

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

1999-02-27 04:21 RD, revision 1811


1999-02-27 04:20 RD, revision 1810

minor tweaks for testing

1999-02-27 01:43 VZ, revision 1809

i18n overview

1999-02-27 01:33 VZ, revision 1808

wxSetCursor() bug with splitters corrected

1999-02-27 01:26 VZ, revision 1807

1. (very) short i18n overview added, wxGetTranslation() documented. 2. wxTreeCtrl overview written and documentation updated 3. wxString docmunetation updated (no more unresolved references) 4. wxWindow::SetCursor() recursive behaviour mentioned

1999-02-26 22:22 JS, revision 1806

DoSetClientSize omissions fixed; some doc fixes

1999-02-26 21:13 VZ, revision 1805

char */wxString confusion cleaned in the docs

1999-02-26 20:56 VZ, revision 1804

wxLog fix as for wxMSW

1999-02-26 18:54 GL, revision 1803

*** empty log message ***

1999-02-26 18:51 GL, revision 1802

* Missing doc file.

1999-02-26 18:04 JS, revision 1801

Fixed wxMSW arrow key bug, changed wxPoem window to a wxWindow

1999-02-26 17:29 JS, revision 1800

Doc fixes

1999-02-26 17:01 HH, revision 1799

added double click handler. various minor fixes.

1999-02-26 09:45 JS, revision 1798

Some doc fixes

1999-02-26 00:25 HH, revision 1797

A port of Requires Numeric module.

1999-02-25 22:53 JS, revision 1796

wxBitmapButton bug fixed

1999-02-25 20:13 GL, revision 1795

* Added a small wxHTTP description * Added some example/description to wxFTP * Some more on wxURL * Added missing file in wxMMedia

1999-02-25 15:45 VZ, revision 1794

delete all log messages suppressed

1999-02-25 15:09 JS, revision 1793

Small changes

1999-02-25 15:07 JS, revision 1792

Corrected some .tex problems

1999-02-25 14:47 VZ, revision 1791

1. validator fixes: don't eat TAB. Added new SetBellOnError() function to suppress _annoying_ bell. 2. Docs and samples updated to reflect this.

1999-02-25 13:50 VZ, revision 1790

InsertItems() implemented for wxGTK

1999-02-25 13:50 VZ, revision 1789

check list box sample updated to test InsertItems

1999-02-25 13:38 VZ, revision 1788

more HP-UX fixes

1999-02-25 12:38 VZ, revision 1787

InsertItems() documented