

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2000-02-22 16:03 VZ, revision 6213

column autosizing added

2000-02-22 15:29 RR, revision 6212

SetSelection() in wxNotebook now sets the focus, SPACE in wxListCtrl now sends Activate in multiple sel mode

2000-02-22 15:22 VZ, revision 6211

1. corrected bug with LIST_ITEM_ACTIVATED being sent even if second click in dbl click was on another item 2. moved private classes from listctrl.h -> listctrl.cpp 3. made sample messages include the item index

2000-02-22 14:29 VZ, revision 6210

added renderers/editors for long/float, not fully tested yet, but seems to work - see the demo in the (updated) sample

2000-02-22 13:00 MJ, revision 6209

dbbrowse.cpp dbbrowse.h

2000-02-22 11:08 VZ, revision 6208

don't draw cell highlight over the cell editor (improves wxGCBoolEditor appearance

2000-02-22 10:53 MJ, revision 6207

dbbrowse.cpp dbbrowse.h de/ de/dbbrowse.po

2000-02-22 10:17 VZ, revision 6206

1. wxMenuBar::FindMenu() made "const" 2. documented it 3. documented recent change to wxYield()

2000-02-22 10:09 VZ, revision 6205

attempt at HP-UX compilation fix

2000-02-22 10:00 VZ, revision 6204

added wxLog::Suspend/Resume and wxYield() uses them now so that it won't flush the messages any more

2000-02-22 09:56 VZ, revision 6203

removed some default value for wxGrid compatibility ctor resolving ambiguity of writing wxGrid(this, -1)

2000-02-22 09:53 VZ, revision 6202

moved wxMenuBar::FindMenu(title) from MSW to common code

2000-02-22 08:54 JS, revision 6201

Moved the wxDialog BringWindowToFront fix to Show because it happens in modeless dialogs too, if other windows have been disabled.

2000-02-22 05:34 DW, revision 6200

no message

2000-02-22 04:06 MB, revision 6199

Added view menu items to toggle row and col drag-resizing. Removed setting of cell background colour for the moment.

2000-02-22 03:51 MB, revision 6198

Added functions to enable/disable drag-resizing of rows and cols.

2000-02-22 00:01 RR, revision 6197

Removed some debug code.

2000-02-21 23:22 RD, revision 6196

forgot to uncomment a few things

2000-02-21 23:17 RD, revision 6195

Added ability for tables, grids, editors and renderers to handle nonstring data.

2000-02-21 23:02 RL, revision 6194

added wxPython control files and a few changes

2000-02-21 22:57 RL, revision 6193

added PYTHON_DIST for creating Debian source

2000-02-21 22:18 GRG, revision 6192

End of stream reading stuff

2000-02-21 22:09 RD, revision 6191

added typcast needed for VC++ 6

2000-02-21 20:33 RL, revision 6190

removed redundant #! line

2000-02-21 20:29 RL, revision 6189

allow '=' inside a value on command line. return error code from calling makefiles in lower 8 bits so any Makefile calling will correctly interpret fatal build errors.