

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

1999-07-30 13:16 RR, revision 3212

Some more doc beauty, Typo in wxDataStream,

1999-07-30 12:02 RR, revision 3211

Doc corrections, made wxHTML a chapter GUI thread work

1999-07-30 04:31 RD, revision 3210

wxPython documentation updates

1999-07-30 04:28 RD, revision 3209

fixed compiler error

1999-07-30 04:20 MB, revision 3208

Fixed m_majorDim bug a bit more (was still getting divide by zero error)

1999-07-30 04:01 MB, revision 3207

Added KeyRelease case to switch in wxTranslateKeyEvent so that wxApp::CheckForKeyUp will work

1999-07-30 03:55 MB, revision 3206

Added wxApp::CheckForKeyUp MB

1999-07-30 03:50 MB, revision 3205

Added wxApp::CheckForKeyUp

1999-07-29 23:38 VZ, revision 3204

#warning is a compilation error, not warning

1999-07-29 22:18 RR, revision 3203

Testing vaious makefile/configure schemes.

1999-07-29 19:52 RR, revision 3202

Now its possible to run wxHTML without wxSockets if wxUSE_FS_ZIP = 1, wxUSE_HTML = 1 Fixed typo in filelist Compile fix for spinbutton,

1999-07-29 17:23 GL, revision 3201

Typos. Changed the timeout of wxSocketBase from 3600s to 600s Added #include <stdio.h> in htmltag.cpp

1999-07-29 17:15 GL, revision 3200

Added #include <stddef.h> as it is needed by ANSI.

1999-07-29 16:12 KB, revision 3199

fix for HP-UX

1999-07-29 13:47 KB, revision 3198

fixed busy cursor

1999-07-29 13:43 RR, revision 3197

Compile fixes and typos corrected.

1999-07-29 12:51 RR, revision 3196

Makefile changes

1999-07-29 12:51 KB, revision 3195

ProgressDialog was *comletely* broken!

1999-07-29 12:21 karsten, revision 3194

Fixed missing header.

1999-07-29 10:16 OK, revision 3193

By assigning wxEmptyString instead of NULL to m_commandString, I hope to reduce the number of crash-on-startup events

1999-07-29 06:41 RD, revision 3192

Put strmbfrd.tex back into classes.tex since it was finally checked in.

1999-07-29 05:27 DW, revision 3191

*** empty log message ***

1999-07-29 05:11 DW, revision 3190

*** empty log message ***

1999-07-29 04:56 DW, revision 3189

*** empty log message ***

1999-07-29 01:21 RR, revision 3188

I had to remove (Robin's) makefile creation clause from the makefiles, because these deleted my makefiles Small fixes for templates