

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2006-10-06 00:53 RD, revision 41656


2006-10-06 00:52 RD, revision 41655

don't inject constructors

2006-10-06 00:52 RD, revision 41654

always use wxPyPanel

2006-10-06 00:51 RD, revision 41653

reduce the number of objects for a quicker startup time

2006-10-06 00:51 RD, revision 41652

Set overview to docstring

2006-10-06 00:50 RD, revision 41651

Fixes for using the staticmethods

2006-10-06 00:31 RD, revision 41650

Applied second part of patch #1570448, use the device origin for where to clear

2006-10-05 23:56 RD, revision 41649

some fixes

2006-10-05 23:53 RD, revision 41648

Updates from Paul

2006-10-05 23:51 RD, revision 41647

Part of patch# 1570448, use dwRop for StretchBIBits too

2006-10-05 22:53 RD, revision 41646

ensure that wxMAC_USE_CORE_GRAPHICS is turned on if wxUSE_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT is

2006-10-05 22:45 RD, revision 41645

Add USE_GDIPLUS option that will control (for the makefile builds) if the gdiplus.lib library is added to the link, and whether wxUSE_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT should be defined.

2006-10-05 22:42 RD, revision 41644

Make the message about wxUSE_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT a bit more informative

2006-10-05 22:24 RD, revision 41643

Add FlatNotebook

2006-10-05 21:34 JG, revision 41642

Need to update the bg brush when the first page is added.

2006-10-05 19:35 RR, revision 41641

Added sort order and alignement for column headers.

2006-10-05 19:34 MBN, revision 41640

Fix buffer overrun in Linux/x86_64 (Pixel is a 64 bit long, passing a 32 bit int pointer to XtVaGetValues will cause trouble). Using a long should suffice. A configure test would be better.

2006-10-05 19:06 RR, revision 41639

Add support for bitmaps in headers.

2006-10-05 17:28 RR, revision 41638

[ 1560785 ] wxFileName::IsReadable/Writable/Executable

2006-10-05 15:25 VZ, revision 41637

fix problems with using incorrect vswprintf() for mingw32/VC6 when wxUSE_PRINTF_POS_PARAMS==1, try to simplify/better organize all wxVsnprintf_()-related code

2006-10-05 12:11 ABX, revision 41636

PCH build fix.

2006-10-05 11:54 VZ, revision 41635

restored Ove Kåven name in the header comment which was broken a couple revisions ago; switched copyright to wxWidgets dev team as the whole as there are simply too many people who have modified this file to list them all; no changes in the code

2006-10-05 10:20 ABX, revision 41634

wxGenericDirCtrl page for widgets sample.

2006-10-05 07:18 ABX, revision 41633

Warning fixes and TODO markup for easier finding by brave volounteers.

2006-10-04 23:02 VZ, revision 41632

honour wxBU_EXACTFIT in wxToggleButton (patch 1567892)

2006-10-04 22:58 VZ, revision 41631

fixed off by 2 error in HasPage() (patch 1562871)

2006-10-04 19:43 VZ, revision 41630

fix the length passed to wxMB2WC (replaces patch 1554431); don't use (and especially don't overflow) fixed size buffer in the same function (just how many bugs can there be in 5 lines of code?)

2006-10-04 18:13 VZ, revision 41629

corrected date in header; removed extra wx/wxprec.h inclusion

2006-10-04 18:05 VZ, revision 41628

updated copyright year, s/wxWindows/wxWidgets/

2006-10-04 17:45 VZ, revision 41627

fixed unused var warning

2006-10-04 13:23 RR, revision 41626

Add row activated event.

2006-10-04 13:21 RR, revision 41625

Fix warning for unknown menu stock id.

2006-10-04 10:51 ABX, revision 41624

New icon for combobox with bitmaps. Improved readability of icons on dark backgrounds. Rgenerated makefiles.

2006-10-04 09:38 ABX, revision 41623

Connect changed page event after subpages are created so book->SetSelection does not cause any lazy creation and non-treebook-based build does not crash.

2006-10-04 09:33 ABX, revision 41622

BookCtrl event handler added to default book layer.

2006-10-04 03:28 RD, revision 41621

Save a reference to the DC

2006-10-04 03:19 RD, revision 41620

Avoid warnings when wxMAC_USE_CORE_GRAPHICS_BLEND_MODES is not defined

2006-10-04 03:13 RD, revision 41619

Bakefile changes for building the graphics context modules, and setup/configure changes for setting wxUSE_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT.

2006-10-03 21:56 RD, revision 41618

Wrap module in #if wxUSE_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT

2006-10-03 21:54 RD, revision 41617

fix parameter type

2006-10-03 21:53 RD, revision 41616

Avoid ambigous overload errors

2006-10-03 21:52 RD, revision 41615

Give the grid events a Clone method

2006-10-03 21:51 RD, revision 41614

DLL build fix

2006-10-03 21:36 RD, revision 41613

Add wrappers for wxGraphicsPath and wxGraphicsContext. This is still a work in progress.

2006-10-03 21:35 RD, revision 41612

fix HitTest

2006-10-03 21:32 RD, revision 41611

KeyCode --> GetKeyCode

2006-10-03 21:31 RD, revision 41610

Don't use the old wxPython namespace

2006-10-03 21:30 RD, revision 41609

Change wx.DC inheritance hierarchy to match reality

2006-10-03 21:30 RD, revision 41608

Don't deprecate Inside() yet

2006-10-03 21:29 RD, revision 41607

Use Set(name) instead of InitFromName(name)

2006-10-03 21:28 RD, revision 41606

Don't forget the samples\ide\activegrid\model dir

2006-10-03 21:23 RD, revision 41605

Added the wx.lib.buttonpanel module, which is a tweaked version of Andrea Gavana's FancyButtonPanel module.

