

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2001-03-26 21:31 RD, revision 9588

Removed initial startup dependency on the OpenGL DLLs so only the glcanvasc.pyd depends on them, not wxNN_N.dll

2001-03-26 21:19 RD, revision 9587

some little doc tweaks

2001-03-26 21:04 RD, revision 9586

Fix for Bug #229543

2001-03-26 15:51 JS, revision 9585

Bug fix to Mkdirs and GetLongPath

2001-03-26 14:49 JS, revision 9584

Added focus in/out handlers for wxTextCtrl

2001-03-26 13:31 JS, revision 9583

Added 'full' param to wxFileName::Mkdir to make all directories in a path, not just the last one

2001-03-26 12:55 JS, revision 9582

Corrections to the GetLongPath code

2001-03-26 12:16 JS, revision 9581

Attempt at improving GetLongPath

2001-03-25 22:20 VS, revision 9580

wxZipFSHandler does not report non-local zip archives as openable anymore

2001-03-25 22:20 VS, revision 9579

implemented dummy wxPalette for wxGTK, so that it no longer pops up assertion failures and wxImage and image handlers work correctly now.

2001-03-25 22:19 VS, revision 9578

made wxLocale::GetSystemLanguage and wxLocale::AddLanguage static; wxLocale now converts strings according to LC_CTYPE if it contains charset information (and uses old code otherwise)

2001-03-25 22:19 VS, revision 9577

modified wxLANGUAGE generating script to visibly mark automatically generated code

2001-03-24 20:53 VS, revision 9576

removed error loging in wxZipFSHandler::OpenFile

2001-03-23 23:30 DW, revision 9575

Ownerdrawn updates

2001-03-23 17:51 VZ, revision 9574

fixed memory leak in wxZlibInputStream

2001-03-23 02:43 VZ, revision 9573

enabled enter processing in the combobox

2001-03-22 23:23 DW, revision 9572

Ownerdrawn stuff. Text display done, image display next.

2001-03-22 11:17 JS, revision 9571

Fix for tip disappearing immediately under MSW

2001-03-22 04:41 DW, revision 9570

More ownerdrawn stuff

2001-03-21 23:55 VZ, revision 9569

merged Ctrl-Space fix from 2.2 branch

2001-03-21 23:51 VZ, revision 9568

don't generate ACTIVATE events for Ctrl-Space and Shift-Space

2001-03-21 22:30 DW, revision 9567

OwnerDrawn updates

2001-03-21 22:25 JS, revision 9566

Changed GetLong/ShortPath to allocate memory dynamically

2001-03-21 19:55 VZ, revision 9565

changed the version to 2.2.7

2001-03-21 19:13 VZ, revision 9564

patch for cleanall target in mingw makefiles (which I forgot to commit before)