

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

1999-10-25 17:22 VZ, revision 4187

1. moved fontenum.cpp to unix because implementation is common to X and GTK+ (had to add wxGetDisplay() to wxGTK) 2. implemented EnumerateEncodings() - now only if we could do something useful with this... 3. added makefile for the console sample

1999-10-25 16:55 RR, revision 4186

Mem leak in new accelerator code. Install things.

1999-10-25 16:41 VZ, revision 4185
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/src/motif/fontenum.cpp

it now lives under unix

1999-10-25 15:51 VZ, revision 4184

1. small dnd compilation fixes (no attempt to make icon setting work though) 2. wxMenuItemBase appears 3. more key combinations handled by wxGTK for menu accels

1999-10-25 14:30 JS, revision 4183

Added wizard sample.

1999-10-25 14:28 JS, revision 4182

Added more compat. functions for wxGrid so grid sample compiles; fixed regtest compilation prob. (but still crashes on exit); fixed tab sample compile problem.

1999-10-25 14:27 JS, revision 4181

Changed #include file ordering so it compiles.

1999-10-25 14:24 JS, revision 4180

Added further makefiles for wizard sample

1999-10-25 13:46 JS, revision 4179

Cosmetic changes in setup0.h; Latex edits; PaletteSize -> wxPaletteSize; generate newgrid VC++ project files

1999-10-25 13:17 MB, revision 4178

Fix for incomplete initial display sometimes with wxMSW

1999-10-25 12:54 KB, revision 4177

bug fix for disable auto poll

1999-10-25 11:30 VZ, revision 4176

setup.h moved (and not copied) to the correct location by configure

1999-10-25 08:18 JS, revision 4175

Added mysteriously-missing #endif

1999-10-25 07:41 VZ, revision 4174

BC++ 16bit makefile fixes (obj isn't replaced with suffix in filenames)

1999-10-25 07:37 VZ, revision 4173

VC++ 1.5 makefile fixes (lib split, C objs)

1999-10-25 07:22 VZ, revision 4172

Symantec makefile fixes (for OLE files)

1999-10-25 07:19 VZ, revision 4171

Watcom makefile fixes

1999-10-25 06:33 VZ, revision 4170

/usr/include fix

1999-10-25 04:05 DW, revision 4169

*** empty log message ***

1999-10-25 02:41 DW, revision 4168

*** empty log message ***

1999-10-24 20:42 OK, revision 4167

Changed wxGetSingleChoiceData() to take void* client data pointers instead of char*

1999-10-24 19:50 JS, revision 4166

Fixes for 16-bit compilation

1999-10-24 19:34 VZ, revision 4165

wxDropSource now has 3 custom cursors for copy/move/nothing

1999-10-24 19:09 RR, revision 4164

wxFrame::Set/GetClientSize() uses toolbar area again, wxWindow no longer reroutes mouse events to invisble windows, Compile fix.

1999-10-24 18:32 KB, revision 4163

uncommented ping method

1999-10-24 16:45 RR, revision 4162

Small distrib changes, Use GTK's native insert for wxListBox, Compile pacthes for AIX, wxClipboard things, Ignore wxSIZE_AUTO flags in wxDialog and wxFrame, Ignore toolbar size in wxFrame::Get/SetClientSize

1999-10-24 16:29 VZ, revision 4161

1. corrected client data deletion in wxListBox (no more memory leaks in controls sample) 2. added wxST_NO_AUTORESIZE style for wxGTK and wxMSW and added test for it to the controls sample

