

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2011-09-10 18:02 PC, revision 69048

update WarpPointer for GTK3

2011-09-10 17:09 SJL, revision 69047

Merge in from trunk r68684 - r69046

2011-09-10 05:26 RD, revision 69041

Enable the HWND of the task dialog to be fetched with GetHandle if it is being used.

2011-09-08 23:15 VZ, revision 69028

Allow setting colours and font of wxTreeListCtrl. Use wxCompositeWindow<> to propagate changes of colours and font to wxDataViewCtrl that wxTreeListCtrl uses internally.

2011-09-07 18:57 PC, revision 69021

non-pch build fix

2011-09-07 18:56 PC, revision 69020

remove unnecessary GTK declarations from defs.h, move things only used once to the place that needs them

2011-09-06 18:35 PC, revision 69015

move addition of -lX11 to better place

2011-09-06 18:24 PC, revision 69013

don't disable cast checks in debug builds

2011-09-06 18:09 PC, revision 69012

remove unused __WXGTK12__ symbol

2011-09-06 17:54 PC, revision 69011

remove (very) obsolete GTK version check

2011-09-06 06:17 RD, revision 69007

fix for non-pch builds

2011-09-05 22:08 RD, revision 69005

Avoid infinite recursion on Mac in comboctrl, and fix an uninitialized pointer in propgrid

2011-09-05 17:40 VS, revision 69003

Fix crash in wxDataViewCtrl::UpdateColWidths().

2011-09-05 16:25 VS, revision 69002

wxDataViewCtrl: enable F2 editing with multiple selection too. This matches the native (and thus expected) behavior of Windows Explorer: edit the first item in selection. It's also better than ignoring user's key presses.

2011-09-05 01:01 VZ, revision 69001

Add persistence support for wxSplitterWindow. New wxPersistentSplitter class allows to easily save and restore the splitter position in config.

2011-09-03 18:19 SC, revision 68997

setting the image position after the label is set, otherwise image_only will have the potential label over the image

2011-09-03 15:14 VS, revision 68996

Use ProcessWindowEvent() in generic wxDataViewCtrl code.

2011-09-03 15:14 VS, revision 68995

Extracted wxDataViewMainWindow left/right keys handling into separate methods.

2011-09-03 15:14 VS, revision 68994

Rename wxDataViewMainWindow::OnArrowChar to OnVerticalNavigation. The method handled much more than just arrow characters and it didn't handle all arrow characters.

2011-09-03 15:14 VS, revision 68993

Slightly more efficient wxDataViewCtrl::StartEditor(). Don't compute item rect until we know for sure that the item actually is editable.

2011-09-03 15:14 VS, revision 68992

Fix generic wxDataViewCtrl Enter handling to conform to Windows UI. Spacebar is used to activate columns (e.g. toggle a checkbox). Enter activates the item, i.e. sends wxEVT_COMMAND_ITEM_ACTIVATED. If that event isn't handled, Enter acts the same as Space.

2011-09-03 03:39 RD, revision 68973

Fix some broken or add some missing interface declarations for Phoenix

2011-09-01 20:43 VZ, revision 68969

Don't warn about wxMetaFile in configure by default. Only warn if an explicit --enable-metafile was given, otherwise just turn it on only for the platforms that do support it, similarly to what was done for --enable-hotkey in the previous commit.

2011-09-01 20:43 VZ, revision 68968

Add wxUSE_HOTKEY support to configure. Add --enable-hotkey switch to allow enabling hot keys support and enable it by default under MSW and OS X that do support them but disable it elsewhere to avoid unnecessary warnings about them being unsupported. See #12354.

2011-09-01 18:20 SC, revision 68967

fixes #13443, thanks :-)