

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

1998-08-12 16:14 KB, revision 511

Looks like I've fixed the editing bugs. Delete/Insert/Home/End/Ctrl-Delete all work as expected. Cursor gets redrawn properly. Scroll-to-cursor still missing.

1998-08-12 11:44 RR, revision 510

Added wxFrame::OnCreateStatusBar and ToolBar Added wxWindow::Raise and Lower There isn't going to be wxFrame::SetToolBar.

1998-08-12 09:16 KB, revision 509

replaced by stubs files

1998-08-12 08:50 KB, revision 508

fixed mysterious mistakes

1998-08-12 08:33 KB, revision 507

Cursor and insert/delete work much better now, code streamlined, still a minor problem left.

1998-08-11 21:14 VZ, revision 506

more minor changes to wxLogWindow

1998-08-11 21:12 VZ, revision 505

'\\' can be used to suppress special meaning in '%' and '$' in wxExpandEnvVars

1998-08-11 21:04 VZ, revision 504

static wxFile::Access() added

1998-08-11 21:03 VZ, revision 503

static wxFile::Access() added (access() isn't ANSI neither...)

1998-08-11 12:44 VZ, revision 502

controls.cpp didn't compile - missing MyTextCtrl declaration added (and what OnRightButton is supposed to do?)

1998-08-11 11:53 KB, revision 501
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/install/gtk


1998-08-11 09:51 KB, revision 500

Added empty Raise() and Lower() methods for compatibilty.

1998-08-10 23:23 RD, revision 499

Typo fixes

1998-08-10 22:22 RD, revision 498

Since wxREADONLY has disappeared, I had to change to wxTE_READONLY in order to compile.

1998-08-10 19:57 DP, revision 497

Small modifications

1998-08-10 18:09 DP, revision 496

DP: GetBitmap() added to wxImageList

1998-08-10 17:53 DP, revision 495

DP: native wxTreeCtrl for GTK. It *should* be buggy... Cause I do not know GTK... But it works... I do not know why... Robert, please look at it... I am not sure that it is ok...

1998-08-10 13:48 JS, revision 494

Various Dialog Editor-related mods; Dlg Ed. getting usable now under MSW.

1998-08-10 13:41 JS, revision 493

Mod to allow hit-test on static to succeed.

1998-08-10 09:21 KB, revision 492

added correct coordinate handling

1998-08-09 19:42 DP, revision 491

DP: Robert's mistake with incorrect var name corrected. It even does not compile.

1998-08-09 17:26 RD, revision 490
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/utils/wxPython/tests/setup.bat

I didn't mean for this to be in the repository...

1998-08-09 16:46 JS, revision 489

Miscellaneous, mostly cosmetic changes. wxPen/wxFont/wxBrush altered so Set... functions don't change shared objects.

1998-08-09 16:31 JS, revision 488

Stub header changes.

1998-08-09 16:27 JS, revision 487

Added stubs .cpp files.