

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

1999-02-09 22:58 RD, revision 1661

fixed somebody's typo in a preprocessor directive (&6 --> &&)

1999-02-09 22:39 VZ, revision 1660

wxMSW compilation problem fixed

1999-02-09 21:22 JS, revision 1659

Removed some TODOs in the Latex docs; changed wxMotif wxClipboard to match wxGTK/wxMSW syntax; added Ron Kuris' wxExecute patch

1999-02-09 18:19 JS, revision 1658

Fixed property list OnClose problem that caused Dialog Editor problem

1999-02-09 18:12 GL, revision 1657

* wxStream doc updates

1999-02-09 17:04 VZ, revision 1656

wxFindFirst/NextFile() now return wxString and not "char *", wxGetCwd() added (to be used instead of wxGetWorkingDirectory)

1999-02-09 16:52 VZ, revision 1655

wxArrayString::Sort() implemented

1999-02-09 16:00 JS, revision 1654

Added more makefiles; fixed some samples for Cygwin

1999-02-09 15:40 JS, revision 1653

Added more makefiles

1999-02-09 15:37 JS, revision 1652

Rationalised Cygwin sample makefiles

1999-02-09 09:58 SC, revision 1651

cw pro adaption (illegal default argument error was given)

1999-02-09 08:18 RR, revision 1650

custom icons for DnD

1999-02-09 07:25 RR, revision 1649

radiobox optical changes textctrl single line append/insert stuff more precise testing of the above in controls

1999-02-08 22:13 VZ, revision 1648

micro compilation fix

1999-02-08 17:19 JS, revision 1647

Make it binary

1999-02-08 16:25 RR, revision 1646

Keep up the good work, people...

1999-02-08 15:20 KB, revision 1645

updated wxLayout

1999-02-08 12:04 KB, revision 1644

fixed linkage problem

1999-02-08 11:59 VZ, revision 1643

wxProcess-related code now works

1999-02-08 10:54 KB, revision 1642

compilation fixes PLEASE CHECK valgen.cpp: I had to insert a #include <wx/wx.h> to make it compile.

1999-02-08 00:15 JS, revision 1641

Tried to fix wxPanel bug (windows now set the panel current focus window on deletion); undid wxMSW wxRadioBox::SetSize changes that made it resizeable because it just doesn't work (see notes in radiobox.cpp); fixed wxTextCtrl enter processing bug; fixed Dialog Editor wxRadioBox-writing bug

1999-02-07 23:56 JS, revision 1640

Removed small OGL glitches; added new sample

1999-02-07 23:45 VZ, revision 1639

made wxProcess-related code compile again (it doesn't work correctly yet, will be fixed a bit later)

1999-02-07 21:45 VZ, revision 1638

replaced "#include <wx/process.h>" by "class wxProcess;" - I don't like recompile the files just for the pleasure of it...

1999-02-07 21:26 VZ, revision 1637

wxProcess() fixes: will really call parent's event handler and will pass the exited process status now