1999-10-24 15:57 DW, revision 4160

*** empty log message ***

1999-10-24 15:14 JS, revision 4159

Small changes

1999-10-24 15:09 JS, revision 4158

Added small library binaries to lib directory

1999-10-24 15:07 JS, revision 4157

Removal of old src/msw/ctl3d files

1999-10-24 13:07 JS, revision 4156

More Watcom C++ compilation stuff

1999-10-24 05:16 RD, revision 4155

Squashed another threading and interpreter lock bug

1999-10-24 00:30 VZ, revision 4154

1. compilation fix for wxArrayTreeItemIds 2. small bug fixes for recent fixes

1999-10-23 23:40 VZ, revision 4153

1. wxDropTarget::OnData() returns wxDragResult now, not bool 2. fixed assert failure in wxMSW::wxListBox 3. wxFileHistory automatically deletes non existinf files from menu 4. wxDropTarget coordinates are client (and not screen) under MSW too 5. wxConvertBitmapToDib and vice versa seem to work! 6. client data field if filled by wxListBox and wxChoice and it's also deleted (this just wasn't done before!)

1999-10-23 19:55 JS, revision 4152

BC++ and Watcom C++ makefile and source fixes

1999-10-23 11:01 KB, revision 4151

minor bug fixes

1999-10-23 10:40 RR, revision 4150

Fixed resizing problem with GTK 1.2.3 notebooks. Added wxSizer test to controls sample.

1999-10-23 06:42 RD, revision 4149

Added missing constructor for wxCustomDataObject so the DLL would link. It's just a guess though so it should be checked.

1999-10-23 04:27 RD, revision 4148

Apparent typo fix

1999-10-23 03:35 RD, revision 4147

generated source updates

1999-10-23 02:33 RD, revision 4146

Fixed a deadlock problem when using threads Incremented version number Added some missing methods and such Minor updates to a couple demos

1999-10-22 22:43 RR, revision 4145

Added wxDropSource::GiveFeedBack().

1999-10-22 22:00 DW, revision 4144

no message

1999-10-22 21:44 RS, revision 4143

Fixed "torn" patch line

1999-10-22 20:40 DW, revision 4142

Update for VA V4.0

1999-10-22 18:00 VZ, revision 4141

1. sorted wxListBox and wxComboBox seem to work under wxGTK 2. to support this, new class wxControlWithItems added (ctrlsub.h/cpp) and the controls sample modified to test it

1999-10-22 15:55 VZ, revision 4140

wxChoice and wxListBox GTK+ changes (wxChoice works, wxListBox still doesn't) to support sorting, also compilation fixes in dataobj.cpp

1999-10-22 15:49 RR, revision 4139

Compile fix for wxDataFormat cast, Unfinished code for wxDragCopy vs. wxDragMove, Corrected key accel code for wxFrame as children of wxFrame.

1999-10-22 13:26 VZ, revision 4138

MSW compilation fixes (untested)

1999-10-22 13:13 VZ, revision 4137

tests for sorted wxChoice added

1999-10-22 13:12 JS, revision 4136

More broken code corrections; broken Latex file corrections.

1999-10-22 13:12 VZ, revision 4135

1. some fixes for wxSortedArrayString 2. wxChoice understands wxCB_SORT under GTK

1999-10-22 13:07 VZ, revision 4134

yet another BC++ fix

1999-10-22 12:45 JS, revision 4133

BC++ fixes.

1999-10-22 12:27 VZ, revision 4132

another BC++ fix

1999-10-22 12:03 JS, revision 4131

Modified Mingw32 makefiles to compile with Mingw32 2.95 or earlier; some wxMSW/gcc compile fixes

1999-10-22 11:37 VZ, revision 4130

wxDataFormat default ctor doesn't crash for global objects

1999-10-22 11:24 VZ, revision 4129

attempt to fix BC++ compilation

1999-10-22 09:24 VZ, revision 4128

1. made wxBase compile/link/run again under Unix 2. added wxSortedArrayString class and documented it

1999-10-22 04:40 DW, revision 4127

*** empty log message ***

1999-10-22 04:37 DW, revision 4126

*** empty log message ***

1999-10-21 22:37 DW, revision 4125

no message

1999-10-21 22:36 DW, revision 4124

VA fussy compiler fix (must qualify any reference to member more than one class up the inheritance tree

1999-10-21 21:13 RD, revision 4123

Added some test code

1999-10-21 20:16 VZ, revision 4122

wxMotif compilation fixes for wxDataObject and PROCESS_EVENTS (wxSocket)

1999-10-21 19:44 VZ, revision 4121

and the compilation fix which really compiles, finally

1999-10-21 19:33 VZ, revision 4120

compilation fixes for old gcc

1999-10-21 19:31 VZ, revision 4119

a better compilation fix

1999-10-21 19:21 VZ, revision 4118

compilation fix - as nobody else doesn't seem to want to do it...

