

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2001-05-23 06:50 SC, revision 10288

added mouse down before activate event in background window

2001-05-23 06:24 SC, revision 10287

scrollbar fixes and workaround for redraw problems w/o erase , setbitmap triggers refresh

2001-05-23 06:15 SC, revision 10286

scrollbar fixes

2001-05-22 22:04 VS, revision 10285

applied workaround patch to get rid of crashes in wxrcedit on MSW

2001-05-22 22:03 VS, revision 10284

fixed parsing of tag properties with common suffixes in 2.2 too

2001-05-22 22:03 VS, revision 10283

implemented wxGetSingleChoiceIndex version that takes wxArrayString

2001-05-22 22:03 VS, revision 10282

fixed wxSpinButton handler (did refer to spinbutton nodename, not wxSpinButton class)

2001-05-22 22:03 VS, revision 10281

fixed ID handling in 'unknown' handler

2001-05-22 22:02 VS, revision 10280

XMLCTRL() macro now uses wxDynamicCast in debug builds (should help in catching typo bugs when accessing XRC controls)

2001-05-22 18:22 RD, revision 10279

Some distribution tweaks

2001-05-22 17:57 RD, revision 10278

Fixed "make dist" so it doesn't try to copy some files that don't exist

2001-05-22 17:25 DW, revision 10277

Fixes errno.h problems with OS/2

2001-05-22 17:25 DW, revision 10276

Fixes errno.h problems

2001-05-22 17:25 DW, revision 10275

Fixes errno.h problems and enable joystick code

2001-05-22 16:58 RD, revision 10274

Updated SWIG generated code for wxGTK version

2001-05-22 16:02 RD, revision 10273

Changed IDs used for the popup menu

2001-05-22 15:16 JS, revision 10272

Corrected recursive GetToolMargins()

2001-05-22 15:15 JS, revision 10271

Corrected recursive GetToolMargins

2001-05-22 14:11 VZ, revision 10270

updated for 2.2.7 release

2001-05-22 14:02 VZ, revision 10269

wxCommandEvent::IsChecked() now returns the toolbar button checked status as well

2001-05-22 14:01 VZ, revision 10268

fix for discrepancies between wxNotebookEvent and wxNotebook GetSelection() results

2001-05-22 13:26 VZ, revision 10267

always return a non NULL font from wxLoadFont

2001-05-22 10:56 JS, revision 10266

Replaced typedef with #define for VC++ 1.5, to prevent 'no constructor' error

2001-05-22 10:52 JS, revision 10265

Replaced typedef with #define in longlong.h, for VC++ 1.x compilation, otherwise we get a 'no constructors' error for some reason

2001-05-22 05:59 RD, revision 10264

changed version number A few final twaeks and fixes