

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

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Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2012-01-03 11:53 SC, revision 70252

fixes #13695

2012-01-03 11:34 SC, revision 70251

adapting to new raw_control constants, see #13695

2012-01-03 01:44 VZ, revision 70249

Fix child selection in multi-selection generic wxTreeCtrl. The children which are not currently shown on the screen shouldn't be affected by Shift-selecting in multi-selection control. Closes #1312.

2012-01-03 01:40 VZ, revision 70248

Improve links in wxAuiManager flags documentation. Use @param tags and "::" to link enum name. Closes #13689.

2012-01-03 01:40 VZ, revision 70247

Document wxIMAGE_OPTION_CUR_HOTSPOT_[XY] in wxCursor ctor. These options were already mentioned in wxCursor documentation but not prominently enough, so mention them explicitly in the documentation of wxCursor ctor from wxImage. Closes #13820.

2012-01-03 01:40 VZ, revision 70246

Correct documentation of supported cursor sizes under wxOSX. wxOSX/Cocoa seems to support cursors of any size and with colours. Closes #12614.

2012-01-02 23:28 RD, revision 70241

Be a little smarter about choosing the default SDK to use.

2012-01-02 22:18 JS, revision 70233

Added a box style definition name to the box attribute.

2012-01-02 03:24 BP, revision 70232

Backport r70231 to 2.9.3: Fixed javascript errors in CHM version of the manual. No need to re-spin release, just a helpful fix for generating a more useful CHM manual for 2.9.3.

2012-01-02 02:32 BP, revision 70231

Fixed javascript errors in CHM version of the manual.

2011-12-30 18:22 JS, revision 70203

When the focus object changes, the old selection should be cancelled explicitly to avoid seeing multiple selections until the next refresh.

2011-12-30 18:12 JS, revision 70202

Split up the context menu functionality to make it easier to customise. Tweaked style combobox popup border.

2011-12-30 15:28 VS, revision 70201

Implement wxDataViewModel::IsEnabled() support in generic implementation.

2011-12-30 07:14 RD, revision 70200

Interface fixes and tweaks for Phoenix

2011-12-30 00:39 VZ, revision 70194

Update wxGrid unit tests after r70177. The row/column selection is not stored in the block arrays, see #12638.

2011-12-29 23:11 VZ, revision 70184

Allow using '(' and ')' in wxFileConfig entry names unescaped. There is no real reason to escape the parentheses in the key entries, they're not special. Closes #13584.

2011-12-29 23:05 VZ, revision 70183

Document wxAuiManager styles and flags. Closes #13689.

2011-12-29 23:05 VZ, revision 70182

Disable VC8+ deprecation warnings for standard functions at bakefile level. We already define the symbols needed to disable the warnings in wx/defs.h but this isn't enough for third party code not including it, so define them in the project settings directly. Closes #11009.

2011-12-29 23:05 VZ, revision 70181

Add wxRibbonButtonBar::InsertXXXButton() methods. Allow inserting buttons into the ribbon bar and not only appending them. Closes #13811.

2011-12-29 23:05 VZ, revision 70180

Allow using wxEVT_UPDATE_UI with wxRibbonButtonBar. Generate wxUpdateUIEvent for the ribbon buttons to allow updating their state using wxEVT_UPDATE_UI. Also update the same to show this. Closes #12003.

2011-12-29 23:05 VZ, revision 70179

Don't send idle events to the windows about to be destroyed. This is useless and can apparently result in some problems as of r25877 and r25877 (from 8 years ago) added explicit checks preventing processing such events in wxToolBar and wxMenu. Instead, simply don't generate these events in the first place and also remove the now unnecessary checks for them.

2011-12-29 23:05 VZ, revision 70178

Better fix for wxSpinCtrlGeneric enabling/disabling bug in wxMSW. To really ensure that the window containing the components of wxSpinCtrlGeneric is never enabled under MSW (as we want to avoid this to ensure that any input always goes to its children and not the window itself, see #12045), override DoEnable() and not Enable(). This takes care of the case when the control gets implicitly disabled because its parent is. Closes #13142.

2011-12-29 23:05 VZ, revision 70177

Store row/column selection more appropriately in wxGrid. Use wxGridSelection::m_rowSelection and m_colSelection for storing the selected rows/columns respectively instead of storing them in m_blockXXX arrays. This makes more sense and allows to easily implement the proper handling of Ctrl-clicking in the row or column selection modes. Closes #12638.

2011-12-29 23:05 VZ, revision 70176

Mention wxEVT_COMMAND_TOGGLEBUTTON_CLICKED explicitly in the documentation. Document the event type together with the event table macro. See #11943.

2011-12-29 23:05 VZ, revision 70175

Display help string for ribbon tools in a tool tip. Show the help string of the ribbon item currently being hovered over in a tooltip. Closes #11879.