1999-10-21 19:16 VZ, revision 4117

and some more WXUNUSED() added

1999-10-21 19:15 VZ, revision 4116

some WXUNUSED() added

1999-10-21 18:30 VZ, revision 4115

found the double deltion bug - now it seems to work under wxGTK!

1999-10-21 18:04 VZ, revision 4114

minor change: disable debug messages flood from OnDragOver

1999-10-21 17:47 VZ, revision 4113

OnEnter/OnDragOver API update (compiles, links, somewhat runs under wxGTK)

1999-10-21 16:53 RR, revision 4112

A bit more or multi-format clipboard. Added == operator to wxDataFormat for standard types (again).

1999-10-21 15:00 KB, revision 4111

improved dialup manager, added wxALL_FILES define

1999-10-21 14:53 RR, revision 4110

wxSlider should now display int values, Corrected garbage deletion in dnd sample.

1999-10-21 14:14 VZ, revision 4109


1999-10-21 14:13 VZ, revision 4108
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/docs/latex/wx/forward.gif
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/docs/latex/wx/up.gif

removing corrupted files

1999-10-21 14:00 VZ, revision 4107

and now it even compiles

1999-10-21 13:57 VZ, revision 4106

updated the makefile to copy dnd.wxr so that the program can find it, don't forget to open the clipboard

1999-10-21 13:56 VZ, revision 4105

wxClipboard::IsOpened() and wxCLipboardLocker helper class added

1999-10-21 13:44 DW, revision 4104

Support different for Visualage Versions

1999-10-21 13:41 VZ, revision 4103

added helpext.cpp and regenerated the makefiles

1999-10-21 13:40 VZ, revision 4102

added the makefile for tex2rtf compilation using configure, fixed compilation for wxUSE_HELP == 0

1999-10-21 13:40 VZ, revision 4101

some conflicts resolved

1999-10-21 13:09 RR, revision 4100

More DnD.

1999-10-21 12:46 VZ, revision 4099

some compilation warnings/errors fixed (still doesn't compile under wxGTK though)

1999-10-21 10:23 RR, revision 4098

Made wxGTK compile and link again. Broke wxMSW a little.

1999-10-21 05:13 DW, revision 4097

*** empty log message ***

1999-10-21 02:16 RN, revision 4096

Import regex from tcl 8.4.5

1999-10-21 02:16 , revision 4095

This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create branch 'RXSPENCER'.

1999-10-21 02:16 RN, revision 4094

Tcl regex lib

1999-10-21 02:15 VZ, revision 4093

create makefiles in right location

1999-10-21 02:13 VZ, revision 4092

added wxDataObject related files and regenerated the makefiles

1999-10-21 02:06 VZ, revision 4091

more files for wxDataObject change

1999-10-21 01:58 VZ, revision 4090

wxDataObject changes - ok for MSW, still not for GTK/Motif/...

1999-10-21 00:25 VZ, revision 4089

wxDataObejct and related changes (won't compile right now)

1999-10-21 00:25 VZ, revision 4088

vi swap files added

1999-10-21 00:22 VZ, revision 4087

added dobjcmn.cpp

1999-10-20 22:41 DW, revision 4086

no message

1999-10-20 20:38 RR, revision 4085

Fixed problem with mouse events getting sent to wrong children when these were scrolled. wxCheckBox and wxRadioButton now have cursors and will do other things more sanely.

