

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

1998-11-30 00:08 VZ, revision 1086

1. added wxTreeCtrl::SetItemBold and IsBold, updated the sample to show them 2. wxTreeItemId HitTest(const wxPoint& point) added - to be implemented on other platforms

1998-11-29 22:21 VZ, revision 1085

some Linux compilation fixes

1998-11-29 21:20 JS, revision 1084

Added Win95 implementation of OutputDebugString; added to wxVariant class (just so Vadim hates it even more :-))

1998-11-29 21:16 JS, revision 1083

Added xpm directory.

1998-11-29 21:12 JS, revision 1082

Added wxVariant documentation; updated wxWindow, wxScrollBar docs

1998-11-28 22:42 VZ, revision 1081

toolbar tooltips fix

1998-11-28 22:36 VZ, revision 1080

compilation fixes for !wxUSE_POSTSCRIPT

1998-11-28 22:33 VZ, revision 1079

moved common code from ctor and Create() to a separate Init() function

1998-11-28 22:28 VZ, revision 1078

added wxTB_FLAT to default style in wxFrame::CreateToolbar()

1998-11-28 18:36 GL, revision 1077

* Fixed some "memory leak"

1998-11-28 13:38 JS, revision 1076

wxSize/wxPoint/wxRect versions of functions added to wxMSW, wxMotif; wxScrollBar::Set/GetPosition changed to Set/GetThumbPosition to avoid clash; various other portability changes

1998-11-28 06:26 UG, revision 1075

no message

1998-11-27 16:51 UG, revision 1074

no message

1998-11-27 16:31 VZ, revision 1073

wxStringList::copy ctor and assignment operator added (very inefficient because they don't take advantage of wxString ref counting)

1998-11-27 14:19 KB, revision 1072

handle sizeof(int) correctly

1998-11-27 11:55 KB, revision 1071

made operator definition dependent on sizeof(int), not __UNIX__

1998-11-26 20:52 KB, revision 1070

removed duplicate fixes

1998-11-26 20:47 KB, revision 1069

trying to resolve string problem

1998-11-26 19:10 VZ, revision 1068

wxTreeCtrl::Delete() bug corrected, sample expanded to test it

1998-11-26 18:15 RR, revision 1067

Build fix

1998-11-26 17:07 VZ, revision 1066

accidentally removed IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS added back

1998-11-26 16:11 RR, revision 1065

Flicker war won.

1998-11-26 16:05 MR, revision 1064

insert member funcs PositionToXY and XYToPosition

1998-11-26 15:30 VZ, revision 1063

vsprintf() is ANSI so there is normally no need to test for it

1998-11-26 15:21 VZ, revision 1062

some sprintf()s replaced with wxString::Printf