

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2000-01-19 23:06 VS, revision 5538

documented existence of wxTheMimeTypesManager

2000-01-19 23:06 VS, revision 5537

documented macros *_EXPORTED_ARRAY

2000-01-19 23:06 VS, revision 5536

fixed SetLink (if link.Href is empty, nulls the link

2000-01-19 23:06 VS, revision 5535

split mimetype.h/.cpp into platform specific code

2000-01-19 23:05 VS, revision 5534

dialog for choosing charset was too wide

2000-01-19 23:05 VS, revision 5533

uses wxInitAllImageHandlers

2000-01-19 23:05 VS, revision 5532

added encoding support to help contents

2000-01-19 23:05 VS, revision 5531

mimetype.cpp/.h split into unix,max,msw

2000-01-19 23:04 VS, revision 5530

added utils/hhp2cached

2000-01-19 23:03 VS, revision 5529

mimetype.cpp/.h split into unix,mac,msw

2000-01-19 23:02 VS, revision 5528

fixed compilation problem with BC (at least I hope so)

2000-01-19 23:01 VS, revision 5527

fixed ReadString for wxUSE_UNICODE

2000-01-19 22:09 RD, revision 5526

After bashing my head on the desk for being so stupid I fixed the wxFloatBar for wxGTK the extremly EASY way...

2000-01-19 19:32 GRG, revision 5525

Updated docs

2000-01-19 18:41 SB, revision 5524

In order to make shared wxGLContext work,\nadd new wxGLCanvas ctor passing a wxGLCanvas\n instead of a wxGLContext, to share context with.

2000-01-19 16:43 GRG, revision 5523

makefile updates

2000-01-19 10:34 JS, revision 5522

Added missing windows.h includes

2000-01-19 09:55 BJ, revision 5521

adding intl.h and wxString -> char* conversion in DDEAtomFromString

2000-01-19 06:58 RD, revision 5520

Various odds and ends, minor fixes, and cleanups...

2000-01-19 01:01 VS, revision 5519

it is now possible to add custom buttons into wxHtmlHelpFrame's toolbar

2000-01-19 01:00 VS, revision 5518

added wxFSFile::GetModificationTime

2000-01-19 01:00 VS, revision 5517

added wxFileModificationTime

2000-01-19 00:59 VS, revision 5516

uses SetTempDir

2000-01-19 00:59 VS, revision 5515

iso8859-1,15 and cp1252 added to Cyrillic charsets

2000-01-19 00:59 VS, revision 5514

Added Open HTML page to menu