1999-10-20 18:30 RD, revision 4084

Since wxPanel is now AutoLayout aware, removed indirect auto layouting of child windows from wxNotebook and wxSplitter, as per Robert's request.

1999-10-20 18:23 VS, revision 4083

does compile under MSW now

1999-10-20 17:46 RD, revision 4082

fixed compile error for FINAL=1

1999-10-20 17:31 RD, revision 4081

Size the notebook page when it is added to the notebook.

1999-10-20 16:53 RD, revision 4080

forgot the clean target

1999-10-20 16:51 RD, revision 4079

Will now make glcanvas_d.lib if FINAL=0

1999-10-20 15:30 RR, revision 4078

Minor Reparent() and SetToolBar() fix for wxFrame. Corrected size reported by wxToolBar.

1999-10-20 08:49 VS, revision 4077

wxHtmlEasyPrinting now uses wxThePrintSetupData - creates local copy

1999-10-20 05:08 RD, revision 4076

made wxPanel be auto layout aware

1999-10-20 04:57 RD, revision 4075

made wxPanel be auto layout aware

1999-10-20 04:42 DW, revision 4074

*** empty log message ***

1999-10-19 22:18 JS, revision 4073

Fixed wxSlider95 bug; updated .dsp files; added Set/GetLastDirectory to wxDocManager

1999-10-19 22:13 RR, revision 4072

Further DnD changes. Untested.

1999-10-19 21:03 DW, revision 4071

Fixes for long to wxCoord

1999-10-19 18:53 DW, revision 4070
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/src/os2/statusbr.cpp

no message

1999-10-19 15:12 RR, revision 4069

Changed two conflicting defines in defs.h DnD multiformat fine-tuning

1999-10-19 13:58 VZ, revision 4068

accels for menu commands

1999-10-19 13:58 VZ, revision 4067

some more TODOs

1999-10-19 13:57 VZ, revision 4066

never undefine inline for C++ sources

1999-10-19 10:51 RR, revision 4065

Added size hints to dialog, Corrected client data "code" for wxChoice,

1999-10-19 09:21 MB, revision 4064

Removed #pragma implementation "appbase.h" which caused duplicate symbols to between app.o and appcmn.o

1999-10-19 07:27 MB, revision 4063

Added demo of handling EVT_GRID_SELECT_CELL. A couple of other minor tweaks.

1999-10-19 07:24 MB, revision 4062


1999-10-19 07:14 MB, revision 4061


1999-10-19 05:01 RD, revision 4060

Added a simple makefile for those whose fingers can't type anything but "make install" Ensure that the full TARGETDIR exists changed the build scripts to play nicer with make.

1999-10-19 03:26 MB, revision 4059

Numerous changes to comply with use of wxCoord.

1999-10-18 22:22 RR, revision 4058

New wxDataObject etc. Almost works. A few more compatibility funcs for (long*) vs (int*). regenerated from filelist...

1999-10-18 19:46 VS, revision 4057

wxUSE_HTML was missiing at some places

1999-10-18 15:45 VZ, revision 4056

wxControl and wxChoice derive from the base classes under wxGTK too now

1999-10-18 15:15 VZ, revision 4055

added appcmn.cpp to the list of files

1999-10-18 15:14 VZ, revision 4054

1. wxApp::ProcessPendingEvents() is now common, added appcmn.cpp and regenerated the makefiles. wxPostEvent() should work for wxGTK too (untested) 2. long -> wxCoord change for wxGTK and wxMSW, use wxUSE_COMPATIBLE_COORD_TYPES to get the old behaviour 3. wxHTML compilation fixes (for !wxUSE_HTML case) 4. a couple of handy macros in thread.h added

1999-10-18 15:12 VZ, revision 4053

don't try to build shared library on platforms not supporting it

1999-10-18 14:57 VZ, revision 4052

include/wx/choice.hpragma warning is only for VC++

1999-10-18 14:55 VZ, revision 4051

compilation fix for !WX_PRECOMP

1999-10-18 14:53 VZ, revision 4050

compilation fix for non OLE clipboard

1999-10-18 14:29 VZ, revision 4049

gcc warning about printf() format mismatch corrected

1999-10-18 14:19 VZ, revision 4048

gcc warning about printf() format mismatch corrected

1999-10-18 14:18 SB, revision 4047

Add wxImage::CanRead, wasn't in 1.59 ?

