

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2001-06-11 16:42 JS, revision 10539

Removed redundant sections from sizeevt.tex

2001-06-11 16:23 JS, revision 10538

Added 'wx' prefix to a couple of functions

2001-06-11 16:17 VZ, revision 10537

compilation fix

2001-06-11 15:29 VZ, revision 10536

fixed broken links to string functions

2001-06-11 14:55 JS, revision 10535

Updated manual date, removed underscore from label

2001-06-11 14:12 DW, revision 10534

Needed a comment after last #endif and defined true TRUE and false FALSE for Visual Age.

2001-06-11 14:11 DW, revision 10533

removed compiler warnings about assignments in logical expressions

2001-06-11 12:54 GT, revision 10532

Changes to catch macros that are missing arguments - not perfect, but it will work with all our current TEX files. Added cleaner ABORT handling in some situations If \\end{document} is not found, then program auto-aborts after first pass to avoid hanging in some endless loop until all system resources are exhausted and the program crashes.

2001-06-11 12:26 JS, revision 10531

VC++ project file corrections

2001-06-11 12:19 VZ, revision 10530

another attempt to fix strconv.cpp compilation

2001-06-11 10:14 JS, revision 10529

project file updates

2001-06-11 09:51 GT, revision 10528

Comment about wxDbGrid being added

2001-06-11 09:41 VZ, revision 10527

extracted classes into their own files to fix alphabetic order

2001-06-11 07:49 JS, revision 10526

Project file updates; cast in strconv.cpp to compile with VC++ 6

2001-06-11 07:15 RL, revision 10525

fingers crossed..

2001-06-11 04:56 RL, revision 10524

last test, really!

2001-06-11 04:43 RL, revision 10523


2001-06-11 04:39 RL, revision 10522

this time the log stuff will work, really it will..

2001-06-11 04:12 RL, revision 10521

cvs admin test..

2001-06-11 03:54 RL, revision 10520

log test..

2001-06-11 03:47 RL, revision 10519

more admin tests.

2001-06-11 03:31 RL, revision 10518

testing, testing, lalala..

2001-06-11 03:13 RL, revision 10517

another (semi) gratuitous commit to test the mailer script.

2001-06-11 03:02 RL, revision 10516

merged 2.2 /debian changes to 2.3 (and really test the new log mailer *after* committing CVSROOT changes :)

2001-06-11 02:46 RL, revision 10515

fixed build-dep bug and updated changelog for 2.2.7. (really just an excuse to test the new cvs log mailer though :)