

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2000-04-14 16:12 RL, revision 7163

build .debs with new grid now that ok for wxPython too

2000-04-14 16:02 RL, revision 7162

fixed broken compilation under Linux, ULONG undefined and a duplicated global var name.

2000-04-14 15:59 RL, revision 7161

switched green/blue in SetRGB params

2000-04-14 07:53 BS, revision 7160

Fixed listbox on windows.

2000-04-13 20:15 VS, revision 7159

documented need of read-write image handler

2000-04-13 18:03 VZ, revision 7158

fix for menu helpstring in the status bar for MDI child frames

2000-04-13 17:57 VZ, revision 7157

unused var in GSocket_SetServer removed

2000-04-13 17:33 RL, revision 7156

added -kwxGetTranslation to locale/Makefile and updated .po files

2000-04-13 17:19 RL, revision 7155

added missing wxTRANSLATE for 'Details'

2000-04-13 16:18 JS, revision 7154

Gave the sash and splitter windows Create and Init methods

2000-04-13 15:48 GT, revision 7153

Changed the default of wxODBC_BACKWARD_COMPATABILITY to be 0, as it should have been

2000-04-13 14:27 BJ, revision 7152

add SetNumberOfColumns()

2000-04-13 10:56 JS, revision 7151

Renamed project files

2000-04-13 09:31 JS, revision 7150

New tech note, corrected makeprog.b32

2000-04-13 08:35 JS, revision 7149

Removed assert when charset not recognised

2000-04-13 08:17 RD, revision 7148

More ActiveX stuff. Can now automatically catch callbacks (events) from the COM object. I actually create a new class on the fly that derives from wxWindow, the COM CoClass and others needed to make it all work. The resulting class can be instantiated just like wxWindow, used in sizers, etc. It also responds to all COM method calls, properties, etc.

2000-04-13 07:08 JS, revision 7147

Removing files

2000-04-12 23:38 VZ, revision 7146

some warnings fixed

2000-04-12 23:38 VZ, revision 7145

wxTextCtrl::GetLineText() fixes: a) doesn't crash b) more efficient c) works in Unicode mode

2000-04-12 23:30 VZ, revision 7144

removed incorrect labels

2000-04-12 20:20 SN, revision 7143

Added a define needed by EMX when compiling for OS/2 presentation manager.

2000-04-12 19:54 VS, revision 7142

fixed duplicate definition bug

2000-04-12 15:13 JS, revision 7141

Replaced the HTML doc GIF icons with slightly nicer ones (I think)

2000-04-12 15:12 JS, revision 7140

Removed a redundant Show(TRUE) from details dialog (causes assert); tried in vain to allow empty tree control labels (doesn't seem possible)

2000-04-12 11:28 GT, revision 7139

Updated to use the new wxDb/wxDbTable accessors