2006-10-03 19:28 PC, revision 41604

build fix

2006-10-03 19:06 PC, revision 41603

univ build fix

2006-10-03 19:00 SC, revision 41602

line endings

2006-10-03 17:28 RR, revision 41601

More selection work in GTK+ version.

2006-10-03 16:49 SC, revision 41600

fixes for non precompiled headers

2006-10-03 16:47 SC, revision 41599

cairo implementation

2006-10-03 16:45 SC, revision 41598

adding alpha to gtk colour

2006-10-03 16:01 PC, revision 41597

Don't free a string that is managed by wxGtkString, that's the whole _point_ of wxGtkString. While we're at it, lets use it some more.

2006-10-03 15:24 RR, revision 41596

Renamed wxDataViewCell to wxDataViewRenderer since the class just renders the cell, it doesn't represent one. Maybe wxDataViewCellRenderer would be best...

2006-10-03 15:18 VZ, revision 41595

include wxmsw27_gl (#if wxUSE_GLCANVAS) too

2006-10-03 15:16 VZ, revision 41594

added if wxUSE_XRC/AUI/RICHTEXT around appropriate libraries

2006-10-03 15:05 VZ, revision 41593

make wxSemaphore::Post() return wxSEMA_OVERFLOW as documented (patch 1557642)

2006-10-03 14:59 RR, revision 41592

Implemented GetSelection() and GetSelections().

2006-10-03 14:55 VZ, revision 41591

avoid flicker in methods which don't change listbox size by not calling XtUnmanage/ManageChild() unnecessarily (patch 1566670)

2006-10-03 14:53 VZ, revision 41590

fixes for compilation with wxUSE_XXX==0 and some other minor fixes (patch 1569904)

2006-10-03 14:38 VZ, revision 41589

fix wxFilesystem compilation if wxUSE_FFILE is 0 but wxUSE_FILE is 1; disable wxFileSystem if both wxUSE_(F)FILE are 0 (modified patch 1569960)

2006-10-03 14:29 PC, revision 41588

don't set negative window size

2006-10-03 14:28 PC, revision 41587

header cleanup

2006-10-03 13:23 RR, revision 41586

Added event skeletons, defines, event ids.. Implemented wxEVT_DATAVIEW_ROW_SELECTED.

2006-10-03 11:39 RR, revision 41585

Added selection API.

2006-10-03 11:09 RR, revision 41584

Replaces size_t with unsigned int in wxDataViewCtrl API.

2006-10-02 22:48 KO, revision 41583

Remove the ability to sort by column in virtual wxListCtrl, and remove movable columns as we don't currently support it.

2006-10-02 22:41 VZ, revision 41582

define wxUSE_ACTIVEX and wxUSE_OLE_AUTOMATION with wxUSE_OLE (no separate switches for now...)

2006-10-02 22:37 VZ, revision 41581

added wxUSE_ACTIVEX which depends on wxUSE_VARIANT and which wxUSE_MEDIACTRL depends on (closes 1569606)

2006-10-02 20:14 RD, revision 41580


2006-10-02 20:13 RD, revision 41579

Don't autosize if the height is too small. Interaction with the horizontal scrollbar can sometimes cause problems in this case.

2006-10-02 20:04 RD, revision 41578

Match some API tweaks made in CVS

2006-10-02 20:04 RD, revision 41577

Don't override the Label property in the base class.

2006-10-02 20:03 RD, revision 41576

Change the name of the dir where the message catalogs are installed on MSW back to 'locale' and also change back to the full directory structure including the LC_MESSAGES dir. The reasons these changes were orginally made no longer apply

2006-10-02 19:59 RD, revision 41575

fix layout

2006-10-02 19:59 RD, revision 41574

Show the color component values too

2006-10-02 19:58 RD, revision 41573

Deal with wxVariant changed

2006-10-02 19:50 RR, revision 41572

Always set colormap for PangoContext. This silences myriads of warning in the wxRichTextCtrl.

2006-10-02 19:31 SC, revision 41571

making virtual lists faster by not sorting items

2006-10-02 18:50 SC, revision 41570

first stab at the selection iterator

2006-10-02 18:04 PC, revision 41569

non-pch build fix

2006-10-02 17:38 PC, revision 41568

listctrl header cleanup

2006-10-02 17:35 PC, revision 41567

build fix

2006-10-02 16:18 RD, revision 41566

Don't cache the best size until we get a non-zero value back from the activeX control.

2006-10-02 16:01 RR, revision 41565

Forgot to commit latest sample changes.

2006-10-02 13:52 SC, revision 41564

workaround for GDIPlus conversion errors, adding wxMask support

2006-10-02 12:47 JS, revision 41563

Use wxIsalnum to test for word delimiters

2006-10-02 12:38 JS, revision 41562

Compilo fix

2006-10-02 12:11 ABX, revision 41561

Fixed crash caused by A=B?C:D used for returning wxObject derived type.

2006-10-02 11:18 ABX, revision 41560

GCC warning fix. Minor cleanup.

2006-10-02 09:10 VZ, revision 41559

fix VC warning about incorrect dll linkage of wxDataViewSelection

2006-10-02 09:00 VZ, revision 41558

put expdecl in the correct place in DECLARE/IMPLEMENT_VARIANT_OBJECT_EXPORTED

2006-10-02 08:52 ABX, revision 41557

Updated Watcom/OS2 makefiles.