revision 59294

fix old font size restoration in DoGetTextExtent() [backport of r56791 from trunk]

2009-03-03 09:24 VZ, revision 59293

compilation fix after last commit

2009-03-03 09:21 VZ, revision 59292

fix wxGTK1 compilation after wxTextEntry DoGetValue() change

2009-03-03 09:21 VZ, revision 59291

fix virtual function hiding warnings

2009-03-03 09:20 VZ, revision 59290

fix virtual function hiding warnings

2009-03-03 09:14 VZ, revision 59289

add tests directory too

2009-03-03 06:10 KO, revision 59288

Add demos directory.

2009-03-02 21:14 FM, revision 59286

ProcessPendingEvents() is now in wxApp

2009-03-02 20:49 VZ, revision 59285
  • M /wxWidgets/trunk/build/bakefiles/Bakefiles.bkgen
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/mfc/
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/mfc/makefile.bcc
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/mfc/makefile.gcc
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/mfc/makefile.unx
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/samples/mfc/makefile.wat

don't generate non-MSVC makefiles for MSVC-only samples

2009-03-02 20:45 FM, revision 59284

move pending event processing back to wxApp (these methods were moved into wxEventLoopBase during YieldFor() refactoring - see #10320): we need to be able to queue events even when there's no event loop running (e.g. wxApp::OnInit)

2009-03-02 20:43 VZ, revision 59283

wxOSX build fix for wxRichTextCtrl after wxTextEntry::GetValue() renaming to DoGetValue()

2009-03-02 20:41 FM, revision 59282

remove references to datetime_constants; they're not needed anymore

2009-03-02 20:11 KO, revision 59281

Land the rest of the changes made by a rebake after r59067.

2009-03-02 20:09 FM, revision 59280

revert r59246; the window parameter was there by purpose (i.e. for consistency with other Get* methods -- even if unused); document what the win parameter does in the various wxRenderer::Get* methods

2009-03-02 20:00 KO, revision 59279

Ensure the archives extract to a root directory bearing the release's name.

2009-03-02 19:28 VZ, revision 59278

another wxOSX build fix after wxTextEntry::GetValue() renaming to DoGetValue()

2009-03-02 19:17 VZ, revision 59277

wxOSX build fix after wxTextEntry::GetValue() renaming to DoGetValue()

2009-03-02 18:30 KO, revision 59276

Rebake after OS X Cocoa header changes.

2009-03-02 18:23 KO, revision 59275

Commit changes caused by setting's svn:eol-style to LF. (r58985)

2009-03-02 18:08 KO, revision 59274

Update files.bkl to look in the proper place for moved header files.

2009-03-02 16:23 VZ, revision 59273

build fix: define DoGetValue() and GetEditableWindow()

2009-03-02 16:22 VZ, revision 59272

compilation fix after GetEditableWindow() signature change

2009-03-02 14:54 VZ, revision 59270

fix warning about possibly uninitialized variable in release build

2009-03-02 14:49 VZ, revision 59269

remove SetValue() which is not needed and which definition was removed by the previous change

2009-03-02 14:03 VZ, revision 59268

make GetEditableWindow() protected as it's used by wxGTK wxTextEntry

2009-03-02 13:58 VZ, revision 59267

wxUniv compilation fixes after wxTextEntry::DoGetValue() change

2009-03-02 13:45 VZ, revision 59266

fix overloaded virtual warning

2009-03-02 13:31 VZ, revision 59265

added wxTextEntry::DoGetValue() to allow returning empty string if the control currently contains hint text

2009-03-02 12:40 VZ, revision 59264

set correct properties

2009-03-02 12:25 VZ, revision 59263

added wxTextEntry::SetHint() (a.k.a. cue banner or placeholder string)

2009-03-02 12:10 VZ, revision 59262

add ugly macros to abstract the difference between Bind() and Connect() -- this is still less ugly than having #ifs everywhere

2009-03-02 11:51 VZ, revision 59261

update to Dutch translations from Gideon van Melle

2009-03-02 10:43 VS, revision 59260

fixed compiler warning about struct/class mismatch (fixes #10534)

2009-03-01 21:01 FM, revision 59255

document that wxDialog::ShowModal() creates its own event loop

2009-03-01 21:00 FM, revision 59254

document internal wxDateTime enums the way they're meant to be documented in Doxygen

2009-03-01 20:35 FM, revision 59253

do not duplicate large blocks of docs; use @overload instead; provide link to the standard strftime() docs

2009-03-01 20:24 KO, revision 59252

Switch to a name + postfix naming scheme so that the postfix doesn't end up in the middle of the filename, improve zip compression, ensure MSW project files have the right line endings in all formats, and finally, point to the (pre-existing) way for displaying program options. :)

2009-03-01 18:51 KO, revision 59251

Use a different name for OS X Cocoa framework, and fix an accidental tab char.

2009-03-01 17:21 FM, revision 59249

fix rendering of wxGrid on wxMSW when a dialog is over the grid. To test the bug: open the "grid" sample and popup the about box, then move it over the grid; without this fix portions of wxGrid were painted as gray (disabled colour) even if the wxGrid itself was not disabled.