

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

1999-10-24 16:45 RR, revision 4162

Small distrib changes, Use GTK's native insert for wxListBox, Compile pacthes for AIX, wxClipboard things, Ignore wxSIZE_AUTO flags in wxDialog and wxFrame, Ignore toolbar size in wxFrame::Get/SetClientSize

1999-10-24 16:29 VZ, revision 4161

1. corrected client data deletion in wxListBox (no more memory leaks in controls sample) 2. added wxST_NO_AUTORESIZE style for wxGTK and wxMSW and added test for it to the controls sample

1999-10-24 15:57 DW, revision 4160

*** empty log message ***

1999-10-24 15:14 JS, revision 4159

Small changes

1999-10-24 15:09 JS, revision 4158

Added small library binaries to lib directory

1999-10-24 15:07 JS, revision 4157

Removal of old src/msw/ctl3d files

1999-10-24 13:07 JS, revision 4156

More Watcom C++ compilation stuff

1999-10-24 05:16 RD, revision 4155

Squashed another threading and interpreter lock bug

1999-10-24 00:30 VZ, revision 4154

1. compilation fix for wxArrayTreeItemIds 2. small bug fixes for recent fixes

1999-10-23 23:40 VZ, revision 4153

1. wxDropTarget::OnData() returns wxDragResult now, not bool 2. fixed assert failure in wxMSW::wxListBox 3. wxFileHistory automatically deletes non existinf files from menu 4. wxDropTarget coordinates are client (and not screen) under MSW too 5. wxConvertBitmapToDib and vice versa seem to work! 6. client data field if filled by wxListBox and wxChoice and it's also deleted (this just wasn't done before!)

1999-10-23 19:55 JS, revision 4152

BC++ and Watcom C++ makefile and source fixes

1999-10-23 11:01 KB, revision 4151

minor bug fixes

1999-10-23 10:40 RR, revision 4150

Fixed resizing problem with GTK 1.2.3 notebooks. Added wxSizer test to controls sample.

1999-10-23 06:42 RD, revision 4149

Added missing constructor for wxCustomDataObject so the DLL would link. It's just a guess though so it should be checked.

1999-10-23 04:27 RD, revision 4148

Apparent typo fix

1999-10-23 03:35 RD, revision 4147

generated source updates

1999-10-23 02:33 RD, revision 4146

Fixed a deadlock problem when using threads Incremented version number Added some missing methods and such Minor updates to a couple demos

1999-10-22 22:43 RR, revision 4145

Added wxDropSource::GiveFeedBack().

1999-10-22 22:00 DW, revision 4144

no message

1999-10-22 21:44 RS, revision 4143

Fixed "torn" patch line

1999-10-22 20:40 DW, revision 4142

Update for VA V4.0

1999-10-22 18:00 VZ, revision 4141

1. sorted wxListBox and wxComboBox seem to work under wxGTK 2. to support this, new class wxControlWithItems added (ctrlsub.h/cpp) and the controls sample modified to test it

1999-10-22 15:55 VZ, revision 4140

wxChoice and wxListBox GTK+ changes (wxChoice works, wxListBox still doesn't) to support sorting, also compilation fixes in dataobj.cpp

1999-10-22 15:49 RR, revision 4139

Compile fix for wxDataFormat cast, Unfinished code for wxDragCopy vs. wxDragMove, Corrected key accel code for wxFrame as children of wxFrame.

1999-10-22 13:26 VZ, revision 4138

MSW compilation fixes (untested)