1999-10-18 13:17 VZ, revision 4046

added a rule about DoXXX() functions

1999-10-18 13:05 VZ, revision 4045

described a patch to mingw32 headers to fix va_arg warnings

1999-10-18 08:51 RR, revision 4044

Corrected wxImage for use with mono wxBitmaps, Corrected compilation of wxApp without threads (untested).

1999-10-18 03:30 DW, revision 4043

*** empty log message ***

1999-10-18 03:16 MB, revision 4042

Removed unused code

1999-10-18 03:13 MB, revision 4041

Improved cell highlighting when in-place editing is disabled

1999-10-18 00:10 VZ, revision 4040

part of dnd sample I forgot

1999-10-18 00:08 VZ, revision 4039

1. more drag and drop and clipboard changes: a) OLE clipboard works fine b) wxBitmapDataObject now accepts DIBs (but doesn't give them back :-( ) c) bugs in sample corrected 2. wxFatalExit() replaced with wxFAIL_MSG() in bitmap.cpp and dcmemory.cpp 3. wxFrame::ClientToScreen and ScreenToClient() replaced with DoXXX() - like this, they don't hide the base class versions

1999-10-17 23:57 VZ, revision 4038

attempt at documenting drag and drop and clipboard classes

1999-10-17 21:24 VZ, revision 4037

corrected serious bug in SetHBITMAP

1999-10-17 20:52 VS, revision 4036

HTML_xxxx constants changed to wxHTML_xxxx (with backward compatibility through WXWIN_COMPATIBILITY_2)

1999-10-17 20:47 VZ, revision 4035

added several other accel strings

1999-10-17 19:54 RR, revision 4034

Added temporary test to splitter.

1999-10-17 17:23 DW, revision 4033

*** empty log message ***

1999-10-17 15:59 RR, revision 4032

Small fix.

1999-10-17 14:55 RR, revision 4031

Distrib changes.

1999-10-17 13:03 VS, revision 4030

added HTML printing

1999-10-17 10:22 RR, revision 4029

Applied Diana's font patch II Made wxGLCanvas work again

1999-10-17 01:18 VZ, revision 4028

1. wxPostEvent added and documented 2. Made it possible to have wxDataObjects which support multiple formats painlessly 3. Extensively modified dnd sample to show a "real life" wxDataObject

1999-10-16 20:07 RR, revision 4027

Restored wxSizeEvent code form last week -> wxGLCanvas probably broken again.

1999-10-16 18:09 RD, revision 4026


1999-10-16 15:38 VS, revision 4025

wxHTML classes description is now in alphabetical order

1999-10-16 15:37 VS, revision 4024

fixed bug in PS clipping (non-virtual SetClippingRegion was overloaded)

1999-10-16 15:37 VS, revision 4023

wxHtmlCell::AdjustPagebreak now works correctly

1999-10-16 12:28 VS, revision 4022

wxHtmlCell::AdjustPagebreak documented

1999-10-16 12:27 VS, revision 4021

SetFonts methods have const param now

1999-10-16 12:24 VS, revision 4020

removed wxVERSION_* macros

1999-10-16 08:57 JS, revision 4019

Added instructions to Forty.

1999-10-16 06:09 RD, revision 4018

Added some definitions, a missing method, and fixed a compile error

1999-10-16 06:08 RD, revision 4017

Enabled to be run without splitters to track down possible bugs

1999-10-15 23:04 VZ, revision 4016

compilation fix

1999-10-15 21:00 DW, revision 4015

no message

1999-10-15 19:04 VZ, revision 4014

compilation fix

1999-10-15 18:12 , revision 4013

This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tag 'BEFORE_LONG_INT_CHANGE'.

