

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2000-09-09 19:41 VZ, revision 8313

1. wxRenderer now has DrawCheckButton 2. wxCheckBox seems to work under MSW

2000-09-09 19:40 VZ, revision 8312

wxComboBox sends TEXT_UPDATED event under MSW when selection changes now too (no changes in other files)

2000-09-09 19:37 VZ, revision 8311

german translations marked as done

2000-09-08 22:02 VS, revision 8310

yet another fix in wxHtmlParser::DoParsing

2000-09-08 19:03 VZ, revision 8309

1. fixed (yet again) highlighting of buttons and checkboxes 2. wrote input handlers for the checkbox 3. fixed bug in wXMouseEvent generation in gtk/window.cpp 4. added focus rect drawing and check/radio geometry queries to wxRenderer

2000-09-08 18:42 KH, revision 8308

oops winnt path to fonts wrong

2000-09-08 18:42 KH, revision 8307

added groups of canvasobject and references to groups

2000-09-08 18:09 VZ, revision 8306

GetSelection() replaced with GetId() in OnMRUFile

2000-09-08 15:56 JS, revision 8305

Removed spurious _

2000-09-08 15:49 JS, revision 8304

Fixed non-recognition of wxLIST_MASK_IMAGE flags.

2000-09-08 15:48 VZ, revision 8303

fixed wxContextHelpButton bitmap (dis)appearance

2000-09-08 15:12 VZ, revision 8302

fixed internal border drawing for listbox in GTK theme

2000-09-08 14:51 JS, revision 8301

Added manual files

2000-09-08 14:48 JS, revision 8300

Tried to fix problem with 'clean' target

2000-09-08 14:45 JS, revision 8299

Added dcclient.h

2000-09-08 14:36 JS, revision 8298

Fixed memory leak in listbox, fixed memory leak reporting in app.cpp

2000-09-08 14:34 VZ, revision 8297

1. replaced wxRenderer::AdjustScrollbar with AreScrollbarsInsideBorder(), it now seems to work with GTK theme too 2. added checkbox bitmaps drawing under GTK

2000-09-08 14:26 JS, revision 8296

Added context-sensitive help dialog demo.

2000-09-08 13:52 JS, revision 8295

Fixed some broken things related to context help, fixed memory leak in wxGenericTreeCtrl (Init should be called before Create, not _in_ Create)

2000-09-08 10:49 JS, revision 8294

Put wxContextHelp into cshelp.h/cpp, added wxContextHelpButton

2000-09-08 04:06 RD, revision 8293

Moved from Scintilla version 1.25 to 1.32 Still more changes to be made in the wxSTC wrappers for new functionality...

2000-09-07 23:17 VZ, revision 8292

1. kbd handling in wxListBox seems to work 2. added beginning of wxCheckBox

2000-09-07 22:57 BS, revision 8291


2000-09-07 22:53 BS, revision 8290

OS/2 version was using ~ instead of * for a termination character so executables created with this packinst would not function.

2000-09-07 22:00 BS, revision 8289

Somehow the packinst.c and directory got removed from the archive, so I included the version from the OS/2 installer which probably has some fixes.