1999-10-15 18:12 VZ, revision 4012

unused param

1999-10-15 18:09 VZ, revision 4011

don't draw with NULL font

1999-10-15 17:59 VZ, revision 4010

compilation fix

1999-10-15 17:49 VZ, revision 4009

compilation fix

1999-10-15 17:47 VZ, revision 4008

warning fixed

1999-10-15 17:35 VZ, revision 4007

on some systems (HP-UX), strtok_r() needs _REENTRANT to be defined

1999-10-15 17:15 VZ, revision 4006

let's not forget that \& has lower priority than == in C

1999-10-15 16:59 VZ, revision 4005

1. wxImageHandler::DoCanRead() introduced to solve the virtual function name hiding problem 2. wxPNMHandler::CanRead() shouldn't use wxT() - should it?

1999-10-15 16:28 VZ, revision 4004

resolved a conflict

1999-10-15 16:21 VZ, revision 4003

resolved a conflict

1999-10-15 16:14 VZ, revision 4002

compile fix

1999-10-15 15:49 VZ, revision 4001

removed wxDialog::Centre()

1999-10-15 14:59 RR, revision 4000

scrolling of foreign windowsplus sample

1999-10-15 10:11 GT, revision 3999

Removed a variable declaration from within a FOR statement for compilation on HP-UX

1999-10-15 04:07 DW, revision 3998

*** empty log message ***

1999-10-14 22:36 DW, revision 3997

no message

1999-10-14 17:47 JS, revision 3996

Updated install.txt, added double-inclusion guard, corrected a GnuWin32 thing in spinctrl.cpp

1999-10-14 17:08 RR, revision 3995

HP-UX fixes

1999-10-14 15:52 VZ, revision 3994

never undefine 'inline' keyword for C++ compilation

1999-10-14 15:43 VZ, revision 3993

manually test for X11 headers/libs

1999-10-14 15:18 VZ, revision 3992

NULL shouldn't be used in test programs

1999-10-14 14:57 HH, revision 3991

fixed some frame cleanup stuff; The main frame (MyFrame) explicitely closes the helpframe now before deleting the config pointer and closing itself.

1999-10-14 14:10 JS, revision 3990

Added sqltypes.h (for Cygwin b20), some other Cygwin fixes.

1999-10-14 13:09 RR, revision 3989

Changed time of sending the wxSizeEvent and assorted things, this made wxGLCanvas work, wxMiniFrame looks correct again, Corrected makefile for HTML help

1999-10-14 12:55 VZ, revision 3988

init.cpp isn't included in the makefiles for wxMSW any more

1999-10-14 12:49 VZ, revision 3987

-mwindows added for mingw32 compilation

1999-10-14 12:37 JS, revision 3986

makeg95.env edited for Mingw32/gcc 2.95 compilation; _T not redefined for Mingw32; removed init.cpp from (tmake keeps generating it); added spinctrl.cpp to MSW section in filelist.txt.

1999-10-14 12:31 VZ, revision 3985

= replaced with ==

1999-10-14 12:02 VZ, revision 3984

more mingw32 warnings fixed

1999-10-14 10:20 JS, revision 3983


1999-10-14 09:29 RR, revision 3982

Applied patches for AIX, Corrected prop dialog, Tabbing in parent top-level-windows no longer possible,

1999-10-14 08:56 JS, revision 3981

Added makewise.bat, for making a WISE installation automatically.

1999-10-14 08:54 JS, revision 3980

Added system DLL file installs for makewise.bat.

1999-10-14 05:41 MB, revision 3979

Regenerated from tmake after editing filelist.txt to add gridg.h

1999-10-14 05:36 MB, revision 3978

Put gridg.h back so that it gets installed

1999-10-14 05:03 MB, revision 3977

Changed all EVT_WXGRID... constants to EVT_GRID...

1999-10-14 04:43 DW, revision 3976

*** empty log message ***

1999-10-14 04:42 MB, revision 3975

Changed all EVT_WXGRID... constants to EVT_GRID...

1999-10-13 22:34 DW, revision 3974

Latest Updates

1999-10-13 22:33 CR, revision 3973


1999-10-13 22:05 CR, revision 3972

brought regconf interface read/write methods up to spec

1999-10-13 20:35 DW, revision 3971

no message

1999-10-13 18:52 VZ, revision 3970

warnings for mingw32 compilation fixed

1999-10-13 18:51 VZ, revision 3969

DnD is disabled automatically y configure for mingw32 without OLE headers

1999-10-13 18:06 VZ, revision 3968

small updates for Linux->Win32 cross compilation

1999-10-13 18:00 RD, revision 3967

update to wxPython module

1999-10-13 17:16 CR, revision 3966

Added tabg.o/tabg.d to GTK make stuff. Tabbed dialogs weren't linking correct.

1999-10-13 17:07 VZ, revision 3965


1999-10-13 17:05 CR, revision 3964

Added item clicks event support

1999-10-13 17:04 CR, revision 3963

Added support for item clicks

1999-10-13 17:03 CR, revision 3962

Added right/middle click item support

1999-10-13 17:01 CR, revision 3961

Added tree control item click event wrappers

1999-10-13 17:00 CR, revision 3960

Added list control item click event wrappers

1999-10-13 16:59 CR, revision 3959

Added tree control item click events

1999-10-13 16:30 JS, revision 3958

Added some setup files

1999-10-13 16:15 VZ, revision 3957

wxMotif module corrections

1999-10-13 15:35 RR, revision 3956

Forgot resource sample.

1999-10-13 11:59 JS, revision 3955

Added precompiled header stuff.

1999-10-13 11:57 MB, revision 3954

Added demonstration of insert/delete rows/cols

1999-10-13 11:49 MB, revision 3953

Fixed bug causing crashes when all rows or cols were deleted and then an attempt was made to insert rows/cols

1999-10-13 04:36 MB, revision 3952

Put include for makelib.b32 back in (why was it taken out ? without it the lib isn't built)

1999-10-13 02:22 RN, revision 3951

Import regex from tcl 8.4.5

1999-10-13 02:22 , revision 3950

This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create branch 'RXSPENCER'.

1999-10-13 02:22 RN, revision 3949

Tcl regex lib

1999-10-13 02:22 VZ, revision 3948

added autogenerated files to make build work

1999-10-12 23:57 VZ, revision 3947

1. DLL compilation fixes (wrong WXDLLEXPORT placement) in db.h/cpp 2. dummy typedef added to gsocket.c - trans unit can't be empty 3. WX_DEFINE_EXPORTED_ARRAY & friends appear

1999-10-12 23:49 VZ, revision 3946

tmake template for DLL project for VC++ 6.0

1999-10-12 22:49 DW, revision 3945

More OS/2 stuff

1999-10-12 21:52 RR, revision 3944

Refresh() problem from DialogEd solved Unified the naming of GNU pragmas for base classed: dialogbase, choicebase, etc.

1999-10-12 20:29 RD, revision 3943

Attempting to create module def for wxPython

1999-10-12 17:20 GT, revision 3942

Moved the #include of filefn.h from db.h to db.cpp

1999-10-12 17:19 GT, revision 3941

Moved the #include of filefn.h to db.cpp

1999-10-12 14:36 RR, revision 3940

Some more distrib corrections.

1999-10-12 11:06 GT, revision 3939

Use of a postgres data source would fail due to checking for "PostgresSQL" rather than "PostgreSQL"

1999-10-12 11:02 GT, revision 3938

Changed #ifdef _IODBC_ to #ifdef __UNIX__